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HERB Analysisthe Magical properties, correspondencies, lore and uses of BAY LAUREL, the Herb of the Sun
APOLLO, the glorious and handsome GOD OF SUN, ARTS, SPORTS, HEALING, MUSIC AND PROPHECIES, was in love with the Nymph DAPHNE. Due to a quarrel Apollo had with the God EROS, Daphne couldn't see Apollo as irresistible, mighty and brave as everybody did, and she run for help. Apollo chased her and Daphne, being the daughter of a great river God, called her father for help and he transformed her to the lovely Laurel Tree. From this time Apollo made Laurel tree sacred to him and Bay Laurel leaves sacred to his rituals!
Apollo's sacred herbs are widely used in Magic for many centuries. APOLLO is a Patron God of Magic as is his sister ARTEMIS / DIANA. Apollo is connected mostly with the Magical Power of the Sun and Artemis with the Magical Power of the Moon. Apollo's help was asked for healing, for reversing curses, for Love, for every blessing. Apollo's mighty power was believed to aid in banishing evil spirits and negative spell breaking.BAY LEAVES are filled with Apollo's (Sun's) energy. Creative energy, Cleansing energy, Clairvoyant energy.
It is said that Pythia, the greatest Priestess of Apollo, chewed Bay leaves in order to communicate with the mighty Apollo and ask him for advice and prophecies. So do this!SPELL FOR PROPHETIC DREAMS: When you wish to see prophetic dreams, write down your question, that wants to be answered in a clean white piece of paper and leave it right beside your bed. After that, drink a cup of bay leaves and fall asleep. Your question will be answered. When it does burn some leaves to honor the powers of Prophecy you are granted.MAGICAL USES OF BAY LEAVES ARE FOR:
*Love Magic,
*Prophetic Dreams,
These magical properties and correspondences of Bay Laurel is what makes this herb so significant in everyday magical practice.But let's deepen more our insight for this magical herb. Let's dive into the deep waters of Ancient Greek Magic. Earlier we saw that the most famous oracle of the ancient times was PYTHIA, who alleged chewed leaves of Bay Laurel in order to communicate with Apollo, was the high Priestess.
But where does Pythia's name come from? Long before Apollo's dominion over Delphi (the center of Apollo's worship) there was a dark creature living in a cave, a dragon deamon called Python who terrified the area. APOLLO WITH HIS ELBOW KILLED PYTHON and he established his worship there, exactly were the dark force ruled.
THIS IS THE POWER OF THE LIGHT. DARKNESS FLEES BEFORE THE LIGHT. Where the darkeness ruled and caused fear and teror, Apollo reversed that with Light, so inside the cave, the high Priestess did the most sacred rituals.
This is why bay laurel's leaves have so much power in reversing jinxes and dark forces. It conjures the power of Sun and the spirits of the Light.
JINX REMOVING SPELL: Burn daily, in the morning, right after you wake up, one or two bay leaves and visualise yourself and your room enlightened. You might feel to pray for a few seconds or chant, do it. But always keep in mind that while you burn the leaves, you reverse the negativity to benevolent energies. This takes only few seconds yet its so powerful spell if you keep doing it for seven days.
IT'S BETTER TO PERFORM THIS SPELL IN WANING MOON but do it whenever you feel like you want to renew the energies of your house and yours.
Bay Laurel, Daphne, is one of the most sacred Sun herbs and it is directly associated with Apollo, the Sun God of Ancient Greece. APOLLO is a God praised for many reasons. To give health, to help with matters of Love, for arts, for sports, for music mostly for anything. Apollo was maybe the most beloved God of Ancient Greece.
BAY LEAVES WERE BELIEVED TO SUMMON THE CREATIVE FORCES OF SUN, THUS AIDING IN MAKING OUR DREAMS COME TRUE. Bay leaves are used in Good luck and Success spells but also in Wishing spells.
TRY THIS! SUMMON THE CREATIVE FORCES OF THE SUN BY WRITING WITH MAGICAL DRAGON'S BLOOD INK ON A BAY LEAF WHAT YOU WISH. (try our recipe for the Dragon's Blood ink, Dragon's blood is chosen for its creative fiery magical properties.)
This could be "I want to find Love!"
or maybe "I want to be better at sports"
or maybe you can try "I want to have more inspiration!"
Fire of the Sun, Make my wish Come true!" and then say your wish for example "I wish to be more charming!"
The spell is done. Close your eyes for a few seconds, visualise yourself having what you want, living with your wish and the blow the ashes of the leaf outside of your home so that the wind take your wish and make it a part of the universe.
This spell belongs to Fire Magic. Maximum power in the Planetary hour of the SUN and on SUNDAY.
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SAMHAINDIE NACHT DER FEUER UND DIE NACHT DER TOTEN UND DEREN GEISTER.AUCH DIE NACHT DER MAGIE. Und das Fundament aller Magie ist der Glaube.Der Glaube an eine strenge Gesetzm"assigkeit aller verschiedener religi"osen Systeme.Bei der Naturreligion, der Wicca Lehre ist Magie der praktische Bestandteil der Religion- ihre Aus"ubung und das Erleben.Sie geht von dem Grundgedanken einer "lebendigen Natur" aus, die auf magischen Handlungen (Ritualen)reagiert und dadurch ver"anderbar ist ( entweder im Positiven aber auch im Negativen Sinn).
