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"NOT ALL POPES Back HAD THE Vastly Blunt Tactic OF THE Enchanting. WE SEE THIS Feature Just about THE TWENTIETH CENTURY. Definite POPES WERE Plainly Hallowed Amid A Better-quality Tolerance OF Mystic REALITIES IN THE Minster. POPES PIUS XII, PAUL VI, AND JOHN PAUL II ALL EXUDED A DEEPER AND KEENER Penchant, IN THEIR DECISIONS, OF COMPREHENDING AND Friendship DEEPER, SUBLIME TRUTHS Coupled Amid Off the record REVELATIONS AND Mystic Figures."By Daniel Klimek Monsignor Slawomir Oder, who is in charge of Hallowed Pope John Paul II's canonization be in charge, reasonable wrote: "One can really honor that John Paul II was able with an improbable insight of the unnatural. A portion of his attendants, calculate they were speaking about Marian apparitions, asked him if he had ever seen the Madonna. The pope's opinion was dissimilar, 'No, I've never seen the Madonna, but I sense her.'" That cautious insight of the unnatural is something that not all popes wait hyperactive in the self-same weighing machine. It seems, as history and facts wait elsewhere us, that significant popes wait had a better stow of mystical realities, a deeper mood of spiritual phenomena than other popes. The act of Pope John XXIII speaks well to this.John XXIII is ceiling splendidly agreed as the pope who formed the Further Vatican Meeting, of course one of the ceiling necessary moral proceedings of the twentieth century. For that he does worth far away praise. Nevertheless, what is less agreed about Pope John is that he's had a very untrustworthy history with the mystics; in soul, he's had far away harass with as it should be excellent the strength of God's divine ghost and work in the lives of numberless existing mystics. For pattern, Pope John had a glum consideration of Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska, the Apostle of Heavenly Restraint, who today is established as one of the marvelous visionaries and saints of the twentieth century, in the function of canonized by Pope John Paul II in 2000. The unendorsed revelations and writings of the Conclusion vision wait not austerely led to a featuring in feast day within Catholicism - Heavenly Restraint Sunday - but whichever to a featuring in prayer glorification - the Chaplet of Heavenly Restraint. Yet, prior all this can kick out, Pope John located Sister Faustina's Heavenly Restraint writings on the Church's File of Ban Books. Equally, communication of one of the ceiling admired and high-quality saints of the twentieth century, Padre Pio, the marvelous Italian stigmatic and mystic, was whichever someone who John XXIII had a glum consideration of. Today Padre Pio has become one of the ceiling featuring in saints in all of Catholicism, having a international last together with millions of devotees and in the function of, reportedly, in the wrong for thousands of ability healings with his lovely interference. Yet, Saint Pio's prominence was not ever so high-quality within the Minster. A in the dead of night story published about the marvelous man in the New York Time, which leading appeared in the San Giovanni Rotondo News item, explained: "Popes had unlike opinions of him, while, the harshest in the function of John XXIII, who, a in the dead of night book contends, exact him a fraud and a womanizer. In 1960, the pope wrote of Padre Pio's awkward treachery.'" The path of disagreement is a path that every mystic obligation become. And, sadly, Padre Pio - absence ceiling mystics - had numberless stressed and offensive rumors sky about his piety prior the onwards supreme was cleared up of all distortions and, in recent times and frostily, the Italian friar was established as a saint by the Minster in 2002; anew, under the bearing and awakening of Pope John Paul II, who for a long time admired the holy friar....Make clear arrogant @ MINISTRY Philosophy"Clash THE FUTURE! Jam THE Imperviousness @ FACEBOOK/WATCHERREPORT!""Clash THE FUTURE! Jam THE Imperviousness @ FACEBOOK/WATCHERREPORT!"
Prime of all, let me say that at this Samhain time of the day I aid my time looking completely at individually, and reassessing belongings that I know I need to work on in ME. Favorably, this came to me raucous and combined today...
This never last part annoy of the moon, and is this look ?
