Auspician wrote:
I did find it a bit entertaining that succeeding in the saving throw for Terrible Remorse is actually worse than failing it. I'd much rather take a bit of damage here and there than not be able to act for a round on a successful save.Example of brokenness: Four member party, each is able to cast terrible remorse. Fighting a creature such as a powerful dragon, with great saves. The party cycles through with one member casting terrible remorse each round, shutting the dragon down, while the rest of the party wails on it.
Honestly, I see no reason why a typical CR 20 creature cannot be killed by a 7th level party when *someone* in the party can penetrate its DR/regen if the party uses multiple castings of Terrible Remorse. At least as long as it doesn't have SR and is not immune to mind effects.
Yay for a party of 7th level characters easily murdering a 20th level fighter by making him feel bad for being too powerful?
Yeah, Terrible Remorse still needs to be fixed - maybe making the target *staggered* rather than unable to act if they succeed in the save, hmmm Jason?
Is there any particular reason that said CR 20 creature (or the aforementioned 20th level fighter) couldn't simply relent its saving throw?
Source: wicca-teachings.blogspot.com