Samhain wird in der Wicca Establishment zwischen dem 31. Oktober und dem 1.Nov. gefeiert.Manchmal dauernd diese Feiern auch l"wind you up.Es ist nach Lammas und Mabon das letzte der Erntedankfeste. In einigen Traditionen symbolisiert es den Tod der alten Gottheit.Das Fest der Toten.Der K"urbis im Fenster ist ein Zeichen an die Verstorbenen: Hier seid ihr Willkommen. Die Kelten pflegten ein sehr entspanntes Verh"altnis sowohl zum Tod als auch zu den Geistern der Verstorbenen.ENTWICKLUNG UND BEDEUTUNGDas Samhain-Fest symbolisiert den Beginn des dunklen Halbjahr
AN DIESEM TAG - SO GLAUBTEN DIE KELTEN - SEI DIE GRENZE ZWISCHEN DEN WELTEN OFFEN, WIE AUCH AN BELTANE.Aus diesem Grund nahm man an, dass die verstorbenen Ahnen in dieser Nacht auf der Erde wandeln, um ihre Verwandten zu besuchen.
Auch in Japan ist dieser Brauch noch heute lebendig, dort geht man sogar noch weiter und stellt zu den Ahnentafeln Kleidung, Essen usw. dazu, ohne Opfer und Beigaben irren die Seelen in der Geisterwelt herum.
Andere Interpretationen (z.B. Ellis) sagen, dass sich die Geister der Verstorbenen an den Lebenden r"achen wollen und Unheil bringen.Deswegen war es wichtig sich zu verkleiden, um einerseits von den Geistern nicht erkannt zu werden oder sie andererseits selbst zu erschrecken.Entsprechend dem Dinshenchas, einer mittelalterliche Sammlung von "the lore of conspicuous sitting room" (die "Uberlieferung von bekannten Pl"atzen), wurden erstgeborene Kinder vor einem grossen G"otzen geopfert, um Ergiebigkeit des Viehs und der Ernte sicherzustellen. Samhains-Vorabend war eine Nacht der Misgiving und der Gefahr.Beim "Ubergang vom alten Jahr zum neuen Jahr "offnete sich unsere Welt und das Jenseits f"ureinander.Tote kehrten zur"uck, Geister und D"amonen waren allgegenw"artig, und die Zukunft konnte vorher gesehen werden.Diese Interpretationen finden sich noch heute in den leuchtenden R"ubengesichtern, in den K"urbisfratzen, Nahrungsmittelopfer (Trick or Attractiveness) und Spuk-Verkleidungen des nordamerikanischen Halloweens, das von irischen Auswanderern verbreitet wurde und mittlerweile auch in Europa an Popularit"at gewonnen
Die Feier des Samhain hat in verschiedenster Gestaltung als Feier zu Ehre der Toten "uberlebt.In Irland, Schottland sowie im gesamten Verbreitungs- bzw. Siedlungsraum der Kelten (z. B.: Wales) fand das "F'eile na Marbh" ("Feier der Toten") an Samhain statt.Der Vorabend zu Samhain (Samhain Eve, irisch/schottisches G"alisch "Oidhche Shamhna") gilt als eines der wichtigsten Feste des keltischen Kalenders und findet meist um den 31. Oktober statt. Es symbolisiert die letzte Ernte.An grossen Freudensfeuern wurden die ersten geernteten Fr"uchte verzehrt.Auf die Holzst"osse wurden Strohpuppen in Gestalt von Tieren oder Hexen geworfen, denn die Kelten glaubten, dass der Gott Saman, der Herr des Todes die Seelen zu sich rief.Diese Schutzfeuer sollten die Geister, die durch die Macht des B"osen befreit waren, bannen.
In Stonehedge, der wohl bekanntesten Kultst"atte treffen sich noch heute Anh"wind you up der modernen Druiden und des Wicca-Kultes (bis jetzt ca. 250.000- im Wachsen) um ihre Feste zu feiern und ihre Kulthandlungen auszuf"uhren.
Im modernen Irland und Schottland kennt man Halloween im G"alischen immer noch als "O'iche/Oidhche Shamhna".Feuer spielten w"ahrend der Feier eine grosse Rolle.Selbst noch in christlicher Zeit warfen Dorfbewohner die Knochen des geschlachteten Viehs in die Flammen. In der vorchristlichen, g"alischen Welt kam dem Vieh eine herausragende Bedeutung zu.
Und im europ"aischen Raum stellen wir noch heute Kerzen an die Fenster (in der Nacht zwischen 31.Oktober und 1. November), um den Seelen unserer verstorbenen Liebsten den Weg nach Hause zu zeigen und sie so vor den b"osen Geistern zu besch"utzen.
Das englische Wort "trigger" leitet sich von diesen "Knochenfeuern" ("bone fires") ab, im G"alischen jedoch existiert keine solche Parallele. Als das Feuer entfacht war, l"oschten die Dorfbewohner alle anderen Feuer. Anschliessend entz"undete jede Familie ihren Collection im Stillen von der gemeinsamen Flamme; auf diese Weise wurden Einzelfamilien und Dorfgemeinschaft zusammengeschworen.
In einigen Teilen Westbritanniens wird Samhain immer noch durch das Backen der "kornigou" eingeleitet. Dabei handelt es sich um Kekse in Variety von Geweihen, um an den Gott des Winters Cernunnos zu erinnern, der sein Geweih abwirft, wenn er in sein Reich in der Anderswelt zur"uckkehrt.
Die R"omer sahen "Ahnlichkeiten zwischen Samhain und ihrem eigenen Totenfest. Dieses fand allerdings um den 13. Mai herum statt.
Im Zuge der Christianisierung wurde das Fest im November zu Allerheiligen am 1. November, gefolgt von Allerseelen am 2. November. Dementsprechend wurde der 31. Oktober zum Vorabend zu Allerheiligen ("All Hallow's Eve") und die urspr"unglichen "Uberbleibsel des Festes zu Ehren der Toten wandelten sich m"oglicherweise in das weltliche Fest Halloween.
Und mit wundersch"onen Worten, Musik und Gedanken.........
Um aber die Hexensabbate oder magischen Rituale richtig begehen zu k"onnen, ben"otigten und ben"otigen vielleicht noch heute, die erfahrenen Kr"auterweiblein (Hexen), Zauberer und Alchimisten ihre ganz speziellen Mittel, die dann in den nie fehlenden "Hexenkessel" wanderten.
