Hoodoo is the "folk magic" of the identified people in West Africa that has been passed from one time to the gone. Utmost of what could be said as "genuine" Voodoo in books, Hollywood movies and participating in culture, is actually the magicobotanical practice of Hoodoo. As I said yesterday, Thursday's confrontation of Frightening dealt with Hoodoo as well as the movie The Mortar Key. In the U.S. Hoodoo is not a religion. It is spiritual and magical in moral fiber, but it does not power an suite theology, clergy, laity, or order of liturgical services. Hoodoo shows pedestrian acquaintances to the practices and beliefs of all African folk magic-religious culture. The Hoodoo skilled in the U.S. by the intent Africans was brought from West and Fundamental Africa.
Voodoo is an suite religion with its ancient roots in Egypt, East Africa, ancient Ionia and Afro-Rome. Now, its rise and fall roots are in the West African protectorate now certain as Benin, Togo, Burkina Faso. It is skilled all during West Africa; specifically, concerning members of the Fon, Ewe and other West African groups. In Haiti and the Caribbean it is skilled in a form that has been fondly personalized by come near to with the Catholic church.
From so called "love potions," to plunder quarrel upon an opposing, Hoodoo is overall what has survived the virtuous irritation of the Africans intent in the New Foundation. In addition, due to the laws passed preventing the African from practicing any African based tradition, "Hoodoo" was reflex to come up with the vastly ascend transformation as did the Voodoo religion in which they hid their gods unhappy Catholic Saints. Hoodoo blended with tolerable Expected American & European myths and practice, but the actual methods and power unhappy it remained so African.
New Orleans Voodoo is a conglomeration of cultural and spiritual belief systems exceedingly influenced by the ancient Voodoo religion of Africa, the Vodou (French spelling) religion of Haiti, the healing arts of Expected American people, the folk magic of Europe, and Catholicism. Voodoo is culture, heritage, philosophy, art, shift, gossip, brew, music, truth, power, storytelling & ritual.
Both are nevertheless skilled in Louisiana. Bestow is no controversy surrounded by those who practice Voodoo and those who practice Hoodoo in Louisiana and they are genuine different. Pungent up the confusion?
Sources: Wikipedia, Squidoo and
Mami Wata & West African Vodoun (Voodoo) in the Diaspora
Breed Note: Blizzard and sleet are predicted for today. We were lucky that our power didn't go out in the field of the rounds manage weekend. If by chance I fleece for a twosome of days, you know why. Don't fail to see to chunk out my renter's blog. He absolutely has a day or so consumed in his occur concerning.