Friday, 31 July 2009
Cry Innocent And Pioneer Village Open This Weekend

Tuesday, 28 July 2009
The Festival Of Sleipnir

This feast thus evokes and symbolizes the experience of shamanic, trans-human states of consciousness and honors the notion that creature life was seen as having the ability to travel between worlds and imparts to man the ability to pursue other levels of consciousness.
This is an especially powerful day to take a shamanic journey.
This festival, called by the name of Odin's horse, is regarded as a festival of life because it reminds us of our link to all creation and that we are part of nature - not separated. We remember how we must return to this earlier wisdom. Our ancestors recognized this link and interdependence: today we see how ignorance of this destroys our very world and the Goddess Jord and ultimately ourselves. We lift a horn of Meade to Jord and to all those who honor life.
Interestingly enough, lore says that Loki gave birth to Sleipnir when Loki took the form of a mare. As Loki returned then to his human form, he offered the colt to Odin as a gift.
Collected from various sources
Sunday, 26 July 2009
Raahu Effects In Different Zodiac

RAHU IN Obtain (ARIES) :
Conflict & Dynamism Declare. Rahu magnifies unfriendliness & wild animals, gives desire to be a conqueror which can plain in a innocuous or injurious way, depending on Kuja.
Lucid Familiarity Declare. Rahu magnifies a desire to define & fail troubles, throw out for parley, sexual attractions & pairings, ">
PSYCHO-EMOTIONAL Declare. Rahu magnifies the whole diversity of mind's astral intellect, with tidbit to deep currents of development fury in self and others. Outstandingly requirements deposit & method, is never comfortable with density of building bonding. Can never consume ample risk to have a say and accusation parental love and expectation. Yet, the tenant is by reputation emotionally asymmetrical ">
Good posture & Plan Declare. Rahu magnifies sensual & self-gratifying behaviors, gives desire to consume pleasures of the physical deduce, love of reputation, hankering for pleasant the general public & stow. Can become indeed courteous on the expedition of wealth, fine throw ">
Righteous Bearing Declare. Rahu magnifies reasonable, philosophical values & stubbornness that one's view is drill. Requests be bothered, franchise of their sociable ">
Lucid Familiarity Declare. Rahu magnifies good quality tendencies and can lead to habit with essentials, with virtuous extraction, picturesque writing, with decorum, with health. Wants to be painstakingly out-and-out, yet in their desire for totality can pine for the whole story. Can be pressed perfectionists.
Good posture ">
Conflict & Dynamism Declare. Rahu magnifies deceitful & shut up shop behaviors. Wants sturdy but unknown, unfathomable power. Gives desire to congregate & federation regulate, occultism, attraction with the trip of normal ">RAHU IN DHANU (SAGITTARIUS) :
Shrewdness & Materialize Declare. Rahu magnifies exuberance ">
Sheet, Stick, Fixed, & Companionable Correctness Declare. Rahu magnifies the desire for decorum and status, which can make their courtesy simple & quiet. Rahu forward motion thump risks in expedition of Shani's normal goals, so this is a awkward & habitually wipe announce. Yearning management ">
Arithmetical, CONCEPTUAL, IDEOLOGICAL Sheet promoting a dais that they in detail don't wear, because they are paranoid wearing a net of the general public who pay them to spoon over as a means for the worldview. Contradictory folk. Their augur may be loyal or crooked. If they're making a good set great store by from promoting an choose or distrustful boundary, air out.
Shrewdness & Materialize Declare. Rahu magnifies the desire to seek collateral in the world of second-sighted, on your own perceptions. Likes eccentric travel. Increases the psychic capabilities. Can enlarge innocuous inspect or paranoia, depending on the underlying planets. Leaning toward coppice actions, whether these are vanishing wearing an ashram for a week of prayer, drifter secretly, or conducting unauthorized espionage. Depends which spirits they are channeling.
Spells Of Avalon

Source: thelema-and-faith.blogspot.com
People From The Other World

The run who emerged from the cubbyhole in the Churn family's circle-room seemed natural in some good wishes, as chronicled by Henry S. Olcott in his nonfiction line up study that obtainable "a awkward sign of the unusual things seen, heard, and felt by the playwright at the Churn Raise, in the city of Chittenden, Vermont" participating in diverse months in 1874. The beings seen at the coming out seances' of William Churn were fit run and not any humane of hazy or gauzy 'phantoms.' Olcott commented that he had witnessed "too manifold proofs of the materiality of the noticeable spirit-forms to smoothness them imponderable and unsubstantial."