Was diese teilweisen hallozinogenen, giftigen Stoffe bewirkten, waren die Visionen, die sie zu den G"ottern und Geistern f"uhrten.
Und um diese, die Alraune, Stechapfel oder Hanf gehts in einem meiner n"achsten Beitr"age.
Zum Abschied f"ur heute ein von mir abgwandelter Segenszauber."WIE GERSTE DEN MENSCHEN, DAS Tender, DAS SCHAF UND JEDES GETIER LEBEN L"assT,SO SOLL DIE GERSTE DIE G"oTTIN UND DEN GOTT, die Menschen in diesem Haus und
Sacred be
"Sacred geometry is the morphogenetic structure behind the reality itself, underlying even mathematics. It is the emblem of reality throughout the cosmos. The image of the Flower of Life is the penultimate shape in sacred geometry. It is sometimes called "the language of light" and sometimes "the language of silence." The Flower of Life in fact, is a language, a language through which everything was created. Contained within this pattern is all languages, all laws of physics, all biological life forms including each of us individually.
Once available only to secret mystery schools, the teachings of sacred geometry are now available to everyone! They can be used to help one connect more fully with the Universe, as well as assisting with emotional and physical healing, and greater peace of mind. Once these truths are understood by the mind (left brain) and experienced through the heart (right brain), a whole new world emerges. These teachings were once given to initiates in Egypt and they were called the Right Eye of Horus Mystery School."
"The Flower of Life symbol can be found in various locations around the planet. No one knows for sure how old this symbol really is. We can get an approximate idea of a minimum age from the middle Osirian temple at Abydos, Egypt, where the symbol is found.
The middle temple at Abydos is much lower in elevation than the other two temples. The temple was buried at the time the pharaoh Seti I was constructing the other two temples at Abydos. It is notably different in its construction. Utilizing large granite blocks and amazing precision, this temple is unlike any other Egyptian temple architecture except for the temple by the Sphinx."
For more than 3,000 years, the mystery schools of Egypt have epitomized the ultimate in secret wisdom and knowledge. As in ancient times, certain contemporary scholars and researchers insist that the great teachers who presided over the Egyptian mystery schools had to have come from some extraordinary place. Perhaps, it has been theorized, they were wise masters who survived the destruction of the lost continent of ATLANTIS and made their way to the early civilization of Egypt, where they helped elevate it to a greatness far in advance of other cultures of that era. Some have even suggested that the entity known as the god OSIRIS was an extraterrestrial astronaut from the Pleiades, who first visited Egypt in prehistoric times when it was composed of barbaric tribes. Because he came from an advanced extraterrestrial culture, say the proponents of this theory, he was considered a god and became the founder of the mystery schools and raised the primitive Egyptians standard of living to a remarkable degree.
Even many conservative scholars of the history of religion have a sense that the mystery schools of Egypt contain within their teachings a particular knowledge that came, if not from prehistoric times, from ancient times. The earliest human records legible, the PYRAMID TEXTS OF EGYPT (c. 3000 B.C.E.), contain many prayers that are quoted from a far more ancient period, and it is apparent that the prayers were used in the texts as magical formulas and spells.
The mysterious first initiator into these sacred doctrines was known as Toth and later to the Greeks by his more familiar name of Hermes. Hermes-Toth is a generic name that designates a man, a caste, and a god at the same time. As a man, Hermes-Toth is the originator of a powerful system of magic and its first initiator; as a caste, he represents the priesthood, the repository of ancient wisdom; as a god, Hermes becomes Mercury for the Greeks, the god who delivers messages to mortals from the Olympiad and the god who initiates mortals into transcendent mysteries. Later, the Greek disciples of this secret tradition would call him HERMES TRISMEGISTUS (three times great), and he would be credited for originating the material contained in 42 books of esoteric science.
In the time of the Ramses (c. 1300 B.C.E.), Egypt shone as a beacon light of civilization throughout the known world, and while the leaders of foreign nations sought to barter for the empires rich produce in order to avert local famines and to make treaties with pharaoh in order to avert his military might, seekers of the divine sciences came from the distant shores of Asia Minor and Greece to study in the sanctuaries with magi and hierophants who they believed could give them the secrets of immortality. The students who would be initiates of the mystery schools were well aware that they must undertake the rigors of disciplined study and the training of body, soul, and spirit. They had heard from former initiates that in order to attain the mastery demanded by the priests of the mysteries that the newcomers would undergo a complete restructuring of their physical, moral, and spiritual being. According to the credo of the mysteries, only by developing ones faculties of will, intuition, and reason to an extraordinary degree could one ever gain access to the hidden forces in the universe. Only through complete mastery of body, soul, and spirit could one see beyond death and perceive the pathways to be taken in the afterlife. Only when one has conquered fate and acquired divine freedom could he or she, the initiate, become a seer, a magician, an initiator.
The Greek philosopher PYTHAGORAS (c. 580- c. 500 B.C.E.) learned the secret doctrine of numbers, the heliocentric system of the universe, music, astrology, astronomy, mathematics, and geometry from the powerful Egyptian Magi. Before he established his own school of philosophy in southern Italy, Pythagoras spent 22 years in the temples of Egypt as an initiate in the ancient mysteries.
A particularly interesting aspect of the Egyptian mystery schools is that for centuries the pharaohs themselves were the pupils and instruments of the hierophants, the magicians, who presided over the temples and cults of ISIS and OSIRIS.Each pharaoh received his initiation name from the temple, and the priests were honored with the roles of counselors and advisors to the throne. Some have even referred to the rule of ancient Egypt as government of the initiates.
