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BY Fair Depart IMPERATORDAVID GRIFFINThe Fair Depart has been littered for well stuck-up a century by the suggestion of "Astrophysical Masters" as Secret Chiefs. At mature these carry been called "Sun Masters" and "inner flat acquaintances" at others. This branch off has become actual in the Fair Depart community today another time for two reasons. Put on are a moment ago rumors in our community that the Cromlech Temple's Sun Order is really the Third Order of the Fair Depart led by "Astrophysical Masters" called "Sun Masters" as well Fair Depart is led by other "Astrophysical Masters," one of which has been recognized as the angel Raphael.This theory of "Astrophysical Masters" was hard from Helena Blavatsky's theosophy and was introduced each one inwards the Cromlech temple and inwards the Stella Matutina. Dion Batch sophisticated built-in this theory inwards her Inner Small school. Myriad G.D. leaders carry conversational out on the dangers and abuses of this "Astrophysical Masters" theory."Shear Farrell, for instance, wrote here:"I carry belonged to groups everyplace the secret chiefs (or acquaintances) were hand-me-down as a steel of captivity stuck-up students. The discuss you can't carry this cut is while [pack secret chief's name] theoretical so. You can get notwithstanding with any sight while the administration for any decision is outsourced to an Unobserved Associate."and here:"Put on is a lot that Francis Sovereign preference carry to riposte for in the afterlife... astral masters and Steiner within the Stella Matutina is one of them."Pat Zalewksi replied to Shear Farrell here:"Hi Shear"I promote to open area. While you be an enthusiast of astral masters you carry stepped stuck-up the edge of esoteric knowledge in theology. While it becomes theology you end up in a cult because idea and discuss goes out the plot."I carry very conversational out not keen the dangers of the suggestion of "Astrophysical Masters" as Secret Chiefs for natural life."For instance, inwards, everyplace I wrote:"Separate today's New Age community, the Fair Depart, from its very lead in 1888, habitually has been very severe in its lay into of these be of practices [channeling] as potentially depraved for the mortal spirit. The Fair Depart tradition has habitually scorned slow mediumship and idealized active seership as the entirely true deputy for a Juggler. For instance, the revolutionary pull form of the Fair Depart in 1888 illustrates this produce pretty clearly: "'The Chiefs of the Order do not delicacy to have a high regard for as Candidates any ancestors easy to hand over themselves as Mediums to the Experiments of Hypnotism, Mesmerism, or Spiritualism; or who often allow themselves to fall inwards a enormously Unmoving nausea of Will; very they thoughts of the methods prepared use of as a domination in such Experiments.' "The revolutionary Raw recruit Must from 1888 underscores this lay into of "slow mediumship" or "channelling" even more: "'I preference not be responsible for myself to be hypnotized, or fascinated, nor preference I place myself in such a slow say that any unqualified human being, power, or for instance may shift me to lose captivity of my mind-set, words or conduct.'"For that reason we see that, overturn to be bounded by claims, putting oneself inwards a say of mediumistic accessibility, as in the swathe of New Age "channeling", not entirely runs overturn to all traditional Fair Depart experience, but is even an complete breech of devotion for traditional Fair Depart initiates."Pat Zalewksi has echoed my own conclusions about this on sundry occasions. For instance inwards, Pat wrote:"If you point out to go to telepathist or a channeler afterward that is new-fangled from the GD."Directly, the conclusions of each one Zalewski and Farrell, based on regular natural life of open investigate, soften my own conclusions in the substance of channeling "Astrophysical Masters," whether "Sun Masters" of the Stella Matutina, the Cromlech Forehead, or even in the appear of the "Archangel Rafael."Let us hide what leaders in the Fair Depart community carry theoretical in literal about the "Astrophysical Sun Masters" of Cromlech Temple's Sun Order as any rank of Astrophysical Secret Chiefs of the Fair Dawn's Third Order."Pat Zalewksi wrote here:"If the Cromlech temple is the 3rd Order afterward Jack Taylor was a quantity of it. This is the rank of gibberish that comes up the same as you chat of descent."and here:"I get some drool about Sun masters (who passed away in 1919 never to return)... Close time I cling about Sun Master I preference say get a life and recess for instance out of go with."and here:"My own object is that the electronic message with the Sun Masters was the knob beyond than the plain. A oily gradient."The conclusions of Pat Zalewski, based on his open investigate, another time to cut a long story short soften my own. The Fair Depart without doubt does not wish discrete "Astrophysical Master" cult. We are all too strong with the rank of abuses of power mentioned by Shear Farrell above.In the past, the whole channeling of Astrophysical Masters to free from blame the power of dubious Fair Depart leaders has led to some very grave abuses of power, amid one important swathe of sexual maltreatment. I carry by no avenue been as an individual in verbal communication out not keen this threat."Pat Zalewksi, for instance, wrote here:"The GD does carry some very strong spiritual components as part of its quality and is does not wish channellers waiting for high society to regard them... The same as we do not wish is a discrete cult with...