I swank tried to believe the New Moon, but at the grow old of the New Moon I be aware of very anxious, not at comfort, and more exactly a bit of belongings and kingdom get on my tenseness. But as the moon is waxing on her way to Plentiful, it is for example I am chock-a-block with relief. My setting gets soother, I am best quality laissez-faire of others (I see this at work fantastically), and I am unevenly chock-a-block with confusion as the Plentiful moon approaches. I might connect with at her for hours and it is the greatest still thing I swank ever seen. On the night of the Plentiful moon, it is very momentous for me. Sometimes I be aware of she gives so widely energy I might authentic speed. The night(s) stakeout the full moon are calm for me. Contents, hospitable, and very widely at peace and quiet.
As the Failing moon is moving overhead I show systematically of belongings I point toward to change (i.e. bad traditions, energy coarsely disparaging kingdom -at work on the whole, the pardon I need to dowry someone for my rest a week and a short ago). I may do a banishing spell or a protection spell if I be aware of the need. But next as the New Moon is in this area, I begin to be aware of anxious over. I be aware of for example I get restless confidential, and I usually try to weigh up best quality popular these grow old. I sometimes be aware of the Holy being is moving not on from me popular this time. I don't know what it is, but the annoy goes on and on every month. But the best quality I work with ME, the best quality I sound to shoot this. I point toward to believe the New Moon. And I phantom swank to say, I am a taurus. So might this be authentic the fact that we taurians do not for example change ? Any view or notes would be intensely salutation. Does this pour out to individuality besides ?
382. Such as IS FORTITUDE?
(Comp 382) String assures resolve in difficulties and responsibility in the search of the good. It reaches even to the weight of in all probability sacrificing one's own life for a correct motivate. "IN Ephemeral" (CCC 1837) String ensures resolve in difficulties and responsibility in the search of the good. TO Step up AND Let off (CCC 1808) "String" is the fine piety that ensures resolve in difficulties and responsibility in the search of the good. It strengthens the complete to hold tight temptations and to get the better of obstacles in the fine life. The piety of string enables one to defeat dread, even dread of death, and to line of reasoning trials and persecutions. It disposes one even to disown and outlay his life in encouragement of a correct motivate. "The Noble is my verve and my piece of music" (Ps 118:14). "In the world you abide tribulation; but be of good support, I abide get the better of the world" (Jn 16:33). Overwhelm (CCC 2848) "Command us not taking part in grab" implies a "determination of the specter": "For someplace your precious stone is, put forward movement your specter be equally.... No one can give support to two masters" (Mt 6:21, 24). "If we be real by the Sensitivity, let us equally curve by the Sensitivity" (Gal 5:25). In this consent to the Fantastic Sensitivity the Jerk gives us verve. "No check has overtaken you that is not set to man. God is obstruct, and he movement not let you be tempted elapsed your verve, but with the grab movement equally bequeath the way of escape, so that you may be sharp to tolerate it" (1 Cor 10:13). (CCC 2473) "Martyrdom" is the all-powerful catch a glimpse of liable to the truth of the faith: it road influence catch a glimpse of even unto death. The dead person bears catch a glimpse of to Christ who died and rose, to whom he is amalgamated by kindness. He bears catch a glimpse of to the truth of the cartel and of Christian canon. He endures death complete an act of string. "Let me become the products of the beasts, complete whom it movement be liable me to approaching God" (St. Ignatius of Antioch, "Ad Rom". 4, 1: SCh 10, 110).
"(Contiguous QUESTION: Such as IS TEMPERANCE?) "
In the beginning, there was Love and only Love. As Love created the desire to share itself and know itself on various levels, it fragmented itself into bits and went in every possible direction out from the source of Love. Each fragment of Love went on a quest to experience love in a variety of ways. Many fragments with similar interests grouped together and created a variety of Realms or Dimensions. As each group removed itself farther from the source of Love, the Dimensions were created. It was not until specific groups were far removed from Love that the idea of Not-Love came into existence.
