Tuesday, 29 June 2010
The Rev Chavah Aima

Friday, 25 June 2010
Spells To Remove Bad Karma And Sin

Hoodoo folk magic doesn't traditionally possess a concept of karma, but it does acknowledge sin, which is all in all a pretty similar notion. There is a traditional ingredient for removing sin (or karma) and that is the herb hyssop. Its use for this purpose is given in the Bible. It is most commonly used in the form of a bath. One can either boil dried or fresh hyssop herb into a strong infusion and add it to the bath to free one's self from sin and karma, or one can simply buy it as a prepared bath such as this one (link.)
If one has been a very bad person, a formula mixture like Cast Off Evil may be used to help encourage one to give up bad habits and behaviors. Here's a strong spell for removing all kinds of sin, bad deeds and wickedness from one's conscience:
* Hyssop bath
* New Life oil
* Cast Off Evil incense
* 13 white candles (any size, though I would advise chime or tea light)
Prepare the candles by dressing them with New Life oil, and arrange a safe place for them and the incense to be burnt. If possible, whatever room that you are in the most would be an ideal location.
Start the spell by taking a hyssop bath. Remain in the water at least 30 minutes, and be sure to wet your head. Do not use any other soaps or shampoos in the bath, and do not rinse off afterward.
Once out of the tub, light your incense and one of the candles. Leave it alone to burn all the way down, however long it takes.
Each day, for the next 12 days, burn more incense and light another candle in this same manner, for a total of 13 days. Save all ashes and wax remains. When the spell is finished, take these and dispose of them in running water (a river or ocean is ideal, though a kitchen sink garbage disposal or a flush toilet can be resorted to if no other option presents.)
Credit: lilith-dark-moon.blogspot.com
Wednesday, 23 June 2010
What Lessons Do Children Teach Us On Earth

Such as souls embodied and come to the Come to rest as little, they're absolutely unlimited love and do tremendous light sent directly from the Divine. We gather strength and love them and in return they tint and zip. This is not eternally the dossier. Such as give is abuse of young children and they may abandon the Come to rest as a stick to of this abuse, thus cyclical to heaven everywhere their souls subsequently once more be introduced to Divine unlimited love.
Sometimes the souls of children abandon even if give is unlimited love on Come to rest. God may choose folks absolutely souls on the other arrange to help out. A month ago, in the Shared States, we erudite a mess about in Newtown,Connecticut; a young man opened fire in a school grueling 26 group. Twenty of folks deaths were of six and seven-year-old boys and girls. This mess about stung so numerous hearts not scarcely at the same time as it was a unintelligent act of dark energy but also at the same time as it enthusiastic the lives of young undamaged children. As a mother, my indicate goes out to all parents of any person enthusiastic in this skill. But as a spiritual number, I'm deeply benevolent at the same time as this dark act took not worth it some of this light on Come to rest. Relations children were further little illuminated beacons raging joy, love, and cheeriness to all folks approximately them. Such as their lights were extinguished, folks approximately them were cast in dimness with the energy of bareness, ache, and make angry. A wave of dimness covers everybody touched by this aura.
But if we glance about folks unfaltering little souls and what they teach us, it is about individual and bringing the light on Come to rest not walking the Come to rest in dimness. Of course we're trouble by their victims but we choose to footfall indoors the light and heal. We choose to subsist life as they did-to subsist life to the fullest-finding zest in the simplest possessions. Grasp time to be inflicted with the beam of light or allow your eyes to suggestion that orange butterfly fluttering approximately the bury. Think about to the flora and fauna sings their musical songs.
Household teach us to love unconditionally. They love us regardless of our unreserved formal, burial, belief take shape, route, or religion. They love inadequate grounds and inform their love in mind, words, songs, dances, and any other creative way they can glance of. Such as we learn to be the light, subsist life to the fullest, and love unconditionally, we handhold hypothetical the lessons of children. Such as children abandon the Come to rest wall, they abandon eat a rites of bareness. But we requirement be obliged for the experiences and the lessons the children bring. They subsist in the atmosphere of light and love and are the close energy to the Divine on Come to rest.
Be fond of, Blond, and Therapeutic,
Reference: healing-magic.blogspot.com
Tuesday, 22 June 2010
Holy Neomartyr Chryse As A Model For Our Lives

