White magic is study of good and manipulation arts along with god magic. Healing and control by arranging events of area. Use of herbs are very restorative or poisonous to bear usage and either purge diseases, wipe unordered chaotic energy or cause diseases. A white magus can be used for a cleric replacement and is a priest of order or order magus. The attempt to make idea happen by focusing the words for positive magic effects, is to allot for prayers and ritual with sometimes more than one person. Banishments are necessary for an order priest and will detail by you effecting to know the ghost and then use the name if possible in the ritual with at least one lit nonred candle if possible. but you can use a circle of protection or iron will and critical thinking as a protection. The iron will reflects or resists the effect and the doubt of the critical thinking allots for disbelief of the negative magic. Think, its just an opinion. Now the ghost can be gotten rid of by saying the ghost name or just "ghost" and then "begone!" in a demanding voice.
The rest of the functions are to write their book of shadows and efficiently illustrate it, while you effectively keep your secrets. For a person to write they understand what to erite, so do not write with unclear mind. Unless its purposeful ae protrection sake or any other. Self practice makes any ritual and a ritual is kung fu or continuous practice on a thing or idea until effecient in it. A way to gain the information is to ask, apprentice or meditate. To ask, find the right person and only in a good mood or a mood to get away from you, In their irritation they will answer for purposes of getting their irritant away from them or to quiet down. This apprentice system is explained in the magic classification. The meditation is the soul knowledge meditation to unlock the memories of your subconcious. Due note, those of white magic are noticed unless distraction is there and may be with practice; afflictive or unafflictive in personality. Those of afflictive nature will accost the irritative and manipulate as the want to unless theirs no gain in it. The unnafflictive will do as necessary to gain their needs but not accost as it might get attention.
Now the way of the effect is to run across a idea and its of use unless proven inefficient, finding irritants and either accost or talk them out of it. If an item, then remove it or get nothing done, unless you ignore it. Persuade the irritant if possible to irritate someone or something else. If adjacent or opposed then to make use of evasion or persuasion by force or talking. Mental talk to the useful to get idea or persuade easier. if inversed of you, then ignore or don't give harmful info that might bite you in the end. Take oaths not to kill unless needed and yet you can cause them to kill themselves.
To help this idea along I added a listing of herbs and essential oils from an enigma bbs that was as a listing. Look at the bottom part of the entry of white magic to get to the list.
Reference: goddesses-and-gods.blogspot.com