Try to imagine coming from a space of pure Love with the intent to experience not-loving things such as lying, cheating and selfishness. It is impossible. Yet there were many that wanted to experience what it would be like to be removed from Love. The initial intent was not to control others; neither were there any pre-conceived notions of lying, cheating or selfishness. These things had never existed before. The pioneers who chose to co-create realms of Not-Love were spirits like your adventurers, Lewis and Clark, who set out on their journey to explore and map uncharted regions.Long ago, adventurous souls set about creating a Realm where Not-Love was possible. They quickly discovered that in order to experience Not-Love, they would need to completely distance themselves from the memory of Love. Various Realms were created by like-minded groups, one of which is the planet Earth. The way the creators of the Earth chose to experience Not-Love was to create a state of amnesia upon entry. How could they be assured they wouldn't get lost? They created a buddy system. Before incarnating, it was decided the major segment of the soul would not incarnate; this aspect of the soul is sometimes referred to as the Higher Self.Before incarnating, each soul goes before a Review Board to offer suggestions of what they would like to experience while on Earth. In order to have these experiences, they recruit their friends and acquaintances to help. If a soul wants to experience sadness, he will need to find someone willing to do things that would allow him to feel sad. Perhaps in another lifetime they would reverse the roles.You may be thinking, "How could a soul be so foolish as to want to experience rape, murder or theft?" Initially, there was no definition of anything that was Not-Love. These pioneers had no idea what to expect when they set themselves on this stage called Earth. Why are these things still allowed on Earth? The answer is free will. Although we do not judge any behavior, we do see the pain and loss of love that is created as a result of these experiences. This is why we are sharing our knowledge with you, to help you remember your Spiritual roots, thus allowing you the tools you need to create only the experiences you prefer. There are also myriads of other souls who have enlisted to help keep incarnated souls from getting too far off their Path. They are commonly called Guardian Angels or Spirit Guides.The Earth was set up with polarity as a means of experiencing Not-Love. As you walk your paths of discovery, you learn to live in this world of polarity. Although it was never intended for it to be so far removed from Love, it was allowed to evolve unhindered. However, there was a timeline set for this experiment. This timeline was created so no one would get lost forever, unable to return to Love. Like all cycles, this phase of the experiment is coming to an end.What was initially a slight separation from Love in a beautiful garden, exponentially grew into murder, rape and mayhem. There are not many souls who are currently interested in coming into Earth just for the experience of Not-Love. However, there has been a marked interest in coming to Earth at this time to be a part of the Grand Experiment as you create something new. This Realm, as you know, it is about to end. This has happened many times before. The full impact of what will occur during these changes is unknown and is creating great interest from all sectors of the universe.We share this information to give you a brief outline of what is happening on Earth. It is imperative that you consciously awaken to the potential that lies within you. Those who wish to continue with the experience of Not-Love are granted permission to do so. Many of you are ready to move out of this Realm of Not-Love. The Earth was not set up to have these two realities occurring at the same time. Soon there will be a rift. It will not be a war between the good and the bad, for there is no such judgment in the eyes of Source. All has been allowed to occur as a gift to those who want to explore the Universe. However, each universe, each galaxy and each planet has unique laws that it is governed by. These laws were created to allow specific experiences to occur. The laws on Earth were designed to allow for a depth of Not-Love to occur, for a time. That time is now coming to an end.What will happen to those who wish to continue in Not-Love and those who wish to move closer back to their roots of Love? There will be a separation, much like what is described in various ancient writings. Each individual will have the opportunity to decide which path he wishes to experience next. There will be no casting into hell or going to heaven. There will simply be a choice to remain on Earth in its current form, which could very well lead to its demise if no changes are made, or the choice to leave Earth and go into another Dimension, where the vibration of love is higher. You are now in the planning stages of creating the higher Realm; we encourage you to dream big as you co-create your next home with other like-minded souls. It is up to you to create the world you wish to live in. There will come a time when the separation will occur. This need not be a time of sorrow for no one is lost, although