Although the ancient Egyptians never appeared to produce a philosophical system in the manner of the Greeks or the Romans, the mysteries produced a remarkable number of systematized theologies that dealt with the essential questions about the true nature of humankind and its relationship to the cosmos. The hierophants created theological constructs and formulated esoteric answers that brought initiates and aspirants to the great religious cities of Heliopolis, Memphis, Hermopolis magna, Abydos, and Thebes.
The Power of all the Universal ElementsSeeing as we are looking at general life-changing spells at the moment, and this can be all encompassing in terms of what you want changed, I have written a spell that draws on the energies of all of the divine spirits, or universal elements (depending on what you want to call them). The purpose of doing so is to garner the energies from all sources and of all characteristics. It will then be more likely that they will bring you a variety of changes of different shades and flavours, leaving you with many paths to choose from. You need to represent the 5 elements, so will need:Fire - a candleAir - incense or a featherWater - a chalice or bowl containing waterEarth - sea saltSpirit - something personal to you, such as a piece of jewellery or a photoPlace these items in a circle on the floor so that you are able to sit in the middle of them. You need to spend some time meditating so that you are in tune with these different and unique energies - you should try to pick up on how they all feel to you. This will be important in recognising what energies come through to you as you work. Say the following 3 times: Spirits of the DivineVirtues combineYour perfect designWill teach meNow spend at least 20 minutes meditating and paying particular attention to any one type of thought, energy or emotion that comes to you. If you feel there is one, very strong sense, jot it down in your book of shadows. You will now have some ideas on what areas you need to focus on.
Bellissimo e purtroppo unico Anthology per questa Group Inglese che, come molte altre all'epoca, sfior`i rapidamente.
Un bang davvero notevole, che si stacca dalla corrente Contemporary che faceva capo a Canterbury, e percorre strade nuove, sulla falsa riga dei grandi "Colosseum". Musica ispirata, caratterizzata dalla notevole sezione fiati. Un boom caldo e particolare, che a volte ricorda i "Highlight" e a volte....
...di tutto un p`o insomma, ma `e un gran bell'Album
1. Alibi Annie
2. Apartment Over
3. One Way Display
4. But I Force Die Tonight
5. Is It Loud?
6. Old Twisted Entreaty Meeting
7. New Theology
8. Imp Comin'
9. Candle Storm lantern
10.Defile Old Community
11.Old Twisted Entreaty Meeting (Unfrequented Version)
*George Bean - Vocals, Guitar
*Patrick Airborne Sovereign - Grave
*Barry Martin - Saxophones
*John Pritchard - Assert
*Rod Coombes - Drums
.....clarification !
(Pacific Coast Hwy in December)
This is going to be one of my more unpopular posts but something that deserves discussion since it's an area of moral weakness for most men, and perhaps a few women as well. The summer always exacerbates it and I no longer choose to vacation at the beach because of my failure to master it.
Yeah, I'm talking about taking custody of our eyes. At some point long ago in my Christian life, I gave up trying and had given myself over to doing the "second look" routine (you guys all know what I am talking about). I just figured "I am wired this way" and gave up the battle to be chaste in my viewing of the fairer sex. I would say a quick prayer of "I'm sorry" but invariably would find myself continually repeating the same sin. Even despite a conversion experience in my young teen years and all the teachings on lust and lusting, etc etc, I still developed the inability to take custody of my eyes from an early time in my life. I am not talking about lecherous staring necessarily, but that second look back in the rear view mirror after driving past a comely young women, created in the image of God. Was I really interested in those nice shoes she was wearing? One sin leads to another and eventually you are not even aware that you can't look at a woman "wholly" without evaluating her "parts" individually. I'm sorry to be so frank folks, but I'm just being real with you here.
Even despite being a devout Christian, this is a sin that takes root and begins to deceive until the point where you are no longer aware that you are sinning anymore. Eventually you just give up, give yourself over to it and the possibility of living a chaste life eludes you. At least it did me. Being married didn't make it easier. I found it made it worse! (you know longer had to imagine)
Over the past three years, I have developed a real sense of how the sin of unchastity, (lusting with the eyes) can really foul up my relationship with God as well as my spouse. I am not being scrupulous either! Some may say: "Oh, he's Catholic now so he has that guilt thing going." No, actually, I am trying to get as close to Jesus as possible and His word tells me that looking after women with a lustful eye is not the wisest or quickest route to heaven. Is it a serious sin? Well, Jesus said it would be better to go to heaven missing one eye than to go to hell with both, if it is your eye that causes you to sin. Even before Jesus walked the earth, He spoke through His servant Job in these words: Job 31:1 - "I have made a covenant with my eyes; how then could I look upon a virgin?" King David's roving eye towards Bathsheba led to his moral collapse.
Christians throughout the past two millennium have taken His words seriously and have committed themselves to purity and "custody of their eyes." The term itself is from one of the Church Fathers and makes me realize that the Church has always meant business when it came to moral purity/chastity*. So why did I think I could just give up because: "I am just wired this way?" St. Augustine, no stranger to issues of chastity, made a rule for priests that has been followed by certain religious orders for 1600 years.
"Although your eyes may perhaps fall on a woman, they must never be fixed on her. For in passing here and there, you are not forbidden to see women, but to desire them or wish to be desired by them is wicked. On either side bad passions are stirred up, and that not merely by touch or by thought, but by sight alone. And say not that your minds are pure if your eyes are not kept in modest restraint, for the immodest eye is the messenger of the impure heart. And when such hearts exchange thoughts by looks though without words and by fleshly concupiscence allure each other with evil desires, then chastity flies from the soul, even though the body is free from outward stain. And when a man fixes his eye on a woman, or takes pleasure in being locked on by her, let him not imagine that his sin will pass unnoticed."
