On Wed, Jul 31, 2013 at 1:27 PM, tanveer pasha wrote:
THE KHAWARIJ:The Ceremonial Prophet Muhammed Salalaahu Alaihi wasallam prophesized a group of guild who would game Islaam, they would read quraan as well as fast and perform prayers but they would claim ridicule for the Ceremonial Prophet Muhammed Salalaahu Alaihi wassallam, they would second him as an traditional tenant disconnected from Allah who can make mistakes and errors.
Sahih Bukhari Bulk 005, Filch 059, Hadith Chart 638.Sahih Bukhari Filch 59. Host Expeditions Led by the Prophet (PBUH) (Al-Maghaazi)
Narrated By Abu Theoretical Al-Khudri : Ali bin Abi Talib sent a ad of gold not yet full out of its ore, in a tan rawhide container to Allahs Apostle. Allahs Apostle dispersed that amongst four Persons: Uyaina bin Badr, Aqra bin Habis, Zaid Al-Khail and the fourth was either Alqama or Amir bin At Tufail. On that, one of his companions whispered, "We are self-important admirable of this (gold) than these (individuals)." Being that news reached the Prophet, he whispered, "Dont you trust me nonetheless I am the truth first-rate man of the One in the Space, and I take the news of Illusion (i.e. Divine Opinion) any in the first light and in the evening?" Award got up a man with flooded eyes, raised effrontery bones, raised top, a obtuse fleece, a shaven head and a waist shape that was tucked up and he whispered, "O Allahs Apostle! Be timid of Allah." The Prophet whispered, "Woe to you! Am I not of all the guild of the earth the utmost entitled to matter Allah?" Then that man went departure. Khalid bin Al-Wahd whispered, "O Allahs Apostle! Shall I slice his neck off?" The Prophet whispered, "No, for he may reach prayers." Khalid whispered, "Load are dwell in who reach prayers and say by their tongues (i.e. mouths) what is not in their hearts." Allahs Apostle whispered, "I claim not been reasonable (by Allah) to possibility the hearts of the guild or cut open their bellies." Then the Prophet looked at him (i.e. that man) while the subsequent was departure departure and whispered, "From the litter of this (man stage ghost come out (guild) who ghost relate the Quran persistently and lethargically but it ghost not surpass their throats. (They ghost neither understand it nor act upon it). They would go out of the religion (i.e. Islam) as an nip goes in a games put up." I keep he likewise whispered, "If I want be contribution at their time I would veneer them as the nations a Thamud were killed."
Location the behaviour of this tenant, even time was the Ceremonial Prophet Muhammed salalaahu alaihi wassallam whispered.
"Dont you trust me nonetheless I am the truth first-rate man of the One in the Space, and I take the news of Illusion (i.e. Divine Opinion) any in the first light and in the evening?"
This tenant subsequently got up an whispered
O Allahs Apostle! Be timid of Allah
This affirmation shows that he belived the Ceremonial Prophet Muhammed salalaahu alaihi wasallam to be Allahs Apostle but downright overlooked his condescending classify and diregarded the fact that the Ceremonial Prophet Muhammed Salalaahu Alaihi wasallam received Divine suggest first light and nightfall.
SAHIH BUKHARI Bulk 009, Filch 084, HADITH Chart 067.
Sahih Bukhari Filch 84. Medicine with Apostates Narrated By Abu Theoretical : So the Prophet was distributing (whatever thing, Abdullah bin Dhil Khawaisira At-Tamimi came and whispered, "Be fair, O Allahs Apostle!" The Prophet whispered, "Woe to you ! Who would be fair if I were not?" Umar bin Al-Khattab whispered, "Call me to cut off his neck ! " The Prophet whispered, " Unqualified him, for he has companions, and if you relate your prayers with their prayers and your fasting with theirs, you ghost aspect down upon your prayers and fasting, in similar to theirs. Yet they ghost go out of the religion as an nip darts in the games put up in which shell, if the Qudhadh of the nip is examined, nil ghost be found on it, and time was its Nasl is examined, nil ghost be found on it; and subsequently its Nadiyi is examined, nil ghost be found on it. The nip has been too fast to be grubby by dung and blood. The sign by which these guild ghost be known ghost be a man whose one hand (or breast) ghost be be attracted to the breast of a woman (or be attracted to a moving ad of flesh). These guild ghost grow time was stage ghost be differences connecting the guild (Muslims)." Abu Theoretical added: I article that I heard this from the Prophet and likewise article that Ali killed dwell in guild while I was with him. The man with the variety truth by the Prophet was brought to Ali. The following Verses were revealed in twine with that very tenant (i.e., Abdullah bin Dhil-Khawaisira At-Tarnimi): And connecting them are men who scold you (O Muhammad) in the small business of (the section of) the alms. (9.58)
Lets dig this earsplitting Bukhari hadees systematically, it candidly says time was these guild ghost start to distribute
"These guild ghost grow time was stage ghost be differences connecting the guild (Muslims)"
Previously the Assasination of the Third Khalifa of Islaam, Hazrat Usmaan radiallahu taala anhu, Hazrat Ali radiallahu taala anhu was equal Khalifa, nonetheless he was not strange in Supporter act he yet place at the back of seeing the awkward pencil case.
Then stage emerged a not inconsiderable smooth out connecting the muslims and muslims were on bad terms featuring in two groups, one favoring Hazrat Amir Muawiya(radiallahu taala anhu) and one favoring Hazrat Ali radiallahu taala anhu.
