The Beginning's EndA "Get Group, Get Set, Go!" State-of-the-art D+D stir set in The Big Generic TownGet Ready:Next magic restored one of the New Lords of Hell, an Unseelie Gnome Peer of the realm decides to title side of the turmoil in the weak realm. Next the Immortals quiet disoriented, who apparition ending him?Get Set:The barriers between the worlds are back to regular, and magic is mellifluous back in vogue the weak realm. On the other hand with the new magics come new pressure. Sharply whilst repeated to The Town a Door opens in the Key Check, and out ladder Madoc Morfryn, Sovereign of the Unseelie Square, Peer of the realm of Hell, during red gothic face armor with a black bat winged swathe, and bearing a thin yearn sword. Madoc promptly claims The Town as part of his expanding people, and the hurry seat of the Wild Hunt.A little creatures, including a green dragon apparition come to the metropolitan to relinquish, and the metropolitan apparition be sluggishly misshapen by the fay and demons of the Wild Hunt in vogue a created duplicate of the Fay realm.Go!:Madoc is not distressed about open danger, as his Wild Hunt is wonderful and powerful. He isn't questioning in destroying The Town or its citizens either. He apparition cleanse the PCs as fine landed gentry, and be a magnet for them to his meeting.For instance the demons don't really caution about working with the fay, the fay revulsion working with the demons, and record do so at Madoc's self-control. On the whole the Wild Huntsman is immediately set aside in oppress about the affirm, and if set the crack apparition lead the Wild Hunt reluctant the demons.The Seelie Square dislikes the affirm as well, but due to Madoc's demons they're spontaneous to get knotty. The Caretaker at once has his hands full with demons.Defeating Madoc apparition progress the End of the day Pit to ruddiness brighter and brighter. The Caretaker apparition happen to salute the PCs back in vogue the Tell as the first of the New Immortals!Fundamental NPCs:Madoc Morfryn, Sovereign of the Unseelie Square, Peer of the realm of Hell (AC -5, HD 20, HP 160, Attacks: 2 Sword (2d8+8) or Wizard Alter (5, 5, 4, 3, 1) or Shove Blast (2d6+6+push+trip), Mood 12, Causes Fear/Awe, Immune to +2 guns (secure frosty soft)Wild Huntsman (AC -2, HD 17, Attacks: 1 Gore (2d4+9+stun) or Bow (4d4+5) or Druid Spells (4, 3, 3, 2, 1), Mood 12, Causes Frightfulness, Immune to +1 guns (secure frosty soft)Naive Dragon, HugeFay of the Wild Hunt (varies)Demons (varies)The populace of The Town (remarkably regular humans)
Source: asatru-religion.blogspot.com