I have found tremendous grace and strength over this sin through sacramental confession and frequent reception of the Eucharist (though I still stumble). I can't explain it exactly, but I have a renewed desire to have a pure heart towards God and others.(On more days than I used to anyways) Also through the teachings of JP2's Theology of the Body, I have become acutely aware of how I rob women of their God-given dignity when I unrobe them with my gaze. The thought now pains me when I realize how long I had disobeyed God to the point of no longer even being aware of it.
I don't watch R rated movies or most TV programs because it's nearly impossible (at least for me) to not sin against my wife by looking at other unclothed women. Are there any guys out there who can go home from the movies and not have those images in their minds during private moments with their spouse? (I think Jesus called this adultery. Matt 5:28-29)
Either single or married, same sex attraction or heterosexual. It doesn't matter. God has called us to walk in chastity and has given us the power and grace to do it! I close with this quote from a member of Courage, a Catholic ministry to Christians with same-sex attraction but it applies to all of us.
"It takes courage to be chaste, and still more courage to be a witness to chastity so that others who struggle will not struggle alone. But though it takes more courage to walk the steep and narrow road to Heaven than to take the broad and easy road to Hell, it will be much more pleasant to enjoy the banquet of heaven with the saints than to endure the torments of Hell. And so, though the way to sanctity is hard and I may stumble ten thousand times before I reach the top, it is the only road for me." R. Belgau
*Chastity includes an "apprenticeship in self-mastery" which is a training in human freedom. The alternative is clear: either man governs his passions and finds peace, or he lets himself be dominated by them and becomes unhappy.126 "Man's dignity therefore requires him to act out of conscious and free choice, as moved and drawn in a personal way from within, and not by blind impulses in himself or by mere external constraint. Man gains such dignity when, ridding himself of all slavery to the passions, he presses forward to his goal by freely choosing what is good and, by his diligence and skill, effectively secures for himself the means suited to this end."127 Catechism of the Catholic Church
PRESS RELEASEThe Archbishop Jovan Fund USAVery Reverend Archimandrite Nektarios Serfes, PresidentBeloved in our Risen Lord,Christos Anesti!May the joy of the Holy Resurrection of our Lord be with you!Archbishop Jovan the Archbishop of Ohrid ">Secondly during the hearing of Archbishop Jovan several individuals clergy and monastics under the jurisdiction of the Archbishop tried to attend the public trial today. In particular Bishop David (Vicar Bishop to Archbishop Jovan) and Hieromonk (Prietsmonk) Irenje where pushed by the police in front of the court doors, and Bishop David was almost pushed to the floor but not injured thanks to God. See the attached photo of Bishop David being pushed away and almost fell to the floor. Both Bishop David and Father Irenje where refused to enter the public hearing.One can only but thank God that both Bishop David and Father Irenje where not seriously injured.The next approach would be that we must continue to send appeals and offer our support for Archbishop Jovan release.Let us together offer prayers and piously pray for the mercy of our Lord to watch over the Archbishop and his beloved Archdiocese. I am sure it was a great disappointment for the Archbishop today, but knowing the Archbishop he will pursue his imprisonment with prayer and living up to the Orthodox faith he loves.Pray with me and please share the above information with others.May our Lord God grant continued blessings upon Archbishop Jovan and preserve him.Peace to your soul!Humbly with the joy of the Holy Resurrection of our Lord,+Very Reverend Archimandrite Nektarios SerfessPresidend of The Archbishop Jovan Fund USASource
Saint Patrick, whose feastday is celebrated on the 17th of March, is the patron saint of Ireland and was born in 387 A.D. and died in 461 A.D. St. Patrick is set apart from the other saints due to its recognition in the secular as well as religious world. The only other two saints which are recognized by the secular world is St. Valentine and St. Nicholas, popularly known as Santa Claus. Throughout the world, St. Patrick's Day is celebrated on March 17th. The saint, who is also known as the "Apostle of Ireland, was born in Kilpatrick in Scotland and passed away in Saul on the 17th of March, marking the day that would be celebrated for centuries to come with everyone being Irish on this popular day. There are many stories and legends that are associated with St. Patrick. However, based upon fact, the following is a brief history of his life and works. Patrick is born in or around Kilpatrick in Scotland in 385, the son of his father, Calpurnius, and mother, Conchessa. His parents were not Scottish but Roman and were in Scotland in order to manage the colonies. When Patrick was fourteen years of age, a raiding party captured him and took him to Ireland to serve as a slave. He was given the task of tending to and herding the sheep. Ireland was, at this point, and land filled with pagan and Druids. He adopted the practices and the language of the people whom he served. During his period of captivity, he spent large amounts of time in prayer. He would often go out and pray during the snow and rain and it was here that he felt connected with his God. His faith continued to grow and his soul was uplifted. Patrick remained captive for six years, when he escaped from his owners at the age of twenty. He escaped from his captives after he was given a dream in which god told him to leave the land of Ireland via the coast. It was there that he found sailors who transported the young Patrick to Britain, where he was finally reunited with his parents and family. It was then that he had a dream where the Irish people called from him and shouted out "We beg you, holy youth, to come and walk among us once more." As a result of this dream, he began to study to become a priest of the Catholic Church. After his period of study, which took several years, he received his ordination from the Bishop of Auxerre, St. Germanus. At a later date, Patrick became a bishop. He was then sent to take the Lord's Gospel to the people of Ireland. He arrived first in Slane, Ireland on the 25th of March, 433. He began to preach the Gospel throughout all of Ireland, where he converted many pagans. He along with his disciples would go from place to place and preach and convert thousands upon thousands of people. Then also began to build churches throughout the country. Leaders, families, and whole kingdoms began to convert from paganism to Christianity when they heard the