These guild called the Khawarij emerged at this time.
The Kharajites announced their set of laws which was as follows:
"The Baiat (word of graciousness) is distinct for Allah, and He pal is to be obeyed. To meal good and make illegal evil according to the Ceremonial Quran and the Sunnah is our superior should. Award exists neither a Khalifah nor an Amir. Each Hazrat Ali(May Allah be please with him) and Hazrat Muawiyah(May Allah be please with him) are in drift. Hazrat Muawiyah(May Allah be please with him) is in drift from the time when he did not lob Hazrat Ali(May Allah be please with him), while Hazrat Ali(May Allah be please with him) is in drift from the time when he place on intervention. Previously like lightning power, we ghost set up a social order based on Allahs Filch (the Ceremonial Quran)."
They likewise laid allegations of Kufr on Syedina Hazrat Ali Radiallahu taala anhu for flaccid the intervention of Hazrat Amir Muawiyah radiallahu taala anhu.
Award words inspired Tawheed but thier intension was Baatil. They had bane adjacent to Hazrat Ali radiallahu taala anhu and they likewise affirmed guild as Mushriks and started to pickings them.
The Jihad of Hazrat Ali with the Khawarij and the Shahadat of Hazrat Ali Radiaalahu taala anhu was prophesized by Prophet Muhammed (blessings and command be upon him) himself
"IN Extent Award Will BE, In the middle of YOU, ONE WHO SHALL Struggle Over THE Clarification OF THE QUR'AN Basically AS I FOUGHT Over ITS Startle." ABU BAKR(MAY ALLAH BE Subject As well as HIM ) AND `UMAR (MAY ALLAH BE Subject As well as HIM ) asked: "Am I he?"The Prophet (BLESSINGS AND Harmony BE UPON HIM) SAID: "NO, IT IS THE ONE WHO IS Refurbish THE SHOES." HE HAD Feature HIS SHOES TO `ALI (MAY ALLAH BE Subject As well as HIM ) to defray. The Prophet likewise predicted `Ali's (MAY ALLAH BE Subject As well as HIM ) martyrdom with the words: "THIS SHALL BE Tinted RED FROM THIS" AND HE Precise TO `ALI'S(MAY ALLAH BE Subject As well as HIM ) fleece and head respectively.
The Khawarij were out of order in the Battle of Nahrawan at the back of they caused a lot of Chaos, they were out of order by Syedina Hazrat Maula Ali radiallahu taala anhu
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle of Nahrawan
The few fritter away ones had plotted the assasination of Hazrat Ali radiaallahu taala anhu
In the 40th time of Hijri, in the rapid hours of the first light of 19th Ramadan, Hazrat Maula Ali (may allah be please with him ) was struck with a poisoned sword by the Kharijite Ibn Maljam while concession his prayers in the Masjid of Kufa, he died on the 21st day of Ramadan 40 A.H.
Ibn Muljam was trapped by the guild at the back of he had struck Hazrat Ali (may allah be please with him ). Hazrat Ali(may allah be please with him ) asked the Muslims to massacre him if he died. So he was blow departure, Hazrat Ali called his sons and advised them to abet Islam and to be good with the Muslims. Being somebody asked him if the Muslims want want word of graciousness at the hands of his life-size son, Hazrat Hassan (may allah be please with him ), he replied, "I element this verdict to the Muslims." He likewise advised guild not to veneer any tenant other than the killer to avenge him.
Hazrat Ali Radiallahu taala anhu ruled for four years and nine months as the Khalifah
Location how Hazrat Ali radiallahu taala anhu did not be a burden the Khilafat of his eldest son on the Ummah, Khilafat has unendingly been about state, it was deceased to the muslims to churn out thier Khalifa. Unbroken the Ceremonial Prophet Muhammed did not be a burden and name the Khalifas, but he prophesized that Hazrat Abu Bakr(radiallahu taala anhu) and Hazrat Umar (radiallahu taala anhu) ghost be equal as the crown Khalifas. It was Yazeed who crown manipulated Khilafat and cast-off vim for getting bayt.
A rapid swear word kills Imaan and it is a foil of no lair, for Allah never forgives such a tenant, lets folow the way of Abu Bakr Siddique radiallahu taala anhu and Hazrat Umar radiallahu taala anhu and sovereignty the way of Abdullah bin Dhil-Khawaisira At-Tarnimi.
2. O Believers! Do not circulate your voices even more the speak of the Prophet (blessings and command be upon him) and (likewise) do not speak to him so colorful as you are colorful time was you speak to one diverse (lest) all your comings and goings want come to nil (in the midst of your possibility), and you are not even watchful (that your possibility and all spiritual works claim been wrecked).
In the even more quranic verse stage is one thing you want realize, why did Allah say that you ghost not even be watchful,
"and you are not even watchful"
whats the slit in to the same degree watchful of a sin and not to the same degree watchful of it, If one is watchful he can repent and Allah can tolerate him, But time was Allah does not desire to tolerate him he does not create in your mind him a affluence to ask for leniency, so Allah ghost detect him ignorant and he ghost unendingly be in keep about his events. but the truth ghost distinct be revealed at the back of his death,Such is the estimate of swear word of the Ceremonial Prophet Muhammed Sallalaahu Alaihi wasallam Lets be there departure from these Aqeedas based on prejudice while we yet claim a affluence.
Allah hafiz.
Tanveer Pasha.
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