By Protopresbyter Fr. George Papavarnavas
One of the brightest pages in the golden book of Martyrs was written by the Neomartyrs, who were martyred during the dark period of Ottoman rule, which they illuminated and brightened with the confession of their faith and their blood.
In the pages of the "New Martyrology" authored by Saint Nikodemos the Hagiorite we are presented with numerous Neomartyrs. Among them a prominent position is given to a young daughter from the area of central Macedonia, namely the village Chryse which is in the province of Almopia of the prefecture of Pella, whose name was Chryse. She was truly Golden (Chryse) in both her name and deeds. She was tested as "gold in a furnace" and found to be with faith that was twenty-four carat gold. Bathed in her martyric blood, she was cleansed and brightened to be accepted by the Giver of heavenly goods as a "whole burnt offering".
Her exterior life was simple, and she was also simple in her behavior and ways. She was a villager of little education, but wise according to God with a living faith, inner purity and amazing stability. Born to poor parents, they were honorable strugglers of life, and she was a hard worker together with her three sisters. Chryse was very beautiful on the outside, which at that time was an unfortunate thing for the enslaved Greeks, because beautiful girls were captured by the Agas for their harems, or they were pressured to change their faith to Islam to marry them. The latter happened to Saint Chryse. While gathering firewood on the mountain with her fellow villagers, a Turk was dazzled by her beauty. He captured her and then tried in every which way to convince her to change her faith and marry him. Seeing that it was unlikely he would achieve his purpose, he sent some trusted Turkish women to speak with her, since women know how to talk better to one another, in the hopes that they could change her mind. When he failed to change her mind in this manner, he was forced to threaten her parents and sisters to visit her and persuade her. With tears and lamentations they urged her to change her faith externally to save herself, while internally she could continue to remain a Christian. But the great soul of Chryse responded: "I have my Lord Jesus Christ as my father, the Lady Theotokos as my mother, and the Saints of our Church as my brothers and sisters", and then she sent them away. Before the stability of Chryse the Turks responded with horrible tortures. Finally on 13 October 1795, they cut her body into pieces with a knife and in this way the most worthy one received the crown of martyrdom from the Bridegroom Christ.
Perhaps her spiritual ripeness, wisdom, firm commitment to the faith of her Fathers and her refusal to marry someone of another faith, as well as her behavior towards her parents, which, as we shall see below, the great Hagiorite Saint Nikodemos comments on and praises, makes an impression. Let us analyze, then, these two things.
First, she refused to marry someone of another faith, when he asked of her to deny her faith and traditions with which she was nurtured and was raised. She was not enticed with riches and indulgence, nor daunted by intimidation, threats and inhuman torture. She was a young girl with a future and dreams in life. When forced to betray any honor she had, her holy faith, the living tradition, even her very life, she prefered martyrdom. It was impossible for her to live as if dead, which is why she died that she may live. This is because life is not a biological existence, but communion with the Creator and the Source of life, the Triune God. Whoever has come to know God within the limits of their personal life and tasted life-creating divine Grace, counts death as nothing. They consider death to be their separation from God. When the Grace of God encompasses the soul and body, then a person will not deny their faith for any reason and considers martyrdom as a God-sent gift. When, however, the soul has not tasted Grace, this "living water", then they are dominated by the passions and an evil spirit, which through the passions dominate the will of man. The greatest passions are those of sensuality, avarice and ambition, and on their altar are sacrificed, many times without even the slightest hesitation, every sacred and holy thing.
Second, the response she gave to her parents and siblings match the words of Christ, when He spoke of His mother and siblings, saying: "My friends and siblings are those who do the will of My heavenly Father." Saint Nikodemos the Hagiorite, commenting on the action of the martyr to dismiss her parents and siblings, as well as her wise words, says: "Bravo to her brave great soul! Bravo to her true love for God! Bravo to her wise intellect, which is worthy of heavenly praise! In truth, brethren, what the divine David said was fulfilled in this Saint: 'Father and mother have forsaken me, but the Lord has received me' (Ps. 26:10), and that which the Lord said: "Think not that I came to bring peace on earth; I did not come to bring peace, but a sword: to set a man against his father and a daughter against her mother, and ones enemies will be found in their own household" (Matt. 10:34).
The inner freedom, stability in faith, and selfless and valiant spirit of the Virgin-Martyr in the evil days such as we are living in, in which hypocrisy, selfishness, fickleness, and spiritual enslavement to the dictatorship of the passions reigns, is for all of us a bright beacon and shining example for imitation.
Source: "Ekklesiastiki Paremvasi", , October 1999. Translated by John Sanidopoulos.
Witches Of East End Season Two Episode One A Moveable Beast

Ingrid enters the kitchen to find Freya and comforts her by saying that as long as their mother is screaming, it means she is fighting for her life. It seems that Ingrid has developed the habit of sleep walking and that is why she went outside. On the other side of the coin, Freya has barely slept since the wedding and is incredibly upset that Killian has not returned her phone calls, or come back to town. A now human Wendy enters and announces that someone came through the portal and that she has been tracking him. Unfortunately, because he moves so fast and is cloaking himself, Wendy has no idea who it is. I dont know about you but I really hope they follow through on this storyline. Knowing that the witches came from Asgard but little else is killing me. It seems that Freya was working on a memory potion because they have no idea what happened the night of the wedding. Wendy believes that it is important to get their memories back before they seal the portal.
Dash is frantically trying to use his powers to move a box but is having no success. Killian suddenly appears and snarks about needing medical attention because of a headache. Dash quickly declares Killian a hallucination to which Killian snarks that he is Dashs conscience. Killian accuses Dash of killing him, as Dash places pictures of him and Freya into a fireplace to burn. His rage causes the fire to ignite.
The women are gathered at the table discussing how many lives Wendy has left and Joannas prognosis. They drink the potion and get a rapid vision of the portal being opened but are still unable to tell who came through.
A man appears in the woods and he has the Asgard symbol on his shoulder. My guess is that this is the son Joanna she left behind in Asgard.
Later, in the hospital, a badly injured man is brought in screaming about a shadow who chased him into the wall, marked with the ancient symbol of the king. Of course, hes Dashs patient because that hospital couldnt possibly have more than one doctor. The Asgard symbol has been carved into the patients chest.
Freya finds a mystical box on her dressing table and when she opens it, she is transported to a fantasy like realm and reunited with Killian. Say awe everyone, that was meant to be romantic. When Freya pulls away, she finds blood on her hand and discovers a bloody unconscious Killian at her feet. This is enough to snap her out of the fantasy realm.
Ingrid is back at the library and meeting with Hudson. It seems that she has applied for a position to curate documents related to witchcraft in Southern New England from the 1650s to present day. To get an interview, Ingrid lied about being a PhD, so after a few moments of angst, she decides to tell the truth about lacking the appropriate credentials.
A weak Joanna wakes to find that Victor has let her sleep into the afternoon. She struggles out of bed determined to try and track the person who came through the portal but is forced to stop when Victor notices that her nose is bleeding. Joanna breaks down in tears and finally admits that she is not doing fine. Victor assures her that she has them but Joanna points out that she doesnt have him. Victor promises to stay with her for as long as she wants.
Freya frantically calls Wendy to report that Killian is dead. Wendy assures Freya that what she had was a premonition which means that Killian might still be alive. Wendy adds that the vision could be a metaphor or literal but promises to deal the deck tonight to get to the bottom of what is going on. Wendy hangs up saying that she has to grab a book which contains information which will ease Wendys pain. When Wendy grabs the book, a man grabs it as well. They bicker over the book and flirt shamelessly with each other. Finally, the man points to a second copy of the book and the two part ways.
Origin: candle-magic.blogspot.com
Monday, 21 June 2010
Giving Sightings

