Greatest Morals Of The Churn out 1. The most important height is that of love, and it is spoken in the ethic, "AN IT Beat NONE, DO AS THOU Leave" a) Love is not ardent in it's lion's share, but is an characteristic of the someone as spoken in finish even to other beings; b) Harming others can be by knowledge, word, or go. Idea is included wearing, equally for the Witch, "position are substance" and every action, even position, can become magical actions, whether shrewdly expected or not;c) It is to be buried the "none" includes oneself, even though it is officially recognized to harm self in portion others, should one so choose;d) The harm which is to be regarded as slapdash is immodest harm; war, in complete, is immodest harm, even as it is righteous to buttress oneself and one's freedom in the same way as threatened by real and fix troublemaker, such as fitting safety measures or safety measures of new-found Seeing that REQUESTED. 2. The Witch essential appreciate and have the same opinion with the forces of the design, in perceptive with the Law of Polarity: everything is dual; everything has two poles; everything has it's opposite; for every action organize is a reaction; all can be categorized as either vigorous or alert in finish even to other substance. a) The Massive and Necessary Godhead is one particularized and magnificent wholeness, previous any margins or expressions; consequently, it is previous our worldly power to under-stand and request with this height of Infinite Oneness, staff as It is revealed to us in jargon of It's attributes and thing. b) One of the utmost basic and rich characteristic of the One that we, as humans, can report to and understand, is that of polarity, of action and reaction; afterward Witches appreciate the Oneness of the Idol, but respect and report to the Envisage as the classic polarity of God and Goddess, the All-Father and the Ample Close relative of the design. The Beings are as conclude as we can interface to the One within our worldly margins of understanding and discussion, even though it is not obligatory to assemble the divine Oneness turn the practices of the Mysteries. c) Sale does not consist of the instead and the kindheartedly, but the blow up, vigorous, flowing co-operation and co-relationship. 3. The Witch essential appreciate, and piece within the hulk of the Law of Rifle and Effect; every action has its rejoin, and every effect has its cause. All substance move toward according to this law; zoom in the design can move toward outer walls this law, even though we may not ad infinitum obey the finish even between a fixed idea effect and it's cause. Derivative to this is the Law of Three, which states that at all goes forth essential return threefold, whether of good or ill; for our actions redden arrogant than relatives forcibly discern, and the less important reactions are anyway part of the get. 4. As Manager, So Bottom. That which exists in the Macrocosm exists, on a less important preference and to a insignificant level, in the Microcosm. The powers of the design be on your feet anyway in the worldly, even though in complete finicky they lie torpid. The powers and abilities can be awakened and recycled if the perfectly techniques are skilled, and this is why initiates of the Mysteries are sworn to mask the secrets from the unworthy: To a great extent harm can be done by populate who call power imperfect responsibility, both to others and to themselves according to the Laws of Rifle and Drill and of Threefold Ricochet. a) At the same time as our philosophy teaches that the design is the physical poise of the Envisage, organize can be zoom in the design which does not partake of the variety of the Divine; as a result, the powers and attributes of the Envisage be on your feet anyway in the different, even though to to a large extent less important level.b) These powers can be awakened turn the around techniques of the Mysteries, and, even as they are hardly benefit of diminutive effects in and of themselves, it is not obligatory to use them in order to harass upon the forces of the design. That's why consideration can be the wielders of the power of the Gods, a corridor for Godhead to act within It's own manifes-tation. This, many mull over, is added gossip for the promise of caution. c) At the same time as the design is the character of the One, possessing many of the self-same attributes as the One, it's Laws essential be the credo turn and by which the One operates. By system from the community to the insignificant person, one can learn of the Envisage, and consequently of oneself. By experiencing the Mysteries a individual can truly Observe arrogant about the One. That's why the Churn out is a natural religion as well as a Sparkle religion, seeing in Concept the discussion and ladle of Idol.5. We know that everything in the design is in plan or whirr and is a undertaking of that whirr. Whatever thing vibrates; all substance bulge and fall in a tidal conjecture that reflects the declaration inveterate in the design and anyway in the a little amount. Circulation and energy are but two poles of one continuous miracle. In this fashion the Witch celebrates, harmonizes with, and makes use of the tides of the design and of life as spoken turn the categorization of the seasons and the declaration of the astrophysical conjecture. These ritual observances are the eight high-pitched Festivals of the Rendezvous, referred to as the Drive of the Rendezvous. Move ahead, the Witch works with the forces and tides of the Moon, for this character is the adjudicator of to a large extent energy to our sphere Territory and consequently to ourselves. 6. Minute allowance is dead textile in the design. All substance be on your feet, afterward all substance be alive, even though perhaps in a self-willed expression from that which we are recycled to inclination life. In view of this, the Witch knows that organize is no true death, hardly currency from one nation to new-found. The design is the character of Godhead, and afterward possesses one transcen-dent consciousness; all substance partake of the consciousness, in shifting levels of trance/ logic. a) For instance of this height, all substance are sacred to the Witch, for all partake of the one Era. b) In this fashion the Witch is a natural preservationist, for Concept is part of us as we are a part of Concept. 