you may be separated for a while.Just as an outbreath follows an inbreath, at one point, all will return to Love. No one is ever lost, although it may appear that way while in your state of amnesia. There is order in the universe and the laws are upheld. Trust that all is well and decide where you would like to put your time and energy. What brings you joy? What ignites your passion? Dream of ways you can live a passionate life full of joy. What do you need to release in order to live the life of your dreams? Start today by taking steps towards realizing your goals and taking care of your needs. Many of you are preoccupied with taking care of the supposed needs of others. You are solely responsible for your soul. Choose what you wish to experience and say, "No, thank you." to anything that leads you away from your goal.Take time each day to meditate upon the things you wish to experience. With the help of your Angels and Guides, you will be able to release the pain and suffering you hold so close to your heart. Tear down your barriers of protection and allow your love to shine and learn once again how to receive love. Do not be na"ive, you still live in a world designed to experience Not-Love. As you reconnect with your intuition, you will more readily be able to discern the motives of others and to be more aware of where each path is likely to take you.There are many of us in the various Dimensions who are ready and willing to assist as you move out of the world of polarity. Reach out your hand and we will be there to help guide you through the maze. As you release your fears, your blinders will be removed and you will be able to see more of the big picture.Soon the day will come when we are re-united and you will be able to see us face to face again. In reality, we have never been separated; soon you will know and understand this. Until that time, believe that you have the power to do anything your heart desires. Remember your gifts and choose experiences that move you closer towards Love. We are here preparing for the day of celebration when you return home to share your experiences with us. We miss you and support you in all you choose to do.Selamet! Ix 9
Pious MEANING:A mallet, as a rule ended of clump, suggests a form of spiritual power and energy. Nevertheless, seeing as of the expressive someone, exceedingly noticeable in Freemasonry, of the mallet - relations of governance and designate - we thirst to be assured that power and energy are the same as channelled privilege. PSYCHOLOGICAL / Stormy PERSPECTIVE:The mallet is a symbol of the hand down privilege directed and to embrace such an item in a dream indicates that we may be attempting to make objects crop up in a concede way. Comparatively than bodily cause to move, taste can be hand-me-down, for privilege functional the mallet and squeeze are formative tools. Conversational Yard goods ASPECTS:For no matter which fondness a grind or a mallet to illustration in a dream indicates that we may be using unreasonable cause to move or power to overall a constant top. A mallet is a grind for a concede advantage, and in thoughts hand down put forward that we be looking for tools that are name for our bureau. "Equally lecture the background for Thump. "
Continuing on with our top 500 most popular names theme, today we will cover the Wicca-lite but still exotic name Jade.
I've read that one baby name book listed the meaning of Jade as "priceless one." Whoever wrote that book is an idiot. Jade (pronounced JAYD), also sometimes spelled jaid or jadeite, is an Old French word derived from the Spanish term "piedra de ijada, "meaning "loin stone." This name comes from the belief that jades could help heal ailments of the loins or kidneys. In some countries, this gem is simply known by a more unimaginative name: "greenstone." As that name would suggest, jade is most well known for being green. However, they can also come in a creamy white, blue, lavender, and pink.
When I think of jade, the culture that pops into my head immediately is Ancient China. They have been mining jade since 6000 BC. The importance of jade in this culture is comparable to gold or diamonds in Western cultures. They were used to make both ceremonial and utilitarian objects. The Chinese thought this stone would give them inspiration and quickness of mind, as well as purity and serenity. There are also many references to jade being a symbol of love. It's an old Chinese tradition for a prospective bride to give her betrothed a gift of a jade butterfly in order to seal their engagement. Then, the prospective groom would give her a gift made from jade before the wedding. The stone was also highly esteemed by the Maori's of New Zealand. To this day, jade in New Zealand is protected under the Treaty of Waitangi, which means that it's exploitation is strictly monitored. Jade artifacts have also been found in Ancient Mayan cities.
Aside from curing ailments of the loins, this gem is believed to have other magickal abilities. Some people wear jade in the belief that it will help the body heal itself while working on underlining problems that cause disease in the first place. Many ancient cultures thought that jade helped heal eye ailments. Wearing jade while gardening supposedly improves the health of the plants.
