Having succumbed to this New Paganism, many within the Church (priests, religious and laity) have come to resemble the demons they now serve (see here for example). Our Lady of Fatima speaks of repentance and conversion, two ideas not at all popular in the "modern Church" today. Today the psychotherapeutic revolution has replaced the concept of sin with guilt which is to be "cured" through therapy. Archbishop Fulton Sheen noted that, "Under traditional Christianity [which is fast-disappearing], a man was a theological creature, an adopted son of God and a member of the Mystical Body of Christ; in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries man became a philosophical thing bound to God by some vague ties of creaturehood. But man today is only a biological phenomenon with no other destiny than that of the worm he crushes under his heel. Once man loses hold on the primary dogma that man has a moral end, and that his actions, thoughts and words in this life are all registered in the Book of Life, and therefore will one day determine his eternal destiny, sin becomes meaningless. The modern mind has forgotten the dogma of man, and hence cannot avoid forgetting the morals of man, for one is the corollary of the other. Deny that God is interested in the behavior of men and you immediately create a society in which man is uninterested in the behavior of his fellow man." (Essay entitled The Sense of Sin).
Today, in centers of learning, Holy Scripture is openly mocked. Many of our priests and religious have lost their faith and, with a false show of scholarship, openly repudiate God's Holy Word and the Church's Tradition. Others simply remain silent having succumbed to sins which they can no longer denounce since they practice them in secret. Having reduced the Gospel message to mere superstition, these children of the Devil are robbing countless youth who need to be nourished "not by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God." As a result, these poor youth are spiritually starved to death by the lies which proceed from the mouths of Satan's children. Small wonder so many youth have abandoned the Faith altogether.
Our Lord denounced the religious leaders of the Jews for doing the same thing - refusing to accept the truth and falsifying His message:
"You are of your father the devil and your will is to do your father's desires. He was a murderer from the beginning and has nothing to do with the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks according to his own nature, for he is a liar and the father of lies...He who is of God hears the words of God. The reason why you do not hear them is that you are not of God." (John 8: 34-37).
Do not wait for the call to repentance to come from the clergy (generally speaking). For many, not all but many, of these no longer hear the Word of God. Place yourselves in the hands of the Immaculate Mother of God - your Mother. For the Days of Noah have returned - Matthew 24: 37-41.
Many will scoff at this notion. But look around you. What do you see? Sodomy is being rationalized and even sodomite "marriage." Abortion continues to take countless millions of innocent children, sacrificed to Moloch. Contraception is justified and is given to the youth. Crime, terrorism, wars breaking out everywhere. Not a Civilization of Love but a hellish Civilization of Sin and hatred of God.
God's wrath is approaching. Those who have ears to hear will heed the Spirit and the emerging Signs of the Times. Those destined to an eternity in Hell will continue to justify sin and a culture which embraces it.
Origin: witch-selena.blogspot.com