This is an interesting conundrum. It is a saying that has become a standard greeting in the spiritual community but what exactly does it mean?
I touched on this adage in my book Divine You but never really found a satisfactory answer. But, hang on, do I see a light at the end of this tunnel?
I was listening to Deepak Chopra the other day and he was discussing light in the context of photosynthesis.
Science and Light
Can you believe it, science rearing its technical head in a spiritual blog? Actually, the bridge between spirituality and science is closing in rapidly.
Let's put this simply because I don't want your attention to wane. Light creates form. There you go, in a nutshell!
Ha, but what does this have to do with spirituality?
Everything! We are spirit having a human or 'material' experience. We are incarnate, in form in a dimension that requires atoms (which are pretty much free-floating molecules) to coagulate into matter to make up 'stuff'.
Origin: magick-keys.blogspot.com