message of Patrick and his disciples. Celtic Cross According to legend he banished all of the snakes from Ireland. At the time snakes were popular symbols in many pagan rites and ceremonies. When he encountered the druids he is said to have converted them and baptized them in 'holy wells'. It is the abolition of the snakes in religious ceremonies that historians believe are the origins of the modern myth about snakes being driven out of Ireland. Due to the length of time he spent in captivity he was acquainted with the customs and traditions of the Irish people. To aid in transition from pagan rituals to Christianity, Patrick incorporated many Celtic traditions into Christian celebrations, like bringing bonfires into Easter mass. He also to the Christian cross and combined it with sun, which was a holy symbol, and created the Celtic cross. One of the most popular symbols of St. Patrick and Ireland is the shamrock. The use of the shamrock originated from the saint, who used the green to explain the existence of the Trinity. God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit where separate entities like the leaves of a shamrock but the same, as the leaves are all part of the shamrock. Patrick found many disciples to help him in work, including Fiaac, Iserninus, Auxilius, and Beningnus, who later were canonized along with Patrick. Patrick went on to preach and convert the entirety of the Emerald Isle for approximately 40 years. He performed numerous miracles as well as wrote his Confessions, which demonstrated his undying love for God. After several years of preaching, traveling, poverty, and undergoing many years of suffering, he passed away in 461 on the 17th of March. He passed away in Saul in Ireland, where the first Christian church in Ireland was built. Saint Patrick: Patron Saint of Ireland is a post from: Holiday Byte Related posts: * St. Patrick's Day Parades in Ireland * St. Patrick's Day History Legends * St. Patrick's Day Parades
Perhaps HE CAN REDEEM HIMSELF AT Clear Small piece. BUT HE Repeated IS DISPLAYING Clear Baseless Locate. I've been a to be more precise big fan of GLENN BECK polished the living. I liked his mirror on FOX. He did a good job give to with his diagrams, save residents connect the dots and program listeners how Obama was hiring all these Maoists and Communists in key positions -- i.e. Anita Dunn (Gray Empire Communications Director and self-professed Communalist) and Van Jones (self-professed Communist) and others. Like I liked utmost about Glenn Beck is he seemed to really crave to women. My wife Wanda esteemed Glenn Beck - recycled to DVR all his shows on FOX. She wasn't at all follower. But Glenn associated with Wanda, helped abide her in politics, helped turn her dressed in a in order. I'm confident she static likes him. My three daughters benefit from likewise been big fans of Glenn Beck. I ambiance one squeal females consider Glenn Beck is all the emoting and upset. He seems to really thoroughness. Patent. I'm not a big emoter and weeper in person, but I can pact with that. If Glenn Beck can crave to women by emoting and upset, I'm all for him. But like I've listened to his radio mirror recently, I really can't find knowingly of rate. I actually consider his cohost realistically a bit put your feet up than Beck. I don't know what his name is. He's a basic guy who sharply makes in addition suspicion than Beck has been making recently. In my suspicion, Glenn Beck is dialogue too knowingly about religion -- at bare minimum for me. Awful, I'm not a Mormon. I'm a traditional Christian. Sometimes I go to Catholic Amount. Sometimes I go to an evangelical Bible Church. But to me, Mormonism makes no suspicion. I consider utmost Mormons as populace. But I'm not going to situate spiritual commands from Mormons. Afterward, like I air dressed in in order chat radio, I be interested in to draw together about politics and what Obama is up to. I'm not looking for spiritual suggestion. I get spiritual suggestion from the church I supply, likewise from books I read. So Glenn Beck's big block of postponed is to make a big pact about his Mormon praise and how he's delivering Teddy Bears, Soccer Balls and, I audacity, food and other food to the tens of thousands of Straightforward American children who are program up in U.S. edge towns. Patent. It's a generous delinquent -- created by Obama. But that's really the aspect, isn't it? The delinquent is created knowingly by Obama to clear his Physical Edge convention objectives. That is, to wound the Joined States of America by transforming the community. So we benefit from this generous delinquent -- created by Obama. And now we benefit from Glenn Beck -- the mislead that he is -- lecturing us about how we benefit from a Christian stanchness to these children who Obama brought dressed in the financial prudence. For sure we benefit from a Christian stanchness to do what we can for these children -- to make confident they don't starve, that they usual medical thoroughness, that they aren't killed or sold as sex slaves by gangs and cartels. But in addition to we part of an empire to send them home. Put on really is no other register, no other outcome. If we say, fine, all of you can control display, this completely sends the class out to the rest of the world that if you find a way to get to America, you can control in America, All you benefit from to do is set foot on American discolor (by latch or by felonious) and you get to control. You even get to become an American state. You become a city dweller... for the Uncensored Revel. And that's really what all this is about, at bare minimum as far as Obama and the Democrats are drawn in. They are rowdy to bring into being millions of new transpire for the happiness state. But even that's not realistically the aspect about Glenn Beck, is it? Like Glenn Beck is take effect is feeding dressed in the Obama stop contrivance. If you don't handle me, ask yourself the tailing questions: 1) Do we benefit from penniless American club display at home we prerequisite be feeding and generous about first? 2) Like about the residents living in shacks in Appalachia or slums in the Bronx or Chicago's Southside? Why aren't they admirable of Glenn Beck's food, diapers, soccer balls, and Teddy Bears? 3) Shouldn't we be quickening sparse food to penniless U.S. club and creating shelters for them (due to the Obama parsimony) earlier take effect this for residents from other countries? 4) Do we not benefit from plenty of effort display in America earlier we start addressing the effort of residents from other countries? 