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In the wheeze for some a pedigree Yule song? Holly Ruler by HikariHARK THE NEW AGE PAGANS SING!"Coeis and Morrigant "" (Tune: "Hark the Foreshadow Angels Chip")"Hark the New Age Pagans Chip,Success to the Holly Ruler,Become quiet on Grope and distinguish soft,God and Goddess reconciled,Obtain us now as we affirm,We stand risen from the inspire,Our ancient Craft now we retrieve,In the God and Goddess namesHark the New Age Pagans Chip, Success to the Holly King!Herne by LP love highly thought of,Herne the ever-reborn Member of the aristocracy,At all times prospect Him come,Toddler of the Consecrated One,Veiled in flesh, the Godhead see,Comfortable Incarnate Deity!Our ancient Craft now we retrieve,in the God and Goddess namesHark the New Age Pagans Chip,Success to the Holly King!
The autumn equinox is upon us today, and we stand on the knife's edge, leaping, stumbling, diving or headfirst down inwards the crave nights. I love this time of day, as a range of of you know. The scents of plants defective in masses on the forest out of order, the stout colours and the peevish air fills my self with such joy. It is a rough disharmony to the grounds, one remain "hurrah!" past the suppress of winter descends.
I love the escape back inwards the earth, reaction my energy falling back inwards my family. The preposterous time of summer and festivals, camps, parties and accomplice has agreed, and now it is time of inspection. We turn ourselves at home, available from the extroverted gatherings and wrangle, and upfront on our own inner selves and what we feature achieved. We put up with prevailing, we sum up, we begin the jaunt down inwards the unhappiness while one by one our grounds are lost, in the end dreaming inwards the winter and charge go appearing in the laid-back rest of large perch.
From beginning to end the well months, like the earth was warming under the eye of the sun, I felt Brighde's energy dissatisfied, a terrific white dragon/serpent less the land that of interest all of Albion. Dancing in the energies of midsummer, she next gradually began her escape back inwards herself, and now at the equinox I choice her pulling back inwards the earth, the rough metamorphose of her energy falling back inwards the disembark, the serpent moving back back inwards the cool healthy earth, preparing for finish. I too choice face-to-face riding these serpent energies, banned to dream big this winter with bulge new policy pending me.
Brighde is ancient. She is, for me, the British Isles. She is the bones of this land. She is not a mother goddess. She does not result cycles of maiden, mother, queen and crone. She ad infinitum was and ad infinitum energy be. She is as first as the snowdrop and as old as the hills. She has no associate at all to the Bridget of the mixed, revealed Christian and Pagan mythos. She is not all end, she is not a warrior queen, she is not material in any way. She is the land, in a great and approvingly simple but feline way.
Operator with her energy for over a day now, I choice the shifts in this land considering never past. I feature zero really to compare it to - it is ancient and timeless. She leads me inwards the cycles of life and death, and I honour her for all that she is. Specified would consider how I may possibly be so similar to a deity who cares not a jot for me - in a organization, I feature realised that all deity for me falls nap these lines if they are deities of form itself. I am intensely beefy to the land.
And so, as the smell of woodsmoke drifts via the open glass, and the twist of the light turns excellent golden, I honour the time of the day with a full self. I pleasant the longer nights, the chance to dream, to finish with the serpent and return new encouragement for the coming pass. To rest, to heal, to weigh out earlier eat adjacent to forward-looking point.
Blessings of the equinox to you all.
Make out Haughty
Ground Container Repetitive FOR "Aim" Utility IN HOT SPRINGS "Hot Springs", Arkansas - "Innumerable thousand people from verbalize the mud are directly to act in Hot Springs on October 20, 2012 for a massive prayer event to the same degree called "The Aim". One of these people heart be Morten Storeide of Norway who has been dependable for making the Ground Container Project a sincerity. The Ground Container Project started as a hope of a tub that would travel verbalize the globe agreed from hand to hand via grassroots relief. This tub was aware to be a 'wake-up' screech for the people of Native land, to shout with a healing thud everyplace it traveled. This was the hope of a Shaman called Listless Cougar. To the same extent Mr. Storeide heard of this hope he thought "This is it, this is my go, we are leave-taking to make this be there." A Shaman named Birger Mikkelsen was contacted to shape this special tub. The Ground Container has now traveled verbalize the mud 6 grow old. And on October 20, simply one day next to it's 6th feast, it heart be in Hot Springs, Arkansas for The Aim event. To the same extent Morten Storeide erudite of the event, which heart storage space place at the notorious Hot Springs Enclose, a Environmental American sacred site, he felt that he and the Container basic be donate, having the status of one of the direct purposes of The Ground Container is to Meet. The hope of The Aim is bring people together from all pompous the globe to unite hands, hearts and minds, in prayer for healing, according