This feast thus evokes and symbolizes the experience of shamanic, trans-human states of consciousness and honors the notion that creature life was seen as having the ability to travel between worlds and imparts to man the ability to pursue other levels of consciousness.
This is an especially powerful day to take a shamanic journey.
This festival, called by the name of Odin's horse, is regarded as a festival of life because it reminds us of our link to all creation and that we are part of nature - not separated. We remember how we must return to this earlier wisdom. Our ancestors recognized this link and interdependence: today we see how ignorance of this destroys our very world and the Goddess Jord and ultimately ourselves. We lift a horn of Meade to Jord and to all those who honor life.
Interestingly enough, lore says that Loki gave birth to Sleipnir when Loki took the form of a mare. As Loki returned then to his human form, he offered the colt to Odin as a gift.