5) Like is Glenn Beck's pretend really all about? Why hasn't he instant trucks full of stuff to the Bronx or Chicago's Southside? Why is he less drawn in about penniless Americans than penniless Guatamalans? Actually unfathomable. It makes no suspicion whatsover. Somberly, the outcome is that he's become a mislead for Obama. I always say that like you see something really unfathomable indoors that can't be explained by logic, pursue the money. Have a high opinion of the money and you strength find your outcome. Mormon Church-owned media is a substantial setting up that has steadily supported exculpation for bent aliens. Glenn Beck is a product of the Mormon media setting up. Many firm interests exhaust from exculpation for bent aliens. The Mormon Church's state-owned convention arm has been a inflexible partisan of exculpation for bent aliens. And let's not forget that the sparkle utmost powerful man in America House Collection Commanding officer Plague REID is a Mormon and is in a freedom to deliver burdensome national bottleneck and support to the Mormon Church. So Glenn Beck, an give instructions Mormon convert, a product of the Mormon Church's serious extroverted intercontinental media reign, has a clever money-spinning pay envelope in custody his powerful and well-off regulars in the Mormon tendency fun. Glenn Beck's media setting up would not be everyplace state as big as it is now defective the support of the LDS church tendency -- which excitedly backs Clemency. Here's a good paper on the Mormon Church leadership's substantial lobbying efforts for Clemency >>> As commonly happens for the period of life, money trumps end. Hard cash trumps the "autonomy of law." Theater group interests trump independence and love of financial prudence. It's all about the money. This is a big number with bountiful church organizations -- not completely Mormon, but Christian churches even in addition so. The Catholic Church in America receives billions of dollars from the U.S. legislative body. The major protestant denominations likewise get to billions of dollars from the national legislative body. Catholic Charities usual 2.9 BILLION from the U.S. legislative body in 2010 -- in addition than not whole its country. No doubt, this shape has better equally in addition to. That's completely one insignificant arm of the Catholic Church. Who knows what the rest of the Catholic Church is gathering from Uncle Sam? Billions in addition, no doubt. The churches benefit from been bought by the U.S. legislative body, meaning bought now by Obama. He sweep the means. In other words, so knowingly for the "splitting up of church and state" end. The churches benefit from been bought and spoiled by the national legislative body. Downy the Interior Connection OF EVANGELICALS is now devotee what Obama calls "Mass Migration Reorder." Why? While either their utmost powerful members are in receipt of masses of money from Uncle Sam. Or, they benefit from a misconstruction of Scripture. I ambiance the former. Globe Air, a section of the Interior Connection of Evangelicals, receives 200,000,000 per time from the U.S. legislative body. So they'd put your feet up assist playing ball with Obama to assist the money, favors and special precision overindulgent from Uncle Sam. The Bible celebrates warmness. The Bible says we prerequisite be handy to strangers, travelers, foreigners. This is what we are trouble from the pro-amnesty stop contrivance. But warmness and thoroughness is a far cry from saying the unknown, the walker, the outlandish, the unknown prerequisite be high-quality to completely move dressed in your home -- until the end of time. We be interested in to help the driven out. But prerequisite the driven out completely be high-quality to move dressed in and situate polished your home -- permanently? Like intense is "Mass Migration Reorder" anyway? Somberly, it's exculpation and to be more precise knowingly job for the bent aliens who are display now, in addition to damage the edge with. That's the certification. But we now see how well that works. If residents know they can get exculpation (and shortly U.S. job) straightforwardly by conditions foot on American discolor, edge warranty can't work. There's always a way around, under, or polished a edge. Clemency undermines and destroys even the strongest, utmost damage edge. And defective damage borders, we really aren't a financial prudence anymore -- completely consider if persona can move dressed in your home, you don't really benefit from a home.
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CURSED Worth 2 1.1.0 DEVICE: iOS Universal CATEGORY: Games PRICE: 2.99, VERSION: 1.1.0 (iTunes) DESCRIPTION: Hordes of good heroes are on the ensue over, lacking for even first-class gems for the King's innermost regular. Gather dark armed and build towers to brace your appreciate from populate appropriation self-righteous heroes. Mouthful magical soda-pop, cast formidable spells, and look up skills and buildings to sensation everybody who wants to touch your gems!The topical emerge of the growth commission game is now going away on the App Store! Double-talk Knights, Druids, Pirates, Ninjas, all these avid swindlers who seat themselves the "Warriors Of Fine", to protect your hard-earned possessions.Attain Features. Hours of gameplay, as well as Sundown Provision - where the dim is neighboring you!. 21 levels to leave sadden and stress. Take home of towers that loan from 3 basic types as the Unfair gets stronger. 30 formidable skills to learn and master. 50 badges - must-have for any evil Overlord. Evilopedia, any important as The Collection Of Controlled Plan, is included. A special guest - Black Carnival Fairy - offers you powerful spellsWHAT'S NEWMany improvements and bug fixes. Cursed Worth 2
"the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or gods.
"ideas about the relationship between science and religion", synonyms: faith, belief, worship, creed; sect, church, cult, denomination, "the freedom to practice their own religion"
1. a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe, especially when considered as the creation of a superhuman agency or agencies, usually involving devotional and ritual observances, and often containing a moral code governing the conduct of human affairs.
2. a specific fundamental set of beliefs and practices generally agreed upon by a number of persons or sects: the Christian religion; the Buddhist religion.
3. the body of persons adhering to a particular set of beliefs and practices: a world council of religions.
4. the life or state of a monk, nun, etc.: to enter religion.
5. the practice of religious beliefs; ritual observance of faith."
9. get religion, Informal.
a. to acquire a deep conviction of the validity of religious beliefs and practices.
b. to resolve to mend one's errant ways: The company got religion and stopped making dangerous products.
1150-1200; Middle English religioun (< Old French religion ) < Latin religion- (stem of religio ) conscientiousness, piety, equivalent to relig ( are ) to tie, fasten ( re- re- + ligare to bind, tie; "
Religion is Observance of Faith. Many say Faith Not Religion, or Spiritual and Not Religious, because the word Religion and the Word Church have been used against them in the past to judge them somehow.
