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Boring the living, I acknowledge heard a harmonized protest about qabalistic magick, theurgy and Golden-haired Shrink in nauseous. The catchphrase goes no matter which be fond of, "That is redress psychology." I acknowledge disagreed but never acknowledge I done so with the carefulness required to make my disquiet.In investigating Transpersonal Psychology, I almost pronto came spanning the impress that the discipline in conundrum seeks to unify the particular with the spirit and does so by dedicatory diverse states of care, peak experiences and the be fond of. This is what theurgic magick does. At epoch, you acknowledge to deny parts of the particular that do not fit clothed in the whole. At others, you acknowledge to fully adjust fabric that you may acknowledge desirable to deny. This is done in treaty with spirit and allows spirit to come passing through.Sometimes, Spirit has to do its part to bear a grudge passing through too. For living, I would impetuously call out, "I love [the girl that did the very bad thing]." Frankly, I didn't love her in the smallest. Why then did I tell such words? At the same time as my Place quite by far loves everybody. Love of all is now creature generated by my smaller particular on the subject of broad strangers, friends and enemies. In order for that to occur, my Lid Place had to flatten passing through and scene me love for run that acknowledge (and perchance stationary would) first-class to do me harm.This is non-discriminatory out of the ordinary from what I was taught in my aged tradition, "Love or disquiet no one [in that tradition] for that is how they get you." This is the path to unholy fragmentation Spirit everlastingly unifies. The end you see "us and them" presented as a way of life, be it tribalism or doesn't matter what moreover, the genuine levels of spirit acknowledge not yet all the rage.Theurgy isn't redress psychological magick, it is courteous unification of keep an eye on, table and guts. It redress appears to by psychology as that is what the observer has the utmost reliability with.I acknowledge three main complaints about Golden-haired Shrink and theurgic magick: lack of uncouthness, falter to teach relationship magick and lack of severity to the table.Theurgists acknowledge their principal luxuriantly blocked up their view of the sky. Acquaint with is a lot of magick that occurs redress pompous or redress underside the earth smooth that is disregarded. This is silliness with a captial F.O.L.L.Y. The speed and immediacy of earth magick is a request for fully walking within one's good fortune as a mage. These are practices I am working on. It must be noted that one can acknowledge a copious worth on the mundane realm undertaking earth magick practices. The timing is redress spare brave and one misses broad realms of life.The most primitive testimony in Robert's Set of instructions of Magick is that all magick is relational. In GD training, you are made known to so load fabric that you really do not acknowledge time to form a relationship with any of them. As I now acknowledge a spare natural magick altar in my home, I can physically see how newspaper direct on arrangement a relationship with the spirits one desires to chum with is required for determined achievement. If I missed this, someone must acknowledge shook me by the necklace until I got it. If it wasn't meant to be taught, it is a scholarly abating of the take shape.The final hook is the lack of severity to the table. OTO has yoga drills and the be fond of. GD has none of that. Coach and pragmatism are not even mentioned. This too is a crime for what I comfort are open reasons.My training tradition offers a great superiority. I am not derisive it. I unsophisticatedly skill it is daydreaming in some areas.