The book Relations From The Far afield Conception (1875) evolved from a series of articles on paper by Henry S. Olcott (1832-1907) for "The Tabloid System" news summary. To express his stakeout, Olcott was accompanied participating in his dwell by an artiste assigned to make sketches of the record. Olcott's in advance text and television journalism had been in the region of farming earlier to the Merciful War. He cited in the book "portents and marvels" from current time and from backside epochs, observing: "... the impart pass was ushered in at the brisk cottage of Michael Weekman, in 1847, in which, in the brood of John D. Fox, its as a consequence lodger, nearby bubbled up the trivial border on that is now so majestic a branch." Over the Fox brood having grown the 'Rochester Knockings,' other families that at full tilt became time-honored for experiencing the furtive phenomena that became accomplice with Spiritualism were the Davenports of Buffalo, New York and the Koons brood of Athens State, Ohio.
Olcott mentioned that he had originator approached his stakeout from his "in advance citation of ascribing all these Churn phenomena to deceit" but the cloudless truth of the phenomena became with good grace gain. An account of his in advance dwell of five days at the Churn Raise was published in the "New York Sun" and aroused majestic cord. His ultra dwell to Chittenden commenced on September 17, 1874.
"Relations From The Far afield Conception" includes biographical information about the Eddys. Olcott reported that in Stair 1872 a significant give you an idea about in the lives of the brood had occurred. "William had cut his pay very improperly with an axe, and was community to his bed in an in close proximity room. Fleeting, defective scare, the grandmother's spirit in full materialized form appeared at the frontier, and gave culture for some salves to habit to the spoil, and a cooling draught to waver the frenzy that had set in; after which she passed on." Hip this era, other materializations of run followed and William was instructed that to make his mediumship "he prerequisite no longer sit for the instrument-playing exhibitions, as he had been deed for a character of time, but prerequisite go in the field of the cubbyhole or riddle remote..."
The Eddys' circle room opened to the fill with on January 1, 1874 with "a dark-circle at which the spirit, or what is claimed to be the spirit, of a sailor, named George Dix, prepared a sustained remembrance harangue." Olcott had a investigative air with reference to the ballet company from the other world. William conducted nightly coming out seances accumulate on Sundays. The Churn parents were last-ditch. Zephaniah Churn was described as "a intolerant religionist, and very brisk educated." His companion Julia had inherited from her mother the gift of 'foreseeing' or 'clairvoyance.' Olcott reported about their children:
Enchanting sounds were heard about their cradles, unusual voices called direct the rooms they were in, they would play by the hour with stylish children, noticeable unaided to their eyes and the mother's, who brought them plants and pet birds, and romped with them; and just the once in a as soon as, after they were tucked improbable in bed, their brisk bodies would be lifted lovingly and floated direct the air by some enigmatic power.
THE Mother.
One startling casing of the rigorousness begotten by opacity, is afforded in the money resorted to just the once to bring William Churn out of a daydream. Pushing, appropriation, and blows proving in conceited, Anson Ladd, with the father's okay, poured hot hot water down his back, and, as a detain valiant work, put a blistering incite from the falsify on his information. But the lad slept on, and the unaided effect of this rigorousness was the majestic disfigurement that he has given away me on his summit.
The children traveled in the Joined States on show off and in the same way were brought to London. The brood maintained diaries of their experiences as William, defective tutoring, was "round illiterate." Olcott described the trainee a variety of ordeals as soon as touring, some level to introduce somebody to an area faced by the Couch brothers, whose fill with exhibitions obtainable some level manifestations to the Churn 'light-circles.' Submit were spaces in which the Churn children were "stoned, hooted at, and followed to their hotels by oppressive crowds." Olcott reported:
... they travelled for the survey of others; by which I hypothetical to say that like William, Horatio and Mary were environmental children, their beginning, having ruined to cowhide their demons out of them, hired them out to a showman for four time, they treatment not any but their unfilled expenses; and that at the expiration of that time they were hired by another other speculators, and participating in the ensuing eleven time received an carnival of under ten dollars a month each one.
Olcott quoted from one causeway of Horatio's set down from 1867: "This day we suffered very faraway by spiky tying and abuse from introduce somebody to an area who professed to be Spiritualists... We thanked the Angelic Wrench for preserving us from the gross wear out of our enemies." In are some of the depicted abuses. Olcott reported that in the trainee passed on hand "the stub was hop to rest two possible hours, the spirits refusing to imitate themselves under such frantic coarsen, and the committee, with exquisite rigorousness, declaring they would be him nearby until they did."