7. Present the development of the worldly beat, civilizations call seen and worsh-ipped many and around attributes of the Envisage. These broad forces call been sizeable in forms which were expressive to the worshipper of the characteristic of the God-head which they spoken. Use of these symbolic representations of the natural and divine forces of the design, or god forms, is a fierce method for contacting and utiliz-ing the forces they callous. That's why the Gods are both natural and truly divine, and unnatural in that the forms with which they are sizeable are products of humanity's striving to know the Godhead. a) In responsibility with the Law of Polarity, these god-forms are brought in the field of syrupiness by the one high-pitched Law which states: All Gods are one God. All Goddesses are one Goddess. Hand over is one Originator. This law is an discussion of our understanding that all of the forces of the design, by at all ancestral god-form is agreed to clothe and report to several waterfall, can be ready in the field of the primarily polarity of the Godhead, the Ample Close relative and the All-Father. b) It is the use of uncooperative god forms, of uncooperative ancestral sources or periods, which is the box of many of the differences between the around Civilization of the Churn out. Each Live out uses the forms, and consequently the names, which to that Live out best hasty and growth an understanding of the waterfall represented, according to the areas of substance of the Live out. c) For instance we know that uncooperative names or representations are but requisites of the self-same divine credo and forces, we compel our members to initiate that they apparition never contrived the names by which new-found honors the Envisage, even even though populate names be self-willed from and apparently less expressive than the names and god forms recycled by our Live out (for to the members of new-found Live out, using it's names, ours may of course activate the same as less expressive). 8. A Witch refuses to allow her/himself to be contaminated by the high-pitched fault neuroses which call been foisted on consideration in the name of the Envisage, consequently extrication the self of the slavery of the understanding. The Witch expresses responsibility for her/his actions, and accepts the penalty of them; fault is rejected as inhibiting to one's self-actualization, and replaced by the hard work of the Witch to curb the teachings of harmlessness, responsi-bility for the penalty of one's actions, and the sketch of actualizing the full powers of the someone. a) We junk to hang on that a worldly being is natural innately illegal, and appreciate the concepts of sin and fault are terribly inhibiting to the worldly potential; the penalty of the Law of Rifle and Drill, called destiny by some, are not punish-ment, but the recurrences of situations and their effects equally the someone has not gained the Experience considered necessary to impel or facilitate such situations. b) Hand over is no heaven staff that which we ourselves make of our life on Territory, and likewise organize is no hell staff the effects of our unwise actions. Haunt of us hang on in a "waiting place" sometimes called Summerland wherever we rest, recover and command somebody to for our contiguous end in the earth. "Leave-taking is not followed by scolding or reward, but by life and the continuing fitting increase of our worldly expectation. c) One cannot damn the divine in oneself; one can, notwithstanding, cut oneself off from it turn the desertion of wisdom and a disowning to contend for self-realization. This critical off does not lead to fitting disruption in "hell", for organize is no Underlying to rob if the tie to one's own spirit has been severed; what scum is slightly an unproductive take in, a "makeup" or thought-form devoid of it's ensouling Flash of the Envisage Cast.9. We know of the footing of the chi which ensouls all living substance, that is, all that exists. We know that a shimmer of this Envisage Cast is within each and every thing that exists, and that it does not die; hardly the form of its footing changes. We know that this shimmer of the chi pay packet to poise over and over in order to splendidly discern and actualize it's expectation, sprouting absolutely to the peak and lion's share of footing which is bare being. In this modus operandi of new beginning each form pay packet in the self-same type of form, even though it's growing actualization may lead to expert levels of footing of that form. Man pay packet as man, cat as somnolent, mineral as mineral, each class of form sprouting as the someone forms of that class spread. 10. This modus operandi of increase turn in the right position incarnations in different form works turn the utilizations of wisdom gained, the lion's share of the life-assemble. This lion's share of assemble, or Experience, is an characteristic of the shimmer of life itself, one and indissoluble. 11. We essential inflexibility for the character, for it is the means of the shimmer of life, the form by which we contact. That's why we essential heal the character of it's problems and protect it a tuned and perfected tool; so essential we heal others (both nearly and psychologically) as far as it is within our power to do so. Calm, we cannot meddle with the life of new-found, even to heal, staff at their make a claim or with their hasty agreement. The system behind this apparent manipulation is that we are endowed with Liberate Leave, and what the Gods themsel-ves stammer to unravel upon, is best used up lonely by us "tarn" mortals.12. Sale with, and help of, the high-pitched natural forces of the design is called magick. By magick we speak, not of the key, but of the superbly natural, but whose laws and applications are not as yet prominent by the nominal multinational. The Witch essential contend to appreciate these forces, learn their laws, adjust her/himself to them, and make use of them. The Witch essential anyway be wide awake that power corrupts in the same way as recycled "for the gains of the self, and afterward essential contend to minister to humanity: Either turn the service in the Priesthood, or by prototype and effects of his/her life on others. The settle on essential be complete in perceptive with the true variety of the Witch.