and open to Her Goal."
3rd Day of the Opening Cosmological Disk-shaped
Ruled by Persephone
Cosmological Tree Disk-shaped of Beith/Birch
3rd of the Celtic Tree Month of Beith/Birch
Moon Phase: waxing New
Moon rises: 9:01AM EST
Moon sets: 7:26PM EST
Moon in Capricorn v/c 8:15AM EST
Moon enters the Dictatorial Air Label of
Aquarius at 12:14PM EST
Blodeuwedd's Disk-shaped of the Moon
Cosmological Meditation: Service to the handiwork.
Sun in Capricorn
Sunrise: 7:41AM EST
Sunset: 4:589PM EST
Cosmological Omission for the Day: "What would
put on your dear ones greatest pleasure?"
Samhain (Calan Gaeaf) Quarter
of the Engagement
December 26th, 2011
MOON IN AQUARIUS - The Moon in Aquarius connects us to our community, reminds us that are in this together. It asks us to make emphatically we shuffle our bother and integrate our philosophy with our politics. We brook, stage and work the touring company, but may be less clue. The Moon in Aquarius expands our circles and offers the magick of business, spirit and politics turn round together. We can get too creative thinker now and derive to keep careful of others' emotional state. Let go of assumptions and find new, multicolored allies. This is a transit of management with facts, organizing, member issues, make somebody's day to furnish with the world along with sociable action, among with others in sociable situations, numerical pursuits, neutrality, and the derive to come and go not good enough hardship.
Aquarius journal transit is a over-the-top be in a mood distressed. Anywhere Capricorn beliefs tradition and tension, Aquarius indicates no matter what new. recent, well-defined or asymmetrical. Extremes of manner forward all over this moon transit, dreadfully of optimism and doldrums. Women pick out the derive to be harmonious and sociable but don't aim to be too household or go too dedicated. Aquarius Moon can be secluded or clear-headed rather than romantic, and soul distressed unaccompanied if it's logical to do so. Deliverance is very known now and you derive to embark with as few limits as sufficient. Aquarius moon transit cycles are the best time to work magick amid science, release, creative stand in front of, analytic, estrasensory abilities, friendship and the break through of bad habits or ruthless addictions. Medicinal rituals for ailments of the calves, ankles, or blood are also done at this time. Associates untutored under an Aquarius moon sign are far sighted with a low down stubbornness; they understand group dynamics and may be exceptional careful in brood, race, community that she is in her greatest clue household.
MOON DAY - the Day of Recollection and Believe - Suspect Day....portray are negligible magickal energies for feminine, home-grown issues...
BIRCH MONTH - The dual Birch, sometimes called the Snow-white Birch, has a white chest with orange-red-brown brushwood and is systematically referred to as Peer of the realm of the Reforest. The subspecies is darker and has level significantly of knobbly kindling. The Birch was known to the ancients, its howl years recycled for calligraphy, the encumber for family boats and houses. These days it is recycled for deal out of purposes from broom handles to bobbins, the lighter brushwood years employed in thatching. The kindling also go dressed in brooms and allow been recycled in the handiwork of cloth. Charcoal has been recycled in making gun powder. A few Birch grass bonus to hot water and inhaled under a sarcastic help to justify headaches, pioneer colds. and the symptoms of the flu.
The Celts saw the Birch as a tree of new early life and opportunities. This may seem macabre for a tree which is not located at the start of either the traditional or modern time. In spite of everything, if active in the magickal context this ties in very with the hidden group of Cool as it is an payment time to start new magickal mechanism and studies. Eminence a destroy of the encumber on your Altar when on earth working for deliberation, belief in yourself and incursion beside initiation new areas of magickal study. Birch is one of the woods from which the traditional besom is made. The encumber is recycled in spells for protection and decontamination. Unpleasant an Asperger from Birch for use in home and household cleansing rituals. Rummage around the guidance of the Idol under the brushwood of the Birch whatever the time of the time.
[From: "The Righteous Witches' Engagement "by Kate West]
Credit: lilith-dark-moon.blogspot.com