I call this ritual the unholy because it is a tearing away of all the conditioning and programming from lifetimes of religious subjugation, lifetimes of fear based indoctrinations and lifetimes of being lied to about our own divine destiny which is ascension, the continuation of the soul and our rightful place in the Universe which is alive, intelligent and the entity all religions pray to. I call this ritual unholy because it is blasphemy to accept let alone embrace one's own divine soul and reject that all Humanity was born in to sin and must become clean. We are in fact not servants, but sons and daughters all of us, of the limitless light that is the creator. In fact, we are, all of us, a part of that sole singular thing that is GOD.This ritual must be conducted with a sword, two candles (one to be always held in your left hand till the end of the ritual!), a glass or bowl of water, a feather or a group of feathers and a rock or preferably a crystal. (These are symbols of terrestrial elements.) These would be for the four minor elements. AIR, WATER, EARTH AND FIRE. Also, have an incense burner handy with a charcoal and have sage, sweet grass, cedar and tobacco with some copal to smoke your surrounding and keep it spiritually, psychically and inter-dimensionally clean.This ritual also must be performed with the following items: An hour glass or clock (TIME), a small box(SPACE), a ruler or tool that can measure distance(DISTANCE), black round crystal or stone (MATTER), a flash light or battery operated lamp(LIGHT), Darkness should be all around you and you should be dressed in black(DARK), and a black cross or a black Jesus Christ on a cross to symbolize both life and death(DEATH AND LIFE). You can use any other symbol that evokes emotions from you and that corresponds to both life and death. You can even use separate symbols for life and death so long as they both have a physical representation. You are as limited as your imagination and creativity is. These are the eight universal elements that hold our universe together. Throughout the universe they may vary in strength, frequency and presence but they are always a constant. You can set them up as you wish so long as they are around you. Once you have set them all up, the four minor elements and the eight universal elements, you speak these words in the darkness.PRE-ENCANTATION:THERE EXISTS NO WILL HERE BUT MINE OWN. THERE EXISTS NO WILL ABOVE ME BUT MINE OWN. THERE EXISTS NO WILL BELOW ME BUT MUINE OWN. THERE EXISTS NO WILL IN THE DARKNESS OR THE LIGHT BUT MINE OWN. THERE EXISTS NO WILL OVER ME BUT MINE OWN THROUGH TIME, SPACE, DISTANCE, MATTER, LIGHT, DARK, DEATH AND LIGHT. NO WILL BUT MINE OWN HERE AND NOW. Ignite the incense and cleanse the room.This ritual is so important because it is designed to take responsibility of our own divinity and awaken our seven souls (or chakras) which tether us in this physical world. Awakening our inner selves prepares us for ascension and grants us the ability to transcend the shackles programmed into our consciousness that bind us to this physical world and physical three dimensional way of thinking. It is a way to undo the fear based programming we have been conditioned with for not only this life time but other past ones as well.In the darkness wait and clear your mind, breathe deeply, hold it for 8 seconds then exhale slowly sitting or standing. Perform the breathing exorcise 8 times. Unsheathe your sword and raise it with your right hand to the sky (or ceiling if indoors.) and draw a circle above you.ENCANTATION:BY THE POWERS OF ARCHANGEL HANAEL GATE KEEPER AND LORD OF THE GATES OF MATTER, CHILD OF THE FORCES OF TIME OPEN THE GATES THAT THE HIGHER HIDDEN REALMS MAY FIND ME AND THAT I MAY FIND THEM AND BECOME ONE WITH THE COMPREHENSION AND UNDERSTANDING OF THEIR WISDOM TO HASTEN MY ASCENSION.BY THE POWERS OF ARCHANGEL AZRA'IL GATE KEEPER AND LORD OF THE GATES OF DEATH, CHILD OF THE GREAT TRANSFORMERS GRANT ME THE WISDOM OF ALL THAT RESIDES WITHIN DIEMSIONS OF ALPHA AND A LL THAT RESIDES WITHIN THE DIMESNIONS OF THE OMEGA, THE WISDOM OF THER BEGINNING AND THE ENDING AND ALL PARALLLELS AND POSSIBILITIES THEREIN TO HASTEN MY ASCENSION.ALL THAT I HAVE SUMMONED ABOVE I MANIFEST HERE BELOW.Bring down your sword slowly (no matter how sore your arm is!) and touch the floor.Now you will kneel and awaken the elements.ENCANTATION:KHU-AY, KA-AY, KHAIBIT-AY, SEKHEM-AY, BA-AY,REN-AY, SAHU-AY SEKHEFET AY.(Seven souls: consciousness, astral double, your shadow, your personal spiritual power, your root immortal soul, your name, your spirit, life force or energy signature in this incarnation.)MY SOULS ARE BEYOND FIRE, MY SOULS ARE BEYOND AIR, MY SOULS ARE BEYOND, EARTH AND MY SOULS ARE BEYOND WATER.(Say this part seven (8) times.)MY SOULS ARE BEYOND, TIME, SPACE, DISTANCE, MATTER, LIGHT, DARK, DEATH AND LIFE.I AM BEYOND THE POWER OF TIME, SPACE, DISTANCE, MATTER, LIGHT, DARK, DEATH AND LIFE.I AWAKEN GOD WITHIN ME. BEYOND MY FEARS, BEYONDMY HOPES, BEYOND MY WHAT I KNOW OR WHAT I MAY THINK I KNOW I INVOKE AND AWAKEN GOD WITHIN ME THAT I MAY SEE, THAT I MAY FEEL AND THAT I MAY KNOW. I AWAKEN THE CREATOR OF THE UNIVERSE AND THE UNIVERSE ITSELF WITHIN ME. THAT I MAY UNDERSTAND.Many say close the ceremony because you want to send the energies away to begin the process you started with the ritual. I am a chaos magician / sorceress and so I tend to do the exact opposite. I leave the doors wide open because that is why I placed locks and filters on the all the gates opened by NOT permitting anything averse to my will and intention to enter and rendering them powerless against me. I enjoy leaving the doors open because it has been my experience that the energies pass much more fluidly through dimensional doorways when there open. I have a difficult time dismissing energies when it took them forever and many lifetimes and a day to get to my ritual. Plus, I am no one to dismiss the very powers that are freeing me and helping me to contact my inner divine self. Why exactly would I bid them depart? Oh, hell no. They are more than welcome and can walk through me as they please. Purifying my seven souls, life and environment healing and protecting me and those that I love.AFTER THE RITUAL AND ENCANTATION SIT IN THE DARK FEEL THE ENERGIES INTERNALLY AND EXTERNALLY AND THEN LIGHT THE CANDLE THAT WAS IN YOUR LEFT HAND WHICH WAS RECORDING ALL THAT YOU DID AND SAID AND ALL THAT WAS SPOKEN, REVEALED AND DID TO YOU FOR YOU. LET THE CANDLE BURN PLACING THE CANDLE HOLDER IN A BOWL OF WATER UNTILL IT CONSUMES ITSELF. DO NOT TURN IT OFF IT IS FUEL FOR THOSE YOU SUMMONED.The much older Egyptian SPHINX was the original symbol left by the ancients. Indicating the same destiny of humanity but with the pyrimid indicating ascension rather than wings which were an new added feature by Roman artisans.The Romanized SPHINX was a symbol of humanities destiny. From beast to human and the wings are symbol for ascension. Rising above the phsyical.
Source: i-love-witchcraft.blogspot.com