Thee Temple ov Psychick Youth
OnLine Transmission I
TimeFix: Sept, 1990 EV
Four more data: TOPY US:Box 18223:Denver:CO:80218
or> Coyote129:Box 95438:Seattle:WA:98145-2438
Thee ways ov TOPY are not thee ways ov other occult groups, for thee Temple expresses in all ov its works and practices thee multiplicity ov personalities and ideas ov those who form its network. We each bring to thee Temple our individuality in thee knowledge that this is our greatest gift and that thee Temple is open to all that is new, all who are different, all that is unexplored. We are not reliant on thee past for our authority for what we do, for we are the psychick explorers ov today and all imagined and unimagined experiences and skills have a place within our system. In this modern world, thee greatest danger we face, a danger which is all around us, is uniformity;
thee stifling ov creative energy and life. Those who seek to conform to a structure devised in other time, under other con-ditions, are denying their own experience ov life as it IS. They are prone to thee error ov denying thee natural process ov change, to fall prey to the crippling enemy called Dogma.
We accept no 'dogma', for that is thee imposition ov a be-lie-f from outside that is held to be tru regardless ov thee evidence to thee contrary.
Such inflexible 'truths' serve only to hold us back, to exclude thee truly Individual who find their experience in con-flict with the written tenet ov their 'faith'. Variety is stamped out, development is stunted: Control remains unchallenged. Everythings becoums a repitition ov what has gone before. They may tell us that their ways have stood thee test ov time, but that is a lie for they have done nothing but stand still in time, entrenched in thee dogma ov an earlier age. "Not a word ov thee Sacred Text may be altered" they say.
we say, "Rubbish!" Thee unchanged word is thee virus ov constraint. Follow thee lead ov Brion Gysin and cut up thee word.
Thee Temple uses every means at its disposal to break down thee walls ov time, thee monuments and museums ov thee past. We storm thee barricades ov con-ditioned thought to expand thee horizons ov thee possible. Information equals Power, and the Secretary is thee way ov control. Thee Temple rejects these ways ov thee past which shroud knowledge in cloaks ov mystification.
We open thee door to thee distribution and expansion of Information Wealth.
Thee Temple is open to all. There is no'right and wrong', no 'correct' way.
We respect all but lies and hypocricy. all is valued in the Temple; all that is ov thee Individual, all that expresses the richness ov thee Self. We have no room for those who lie to, or about themselves for they are choosing thee road to bitterness and self-hate; to thee decay ov delusion.
In the Temple we seek the Joy ov Life. We reclaim thee initiative ov ACTION, ov EXPERIMENT, ov CREATIVITY. We release the Magickal process from the chains ov thee past. We are thee Psychick Warriors ov Love.
Culture could be defined as thee way we see ourselves, reflected in our philosophy, laws, creative and spiritual aspirations and style ov living. Thee overall blanket definition ov culture encompasses popular culture, basically a sop to placate; youth culture, which is thee arbiter ov change and thee culture based on the traditionally defined roles, which is normally the province ov a self-perpetuating so-called elite.
As culture is the reflection, so "Occult" describes the underlying or
"Hidden" forces that subtly determine inspiration.
"Occulture" fuses these two descriptions ov being, the term implying a cataclysmic element. An integration between thee product and that which inspires it. Thee laws ov Cause and Effect manifested.
Occult energy, by its very nature, has for long been thee subject ov much mystique. Access has often been hindered by self-appointed guardians who mis-understood a basic rule - that thee receptacle can only manifest thee energy that it is designed to recieve. A quote from Crowley - "Refine thy Rapture"
illustrates this concept. What is basically meant is that our intake is governed by thee sensitivity, knowledge, and strength that we have amassed at thee time. Unless there is that in our structure which is developed enough to correspond to a particular force, the force by-passes us, as gas by-passes an electric plug. We are microcosmic in our being, but partial in our realized consciousness.
By combining occult and culture a more readily available access can be made into understanding thee subtle pivot between thee two definitions. Thus culture can be seen as less ov an arbitrary phenomenon and thee occult less ov a mystery. Occulture pre-supposes a tenable link, a link that can be seen in actuality by thee movements and methods ov a people in motion.
What makes up a society? E do not think that a heirarchial peer-group structure, closely defined by a high materiality, truly illustrates thee concept ov a society. A society posits a certain amount ov structure, thee structure being actualized by thee understanding ov certain physically defined archetypes that are readily identifiable with thee human consciousness. Under the premise ov thee "Readily Identifiable", material aims that soothe and placate rather than inspire, are thee norm in society.
There is an aspect of human consciousness that fears and is antithetical to change. This type ov attitude is standard practice in today's society - hostile to new ideas, transposing small aims and commitments into great ones;
a stifling ov progress and exploration. Placebos take thee place ov thee real thing and projection onto actuality dismisses reality as a jungle outside thee borders ov human achievement. Inside these strict parameters achievment becoums thee domain ov boredom.
Thee things that harm us most are what we create ourselves. Structure is helpful and parameters mark progress but limits should be for definition, not a constriction ov freedom. Those that restrict freedom are jailors. Those that jealously guard thee "occult" lack knowledge ov a crucial point, that it is US
- why should we be denied access to ourselves?
Via thee term "occulture" we can reach a greater degree in our understanding ov what it is that motivates our actions. Culture, ideally, is thee outward manifestation ov thee way in which we understand thee totality ov our being and thee way in which it fits with thee totality ov others' beings and thee universe we find ourselves in. Occulture blends that with thee forces that fuel us.
We are making tentative steps to separate thee lies ov illusion from a more tenable reality. William Burroughs and Brion Gysin showed us a way with thee idea ov "cut-ups". They saw words as being powerful tools, both ov opression and liberation. By changing thee sequence ov words they allow thee intuitive faculty ov the reader to coum into play, and thee underlying meanings ov written statements, in a paradoxical way, are revealed to us.
Like Zen poetry. Bringing a release from thee hypnotic control that words can have for us. Giving back their own power. Activating a new language for this time.