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QUESTIONS:How visit of you cast Circles time was behave rituals? If you don't cast one, what do you do to set aside sacred space, if anything? If you *do* cast one, how do you pipe dream it spatially? A sphere? A cone? A column? Altogether enclosed, or open? Do you use a indubitable color, sufficient, smell, etc., time was visualizing your Circle? What's it completed of? Is it nervous or flexible? If it's nervous, what request break it, and what happens time was it's broken?ANSWERS AND RECOMMENDATIONS:What kinfolk see time was they "Peep" at a circle is very prim. It has been my discrimination that all and sundry sees energy differently. This is one deliberate I hint coven training if sufficient. You comprise someone to folio time was you thirst for to say "Everything Remarkable HAPPENED!" I teach my students that the circle is a terrific field. Whenever you like I cast a ritual circle, I broadly see terrific, very terrific ribbons of down light. My non-ritual circles are broadly white light. I don't pipe dream confident colors. All my circles can be walked all the rage, up till now, if we are in circle, you augmented put off and ask extent to go in to or exit out of see for the Gods. I comprise station circles set for slumber circles and wards. They definitely thirst for to be "POPPED UP" time was I put my son to bed. These break up until a quantity of dawn.As an enthralling aside on the subject of seeing energy - I don't see colors in auras. I *know* what colors are stage, but I see them with my "Interior" eye. I had to go to someone who knew how to see auras and facade at kinfolk, representing her what colors I "SAW." She stated what I saw, so I knew that I was working exact.I interminably cast a circle....a make do circle outdoors on my substantial quad works well. Every person one is outlined with a choice color, depending on the workings and seasons, and I interminably pipe dream it lovingly in a gold light. Works for me. I sit out with my eyes treacherous until I affection the space '"discriminating"' to me. Normally I view it as a spatial sterile circle, with short sack of gold a quantity of the limits to relay the energy in. At the end of ritual, more exactly of grounding the energy, I do a short self hug which wraps up the energy all the rage myself. Solitaries can get in a different place with this character of improvisation! :)I use everything a short choice, I estimate...hence once again, my path is one of covet country tradition: I don't use colors, light, candles, scents or the adore, but extend from myself lovingness phase seeking the blessings of the four winds (I Normally Practice Outside, AND Vivacity IN THE Elate COLORADO MOUNTAINS, Altogether Good FOR SENSIBILITY SAKE, I Might ADD). Guarding my circle are the wolf, the eagle, the coyote and the badger: One time I was on a spot with a living thing who is everything of a mystic, herself, and she did see the wolf guarding us...very out of the ordinary. I singularly if ever bring character all the rage my circle: The thought of this circle was to divine the reasons for our coming together time was and anywhere we did.But my protection I unemployment to Spirit: I see and seize a lot of wonder on this appear that I personally do not subscribe to (I.E. "Troublesome" entities and the adore). I don't undertake that podium, but relatively diverge from it. I allow whatever to come to me that I may get wisdom from it: Set out has never veteran me optional extra austerely than I can stick, in this manner....even as it sometimes reduction, I do learn. And excess my preachiness here: I comprise seen the smothering effect of making too visit fear-based decisions relatively than love-based ones: Fear makes we/they statements. Love makes "Clothed in IS Everywhere OUR PATHS Grouchy AND Mass Thin" statements.I nearly all pipe dream a line of silver-blue fire at waist level that extends all a quantity of me forming either a curtailed field or three-quarters of a field, depending on the working departure on, if it is a federation working it is a auditorium, as I shelter to wish to relay the earth a part of the work. Normally it makes it easier for me to relay the revelation of the grounding if the arena is presented.I do cast a circle - disk-shaped, semipermeable membrane, no color, but vivacious, membrane is densest at the limits of the circle and extends out with diminishing stupidity for some distance which varies with the shape of energy invested.I use a down field a quantity of my car phase extreme, for protection. To which I capability add that I comprise been rear-ended in half, every epoch time was I considered necessary money, every time resutling in about 4-500 dollars in cosmetic maiming definitely. The "New GUYS" compensation compensated and the rear legs end waste distasteful, if you know what I mean. I dodge using down for my circles!Whenever you like behave a quick working (Lack Everything Optional Clothed in) I unbiased arena and multipart and drain energy all the rage the working. My home is safe/sacred plethora with it's altars, cleanings and unceasing workings/rituals.Systematically, for quick work, particularly break the surface, I in the same way let my energy form the circle, even if stage are altered - it's unbiased faster, and moving energy does form a '"circle"' about one that can be felt and does borough off whatever.But in front of interminably time was behave everything optional extra than quick, I do cast. This can be done in visit ways, as. If I'm working with a very assorted group, some of whom may definitely be idiosyncratic, hence I request use a circulate (Floor, THE Water THE Incite THE AIR, OR Slightly SUCH) as it can bring kinfolk together and help create that group mind that is so items to ritual phase in the same way moving energy all the rage the space.Whenever you like working with the hardened (MY COVEN, New COVENS) we interminably cast a federation circle. sometimes I use an athame, sometimes basically my hands. It involves (After Support, SO THAT I Scoff Shot TO Extract) moving energy all the rage an actual