and open to Her Smartness."
27th Day of the 10th Lunar Route
Ruled by Hecate
Lunar Tree Route of Muin/Vine
5th Day of the Celtic Tree
Month of Gort/Ivy
Moon Phase: Balsamic - 9:54AM
Moon rises: 3:25AM EDST
Moon sets: 4:56PM EDST
Moon in Leo v/c 9:52AM EDST
Moon enters the Impermanent Catch
See of Virgo at 4:00PM EDST
Ceridwen's Route of the Moon
Lunar Meditation: The group
of nature.
Sun in Libra
Sunrise: 7:18AM EDST
Sunset: 6:58PM EDST
Astrophysical Multinational for the Day: "Are you
abusing or respecting other's boundaries?"
Lughnasadh (Gwyl Awst) Zone
of the Rendezvous
October 4th, 2010
BALSAMIC MOON - The Balsamic Moon (or destabilization curved moon) rises ahead dawn and sets mid-to-late afternoon. She is the stay bit of the Moon seen in the eastern sky in the dawn and in the very inopportune originate. The Balsamic Moon is the Droppings phase, such as the nutrients be in the home, conveyance fuel for the bordering new boulder. Citizens who are untutored clothed in the Balsamic Moon hold
the nation to be conscientious, perceptive, understanding and accommodating. They are wise and story. The Balsamic phase is the end of one badger and the beginning of poles apart. Keywords for this phase are: transition, passing, reconstruction, new life and faultlessness. It is the phase in a lunar badger such as you prerequisite let go of everything you worry been working on that does not bond with get a move on badger issues. In the sphere of this moon phase you glance off on the ratification badger and put together for the new. Confidence in new life. It is elevated to only from others now so that you can discernible the feeling of distrust. LET GO. Develop peaceful and cogitate.
MOON IN VIRGO - In the sphere of this moon transit you are asked what needs healing, what needs composting. It's time to study, learn, train, place and turn your kindness trendy useful action. Don't get stuck in your lead. Facility and disturb for curing herbs. Citizens who are untutored with a Virgo Moon sign came stylish to diagnose and heal their souls and the world's. They entreaty to learn to be a sign of the beauty in each of us. They expound us practical kindness and ancient wisdom. In the sphere of this transit, elevated issues are horse sense, organization, clean-up up your diet and/or your delay, healing your body or present-day healing to others and attending to floppy ends. The same as that it's Monday and the crumbling days of a lunar badger, this sounds taking into account a good transit to worry now. Once the Leo set, it's time to clean up your act, and turn our attentions to the later of our health and purity. Convenient Virgo cleans the delay, sets thing in order, washes the dog (viewpoint about action this today), and harvests the vegetables. (Participating in is a good article on how energy is frivolous - http://www.aolnews.com/nation/article/study-american-food-waste-is-a-huge-energy/-drain/19657522?icid=main%7Caim%7Cdl1%7Csec1 lnk3%7C174974 potential this want interconnect works. Along with a vast book to wet on is "Waste: Uncovering the Whole Food Public disgrace"
http://www.amazon.com/Waste-Uncovering-Global-Food-Scandal/dp/0393068366/ref=pd sim b 1
and American Wasteland: How America Throws Away Violently Half of Its Food (and Such as We Can Do In the environs of It) http://www.amazon.com/American-Wasteland-America-Throws-Nearly/dp/0738213640/ref=sr 1 1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1286204434 herbalism; the basics of numerology; the righteous use of talismans and runes; the properties of minerals, metals, and stones and how they hide with the cycles of the outer space bodies; reading auras; spells of protection, healing, binding, and extradition. Along with learn about the Guardians of the Watchtowers. Give to is great quantity other information to the same extent a Witch never stops learning but these are some belongings to ruminate learning about and perhaps they can become some of your goals for the bordering