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Well, this is certainly an interesting bit of news!This is an excerpt from the Sermon "Why The Antichrist Must Come Soon" preached at First Baptist Church of Hammond by Jack Hyles back in...1970!1970 PROPHECY: ABOUT OBAMA BEING PRESIDENT OF US AND WORLD!?!What do you think?His line about it being a "black man" is stunning for a Sermon back in 1970, don't you think?Pastor Carl Gallups has been getting a lot of national attention lately for his prophetic insights into the Gulf Crisis, but it's a previous insight of his that I always come back to whenever the subject of "The One" being THE prophesied Man of Sin comes up.Did Jesus Give Us The Name Of The Antichrist? INADVERTENTLY CONFIRMED BY RABBI! HRH PRINCE EL HASSAN BIN TALAL as a likely candidate. He's as good a candidate as O is for sure. But I don't think either fits the bill.I'd be remiss if I didn't also call attention to another Bible Study I just watched (thanks GMR1) from David Asscherick (first time coming across his name too) called "The Unavoidable Identity of the Antichrist", which I'll include here for all of you...THE UNAVOIDABLE IDENTITY OF THE ANTICHRIST - PART 1 THE UNAVOIDABLE IDENTITY OF THE ANTICHRIST - PART 2THE UNAVOIDABLE IDENTITY OF THE ANTICHRIST - PART 3THE UNAVOIDABLE IDENTITY OF THE ANTICHRIST - PART 4THE UNAVOIDABLE IDENTITY OF THE ANTICHRIST - PART 5(NOTE: THE WHOLE "GOD IS NOT AGAINST PEOPLE!" EXCESSIVE PRONOUNCEMENT IN THIS PART WILL DEFINITELY RUB SOME PEOPLE THE WRONG WAY, BUT I GET WHAT HE WAS TRYING TO SAY AND I HOPE YOU DO TOO...)THE UNAVOIDABLE IDENTITY OF THE ANTICHRIST - PART 6I'll admit that his presentation is even more powerful than any of those presented at the outset of this piece, and certainly more powerful (in my book) than Dr. Joe VanKoevering's on HRH Prince El Hassan Bin Talal, and it even confirms my own sneaking suspicions "from the very beginning" when I was first saved and first started to look into this heated subject for myself as evidenced HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, and HERE.Doesn't it make the most sense too? Think about all the things God's Word tells us about Satan and his pride. Now, factor in what we know about his insatiable desire to mimic and mock our Heavenly Father and our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Why wouldn't he attempt to come out of the "church" -- the Roman Catholic Church -- like the above documentary proposes?To me, while each case that could be made for identifying the Antichrist has its strong points, it's those that are focused on the Roman Catholic Church, the Vatican, and the Pope that carry the most weight with me right now. Sure, I could be wrong, but it seems more likely than a US President like President Obama, a member of the British Royalty, or some Muslim leader. Just my two cents.Who really knows who the Antichrist is (or who will be). Right now, only our Sovereign Lord knows the true identity of the coming Son of Perdition. That's good enough for me.But that doesn't mean we should stop watching and praying about such things. We're called to expose evil wherever we think we encounter it. That's why it's imperative that we keep having our spiritual eyes opened and on the lookout for the "likely candidates", but are always careful to make it clear that WE CAN ONLY SPECULATE and MAKE EDUCATED GUESSES BASED ON WHAT GOD'S WORD TELLS US, and that our analysis and interpretation is not a "Thus sayeth the Lord..." type of pronouncement.In the final analysis, there's 3 distinct possibilities here. I led with Obama and I'll end with Obama. Either Obama is the Antichrist, or a "counterfeit Antichrist" (a set-up; a red herring), or just a forerunner who's paving the way for someone else (helping to condition the masses).I will say that I'm not as "obsessed" with trying to figure out who the Antichrist might be like I was when I was first saved several years ago and first began studying prophecy, but I recognize that this is still an important subject for debate and discussion especially in a forum like this, which is why I decided to write and publish this post.Why is this subject gaining more widespread focus in recent days? Perhaps it all has to do with the Holy Spirit leading the Body of Christ following this harbinger...JULY 12, 2010: RECENT SOLAR ECLIPSE (AV, OR "THE DARK TIME")