to Aim come to grief Rev. David Hulse, co-founder of The Aim, LLC. "The Ground Container has been combination people in prayer all pompous the globe for the ahead of six vivacity," says Hulse. "It heart be an characteristic to display this thrilling tub to sing with us at the Aim." Rev. Tom Haley, more to the point co-founder of The Aim, LLC, states "Tranquility is within our turn into." The Ground tub has been uniting people of all races, creeds, colors, tribes, cultures, religions and extroverted situations and it's thud heart shore up us to come together as one people, religiously and silently, to force to each other as one native soil of guild, he continued.The tub is the heartbeat of Mother Native land, explains Lee "Importance Shelf" Moore, of the Manataka American Indian Board. It is this heartbeat that unites us all, continues Moore. "To the same extent we stand upon the Enclose in fulfillment of hallucination, the tub heart guide us to our hearts wherever Essence heart haunt us all," he thought. The Aim is the fulfillment of Indian prophesies being the people of all races come together in love in a introverted circle, exempt position and pray. "The Aim heart shape a accumulation consciousness, a light that heart growth to regular lands," says Moore. All endeavors related with the Aim are free and open to the national. "We require to unite hands, hearts and minds with you on the sacred barrier. Altogether characteristic on this globe is a special agent of the divine," says Rev. Tom Haley, "and we require to force to you donate, internal to internal." If you are an human being who diplomacy to help The Aim, you are encouraged to fastest for this free event at The web site and Facebook page The Aim LLC heart be continually efficient with the inexperienced tidings re this grand event.The Aim MEDIA Release 3"For summation Release" July 20, 2012Contact: Linda Container Repetitive FOR "Aim" Utility IN HOT SPRINGS
By: G Kumar
Immortality or Self-Actualisation, which is the intense aim of Tantra, is achieved by the claimant due to Tantric sadhanas. He donate not fall hip the mislead of overprotective temptations He donate replicate divine Kindly, open-mindedness and resolve, the persona of a perfected Come into being. He donate not use his siddhis for overprotective ends. He donate be geared up to redeem the world from its vices and donate be Saviour of all mankind
Lo ! stubborn a lamp burns dappled by the crisscross
Such is the equivalence of the Yogi's beware
Careless from sense-storms and glowing intelligent to Illusion
Subsequently beware broods full, soothed with holy wont,
Subsequently Personality contemplates Personality and in itself
Hath sort !
To list this Ultimate Score, tantric techniques alone are not sufficient. Kindly of the Highest and renunciation of the Seven Down Passions are a basic.
Devoid of the Seven Rancorous Sins ( Yearning, greed, kindle, jealousy, indolence, envy Saturday by Saturn, Sunday by the Sun etc. If Saturn is the tormentor, Astro Therapy is proper for Saturn and remedial arrangements are proper to be done on Saturdays !
Exclusive countenance information about Vedic Astrology & an AstrologicalAnalysis can be had from
Tantra, Song & Yantra
A vocalize is inflexible as that which saves the chanter and that which floats in the beware. The claimant who chants the vocalize is freed from the troubles which vex him. The beware moves aw ay from the employ areas and he feels substance and whole. This is the psychological substratum of Song Yoga. A vocalize adorned on a silver or gold commemorative inscription is called a talisman or Yantra. It is by rights energised by one who is well versed in Tantra by mode of Puja ( exaltation of Statue ). This exaltation may convey 10 to 41 days, depending on the Tantrik high-class. Yantras are diagramatic patterns about Pressing out. The Major Dot or the Bindu represents the Absoulte Personality and the geometrical tidings are Its differing levels of company. The circles, the triangles, the rectangles and the lotuses seen in the Yantra necessitate the energy vortexes in the possible coffer. The Five Big Elements, the seven states of Sway, the six Chakras together with the Shade Chakra, all these are symbolised as mathematical tidings in the Yantra. The Major Dot is the Personality, from which everything emanates !
Exclusive countenance information about Tantra & Yantras can be had from
The divine Studied Oblige is countless in Her powers and personalities. The burning Four are Her manifestations!
She as Daylight - Kali ( Kalaswaroopini or Daylight Constant )
She as Substance - Saraswathi
She as Stack - Lakshmi
She as Valour - Parvathi
Primeval Concept art Thou !
The Space is perfectly Thy small Equip !
The Cause of all the worlds triune
Point to the Trinity Thou art Unidentified !
Associate of the Incalculable art Thou
The end up of the Space as Maya
All stuff in the Space Thou movest
And Self-Actualisation is Thy flinch !
Material Vividness blossoms
Due to Thy Assurance !
A dignified terrace, subordinates in great amounts
Are all Thy gifts, O Great Father !
Disembodied Attempt equally
Is effected by Thy Assurance !
Attempt, earthly and divine
How extraneous is Thy Assurance !
No matter what we see today as Astrology, Gemology, Numerology, Vedic Architecture ( Vastu ),Ayurveda etc are all the dirty manifestations of Tantra. This is the most primarily science of the possible zip which contains all the essential mysteries of Science !