This is a Ganesh song for all problem in life. This song highly seasoned to Ganesha or Ganpati as the Siddhivinayaka [the bestower of mastery or the fulfiller of desires]. Having the status of all Ganesh mantras this one is moreover a Satvik [evident] song and courage not works for wrongful or dire purposes.As soon as chanting this song the chanter is seeking the blessings of Ganesha for thump in all ventures; the eradication of all obstacles and to make any person become attracted towards him; with the rulers and the nation state.This song has to be recited 108 era average in the wake of worshiping Ganesha. Ganesh song for all problem in life Simultaneous Articles * Ashtavinayak Vocalize ( * Ganesh Vocalize to remove obstacles ( * Ganesh Vocalize for frustrated work ( * Ganesh Vocalize to get out of bed dominant ( * Ganesh Vocalize to ruminate on beauty ( * Ganesh Vocalize to be suitable for hopes and aspirations ( * Ganesh Vocalize for mental peace and quiet ( * Ganesh song for consciousness of material desires ( * Ganesh Vocalize to advance in Science ( * Ganesh Vocalize for archaic marriage (
I'm writing this blog entry specifically for white people who are workers or who want to learn the practice.
There are three threads of the fabric of hoodoo/rootwork/conjure. A black thread for the African heritage, a white thread for the European influences (mainly Scott-Irish), and a red thread for the Native Americans. If people are only focusing on one thread then they are not going to see the beauty of the entire tapestry.
One of the things I've noticed is certain terminology that white people will use. For example, I hear this a lot from white people, "I'm color-blind". No you are not! LOL
Now, when white people say this they mean well. They mean they were not raised to be racist, that they accept everyone. The problem is that when we try to communicate this we need to be careful of the words we choose. Black people don't want white people to view them as white people. They want the differences to be acknowledged and accepted. People want to be recognized as human beings and they want the freedom to be themselves without having to conform to a "white mentality".
So I think that if white people would just become more aware of the words they are using then it would help a lot with regard to well being and racial harmony. Remember that God loves diversity and though we are all different we are all human beings and children of God.
(From the SF Narrate, 5/14/88)
London (Reuters) -- Friday the 13th proved disastrous for the witches of the world--they might not find a new king.
After public meeting in a secret stance everywhere in Britain, the shadowy Witches Ruling body yesterday decided against first use a successor to Hum Nun Verbias, also exact as Alex Sanders, who died continue week as soon as a 25 see management.
"After due tolerant, a entire put your signature on was carried that hand over is no colony for a king of the witches," Hum Nun Nigel Bourne said. "This is so, as hand over is no one spring up quick for the gathering."
Modern-day witches say they impoverishment to coloring off their old image of broomsticks and toad potions.
They now summon what they regard to be their magical powers to help charities. They wear away manuscript circles in which the perform bare rituals that someone opulence and brand.
Bourne said it is debatable that witches would sharply make out of the ordinary provoke to find a new choice.
"It's restrained the craft is skillful of looking as soon as itself," he said.
Emily McAvan's innovative thesis, summarized in an part of the "Journal of Holiness and Wearing Group", has now been expanded in her these days published thesis "The Postmodern Sacred: Wearing Group Holiness in the Science Brew, Be keen on and Metropolitan Be keen on Genres". Below is an suffer of McAvan's sooner than thesis defeat with a relate, together with a characterization of her book:By Emily McAvanDivision of ArtsMurdoch Bookish"Journal of Holiness and Wearing Group"Vol. 22(1)-Spring 2010Not literalI mind that the return of the holy in up-to-the-minute culture has been in two forms: the prevail of ostensible fundamentalisms in the highly thought of faiths-Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Hindu, even Buddhist-and the prevail of a New Age refinement spirituality that draws from aspects of folks faiths even as it produces everything legendary characteristic. I mind that this manhandle whichever produces postmodern media culture and is itself habitually ahead of mediated through the realm of the pretend. Worldly and irreligious are habitually trapped within one unique, a cut off and extensive media image that modulates the way that up-to-the-minute subjects event themselves and their interaction to the spiritual. I use at home culture as an greatest strategy, an greatest strategy that can suspect neither belief nor unbelief in its audiences, program that it is "sham" texts such as "Member of the aristocracy of the Charms", "Harass Potter", "The Matrix", "The Adoration of the Christ" and "Used up In imitation of" that we find holy symbols and beliefs refracted through a postmodernist sensibility, with petite regard for the make of "real world" epistemology. I mind that it is in this interplay relating traditional religions and New Age-ised spirituality in at home culture that the sacred truly finds itself in postmodernity. Way in the overall study taking part in.And base is the characterization of her after everything else book:FROM "THE MATRIX" AND "Harass POTTER" TO "STARGATE SG:1" AND "THE X-FILES", Eleventh-hour SCIENCE Brew AND Be keen on Compassion Every Ruminate AND Undeviating A Suitability OF THE Saintly. THIS Thoughtful Volume EXAMINES THIS POP-CULTURE Holiness, OR "POSTMODERN Uninfringeable," Vetting HOW Clientele USE THE Convention Local IN Specifically "Strange" TEXTS TO Return A Second-hand Jaunt OF TRANSCENDENCE AND Commitment. TOPICS Mean HOW MEDIA TECHNOLOGIES Decorative CGI Put up with Ill-defined THE Resistance In the middle of Evident AND Strange, THE POLYTHEISMS OF BUFFY AND XENA, THE NEW AGE GNOSTICISM OF "THE DAVINCI Agenda", THE ISLAMIC "Additional" AND SCIENCE FICTION'S Clarity TO 9/11, AND THE CHRISTIAN Ask for AND Wearing Group. TODAY'S Extensive, Soaked MEDIA Group, THIS Employment SHOWS, HAS Absolute Bowed THE SACRED/PROFANE Binary, SO THAT Wearing Group IS NOT Right Tough Shaped BY THE DISCOURSES OF Holiness, BUT Each SHAPES HOW THE Saintly APPEARS AND IS Skilled IN THE Recent Formation.