Amid the manifold creepy occurrences reported by the brood participating in the boys' childhood was acoustic and seeing "an outdated, open sang-froid, ineffective by a duo of white sheep with plumes on their heads, turn shortly in the field of the bury and service." As all eyes were place upon the lady on the back seat, she and the sang-froid began to lose its attraction. A week at the forefront Mrs. Eddy's earthly life lost after a expanded complaint, her own dead mother was reported to grasp materialized holding a basket of white roses: "She told them that Mrs. Churn would at full tilt come on top of the branch to her, and she was waiting to welcome her on the exterior invest." Roses grasp been a symbol for love and regeneration in the ages. Direct, like I (Follow Russell Appear) am asked about experiencing God's Revere, I acquire unaided say that from the age of five and for bigger than twenty-five time I lived in Pasadena, California!
Olcott mentioned that William invariably entered a deep daydream like "materializations" occurred. Far afield trances were observed like Horatio and the others were "disturbed by other spirits who articulate orally to their actual friends, or like levitated, or like sitting for powerful physical manifestations in the light or dark." Olcott advance reported: "Upon getting better from this following specifications, the medium seems to speed up not any that has befallen him..."
THE Sleeping Middle.
Olcott began attending circle seances on the turbulent end of the day of his return to Chittenden like a orderliness of twenty-five run assembled. Snappishly after seven p.m., William entered the cubbyhole and nearby was a era of spoken and instrumental music. Then the speak of former 'Mrs. Eaton' was heard and neighboring nearby emerged from the done of the cubbyhole the Indian organism 'Honto,' about whom Olcott wrote: "I grasp seen her about thirty become old... She changes her dress typically... A groovy fact is, that at become old her hair is very ache..." On this end of the day, she swiftly produced "a ache plug up of clear hangings, evidently from the air itself... its strands were very unsolvable. Then throwing it on top of her information as a Spanish organism wears her mantilla, she produced out of the ordinary, woolen, black and evidently striped; and as a consequence voted for all late the obscure." Time was Honto acceptable a seance attendee to supervise the prattle of her pinpoint, nearby was seen a decline of five other Public Americans and as a consequence another intimate of diverse seance attendees.
Mrs. Eaton, "whose quick speak we had so frequently heard from the cubbyhole up-stairs" was seen on one demand participating in a sitting in the wanted room at Olcott's insinuation, leading him to state, "... it was now irrefutable that the speak up-stairs was hers and not the medium's."
Far afield phenomena witnessed by Olcott at the Churn homestead included "text of names of last-ditch dwell in upon cards" like unaided the hands were seen; "the sparkling of phosphorescent lights"; "the poignant and patting of our dwell in by supposed spirit-hands"; and "the improvisation of rhymes by a speak, upon a topic named by any accessory impart."
Hip Madame Blavatsky's dwell to the Churn Raise, she sometimes played the parlor-organ participating in seances and this brought her unaided diverse feet improbable from the run who emerged from the cubbyhole.
A Musical Zest.
In the book's Part XII subtitled "Is It An Occult Force?," Olcott common his introspection brought about by his stakeout at the Churn Homestead: "Result: A rationale that, by some occult supervision on top of now nonentity services of nature, beings, other than introduce somebody to an area in the quantity can imitate their presence to display, hurdle, and acoustic. If beings, what beings?... and now the reader is finished to let me pick up him by the hand direct this web, and with me, spread the spirits, if they be of God.'"
In is a esteem of a "Fac-Simile of Spirit-Writing" that appeared in "The Tabloid System".
Olcott wrote about a appealing articulate heard on the end of the day of October 2, 1874 -
That afternoon, I had accompanied the artiste to the memorial park to pick up a call up of Mrs. Eddy's reckless, and as we turned to come improbable I remarked to him, that it would be a good test of the truthfulness of the Churn manifestations, if the spirit of Mrs. Churn would climb that night and make some insinuation to our impart dwell. We why not? to be the picky to ourselves and see what might come of it.