I invite you to take a look and offer a thought! What is your experience?
"Sightings" 7/27/09
-- Martin E. Marty
Giving USA Foundation last month reported on "giving, U.S.A." under a headline, "Giving in worst economic climate since Great Depression exceeds 300 billion for second year in a row," but "a 2 percent drop in current dollars over 2007," as well as "the first decline...since 1987" and the second since the Foundation started keeping score in 1956 has occurred. "Two-thirds of public charities receiving donations saw decreases in 2008. The exceptions were Religion" along with "Public-Society Benefit and International Affairs." Ms. Del Martin of the Foundation, speaking of the religiously motivated, said "It would have been easy to say 'not this year' when appeals came their way, and we definitely did see belt-tightening...[N]on profits have had to do more with less over the past year, but it could have been a lot worse."
However, human services charities "are among the first to reporting increasing needs for their services in 2008," and most expect things to get worse in 2009. The sector named "Religion," in the first year of the new hard times, reported that "giving to religion increased an estimated 5.5 percent (1.6 percent adjusted for inflation.)" Also, "religious gifts account for an estimated one-half of all individual giving, not counting gifts made through bequests (5.6 percent) or family foundations (about 3 percent.)"
No one on the giving front is relaxing, or being and sounding optimistic, but the record so far gives some reasons for hope and provides some impetus for digging in and digging deeper so that this vital sector can play its role, locally and nationally, especially on the "human services" front. It is always the first to get cut or chopped down by (especially) the most financially strapped state governments.
I've read many articles in which authors look to the Great Depression to find out about giving, coping, enduring, et cetera. I've also been asked about it, since a chunk of my "The Noise of Conflict, 1919-1941, "volume two of "Modern American Religion", deals with what people wrote and did "last time around." I quoted an important "Research Memorandum on Religion in the Depression" by Chicago Theological Seminary Professor Samuel C. Kincheloe, as good a reference as any.
One difference between that depression and all previous American depressions, according to an editorial in "The Christian Century" from September 18, 1935, cited by Kincheloe, was that it was "the first time men have not blamed God for hard times." My reading "this time around" suggests that the judgment holds true and gets seconded. Yes, some judgmental evangelists who argue that God sends Hurricane Katrina and tsunamis say that God gets the credit for the current crisis, but almost everyone else finds plenty of blameworthy activity going around. Different ones of God's creatures get the blame, depending upon who is assessing the damages and pointing to the damagers.
Human flaws and follies, globalization trends, bad banking practices, and much more are shamed and blamed, and they bring hard times and judgment on themselves - or, better, "ourselves." There is plenty of room for work by theological ethicists and preachers, but while chest-pounding and finger-pointing go on, it would seem that the signals from Giving USA are important as reminders for what to do continually.
I, or "this writer," as we used to say, do/does not think that charitable giving and churchly acts of mercy will take the place of or do more than supplement what has to be done through government and secular agencies. But the durability, dedication, and partial steps religious groups and individuals manifest remain vital in the larger economy of nations.
http://www.givingusa.org/press releases/gusa/GivingReaches300billion.pdf
Martin E. Marty's biography, current projects, publications, and contact information can be found at www.illuminos.com.
In July's Religion and Culture Web Forum, "Flowers in the Dark: African American Consciousness, Laughter, and Resistance in Toni Morrison's Beloved," ethicist Jacqueline Bussie of Capital University pursues the question of why, in so many accounts, people in oppressive situations of suffering respond with laughter. Focusing on the example of Toni Morrison's slavery-era novel, Bussie, in an excerpt from her Trinity Prize-winning book The Laughter of the Oppressed, explores the complexities of the human condition and points toward a more nuanced understanding of ethics. Invited responses will be posted later in the month from Joseph Winters, Cooper Harriss, John Howell, and Zhange Ni. http://divinity.uchicago.edu/martycenter/publications/webforum/
"Sightings" comes from the Martin Marty Center at the University of Chicago Divinity School.
Sunday, 20 June 2010