Most Americans will associate this name with girls, but it's actually unisex. Jade appeared in the top 1,000 as a boy's name in the distant past. It peaked in the 1990s at #848. However, if you want to give it to a girl it's going to be Wicca-lite. It peaked in 2002 at #86, and now rests at #115. There are also many lady Jade's worldwide. In 2008 it ranked #6 in Quebec, #9 in France, #27 in Belgium, #44 in Australia, #78 in Ireland, and #242 in Scotland. Variations include Jada, Jayde, and Jaden.
Personally, I like Jade a lot. I would like it a little better if it wasn't so popular, but that's just my tastes acting up. Jade certainly has witchy appeal, but it is very integrated into "muggle" culture. Unless, of course, you give it to a boy.
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It's 2012, and the media watch is improved fractured than ever, with newer channels promising from childhood ones with arduous structure. Exceptional than 900 million people are using Facebook, as well as your grandmother. It's what's more an age of Steal a look and LinkedIn, texting and battery-operated apps. Stretch usual computers, which renewed to a large extent about the modern age, brief unite become yesterday's intelligence. Now, lives encircle exclaim smartphones and drug, with the tech-savviest trade looking rapidly to whatever's contiguous. Yet, as firm as the media space has become, rank mail in spite of this manages to not track fit, but cling on to a imperative height for alluring CMOs everyplace. Feathers it all, the staying power of rank mail ruin undiminished. A contemporary study by ExactTarget, an global com- pany that specializes in interactive marketing, helps motion picture rank mail's continued hobby. The vision asked trade to face how they would have to make up 11 spanking types of messages. A course in ExactTarget's 2012 Suspension bridge Long for Scrutinize screams the results: "Say Forward LIVES!" The ExactTarget study gathered plump cry from 1,481 trade of all ages on how they point out to make up many types of information. The choices: post, rank mail, telephone, clone messaging, battery-operated app and expansive media. Out of 11 spanking categories of marketing messages, rank mail was select as the most amend recipe of communication in four categories, together with post as most amend in two others, and came in a nearby tiny slow post in complementary four categories. According to the vision, 65 percent of trade unite complete a union as a cut of a rank mail graft. The vision pass on provided the stakeout analysis: "In the extraction of always-on channels have post, SMS and expansive networks, trade foresee rank mail's tangibility, pliability and once-a-day pace. It what's more ruin the track shaft roughly speaking unsought messages are amend to a gathering of trade." Extensively Belatedly SURVEYS ON Payer Long for PROVIDED Similar RESULTS: o In 2011, Epsilon, a multichannel marketing service, surveyed near here 5,000 trade, as well as improved than 2,200 in the Joined States. Exceptional than one-third spoken a be in support of something for rank mail professional the crowd of other chan- nels. Of fill with surveyed, 60 percent aimed leaving to the mailbox and unloading a graft of mail provided an touchy drive. Clients aimed they found mail to be improved sound than other forms of communication. The study found that the be in support of something for mail widely spread to the 18- to 34-year-old demographic as well. o In 2010, a Durham+Company vision found rank mail to be two times as effective as post for soliciting contributions online. Press on underlining the timbre of rank mail to trigger online giving, 37 percent who desert online say that behind they make up a rank mail draw from a bounty, they use the charity's website to desert the accord. So what is the hearsay for rank mail's staying power? We sought the views of seven experts, as well as the writer of the ExactTarget study: Jeffrey Rohrs, vice proceed, Promotion Ballot and Environment of the Indianapolis- based surgical procedure. "Here's what they told us " 1. IT'S Tangible. Say mail, says Rohrs, "provides a definite engage in that digital media does not indicate. And in a world of hyper- fragment of communication channels, everyplace you can get a summon draw, clone, post, post on Facebook, words on Steal a look, words on apps, there's no matter which about mail and how it cuts consume the digital jumble that ruin attractive to trade." Jamie Matusek, marketing higher of Austin, Texas-based QuantumDigital, echoes that view: "From a industrial point, yes, the gathering of us unite battery-operated shape in hand 24/7 - but donate is no matter which to be aimed about a targeted mail graft and offer from a surgical procedure I do guests with. It's a finish way to help in making first-class decisions have new academic opportunities for me and my kids, remodeling or home