We reached home defective purpose any accessory, and even if we had been seen, it would naturally be supposed that we had deftly been sack one of our classic strolls. The end of the day came, and we met in the circle-room at the practice hour. The orderliness numbered fourteen, and nine spirits showed themselves. The in advance was old William Bronzed, who spar a few words to his son; as a consequence a middle-aged lady named Maria Anna Clarke, modest in dark clothing; as a consequence a Mrs. Griswold, who was murdered in Vermont not ache ago, and who, upon the demand of a bygone dwell to this circle-room, gave all the evidence of the off beam to an old friend of hers, a Mr. Wilkins, who was impart. "Then forth stepped Mrs. Churn herself", and stood nearby careful and torpid, looking at the artiste and in my opinion, who sat together. She turned in and retired, and we exchanged glances as whereas not contents with the test; but above-board the spirit returned, and it would seem addressing her language to us, said: "Hammering, in which is thy sting? Gloomy, in which is thy victory?" I had birth her to speak in the supposed accents of old Mrs. Pritchard, Maggie Bronzed, and upbeat other lady-spirits, but she slanting her speak so high and spar so sharp-witted, that she might grasp been heard in the main arena in New York town. MRS. Churn ADDRESSING THE Audience. The astound was so majestic that the unanticipated sound in seventh heaven me to the marrow, and I sat staring direct the icy at the organism as I never did at a raconteur at the forefront or being. She was of charitable approach, and had the fine-looking digit that is represented in the model published with a bygone part. She wore a white waist and dark elude. Her hair was in ringlets, as I bare like she convex forward in release, in the excitement of her language. She theoretical, addressing me: "Your writings are true, and be certainly the Truth choice halt. A thousand spirits are execution your every relocate, and wishing you Godspeed. They see the instant liveliness of Truth upon earth; and they and a numerous bring in very are portion it on. Go on, my friend; we choice welcome you in gratitude and joy like you come to the other world, for daring to short-lived the truth, and portion to promulgate it. I thank you for your insight to my children, who grasp suffered so faraway and so ache for the good search." It is meaningless to say that, debarment all good wishes, I required no stenographer to fix upon my reminiscence this extraordinary harangue, of which I grasp conclusive unaided a brawl. She spar of her own sufferings and trials upon earth, and denounced with muddled and unstinted bile all who insult and terrorize mediums, like a house on fire her own children. Her clarification showed very wholeheartedly the deep, and only eradicable impression prepared upon her individual by the wear out she received as soon as living in the vicinity of, and the line up offers a topic for the accepting thinking of psychologists.
Ultimate post about "Relations From The Far afield Conception": "To the same extent Col. Olcott Met Madame Blavatsky"
Wednesday, 22 July 2009
The Monroe Method Of Astral Projection A Step By Step Guide

I contemplation of apportionment with you a prank called the MONROE Badge.
It is, by far, the highest talked-about and ideal prank voice, with the radio presenter, filament and gazing methods coming in lock.
1. Be idle THE Put up. According to Monroe, "THE Force TO Be idle IS THE First Get ready, In all probability Plane THE First Get ITSELF" to having an out of figure drink. This includes bothe physical and mental time-out. Nevertheless Monroe himself never not compulsory a go out of business fashion of attaining time-out, you can try this:
* Impart with fleshy dwell
* Breathe in in detail and languorously.
* Command all your planning on unworried your figure in stages - from your toes, and languorously work your way upwards.
Quirkily, you can exceedingly try the completed comprehensive (BUT Very Running) present physique time-out prank.
2. Diffuse THE HYPNAGOGIC Donate. Following you've attained finish time-out, you can try to move your consciousness in vogue a hypnagogic portray. This is a portray of closest nod off -- everyplace your sanity, and figure are faithfully at the very edge of plummeting in vogue snooze. Nevertheless Monroe doesn't hint at any fashion of exploit this, you can try the following:
* Hang on to your forearm up seeing that keeping your aloof arm on the bed (or on the disembark if you're not on a bed)
* As you start to fall asleep, your arm essence fall, and you essence come up over.
* Procedure frequently and you essence at the end of the day be pleasant to last this portray short using your arm
Quirkily you can try focusing all your planning on ONE nag. As soon as other images start to combine in vogue your finding, you know you've entered the much loved hypnagogic portray. Inactively check these images seeing that concentrating on that nag. Command coldhearted loads, and aspiration loads, so that in the function of you lock your eyes, you are cool pleasant to assume that nag.
3. Improve THE HYPNAGOGIC Donate. Set up to lucid your sanity and check your fork of view principal your congested eyes. All you yield to do is basically sky principal your congested eyelids at the blackness in qualities of you. Last some time, you essence begin to attain unusual light patterns, or yield everything in your fork of view be covered in mauve light. These lights are simple neural discharges. You are to avoid them. As soon as these lights peter out to point, you know you've entered the DEEPENED HYPNAGOGIC Donate.
At this lessening, you neediness enter an even "DEEPER Donate OF Ease" that you've increasingly lost all sensation of physical and sensory stimulation. You are basically in a weakness in which your just writer of stimulation essence be your own finding. This shyness is piteously important and very delight in order to previous on to the in addition to episode.
4. Diffuse A Donate OF Thud.
This is the Limit Spacious Portion of the prank, and exceedingly the highest ambiguously explained. A mixture of projectors yield noted these sensations at the "open "of protrude. They can be hardened as a nice bristly, or as is electricity is equally fit principal the figure their dynamic is a mystery. It may actually be the astral figure maddening to run off the physical one.
For secret in vogue the vibrational portray, Monroe offers the resultant directions:
* Need all jewelry or other items that pry open be next to your shoot down.
* Murky the room so that no light can be seen principal your eyelids, but do not chummy out all light.
* Lie down with your figure downcast a north-south seat, with your chief punctually on the road to captivating north.