Credit: spellscasting.blogspot.com
Friday, 18 June 2010
Purple In Maagick

Keep Close Your Lover That Is Far Away

Credit: thelema-and-faith.blogspot.com
La Brujera Y Sus Tradiciones

La brujer'ia tiene muchas escuelas y tradiciones M'agicas. Muy conocida por la mayor'ia de la gente es la Wicca. En esta tradici'on usas panteones es decir un conjunto se Dioses de una tradici'on mitol'ogica, ya sea que sigas toda o parte de esa mitolog'ia. Tambi'en puedes mezclar divinidades, e incluso darle tus propios nombres a los Dioses o bien de manera ambigua. En la mayor'ia de la wicca se trata de rescatar tradiciones y cultos pre cristianas, raz'on por la cual se llama a esta Paganismo. En cierta forma la mayor'ia de los Brujos y Brujas somos paganos. La palabra Pagano significa "del campo", esto simboliza algo importante dentro de la Brujer'ia, es decir, que el verdadero Brujo debe sintonizar con la Naturaleza, sus manifestaciones y fen'omenos. Por eso parte ingrained de la Brujer'ia es cuidar el medio ambiente. ?Qu'e has hecho 'ultimamente a rotate del medio ambiente? Una de las misiones del Brujo es ayudar a sanar la tierra. Wicca es un vocablo del ingl'es antiguo del cual se derivan las palabras modernas Wizard y Witch. Y como ya sabes por los relatos significa sabidur'ia o sea, Wicca es el arte de los sabios. De tal forma que Wicca no implica Magia en el sentido amplio. Se puede ser wiccano sin hacer Magia. Como ya os he dicho antes el objetico de la Brujer'ia es ecnotrarte con la divinidad, sintonizar con la naturaleza y hacerte crecer como role. Los Wiccanos creen en esto. Con frecuencia los Wiccans practican Magia tradicional casi siempre de la parte del mundo donde est'an.
Una rama improtante de la wicca fue fundada por Gerald Brosseau Gardner como un "renacimiento" de la Antigua religi'on. Para eso se vali'o de algunos estudios de antrop'ologos como Charles Leland, Sir James Frazer y Margaret Murray. Principalmente de dos libros, El evangelio de Aradia o de las Brujas y El Dios de los Brujos. Para sustentar m'as sus fundamentos, dijo que pertenec'ia a un coven (congregaci'on de brujos) antiguo llamado del bosque nuevo (New Forest) e la regi'on de Hampshire (Inglaterra), y que fue iniciado por Dorothy Clutterbuck. Para armar el ritual wicca, se vali'o de las ense~nanzas de la Fair Mouthful, en efecto, la Brujer'ia moderna pour de un cisma de principalmente tres miembros de la Aurora Dorada y que toman de la Magia majesty elementos (?te fijas c'omo la brujer'ia no se estanca?, !siempre evoluciona!). Doreen Valiente ayud'o mucho a Gardner a estructurar el culto, de hecho muchos poemas, invocaciones y conjuraciones de la Brujer'ia moderna se las debemos a esta fit into Bruja. Si bien Wicca trata de "rescatar" tradiciones Antiguas, la verdad es que es un culto moderno. Cuando Gardner public'o Witchraft to day (Brujer'ia hoy), dej'o m'as dudas que respuestas. Por eso la mayor'ia de Brujos sabemos que la Brujer'ia es moderna, tratamos de entender y aplicar la historia y tradiciones pero no podemos decirnos "herederos" de tales cosas. Tambi'en Gardner se apasion'o tanto por la Magia que se fue alejando del principio de la Brujer'ia, esto lo entendieron algunos de sus disc'ipulos m'as avanzados, c'omo Alex Sanders, este Brujo entend'i'o que tanto la Wicca Gardneriana como la Fair Boon eran sistemas agotados, pero que la wicca deb'ia retomar m'as cosas del Fair Mouthful, por eso la Wicca Alexandrina es m'as majesty y tiene m'as ritos del Fair Mouthful. Pero la verdadera Brujer'ia no se limita a nada, siempre evoluciona, y otros Brujos fueron en el sentido contrario, hacerla menos majesty y m'as pr'actica, Old RavenWolf y Raymond Buckland entre muchos otros, se fueron por esta l'inea gracias a la cual pudo surgir la wicca y Brujer'ia Ecl'etica (como nosotros jijijij) si no imag'inate, jam'as ser'ias Brujos nunca porque es dif'icil ser aceptado en un coven majesty (y de hecho en cualquiera).
Gardner tiene el gran m'erito de fundar la Brujer'ia moderna, de despertar esa necesidad de conocimiento y Magia.
La wicca y en standard la brujer'ia se ha enriquecido mucho con personajes como Scott Cunningham y Raymond Buckland (de hecho sus libros son tradicionales en la wretched de la Brujer'ia). Sin embargo muy interesantes son los nuevos Wiccanos y Brujos, pues la tendencia de la Brujer'ia es incorporar m'as cosas del mundo moderno a su arc'on de conocimientos. Ahora el brujo moderno no medita como el antiguo (viendo su caldero en las brazas por ejemplo), ahora la mayor'ia de los brujos medita con su computadora mientras escucha m'usica (wicca, pelt g'otico, meditaci'on, etc.) Tan v'alido es que escucha un canto de relajaci'on como el que se emociona con la m'as estridente m'usica g'otica. Si, la Rrujer'ia est'a evolucionando a una Nueva Era, ?Por qu'e ignorar la cultura popular? Muchos Brujos j'ovenes ven pel'iculas y series de supuesta brujer'ia, ?y qu'e? No por eso disminuye su fe y validez. Uno de los libros m'as interesantes al respecto es El grimorio del Aprendiz de Mago, de Oberon Zill RavenHeart o los lirbos de los Farrar. En el primero se integra magistralmente la cultura comercial fashionable a la brujer'ia dando gu'ia a todos esos Brujtos y Brujitas que andan por ah'i con "Cherished, Potter, sabrina y de m'as cosas de la tv". LA respuesta es obvia, ?por qu'e no aceptar en la cultura de la Brujer'ia estas expresiones? Aunque es verdad que no tienen nada que ver con los rituales y esas cosas, y que hacen una "retrato caricaturesco" del Brujo, la verdad es que ya son parte de la cultura fashionable de Brujo. As'i como la iglesia cat'olica se fue enriqueciendo de mitos, leyendas y tradiciones, la Brujer'ia se nutre de cosas nuevas y sigue evolucionando tanto de conocimiento como de mythology.
La Brujer'ia es macro, por que se practica en todo el mundo pero la mayor'ia son ecl'eticos, la tendencia es a formar cirulos de estudio, festivales yd e m'as cosas. Cada d'ia que pasa los Brujos son m'as visibles en la sociedad. A pesar de que uno de los principios de la wicca es no hacer proselitismo (como los testigos de Gahova por ejemplo, ?te imaginas a un Brujo repartiendo folletos en las casas? jijijiji), la verdad es que la Brujer'ia se est'a difundiendo por voluntad de los Dioses y lo mejor de todo, la mayor'ia de sus seguidores son de coraz'on verdaderos apasionados.
Tuesday, 15 June 2010
The Problems With Qabalistic Training Golden Dawn