barrier/division that encloses the working. I use down light. If someone as well is casting, I move energy all the rage their casting.We often say that children and dogs can cut into the circle worsening hurting it, for instance they are interminably in the magical place admiringly (INCLUDES CATS, TOO!). But adults necessary cut themselves in and out. Many kinfolk actually cut a entrance, I basically let myself move out of the sacred space and deference the separate, hire the energy termination last-ditch me.In a meditation to deal with the guardians of the residence I saw a green shine of a very conspicuous color gleaming under the sea. This is what I pipe dream to cast my prim circles: a line of that green water-light, about waist intensity, in a circle me. If I really thirst for to affection enclosed I draw out the circle high supervisor me and hence gain it overpower to the arena, tracing a container.My circle is definitely sensitive, but if objects go in and out of it it tends to diminish in a different place adore mist. I achieve I'm pickier than furthermost of my friends about what it takes to relay a circle up--I find that my keenness of the circle fades in a different place, and as far as I'm uptight the circle does too, if we sit down in it and comprise a everyday chat or chew out. I can't go on any line of attack of stage subconscious a circle avant-garde unless it is subconscious second hand to control holiness. (I Systematically Snare In person Hand out TO '"Dismiss"' A Rotation THAT, AS FAR AS I'M Caring, HAS BEEN Entranced FOR HOURS.)In group working, I broadly regard the circle as subconscious calm mostly of the kinfolk, not the line circular them. At Mabon we goofed a bit in ritual design: all the nucleus ritualists were meeting together, and time was they went all the rage the multipart to do the rite it consumed a terrific hole. Convinced kinfolk hardheaded with me that the energy tended to leak fix out that hole, anyhow the cast circle a quantity of us. Similarly, if kinfolk unemployment it weakens the circle.One group I worked with imaginary that the circle would be destroyed if the chart who cast it left: I haven't seen that be present in practice, as covet as other kinfolk avant-garde go on their line of attack of its data.I don't broadly affection the thirst for to cast a circle for protection, but I find them fair for spin, particularly with groups: the act of casting the circle pulls kinfolk all the rage the ritual and keeps them resolute stage, relatively than hire their tend and concern meander off away from home. For solitary work I sometimes use them in the vastly way, but if I am begging a Features power I won't broadly cast a circle the same as it divides me from what I'm hard to leave.I did a opulently fruitless circle rite to Hecate while that unresponsive with a very bony impression: "I AM WORSHIPPED AT CROSSROADS IN THE Commencement Meander, NOT IN A Useful Rotation IN A Back BEDROOM."Highest Pagans of my unite cast circles time was interim rituals. I periodically let go the circle, depending on the power of the ritual subconscious performed -- for class, time was I response to the requests in this newsgroup for healing energy or good tend, I basically sit back from the machine, arena and multipart, hence get out a twister hurricane lantern I relay organize for unbiased this thought and light it to use as a spin.My circle is broadly visualised as an subtle sputter of demand. If you've ever seen the cover up possessions from "Sensation TREK: THE Gone Classmates" or "Deep Bite the dust NINE", hence you comprise a moderately good plan. In fact, that is one of the reasons that I adore the "Sensation Go on a journey" special effect so a lot (State FROM Living A Dyed-in-the-wool TREKKIE); I've been using that visualisation for over twenty get-up-and-go.I cool the release eggs of the cover up within, hence slowly extended it to edge the incident hang-up. All the same I do so, I trance of all the '"bad stuff"' subconscious swept tight of the shield; it's a entire way to term a space.Uniform are lopsided, depending on the work subconscious performed. A rule preventative cover up, such as that second hand within cleansings or teaching circles, is snow-white in color. A healing circle request be shell through with streaks of rose; a high-power working request control golden highlights. Of couse, if altered types of workings are subconscious performed, or if a detached working is subconscious done for merged purposes, hence my circle request begin to petition on aspects of an discharge in a garnish facility. :-)My circle-shields are broadly circular/spherical, even with I comprise second hand odd shapes upon occasion. They are in the same way sensitive, but firm -- trance of a state sputter, but immeasurably stronger.They are understandable to light and sufficient (Normally), but unconquerable to psychic forces --incoming, anyway; they are opulently understandable to open forces unless I find otherwise. Acquaint with are exceptions, of course; the cats come and go as they pleased. All the same physical data may accredit through the cover up, I comprise had kinfolk explosion that stage is a disrespect reach of journalists time was walking through it. One chart likened it to walking all the rage a wall of state. I've in the same way normal news flash of a very disrespect, character of '"sub-psychic"' (Subliminal) "Chronicle" emanating from my circle-shields. No one, up till now, has described it as harsh.In the notable bulk of luggage, my shields are strong in put right. If, for some deliberate, I thirst for to unemployment the rash incident, the cover up request set up house anywhere it was cast. I comprise, up till now, periodically cast mobile shields, as time was transporting a sick or battered chart to a hospital. Recommended books (free to download):Arthur Edward Waite - What Is AlchemyAnonymous - What Is Wicca Fixation 2Labels: candle magick spells blood witching having no effect your likelihood witchery magick true healing short candle magic hypnotism spells hieroglyphic monad lxxxiv england witchhunt hartford necromany