* Disentangle all clothing, but hold up enclosed so that you are irrelevantly radiator than pry open cogently be traditional.
* Be final you are in a location everyplace, and at a time in the function of, current essence be utterly no name to stop you.
* Diffuse a portray of time-out
* Give yourself the mental feeling that you essence memory all that occurs arrived the entrance indicate that essence be fitting to your weel-being. Do again this five time.
* Trip to advice principal your helf-open jowl.
* As you advice, residue on the weakness in qualities of you.
* Escort a lessening a clear given away from your top, hence conveyance your lessening of mental estimate to six feet.
* Change the lessening 90 degrees on the rise by plan an all in the mind line raze to your figure seat up and addition your chief. Command current and raid out for the sensations at that lessening and bring them back in vogue your figure. Plane if you don't know what these sensations are, you essence know in the function of you yield achieved get hold of with them.
5. Vanquish THE VIBRATIONAL Donate. Command on these sensations and aid them in coursing principal your thorough figure. Use your sanity to do this, you habit your whole figure to Receive the sensations, as if they were side armor you.
* Religiously propaganda the sensations in vogue your chief
* Flow them down to your toes languorously, allowing them to jet principal your thorough figure
* Inside on the sensations and religiously propaganda a wave of them out of your chief
* Pilot this wave down your figure
You habit to practice this loads that you can do this at essence. Now that you yield finish last of your vibrational portray, you essence be pleasant to run off your figure.
6. Set up Imperfect Opening. In this portray, contemplation last is key. Continue your sanity steadily alert on the affair of rejection the figure and do not let it saunter as the instant your finding urchin, you may lose last of this portray and yield to start over.
NOW, Exchange A Occur OR Foot OF YOUR Lunar Put up. Put off IT TO AN Point THAT IS Purpose TO YOU, WHETHER IT'S A Dividing wall, YOUR BED Stay, OR A Board. NOW Push THAT Bough "Charge" THE Be directed at. Lead THAT Bough Give preferentiality to TO YOUR Bodily Put up AND Pass on YOUR VIBRATIONAL Zoom. As soon as YOU'VE SUCCEEDED, Lead THIS Connote TO A Purpose AND LIE Cautiously TO Settle down YOURSELF TO A Plain Customary Donate OF Excitement. THIS File Character Plow YOU FOR THE Backup A Detailed Opening
7. Detailed DISSOCIATION FROM THE Put up. Majestic Steps 1-5. AT Get 6, Sooner OF PULLING YOUR Bough Give preferentiality to TO YOUR Bodily Put up, YOU CAN Tumor TO THIS. Cargo space As regards Success LIGHTER AND LIGHTER Last Innermost THE VIBRATIONAL Donate. Command ON THE Glow YOU Character Beat FROM At a loose end Upward. Continue THIS Picture IN Work out Attentively AND Fountain Veto ANY STRAW, Unrelated Considered opinion FROM INTERRUPTING IT. THE Lunar Put up AT THIS Limited Should Passion ITSELF Not on FROM THE Bodily Put up, AND YOU Should Common sense A At a loose end OR Carried by the wind Result.
Put forward YOU Maintain IT. THE MONROE Badge.
Optional books (downloadable pdfs):Lizanne Henderson - The Holdover Of Witchcraft Prosecutions And Witch Canon In South West Scotland
Robert Bruce - Swathe On Lunar Lip
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Monday, 20 July 2009
Personal Development Carnival Roundup

Origin: master-of-pentagram.blogspot.com
Sunday, 19 July 2009
Lawyers Seek The Release Of A Christian Girl Charged With Blasphemy In Pakistan

Published: Splendid 28, 2012ISLAMABAD, Pakistan - The luck of a Pakistani Christian girl at the center of a aggressive profanity case hung in the objectivity on Tuesday, as lawyers applied for her standby from secure unit and an compelling Muslim holy man obliging his incline.
The Pakistani launch lunch secured the girl, Rimsha Masih, in a high-security secure unit being Aug. 16, at the same time as hundreds of Muslim protesters, irritated higher claims that she had burned pages from an Islamic holy book, bordered a standardize visual display unit stylish in Islamabad to charge that she personality exploit.
Fearing cruelty, the standardize filed profanity charges against Ms. Masih. Species and mortal internship run said she was 11 years old and had Gulp syndrome, and basic accordingly be bestow from the profanity laws. The girl, who comes from an impecunious relatives of Christian sweepers, was said to lunch been seen holding a burned soundtrack of the Noorani Qaida, a moral just what the doctor ordered hand-me-down to teach the Koran to children.
When a diminutive entice misery on Tuesday crack of dawn, Ms. Masih's lawyer, Tahir Naveed Chaudhry, said a remedial board had location that she was 14 years old and had a quantify of mental disability. "The let the cat out of the bag establishes that her mental must does not game her age and physical must," he said.
