Date : 28-Oct-90 12:11
From : The Bard
To : All
Subject : The Holy Fool (end)
@EID:6f65 155c616f
Holy Fool: part 4th and end
Do -not- invoke the Fool unless you are ready for literally
ANYTHING to happen! He just might turn you into a Large Green Frog just to observe what happens......He is capricious. He is unpredictable. He is what He is, and nothing you can do will turn Him from His Purpose, whatever that may be at any given moment. He is "Murphy," and whatever can go wrong, WILL go wrong...or right. Unless you have an uncommonly flexible mind, you -might- not be able to handle it!
He has no Festival, unless it is the Lupercal, or perhaps April
Fool's Day, or even New Year's Eve, for every day is His, as He chooses.
Some have inquired about the seeming overlap of functions in the
Goddess/God/Fool triad, and this should be addressed here. The modern Western mind tends to "pigeonhole" things, and rigidly exludes other things from these pigeonholes. This, I feel, is in some ways an error in thinking, especially about the Triad.
One cannot and should not "compartmentalize" the God/Fool/Goddess
into three rigidly separate Beings, but rather think of them as three separate sources of ripples in the same Pond: the ripples interact and intersect, and act on each other, but move within the same Source, whatever That may be.
-the Bard
at Samhain, 1990 CE
I wish I could list all of my sources, but if I did, it would add several pages to this text, and I am trying to keep it short. I -will- recommend reading one book, however, that will give a great insight into the Holy Fool:
Zohra Greenhalgh, Ace (paperback) April 1989
(it has a sequel, but I can't remember the title offhand....)
"Rimble, Rimble!"
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