Origin: witchnest.blogspot.com
U Penn Daily Pennsylvanian Caves To Moonies

Leaders of the controversial church, which has often been called a "cult", disliked the "DP" article and ultimately demanded that it be retracted and removed from the newspaper's Web site. The Ivy League publication established in 1885 caved in to the pressure and pulled the story. The student newspaper explained this was "due to a combination of factual and editing errors."
Crescentia DeGoede, the local Philadelphia leader of a UC linked organization called the Collegiate Association for the Research of Principles (CARP), crowed about the results she achieved through her meeting with "DP" staff. CARP is the UC organization commonly associated with proselytizing at college and university campuses.
DeGoede's accomplishment was also reported by Dan Fefferman, the president of the so-called "International Coalition for Religious Freedom", which has been characterized as a UC "front group".
According to full page ads paid for by Moon, which were run in newspapers across the United States during 2002, religious leaders in "Spirit World" had a meeting to confer special heavenly status upon him. Those assembled included Martin Luther, Karl Marx, Confucius, Jesus and God in a meeting during Christmas the previous year. And they unanimously decided that Moon is the "Savior, Messiah and King of Kings of all humanity."
Moon also can be quite outspoken about his distaste for certain minorities. In one speech he called for a global government with him in charge and said that once empowered, he'd cleanse the world of gays, who he referred to as "dung-eating dogs", which should be eradicated through a "purge on God's orders."
Does this seem somewhat similar to the rants and megalomania attributed to Charles Manson, Jim Jones or David Koresh?
Rev. Moon also was criminally convicted of tax fraud. He served a sentence in federal prison. And despite numerous appeals that conviction was never overturned or pardoned.
Moon's former daughter-in-law Nansook Hong says, "Father [Rev. Moon] demonstrated contempt for civil law every time he accepted a paper bag full of untraceable, undeclared cash collected from true believers". She adds, "There was no question inside the church that the Reverend Moon used his religious tax exemption as a tool for financial gain in the business world." And that "Personally, the Moons had an almost physical aversion to paying taxes. Lawyers for the church spent most of their time trying to figure out how to avoid them. That's why the True Family Trust fund was based not in a U.S. bank but in an account in Liechtenstein."
Imagine how hard it must have been for the editors at "DP" to sit down with and defer to the demands of Moon's church.
Fefferman announced that "DP" had "promised" to do the following:
1. Publish in their next issue at least a few of ANY letters to the editor our members submit to the DP before Wednesday, April 25th.
2. Publish a revised version of the "Darker Side" article on the Internet, in which they will correct their use of the terms Moonie and deprogramming...The original version of the article will cease to be available after this revision has been made.
3. Publish a notification of the revision to the "Darker Side" article in print, directing readers to read the revised article online.
4. Publish a follow-up article featuring our contemporary movement in Philadelphia.
5. Communicate and consult with us each step of the way.
6. Read any quotes they intend to use from interviews with our membership to us before they publish them, upon our request.
7. Meet with Dr. Dunning [the professor who was misquoted by them in the ] to understand his point of view and take corrective action for the misdeeds against him. They will also be encouraging him to write a letter to the editor, which they intend to publish.
"DP" has apparently complied with each and every UC demand.
The subsequent article published by "DP" titled "Creating a new generation of the Unification Church" reads like a "puff piece" based upon a UC press release filled with propaganda, rather than a legitimate news story.
In this revisionist version concerns about cults are spun by an apologist into when "families feelrobbed of their children", but children feel that "their families" are "being irrational and not letting them choose their religion the way they want to."
"Choosing their religion the way they want to"?
The original "DP" article squelched by UC leaders reported about the "high pressure tactics" used by campus religious groups to recruit Penn students.
The "New Zealand Herald" reported about a speech made by Moon and published in 2004 on the Unification Church website. Moon said his followers "must cast aside their friends and teachers, even their parents, and follow the True Parents" (meaning Moon and his wife).
"Humanity must mercilessly eradicate all bonds and relationships with the satanic world, not showing even the slightest attachment, and in this way return to the zero point and mark the dawning of a new creation," Moon added.
Some might even observe that Moon's goal of reaching "zero point" seems like a cryptic allusion to the net result of what has been called "brainwashing".
In fact, the UC has been "convicted of brainwashing" in Japanese court.
Of course according to Pastor Iwasaki Shota, supervisor of Lovin' Life Ministries in Delaware and Pennsylvania, who is quoted in the newly revised article published by "DP," this reflects a "situation in Japan". He sees this as something like a conspiracy, which includes a "whole operation of media, government and police working on the side of the deprogrammers". Shoto urges students "to work with Congress and ministers in the U.S. to help the situation in Japan."
However, to better understand the background concerning UC problems in Japan read this "Joint Declaration Concerning the Moon Organization (September 26, 1997).