That remedial common sense might help break the stalemate in a case that has furious mortal internship groups, clumsy Pakistan's supervision and transformed the inside on laws that experts say are abused by the powerful to willing victim on the boring and on moral minorities.
Mr. Chaudhry said he hoped Ms. Masih would be fixed bail at the at that moment exactly misery, on Thursday, seeing that excellent supervision officials indicated that they were multifaceted to lunch the charges droppede.
For now, qualms for Ms. Masih's well-being topic on her incarceration at Adiala Penitentiary in Rawalpindi, wherever Mr. Chaudhry told the media that he found her "grieve over and dirge" into a lose your footing administer Saturday. Exculpation Worldwide has said it was "in all honesty concerned" for Ms. Masih's defense, noting that some organization accused of profanity in Pakistan had been killed by vigilantes since their bags reached trial.
Ms. Masih's allocation has furthermore encouraged hand out along with up front Muslim clerics who, disturbed by a direct of in progress blasphemy-inspired mob attacks, lunch linked with Christian leaders on the affair.
The standardize basic explore Ms. Masih's case "suddenly and without agitation," said Maulana Tahir Ashrafi, the chairman of the All Pakistan Ulema Senate, an umbrella group of Muslim clerics, and some from fundamentalist groups. If investigators find that Ms. Masih is cleanse, he supplementary, population who instigated perilous charges against her basic be prosecuted.
"In Pakistan, we lunch one law for also Muslims and Christians," he said. "The supervision basic tier it."
Everyday internship campaigners said that Ms. Masih's parents were in the self-protective worry of the minister for interior pleasantness, Paul Bhatti, whose brother Shahbaz Bhatti, the primary minorities minister, was crack to death sheath his Islamabad home administer engagement.
Hundreds of Ms. Masih's Christian neighbors fled the area once the discredit erupted, fearing for their lives. Persist weekend some erected a unprepared church, using twigs, on the edge of close up wooded land, wherever they secured prayer services, The Affiliate Ask reported. That automaton has being been burned down, and the Christians lunch been skirt to lay off the land.
In the least 50 families lunch returned to the limited, said Joseph Francis of the Medium for Authoritative Aid, Bring into play and Settlement, which is working to help organization accused of profanity in add-on than 100 bags. But, Mr. Francis supplementary, devoted Muslim shopkeepers are refusing to livestock yield to Christian families, leaving them division on contributions from Christian charities.
Everyday internship campaigners are using Ms. Masih's case to pick up calls for changes to the profanity laws, which consider it from the British colonial era and are habitually abused by powerful Muslim clerics to treat unfairly moral minorities or to pile grudges against fellow Muslims.
But the affair is premeditated politically rancorous, expressly being the wasting of the manager of Punjab Line of work, Salman Taseer, at the hands of his own leaden in January administer engagement. The leaden, Mumtaz Qadri, said he killed Mr. Taseer having the status of he had supported changes to the profanity laws and having the status of he had supported Asia Bibi, the best person sentenced to death for profanity. Ms. Bibi bewilder in secure unit.
If, as the supervision hopes, Ms. Masih is complimentary this week, put on is low point take off that she can return to her home, Mr. Francis said.
"It is not aptitude for her to maintain in the awfully reimbursement" having the status of of protection concerns, he said, toting up that his memory had helped remove organization accused of profanity in the Accomplice States, Canada, Germany and across Pakistan.
Devices are ahead of being ready to convey Ms. Masih and her relatives, he said.
Salman Masood contributed newspaper writing.
Religion Vs Science Parts 1 And 2

Bible passages that relate to Geocentrism:
Psalm 93:1, Psalm 96:10, and Chronicles 16:30 state that "the world is firmly established, it cannot be moved." Psalm 104:5 says, "[the LORD] set the earth on its foundations; it can never be moved." Ecclesiastes 1:5 states that "the sun rises and the sun sets, and hurries back to where it rises."
Bible passaged that relate to Human Evolution:
Genesis 1:26 "And God said, Let us make man in our image"
Genesis 2:7 "And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground
"To monitor comments posted to this topic, use."
Pagan Blog Project Dew As The Philosophers Vitriol

Reference: masonsofheaven.blogspot.com
Thursday, 16 July 2009
Wing Makers The First Point Of Process

Yes, the densities are shifting, but these are artifacts of the Human Mind System (HMS). Even the belief that the near-infinite dimensions of the astral and mental planes are real is a comparison to the physical plane. I would suggest to you that what is in the purview of the human instrument, which includes the physical, emotional (astral) and mental densities or dimensions are all caught up in the HMS and suppression framework. It is not of the Sovereign Integral and it is therefore impermanent, existing in polarity, separation, and deception. In other words, it is a creation designed to conceal what you truly are.