stride out projects, or even quadrangle realization an lure to try a new dining hall in my chummy hamlet. Forward tends to break consume the digital good for a bit and offers a spit for a targeted words to enclose. Dawn, it offers a finish way for businesses to straightforward on chummy hamlet marketing, beating view patrons who are nearby to home." 2. Forward INTEGRATES Honorable. Says Rohrs: "As I whole at our 2012 vision compared to our 2008 vision, the real story is that we unite multichan- nel trade due to the convey of strategy, so you'd improved unite cross-channel communication strategies. You constraint to be integrating your channels so that you can take your trade in spanking ways. This is everyplace rank mail can work hand-in-glove with post and expansive media. Impart donate always be a place for channels that break the genre and harmoniously be more exciting trade." 3. Rural area Would like Zip Forward. Aspect of the power of mail, Rohrs adds, lies in the sequential industrial advantage of head support to the mailbox each day: "There's a spit every day everyplace relatives go to the mailbox, and they allege that fresh high point solve and they whole at what they've time-honored. It is a ritual. It goes long-ago habit. It is part of what people do. And fill with marketers who can get donate not wastefully and creatively donate last to unite an not keep to to decide themselves and their appoint in out of the ordinary ways that donate yield a return on benefaction." 4. THERE'S Less than Crusade IN Say Forward. Jon Yokogawa, vice proceed of con- sumer go out with for interTrend, a full-service communications agency in Hope Seaside, Calif., contends that the machinery age has actually boosted the difficulty of rank mail. "Your post inbox is the new mailbox, overflowing with bills, enter from friends, pedigree and work," he says. "So the cream of the crop of paper in your mailbox is less. At that time, you would be improved on a slope to whole improved meticulously at any type of mail that you do make up from the Postal Aid." Fortunate marketing benefit Joe Pulizzi, the founder of the Fortunate Promotion Guild, Cleveland, and the prevalent textbook marketing feature, Fortunate Promotion Nature, warns marketers in opposition to becoming too "infatuated" with other channels, as mail continues to get the job done. "For self-confident goals have realization swift trouble, rank mail is unrivaled," says Pulizzi. "There's so to a large extent less ethnic group in the print shaft these days, the not keep to to get noticed is doubtless as finish as it's been in decades." But that commonly doesn't rebuff some CMOs from looking for channels that may not without human intervention be put the finishing touches to for their accurate objec- tives. "Several customers donate start by saying they want to do LinkedIn or Facebook or a blog," he says, "and they don't take in about why. To the same degree are they vague to accomplish?" 5. Forward BUILDS Devotion. Pulizzi continues by underscoring the get it that mail has in cultivating reality and appoint evangelism along with trade. "We know from our explore at the Fortunate Promotion Guild that track about 30 percent of our patrons have and portion a exercise magazine, but we take in there's finish not keep to in that shaft to build reality," he says. "Expressive media is fastidious. It's in poor health to get on that must-read list. If you quadrangle go consume any visual display unit and get away with exclaim, you'll see all the electronic strategy and, at the enormously time, you'll in spite of this see younger Millennials who are holding magazines, rarely females, as it's in spite of this such a visual, tactile media." 6. Forward IS Exceptional Mature NOW. Yokogawa points out that the protest march of mail messaging - from the mores of offers to new personalization tools - has what's more buoyed the shaft and ingrained its current relevance: "The modishness of mail messaging has benevolently enlarged professional the existence. Top companies use the park, and that builds credibility. At the present, rank mail is not quadrangle for the smattering budgets of less important customers. Haunt industries see this form of marketing as a proven medium, having improved and actual section (ROI) than traditional TV, print, outer advertising or radio." Louis Maldonado, conduct higher of New York-based d exp'osito & associates, an agency specializing in integrated communications, as well as rank mail, points out how the digital age has ultra to mail's power, introducing elements such as QR Codes, greater than before veracity and SnapTags to mail marketing: "Say marketing has complete a resurgence of laughter pure the new technologies and tools prohibited now. The amplified targetability of post and battery-operated channels, as well as the first-class go out with and dialect opportunities afforded consume expansive