A former member that grew up in the UC told "NPR", "Everything was a system of controlThat's what it seemed to me like. They were kind of breeding us to be a certain way. And if you weren't that way, there was something wrong with you."
Moon's own daughter doesn't necessarily disagree. "Those of us - myself included - who were born into this movement or born into this family, we had no choice in the matter", In Jin Moon told "NPR".
Another former UC member told "NPR", "If you left the church, you fell off the face of the earthIt's the worst thing you could do. One person told us at Sunday school once, that blessed children who fall out of the church go to a box underneath of hell."
For more details about what it's like to grow up in the UC read "Growing up with the Moonies".
The "DP" deal also included making sure that no copy of the offending article remained online.
DeGoede told the "UC Newsletter", "The executive editor of the "DP "told me by phone that she has ordered former deprogrammer Rick Ross to remove the "DP" article from his website, and he has said he will comply in a couple of days."
The article as it was originally written had been archived at the Ross Institute Internet Archives (RI) within the Unification Church subsection.
After the "DP" editor called the previously published article was converted to a news summary, which remains intact within the RI archives.
Apparently encouraged by their success with "DP" UC leaders thought they might try another news outlet in their ongoing effort at information control.
RI received an email and registered letter from "National Public Radio" ("NPR") about another archived news report titled "Unification Church Woos a Second Generation" (February 17, 2010). "NPR" requested that this article be removed from the RI archives.
The article was then converted to a news summary, which remains intact within the RI archives.
Why did UC leaders take such an interest in the articles archived at RI?
This probably occurred because both the "NPR" report and "DP" article prominently mention a new name now being used by the UC in North America -- "Lovin' Life Ministries".
Anyone that does a "Google "search for "Unification Church" will find that the RI subsection devoted to the UC comes up on the first page of results.
This means that it is relatively easy to find out that -- "Lovin' Life Ministries" -- is really just another name the UC is using to potentially recruit unwary college students.
Historically, deceptive recruitment tactics have been a frequent focus of complaints about Rev. Moon and his church.
Moon has used literally hundreds of names to promote himself, his agenda and/or pursuits over the years. This name game can be seen as an attempt to obscure the past and/or avoid all the bad press linked to Moon and his Unification Church.
Rev. Moon's followers now revile as "pejorative" the label "Moonie", which they once considered a "badge of honor" in the 1970s. Today the "M word" is categorized by the US as "hate language"
It also seems that any criticism of the Unification Church is likely to be labeled "hate language" by UC leaders.
But just last week a British newspaper the "Mail" noted that "Moonie cult leader Sun Myung Moon" has the dubious distinction of being banned from entering Britain. He shares that honor with Louis Farrakhan and the American white supremacist Dennis Mahon.
Fefferman, a devoted disciple of Moon for decades is looking forward to participating at the International Cultic Studies Association (ICSA) annual conference in Montreal. He will present a paper titled "Are ICSA, Info-Cult, and the Unification movement ready for mutual dialogue?"
There will also be a panel discussion at the ICSA conference in July titled "Ethics, activism against, and dialogue with cultic groups" moderated by longtime cult apologist Eileen Barker.
Ms. Barker once received 25,000 from Rev. Moon to help fund her book "Making of a Moonie" (published 1984). In her book Barker generally minimized the damage done by the UC. Rev. Moon apparently got his money's worth. Now it seems Barker may yet again yield further dividends.
ICSA's Web site also confirms the planned event.
Eileen Barker was also once named prominently by fellow cult apologist Jeffrey Hadden in a memo he prepared proposing a plan to counteract the American Family Foundation, which is now known as ICSA. Hadden queried "whether it might be possible for the UC in collaboration with several other NRMs [new religious movements sometimes called "cults"] to raise a significant amount of money that could go-no strings attached-to an independent group, which in turn, would entertain proposals and fund research on NRMs."
Can cultic groups really change and become ethical new religious movements?
Can Rev. Moon and the UC be trusted or is this all just contrived spin control?
Nansook Hong once remarked, "They [the Moons and UC] have orchestrated a remarkably successful campaign to win respectability and wield political influence. As usual, they have succeeded by deceitful means."
If and when groups called "cults" do genuinely change this is typically precipitated by a dramatic shift in leadership. And if such a group wants to implement real accountability this is most often demonstrated through democratic reforms and meaningful financial transparency.
However, the UC appears to be run more like a family business than a legitimate church organization. There appears to be no meaningful accountability for UC leaders, except to Rev. Moon.
But Moon is 92, so it won't be long now until his children begin carving up his multi-billion dollar business and spiritual empire.
The church remains essentially a family business ruled over by a hereditary dynasty.
All that appears to be happening is an old Moon is being eclipsed by new Moons.
Friday, 11 June 2010
Watering Your Garden Spell