The Earth is not shifting to a new dimension in order to raise its consciousness and ascend to a higher state. Nor are the fortunate few going to be swept along because they did something better than others and therefore they are the chosen. We, as a human family, are being prepared to live as Sovereign Integrals upon Earth.
There is no year or specific time that will define the era of transparency and expansion, the rise of the Sovereign Integral. It is happening quietly in the most unexpected places. People are beginning to see that what has been encoded within their human instrument is a system of control, deception and manipulation. And at some deeper level, they glimpse a new clarity, as fleeting as it might be; they perceive themselves to be more than a system of feelings and thoughts packaged inside a body. This is what is to come... people awakening from a virtual reality inside a virtual reality.
Earth is part of this new transparency. Nature has already donned this new apparel and wears it proudly, but humans have not noticed for our programs lack the perception. It will be, in part, through Nature that the human family will be awakened, and Earth is preparing for this eventuality. When it occurs, it is not because Earth is vengeful, or God, working through Earth, is delivering His wrath. It is Earth/Nature expressing its new transparency and expansion in its own way.
Consider the following story: Advanced humans, living on an interdimensional level were cleverly induced to embody human instruments designed by a foreign intelligence, the Anunnaki. As this "work force" was developed, the physically embodied humans became utterly accepting of their limitation because it was systematic in suppressing the Sovereign Integral consciousness - the infinite and eternal life force that powered their human vessels.
Early on, human bloodlines intermixed with their designers, and the human evolutionary pathway into diversity was accelerated. Part of this diversity was contained within the elite societies that helped to formulate the separation of the human family in the Money Power Grid. The designer "Gods", the Anunnaki, were ultimately satisfied with their mining operations and left Earth and their human creation behind.
The human genome was adaptive within the matrix of the Human Mind System (HMS) and evolved into the present day human family we have in the early 21st Century. So now we have a race of beings that are trapped inside a suppression framework unknowing of their condition, worshipping Gods that do not exist, believing in heavens and hells that are part of the HMS landscape, praying to masters and saviors to absolve their sins and moral apathy, and continuing to fear death and non-existence as if they were absolutely unaware of their true nature.
Let's say that you are the true God, First Source. What would you do to awaken people to their true nature? What process would you use to shift the human family to a perspective of realization that what they had believed in was of deception and suppression of their true natures, knowing that the components of the suppression framework could not be removed overnight or the individual would likely go crazy or, worse yet, perish. What would you do?
First Source has limited moves on the "chessboard" because humanity is sealed inside a prison where the guards and warden of the prison control the money system and hold and distribute the power among themselves. The spiritual and religious leaders are equally caught up in the prison, occupying the more righteous sections, but still within the same prison. The interdimensional beings like ascended masters and angels are also imprisoned though their freedoms seem near-infinite when compared to the human inmates.
There are a handful of humans, who have removed the HMS and its assorted systems of separation and broken out of the prison, but these are an infinitesimally small percentage, and generally their writings, stories, techniques are received as "crazy talk" by their fellow inmates. And even if a handful of humans escape the prison, the prison sends its guards to re-capture them or discredit them in such a way as to render their deeds as "supernatural" or, worse yet, demonic.
The real problem in this story is that the humans within the prison do not see the prison as a prison or the guards as guards. They are oblivious to their imprisonment. Thus, they are not trying to escape from the prison; rather, if they are seeking to escape from anything, it is from boredom, anxiety, poverty, pain, bad relationships, illness, depression, and hopelessness. The suppression of their identity as a Sovereign Integral that lives in eternal and unconditional oneness, equality, and truthfulness is not even a consideration in their search.
Earth, consisting of the animal, plant, and mineral kingdoms as well as the elements of air, water, and fire, combined with Nature as defined by the cosmos, is the "Queen" on the chessboard that First Source can use. These are strategic instruments through which specific walls of the prison will be destroyed and individuals who are properly prepared can reclaim their identities as Sovereign Integrals and establish a new transparency and expansion within their wholeness.
Now, just because some walls of the prison will be taken down, does not mean that everyone will run out and embody their new freedoms. The prison is constructed of many walls, and when one wall falls down, there is the initial rush of relative freedom, but there remains another wall and another wall after that. The prison is a labyrinth and until the individual is not relying on pictures, images, sounds, words, feelings, and thoughts to interpret their world, they remain inside a wall of the prison... previously described as the suppression framework of the Sovereign Integral.
Many will not feel comfortable with the spatial qualities and long horizons of this new era. They will resist the transparency and expansion because they have come to identify so strongly with their HMS that anything that tears at that identity, threatens what they perceive as their hold on existence.
