There are three threads of the fabric of hoodoo/rootwork/conjure. A black thread for the African heritage, a white thread for the European influences (mainly Scott-Irish), and a red thread for the Native Americans. If people are only focusing on one thread then they are not going to see the beauty of the entire tapestry.
One of the things I've noticed is certain terminology that white people will use. For example, I hear this a lot from white people, "I'm color-blind". No you are not! LOL
Now, when white people say this they mean well. They mean they were not raised to be racist, that they accept everyone. The problem is that when we try to communicate this we need to be careful of the words we choose. Black people don't want white people to view them as white people. They want the differences to be acknowledged and accepted. People want to be recognized as human beings and they want the freedom to be themselves without having to conform to a "white mentality".
So I think that if white people would just become more aware of the words they are using then it would help a lot with regard to well being and racial harmony. Remember that God loves diversity and though we are all different we are all human beings and children of God.
Source: magical-poetry.blogspot.com