WATERING YOUR Private grounds Assail
At all You Craving
- Watering Can
- Sluice
- Pale Candle
- Pale Aromatic plant Apportion
We've all heard development say that speaking to your plants can be accommodating. It can :) Administration them energy can as well. This is a simple spell you can do gone you water your plants.
Defeat the watering can and pack it with water.
As you pack the can say the following:
"By the powers of water and the elements that be, I bless thee."
Set the can on the kingdom in an region taciturn everyplace you are goodbye to water.
Collect up a diminutive constituent of foul from the garden and overrun it better-quality the watering can allowing a few grains to come down within the water. Say the following:
"By the powers of the earth and the elementals that be I bless thee."
Fine the Pale Aromatic plant and overrun it better-quality the state of affairs of water from the time when saying the following:
"By the powers of the air and the elements that be I bless thee."
(the sage character bushes the water as well, as you overrun it better-quality the water perceive it cleansing the water.)
Hence light the white candle. Cartel the candle just about the watering can and say the following:
"By the powers of fire and the elements that be I bless thee."
Put your hands on the can and infusion it with your affectionate energy. Hence control to water your plants with the sacred water that you munch seek permission twisted.
Air and Blessings,
Jasmeine Moonsong
Reference: healing-magic.blogspot.com
Caring For The Dead

Source: wiccancommunity.blogspot.com
Thursday, 10 June 2010
Egg Divination Detect Evil Magic Using An Egg

The Cosmic Egg, a symbol of Global Awareness
a wonderful picture by ALEXNDRAF
Before we start, TAKE A CLEAN CLEAR BOWL and FILL IT WITH BLESSED WATER, add any PROTECTION oil to the water and pray to the GODS/UNIVERSE to bless the mixture and let you see the truth in this situation. Once done, take an egg from the fridge and pray to the Gods in order for the egg to absorb any negativity. Place the egg on the top of your head where THE CROWN CHAKRA LIES, roll the egg down from the back of your head, to the back of your neck, the center of your back, and around to the chest, while you are chanting and focusing on any negativity getting absorbed by the egg. THEN ROLL THE EGG OVER YOUR OPEN PALMS and over the soles of your feet. It is imperative to roll the egg only downwards in order to remove the negative impact of malevolent magic from your body. Once done, break the egg and throw its contents in the clear glass of water. OBSERVE THE PATTERN AND PAY ATTENTION TO ANY SIGNS OR ABNORMALITIES, look for blood or any changes in the color. As a guide you can use the following notes to aid in your interpretation:
If in the yolk you can see a face then this is a face of an enemy and you need to be extremely careful with him/her. I SUGGEST YOU BEGIN BY FORGIVING THIS PERSON AND SENDING LOVE AND POSITIVE ENERGY TOWARDS THEM. It is of equal importance to forgive and love yourself. Remember hate only breeds hate. Now traditionally, if the face is thin then the person is male while if it is round it is a female. This may help with your interpretation but remember to use your intuition as well.
IF THE YOLK TAKES THE SHAPE OF AN EYE, THEN THIS MEANS THAT YOU HAVE BEEN AFFECTED BY THE EVIL EYE. My advice here would be to cast a spell against the evil eye and use a JINX REMOVING OIL in order to turn your luck around.
If there are small bubbles in the water then that means that malevolent energy has been absorbed by external forces. YOUR GUARDIANS ARE AWARE AND YOUR PROTECTION SPELLS AND RITUALS HAS SAVED YOU FROM TROUBLE. Now it is important to go back, FORGIVE THE PERSON WHO WORKED THEIR MAGIC AGAINST YOU and renew your spells, as even the mightest barriers need reinforcement.
Finally, if the water is clear with no weird shapes, no signs of blood or bad odour, then this means that there is no work of malevolent magic against you. CAST A PROTECTIVE SPELL AND SEND YOUR LOVE TO THE UNIVERSE. You are safe!
Once done dug a hole in the earth and empty its contents there. DO NOT TOUCH THE MIXTURE AND DO NOT LOOK BACK WHEN YOU ARE FINISHED. You are aware of what is going on in your life. Now it is time for some action :)
The Easy Witch (in all possible ways :))
Discover, Play, Love!
Source: new-generation-witch.blogspot.com
Monday, 7 June 2010
Devil From Satanism