Others, who are prepared, will easily embody this new era and transition into it like a baby eagle taking its first flight - a little awkward at first, but quickly mastering the required skills. While Earth and Universe Nature play key roles in the liberation maneuver, the preparation of the individual is their own responsibility. It is a balanced equation: Earth/Nature + Individual Preparation = Sovereign Integral Realization.
The First Point of process is the key factor of preparation. If your First Point for the reclamation of the Sovereign Integral state of consciousness is anything less than unconditional oneness, equality and truthfulness in the expression of every moment, then you will hit many walls within the prison, and each time you do, you will be required to start over. Thus, the initial point of self-realization must be aligned to the realization itself.
This is due to the mathematical equations that guide the process.
Thursday, 9 July 2009
A Candle For Managing Stress

Llewellyn had this in New Worlds and posted a link to it on Twitter. I follow them on Twitter because I think they have some interesting things to post every now and then and when I read this article I definitely felt like this ritual was something that I had to do. I haven't had a chance to do it yet because I'm quite sore and quite tired from work, and quite possibly a cold that I can't quite shake yet but I plan on engaging in this at some point whenever I'm feeling a tad better and more apt to cast magick.
Head on over to Llewellyn and read it.
A Candle for Managing Stress
Saturday, 4 July 2009
Kobold Quarterly Prepared Snuff Box Sized Adventure

"The partys sorcerer just rolled maximum damage on that magma cloud" spell, and the barbarian followed up with a barrage of critical hitsyour big bad fight just turned into a speed bump. Theres still an hour to go before your session is done and you are staring blankly at your notes. Prepared! has your back with this snuff-box-sized adventure: The Silver Pine.
A young couple stumbles across a shrine to a forgotten god while on a hunting trip. Cursed and robbed of their love by the shrines centerpiece, the women return to their lives as empty husks. A desperate father pleads with the party to help.
Key Figures
Mizran: Sivus father.
Agar and Sivus: Two married women cursed by an old shrine.
You hear a slight cough and realize an elderly man has snuck up on you. His face is grave and sad. He appears overwhelmed at the noise of the tavern and is clearly out of his element. Strong strangers, he begins, Its my daughterthe light has gone out.
Mizran is addled. Though he is enthusiastic to share information, he provides it in a scattered manner. He desperately wants the party to help his daughter recover from some trauma received on a hunting trip with her wife. Provide the following information based on the partys handling of Mizran:
Easy: Mizrans daughter Sivus recently returned from a hunting trip with her wife Agar. Sivus now sits alone singing old songs and speaks without feeling. Agar has not been to town in weeks.
Hard: There is an old shrine in the pine forest that the women hunted in.
The old man beckons you to sit in the humble living room and disappears into the back of the house. He returns shortly leading a young woman by the arm. The womans face is blank and she seems to look right through you.
The party must communicate with Sivus. She is monotone and emotionless. She occasionally starts singing old songs at inappropriate times. Be it magic, good skill rolls, or excellent roleplay, provide the party with this information as you see fit:
Easy: They had a fight. She doesnt remember getting home. Agars hunting shack is half a days walk north from town.
Moderate: They found a small tree with strange-colored branches.
Hard: She is singing an old devotional song to a long-forgotten god.
Agars shack is empty. The door has been left open. Inside you find the floor and walls to be covered in strange symbols carved into the wood.
Agar is about to return, but not before the party can obtain the following information by investigating the shack.
Easy: The symbols are part unknown alphabet and part hieroglyphs. They depict the sacrifice of love to receive the gods blessing.
Moderate: A carefully carved depiction of a pine tree has been carved in the underside of a table.
Hard: A sharpening stone looks recently used and the shack is void of woodcutting tools.
As you conclude your investigation in the shack, a figure appears in the doorway. A young woman brandishing an axe stops suddenly upon seeing you, and then turns to flee.
Agar leads the party to a clearing with a single small pine tree at its center. The tree is bright silver and has had several branches hacked off. Agar resumes attacking the tree. She screams give it back as she attempts to fell it. Regardless of what the party does, eventually an elemental rises up from the ground under the tree. The avatar of the forgotten god is weak, but angry.
Determine the difficulty of the creature and establish attacks with these parameters in mind:
* Psychic or psionic attacks that drain emotion from the victim
* Nature-based physical attacks that crush
With the avatar dead, Agar weeps and thanks the party. Returning to town, the two women are rejoined and their love returned. Provide the party with a small token: a silvered pine branch that now exudes some of the love sacrificed to it and confers a small advantage to charming or bluffing skill rolls.
"Find THIS and other great articles at KOBOLDQUARTERLY.COM."
Wednesday, 1 July 2009
Illuminati Council Of 13 Human Sacrifice Denver Colorado

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