[astral masters] perseverance it for sexual happiness here has been beyond than once picky of that already."Complementary complexity alluded to by Shear Farrell above, is that no one can confirm the proclamations prepared by Fair Depart leaders channeling "Astrophysical Masters," so leaders can for the most part free from blame anything they point out by recounting their members that the spirits told them to do special effects that way."Pat Zalewski addressed this complexity here:"Furthermore you carry high society worker directions that are in twist nearness with astral beings such as astral masters. That makes the chiefs word about gigantic. You can't keep up with invisible entities who grant orders. Normally this preference come out in sexual maltreatment. That's the vista Waco and Jones syndrome."Complementary complexity is, as each one Pat Zalewski and I carry pointed out regular mature in the past, that channeled "Astrophysical Masters" never healthy to really bring forth any subsequent new experience, as is attested to by finished bookshelves of delusional channeled plain in New Age bookstores."Pat Zalewksi wrote here:"As far as I am on your guard Greatest extent of these astral masters grant very small in useful argue and exact serving dish out a pep discussion on how they hardship floorboard their lives."and here:"At any degree this is my view of it. If you vow this astral nearness elapsed the 3rd Order afterward you breach bring forth plain that matches it, which hardship not be prominent statements but severe cut levels of teaching. In all of this, the crucial complexity is that the GD is a Feature of magical PRACTICES rather than a "revealed" religion. I just now wrote about this inwards. The debate stuck-up channeled spirits of any be directing a Fair Depart order is inapposite. In the same way as a literal magician may, in time, learn to verification with such spirits, they are not the strong motivation or sequence tramp someone for the Fair Depart. In the same way as be bounded by religions of the past and arrange vow to be guided by revelations from God, the gods, or from angels and spirits, the Fair Depart makes no such vow and does not affect such "have an effect on." Go up to any studious, the Fair Depart is a Feature of magic compiled feathers investigate and important within a sequence which is made-up to allow others to upshot the precise level of spiritual mound as its founders and top "professors." The GD Feature is not the entirely Road or method; it is ONE Road, ONE approach for such capability. In the same way as someone possibly will find their way on their own, it would ask for a lot longer and potentially residue an finished incarnation.Pagan compose and Alexandrian Wiccan Large,, Frater Barrabbas just now wrote here:"Spirit a trail blazer makes such an creature whatever thing of a star, but here is very a high worth to electing such a path, and that, in all generosity of spirit, very requests to be covered... If you add up all the of natural life it took me to expand a powerful and imprecise attempt of magick that was pleasant to beyond colonize than myself, the conclusive unprofessional is whatever thing in the zone of 20 natural life... I dragging regular natural life reinventing the circle. I had no stuck-up while here wasn't any Fair Depart order for me to bolt, and here weren't any published books (because David Griffin's "Primness Magic Manual") that showed in specific how to perform magic using the Fair Depart attempt. Bearing in mind that it takes entirely four natural life or so for someone to master the Fair Depart attempt and exhibit the strong sequence and engage mentoring and auspices from experienced adepts, I grasp that to be a extreme breach way of mastering the western attempt of magick. Draw a distinction four natural life to impart 15 to 20 natural life and you preference easily see that there's really no relative amount at all. If I were starting out today, I would bolt the Fair Depart and get my introductory knowledge to cut a long story short established, and afterward once that was undivided, I would be well brought-up to suffering with enormously new forms. I would carry the precise ability and job that I carry now, yet sans having hand-me-down up two decades of my life in feat here."God, the gods, angels, spirits, and all the rest are within reach to all if one is lawfully coagulate. These "spirits" are not questioning in any one Order or Road. They reveal themselves to whoever is coagulate. A first-rate bend of any magical Order, and correspondingly very the AO, is to Restraint the huntsman to make nearness with their a cut above self and elapsed. The GD is a Line, not a religion guided by spirits of any be. The sense someone forgets this exactness, they become spiritual tyrants, elitists, and prophets. The history of the GD, because any spiritual row, is beset with delusional aspirants who josh to some spirit and lost their way.I carry found it fertile the same as in the past be bounded by others carry accused me of wobbly to set myself up as some rank of Joseph Smith of the Fair Depart. This is rather lighthearted bearing in mind that I carry conversational out all out of order not keen G.D. leaders channeling "Astrophysical Masters" as Secret Chiefs.The Fair Depart did not exact fall out of the sky, still. It is thoroughly set in in the large Sealed and Rosicrucian traditions. The Alpha Omega does not floorboard in a spiritual sparkling either. We are well on your guard that the Fair Depart is not the best Sealed or Rosicrucian order in history. Today's A.O. is the superficial exhibition of a Rosicrucian and Sealed initiatic essence pre-dating the Fair Depart, which unruffled end occulted in Continental Europe. From this supply, the A.O. has acknowledged subsequent initiation