On a planet, both the outside surface and the inside surface, or any one of them, could be suitable for life. For our Earth, both the surfaces support life - in fact, the "inside world" (referred to as Pataal Loka in Hindu scriptures) is more suitable for life as is protected from outside natural calamities. LIFE ON EARTH: Presently, the twenty eighth chaturyugi of the seventh manvantar is in its last phase. The Earth was formed in the second manvantar, while the Moon was formed in the third. Continents came out of the oceans in the fourth manvantar. Vegetation was born in the fifth, animals in sixth and humans at the beginning of the current seventh. So, human life on Earth is roughly 120 million years old.
At first the humans were born by asexual means - in fully grown-up and knowledgeable state - in the Meru Parvat region in Himalayas (Tibet). They further carried on the chain of life through sexual means.
At the birth of every cosmos the complete knowledge of God is transmitted in wave-form and spreads out with the expanding universe. This knowledge was received by the foremost of the earliest humans - the four rishis (sages) - through meditation, and given to the humankind in the form of the four Vedas.
Population increased, Vedic knowledge spread, and human society flourished. Since the very beginning, humanity has taken two paths, the Devas and the Asurs, the believers in God and the worshipers of nature, the good and the evil. The society got divided along these two paths. The Deva or Aryan culture believes in scientific development supported by equal spiritual enlightenment for the ultimate betterment of humanity. On the other hand, the Asur culture believes in extreme materialism and considers the nature to be all powerful, leading to usage of science for destructive purposes.
The fight for supremacy between the two cultures, between good and bad, follows a sinusoidal path, and so do peace and wars, and the scientific and spiritual development of humanity. Today it's the asur culture that is on top, but the fight is still on.
Human Body: Birth to Rebirth: What we call human body actually is a combination of three bodies
The Physical body (Sthula sharira), one which we 'see' and 'feel' with our senses. The Astral body (Sukshma sharira), our higher dimension body, and connected with our physical body by means of an infinitely extensible 'silver cord' at the naval.
The Cause body (Karana sharira), much subtler than the astral body, plus the wave form record of all our Karma and desires (vasana), good or bad.
This "combination" human body is the carrier, the vehicle of our "Atma", the Spirit, the actual "me". During our sleep - unconsciously, and during meditation - consciously, our astral body can leave the physical body. For astral body being at a much higher vibration level, physical things are no barrier to it. When we "die", only our physical body is destroyed. We, the "spirit" along with the astral body and cause body are born again in another physical body, as directed by our Karmic record. In between the death and rebirth, the spirit, along with the astral body goes to a particular astral plane depending on its level of evolution. There it experiences a detailed review of its latest life before being born again in another life. And this cycle of birth ">
The Law of Karma: All human actions/deeds, performed voluntarily or involuntarily, are termed as Karma. Broadly, karma are divided in two categories.
Nishkama Karma - performed as a duty, without expecting any "karma-phala" (result/ benefit) out of it. Karma of highly evolved yogis fall into this category.
Sakama Karma - where the performer wishes a particular result out of the karma. Karma of most humans falls into this category only. It can be good, bad or mixed type of sakama karma.
Hindu scriptures consider nishkama karma to be the highest form of karma that leads the soul towards salvation.
Categorizing as per mode, human beings perform three types of karma
"manasa" - by thought "vacha" - by speech "karmana" - by actions
All three have different karma-phala, and based on it a spirit's next incarnation is decided. Three attributes of the next life are decided by karma-phala
"yoni" - Species (human/ animal/ plant) "aayu" - Age "bhoga" - Comforts
Only human form is the one where a spirit is free to do karma. In rest all life forms - all animal and vegetation species - spirit is not free to do karma, only to endure the results of previous karma.
Knowledge is Eternal: The knowledge of God is eternal, and is present everywhere around us in energy form. So are the past and prospective futures. These can be "tapped in" by sufficiently spiritually advanced individuals. Without the spiritual development, knowledge and science always decay.
At the end of every chaturyugi, there is always a pralaya - mass destruction in the form of natural or man-made cataclysms - in which most of the knowledge in physical form is destroyed. But humanity survives in the form of a few human beings to carry forward the human race into next chaturyugi, like "Manu" (Noah) did at the end of last chaturyugi 3,893,100 years ago. Scientific remains of ancient, advanced civilizations of present chaturyugi may still be present and could be discovered by evolved and dedicated groups of people.ERQ3FCHKA2WB
Origin: master-of-pentagram.blogspot.com