What the Bible teaches us about extraterrestrial life and the role of humans in the universe? It reveals that there is indeed intelligent extraterrestrial life, but not so as many imagine. Nowhere in the Bible is of little green people the speech live on other planets. But very much in mind of an existing entity that "lives forever" (Isaiah 57:15).Extraterrestrial life forms, as presented in science fiction novels and the entertainment media are in the Bible. But when it comes to real extraterrestrial life, the Bible has to say very much. Through the Bible we learn that there are millions of beings called angels. It is about "ministering spirits" to help the people to fulfill God's plan (Hebrews 1:13-14). These beings, which are described in the Bible, there really. According to the Bible they are released and people have even spoken with them personally.In the very first verse of the Bible we learn from the highest spiritual beings, namely God: "In the beginning God created heaven and earth" (Genesis 1:1 first). Thus we are given two insights that are beyond all science. The first is that God exists. The second has the word "created", or to do with the original Hebrew word bara."This verb is of profound theological significance, since it only God can have a subject. Only God can create something within the meaning of bara. Mean a creation out of nothing, a term that occurs in various passages of creation is particularly clear as day... "(Vine's Complete Expository Dictionary of Old and New Testament Words, 1985, published by Thomas Nelson, Nashville, USA, keyword" creating ").Anyway, the idea of a creation of the universe out of nothing beyond the scope of observational and experimental science. About the matter, which already exist, and how they can transform themselves, we can report the sciences much. But they are impossible to explain how something comes from nothing. On the origin of matter that makes up the universe, they can only speculate. Therefore, the theory of evolution is always started from the assumption that it is matter already existed.
lunar truth
moon landing
end of the world
judgement day
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