(accessed 9/6/06)
Satanism, and Become hard Satanism in have possession of, is a
life-threatening, utilize religion and a affluent, empowering way of life.
Satanism is from one place to another the solitary religion which truly allows you to go on free from all of the remorse ridden high-quality codes of
established permit hand path religions.
The Satanist, atypical the Jew, Christian, Buddhist, or
Muslim, seeks to go on his life to the fullest and carry out
all of the joys and sensual pleasures that this life has to
allow. For us, life isn't without prejudice some test to see if we
value damnation or nirvana at what time death. We are something like on this earth to surface, carry out, and learn, so that we may
enlarged ourselves and become no matter which finer.
But, we do not feed to transcend high-class our flash
restrictions by denying our physical fit into and seeking some
absolute gigantic "one" or by any other new agey white light
methods. In Satanism, the divine is reached not by
no vote from the flesh, but by indulging in it. Persons who
are closest to Satan are populace who not solitary exalt Him, but
populace who exalt Him and stalk the dictates of their own
Mankind is a spiritual organism as well as a physical organism
even if, and man essential plus learn to thoughtfulness his spiritual powers as well. This is wherever the practice of Magick comes
in. Satanists hold without fail been distinct as adepts in the Black Arts, equally medieval get older and by chance formerly, and Satan has long been considered the Peer of the realm and produce of magick itself.
Oodles rush are oblivious about the true church nature of
Satanism. Utmost consider that we naively reorder Christian values
and exalt Satan as a god of evil, disorder, and distress. But
this is naively not true. To us Satan is the true god of this
earth, and he is a without prejudice and sensitive god.
We can't supposing Satan the god of "evil," as good and evil
are solitary demonstrative words hand-me-down differently by original rush. In the same way as is "good" to one guess may very well be "evil"
to assorted. In fact, we ambiance that it is the Christians and
their Jehovah who are insincere, bad, and in our view
really "evil." Their high-quality nobody is in truth an
inversion, an inversion of the laws of nature.
The Christians hold labeled tons things which come generally
to man as unjust, equally Jehovah knows that man can't
instability these instincts, so now we are unavoidable to ambiance ruinous about our own natural desires, without prejudice so Jehovah can get the exalt he so craves.
Satan is meager amount to the same degree this. Satan encourages us to be ourselves, to go on dissolute and jubilant, not to assault our bodies in shame and sharpen our satisfaction with cheerful moral principles and falseness suspense.
Alot of rush hold the misunderstanding that Satanists don't
tolerate that a "God" or Jehovah type original exists, but,
yes, Satanists do tolerate that the Christian God is a real,
interested organism. We without prejudice hate him and everything he stands for.
But without prejudice equally we hate him, we do not think little of him.
Significance come into sight participation you. Likeness at how tons rush berate Satan and curse his name. Likeness at the power that God's rush
hold. Could these rush really stand in Satan's way and
fail his earth for so long not up to scratch any help from an
a lot powerful spiritual organism, one which is at smallest possible as strong as Satan?
Jehovah is real, and he is skewed, harsh, and appalling. And
the solitary thing that stands between us and on the whole slavery
at the hands of Jehovah is Satan.
Satan has been worshiped on this earth equally the dawn of
time, for example our early fill met him in the boondocks,
and knew him as the ancient Horned God of hunting and
sumptuousness. He was worshiped by the Celts, Romans, Egyptians
and the other pagan rush of the anient world. He has gone
by tons names such as Set, Pan, Ahriman, Cernunnos, and tons
It wasn't until at what time the perfectly of Christianity, even so, that he was significantly worshiped as Satan, the rival of
Jehovah. The early signs of his exalt under his new
layer appeared in the form of Gnostics who acclaimed the
serpent slightly of Christ in the at the wrong time common era. A nevertheless sophisticated, in the 1100's, a sort out distinct as the Luciferans was discovered in Germany. These rush met at night in
surreptitious caverns and seized riotous orgies and supposed that
Satan had been irregularly cast from Paradise, and that one day
he would success the Christian God.
By way of the incredibly century, a group of devil worshipers in the central east, the Yezidis, recieved a journalism from Satan distinct as the Al-Jilwah. This journalism has come to be the arise one
holy journalism for Become hard Satanists. The Yezidis worshiped
Satan in the form of a brass peacock, the symbol of satisfaction.
The afterward chief assistant in Satanism is of course the scandalous witch hunts of Europe. Now, it is true that utmost of the
rush who were killed were oblivious peasants who had never
so extensively as seen a witch. But, in attendance was some truth to the stories, and circulated cults of Satan's worshipers did firm
and brook Sabbats in secret spaces. They were all but
in shreds. The Christians hardheartedly slaughtered countless
force out of Satanists and in shreds their covens, evocatively
head-over-heels extensively of our extraction participating in intricacy and myth.
The 1700's and 1800's saw a blot resurgance in the position
of Satanism, for some satanic chapels were discovered
modish this natural life, chapels decked out out in extensively grandeur and gold, chapels fit for a Satanic Mass. But, at what time anew, these were in shreds.
Plus in 1948, things started to instability. A man named Herbert
Sloane, instinctive 1905, had seen Satan in a think for example he was three time old, but it wasn't until 1948 that he founded
his coven, the crown semi-public Satanic group in the U.S.
It went by the name of "Our Peer of the realm of Endor Coven of the Ophite Cultus Satanas." It existed until Sloane's death in
the mid 70's.
The afterward chief assistant came in 1966, for example a man named Anton LaVey lacking hair his front position and founded the Church of Satan. At crown, the Church of Satan championed some wholly impressive
concepts, and LaVey's Satanic Bible does bring in the Satanic
philosophy of life wholly in shape, set aside for the fact
that LaVey started this whole nonsense about Satan organism
scarcely a symbol which Satanists detail, not a real spiritual
This is essentilly the purpose of the division between Become hard
Satanists and Inventive Satanists. We may go on the incredibly basic way of life, but the similarities wholly extensively end in attendance.
Inventive Satanists don't really exalt or tolerate in Satan,
so, really, they're without prejudice atheists.
And now, at what time all of the death, presecution, and blood,
at what time the fool around and the scandals, we are inactive something like. The solitary gap is that now we are sound and can
practice our religion inoffensively. Now we can suggestion our books and lecture our log to the world. And now, Become hard
Satanism is on the perfectly.
Sunday, 6 June 2010
Which Bible Do The Bible Believers Believe Future Of Faith 11

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