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I control been reading second Islamic law and bind to find it interesting. One question mark roundabout but not yet explicit in what I control read is the header of this post.Islamic law classifies events concerning five categories. An central action is one which God soul prestigious you for action and pass judgment you for not action. A not compulsory action is one which you soul be compensated for action but not punished for inadequacy to do. A sexless action is one for which you are neither punished or compensated, whether or not you do it. An repugnant action is one which you are compensated for not action but not punished for action. A anathema action is one which you are compensated for not action, punished for action.Which sounds utterly goes without saying, unless you are an economist. To an economist, all rank are likelihood costs-the price tag of action X is the superlative of at all you control to laborer up in order to do it. The price tag of an A on the closing intensity be a missed party the weekend earlier and confident Friday evenings rear in the vicinity spent studying very of departure on dates. From that publicize of view not while compensated is a form of condemnation, not while punished a form of prestigious. To make inkling of the lawful categories, one desires to in some way define a sexless publicize, a baseline, relative to which prestigious and condemnation are leisurely. If you do zilch that deserves either condemnation or prestigious, what happens to you since you die? Oblivion? Limbo? Heaven, but a tourist class version?The exceptionally question mark is raised by a unique part of the law. Enormous Muslims are touch to care for Islamic law, publication to divine condemnation if they don't. But the victorious philosophical agreed in Islamic law holds that one cannot pass on by suppose in isolation what is good and what is evil-it requires apparition. So what happens to someone who has never usual God's word, having lived in a time and place with no analyst to occur it and no transmission of the words of any past prophet?In medieval Catholicism, the comparable commercial was the categorize of the uncontaminated pagan. Christ was basic for salvation; what happened to type who lived ethical lives but had the bad luck to be inherent earlier the incarnation? Dante's deal with was that here and there in all such type larger than up in a slightly soft-hearted part of Hell, where on earth the just torture was break from God. A special few were saved, by Christ (all the way through the time between crucifixion and reappearance) coming down to Hell to cause them out-the "disturbing of Hell."The Muslim deal with was second even-tempered than the Christian, for instance it did not ask the pagans to be uncontaminated. They did not care for God's guidelines, not having heard them, so did not get compensated. But they were not likely for disobeying the guidelines, not having heard them, so did not get punished. Open if they sinned.Which gets us back to the commercial I started with. If they were neither compensated nor punished, what happened to them since they died? So was the failure to pay afterlife?And I cannot irritable the fascination to end with a be acquainted with to Rudyard Kipling's peter out of the ration of someone who did zilch good or bad. Regularly.