rituals, spiritual practices, and experience for the a cut above grades of the A.O. that go far elapsed the Adeptus Miniature plain published by Regardie. We are already making some of this plain informative to our own students and border it with other groups in our community.I a moment ago operate as arbiter for this House Rosicrucian Learned and its Sealed Master Magicians and Alchemists. These are real high society mobile a real order, still, and not any rank of "Astrophysical Masters." These Sealed Master Magicians and Alchemists are indeed "Secret Chiefs" of the Alpha Omega's Third Order, in so far as they present advanced spiritual technology and satisfy to stock shrouded in furtiveness. They are not any rank of prophets, disincarnate entities, or anything because that, still. They are but the guardians of advanced oath-bound spiritual technology from the Sealed and Rosicrucian traditions pre-dating the Fair Depart.The fact that I operate as a translator and caretaker to make this spiritual technology informative to the Fair Depart community, does not make me any rank of "Joseph Smith," still, any beyond than making data and tech informative makes any lethal programmer a judge either.All that really matters is the availability of the tech, not the creature.One essential fissure between other leaders in today's Fair Depart community and me is that I carry superiors in the order that I be included to. If I do not do my job nicely, or if human being on the Alpha Omega does whatever thing stanchly disastrous to the conservation of the tradition, I preference be airy-fairy from my settle and someone besides put in my place. I am enormously sensible for persons less than me in the order, which is a rule enshrined in the traditional blasphemy of the Crucial Practiced in the G.D. I am very enormously dispensable. Were I to die tomorrow, someone besides would ask for stuck-up my job.I engage orders but am not short-lived as Joseph Smith on anyone's behalf. I learn from from my teachers in Europe. I compact advanced spiritual practices inwards the A.O. sequence to make this tech informative to A.O. students and to other groups in the Fair Depart community who carry already pulled out to share this tech with us.Translating spiritual technology, as well my experiences and investigate so that A.O. students can perquisite from it, is "science," equally receiving law while I am special in a way none of you can ideal for is whatever thing enormously new-fangled.I know for a fact that here are high society sharp of me in vocabulary of spiritual intellect in this life. None of these are "special" in that they are "pulled out" in a way that no other human being can count on to meet in some existence (e.g., Joseph Smith).Magicians are really no new-fangled than athletes. Particular athletes are exact breach and no measure of training (in this life) preference allow the norm man to equate their achievements. In the past vigorous training and qualifications, an horse can share methods of training that he found effective and tell on us mortals about what doesn't work (at least for most high society).Gathering because Joseph Smith may indeed chat to angels (or be bananas) but lose their way the same as they take into account they are "the pulled out one" and no other incarnation of mortal for instance can upshot the precise level of nearness. That human being afterward gets a Messianic hard to understand and dooms a daytime of backup. They begin recounting us what we wish to know and not how to practice to upshot equal capability. This moves us from a practice to a religion.The Fair Depart is not a religion and hardship not become one either. The same as the Fair Depart community requests is beyond good leaders voluntary to regularity up to the thin covering, so we can make traditional initiation informative to beyond high society. We do not wish prophets.Level Moses didn't sham to be special. He theoretical "God told me this, do these special effects and ask him yourself." Oi-vay! Prophets are seal off but teachers are beyond significant.Too regular mature Fair Depart leaders carry veered inwards the brash become infected with of for instance "special" and that high society wish them as arbiter to a cut above nearness. You do not wish any arbiter. You, or any other because you, can become a patronizing in the Fair Depart if you entirely make the effort.Level my job preference one day be extreme by my heir. I without doubt do not envy her or him either. It is a unpleasant job with small mean reap.The Fair Depart does not wish prophets, but beyond good leaders. And what matters most about the G.D. is not its leaders either. The same as really matters are its methods and its spiritual practices and that we make these informative to a roomy group of qualified aspirants, so they can become Magicians as injudiciously and easily as feasible.The Fair Depart Feature is not the entirely Road or method; it is ONE Road, ONE approach for such capability. In the same way as someone possibly will find their way on their own, it would ask for a lot longer and potentially residue an finished incarnation.The Fair Depart a Line, a Feature, a set of METHODS, that can be educated and educated. Put on are sundry directions today wobbly to make this informative. The Alpha Omega is one such G.D. order. I am not saying we are "breach" than any other order, but we DO special effects differently - and you can do them too.Bang In vogue to burrow our Outer Order, learner level Magic training relay, the Sealed Order of the Fair Dawn!"Reflect Conflicting.Alpha OmegaBecause we make Magicians!Don't miss:Golden Depart WebsiteGolden Depart Research CenterGolden Depart FAQGolden Depart TVGolden Depart Relations