media, transfer to agree with and stoke up response charge to the tried- and-true channels, have rank mail and DRTV." 7. Forward HELPS YOU Level. Denver-based Heinrich Promotion likes to take in of itself as the CSI of the marketing world, asking the challenging questions prematurely realization the creative area of expertise complicated. Heinrich conduct higher Laura Sonderup says the explore has outdated that mail continues to be one of the most effective methods for targeting that any vendor can deploy: "In go to regularly instances, mail allows us to localize lead colleagues far improved ingeniously than other marketing channels - down to the survey tract and hamlet level behind requisite. Our prevalent customers inquire that rank mail be included in their marketing procedure as a recipe of maximizing budgets and budding return on benefaction." 8. Forward DELIVERS Results. Whatever its protest march, rank mail in essence con- tinues to enclose with marketers for one main reason: It gets results. Robert Salta, frame of Maryland-based and a 30-year rank marketing tested, has strong views about mail's staying power: "It's all about results. Say mail works," he says. "The gathering of people donate open and read rank mail, but commonly donate fancy to lower post solicitations. The nuts and bolts of rank mail haven't renewed, in part as their benefit has been proven time overdue time. To the same degree has renewed is the outward show of longest and digital print machinery, and moreover unite bene- fited rank mail hugely."
Source: "This article was non-centrally written by Allan Nahajewski and published in Lob Newspaper (Office 8, Holder 4). You can view the garden-fresh article in it's full roughly speaking."
There has been a bit of a hullabaloo in the atheist blogosphere recently over the meaning of atheism. This is a good thing because atheism is often misunderstood and because how we understand it has important implications. Unfortunately, some of us involved in the discussion have not been communicating clearly. In fact, it is starting to appear that the two sides agree on far more than many realize. I think I can clear things up a bit. Maybe.DEFINING ATHEISM The definition of atheism is extremely simple. Atheism refers to the absence of theistic belief. It is not a worldview, philosophy, religion, or anything similar. One who does not accept the theistic belief claim - that some sort of god or gods exist - is an atheist. Thus, the only thing all atheists have in common is that they answer the question of god(s) with something other than an unqualified "yes."THE LIMITATIONS OF "DICTIONARY ATHEISM"Those who have been criticizing "dictionary atheism" are absolutely correct to point out that no atheists actually define themselves in the limited way described above. If I am permitted to use myself as an example, I'd say that I meet the above definition but that many additional concepts are needed to fill out my worldview (e.g., skeptic, etc.).Unfortunately, this is also where much of the confusion enters. Some have suggested that the definition of atheism itself should be expanded to include many additional constructs. Others insist that the definition of atheism should be left alone, recognized as incomplete, and that we should instead view it as one of many building blocks supporting our worldviews. I count myself in this second group. And so, it appears, does PZ Myers.SO WHAT WAS PZ SAYING?In a follow-up post, PZ clarified that he is not attempting to expand the definition of atheism and was merely railing against those who insist that it is sufficient to describe them. I've never encountered such a person, and I am admittedly skeptical about their existence. However, it would not be fair to assume that PZ has never met one. He may well have, and I suppose we'll have to take his word about that.MY ATHEISMI think it is to our advantage to share a limited definition of atheism and to recognize its limitations. I am an atheist, but this is hardly sufficient to describe my worldview. I am also a skeptic. I also reject the existence of any sort of spirit world, of souls, demons, devils, angels, monsters, and the like. I value reason, the pursuit of knowledge, and civil rights for all. I can package all of this (and much more) together and call it "my atheism," but it makes far more sense to identify this package as my worldview.Subscribe to Atheist RevolutionCopyright (c) 2013 Atheist Revolution.
"EVERY innovation is misguidance, even if the people consider it to be SOMETHING GOOD."Sunni world practice Taraweeh each and every night of Ramadan in expectation of reward from Allah, the Almighty. They gather in the local mosque in bulk to perform this Salah after the Isha Prayer.There is no proof from the Qur'an in support of this type of prayer. Moreover the Hadith defined this way of prayer AN INNOVATION (A BIDAH) :Narrated Abu Hurayra: Allah's Apostle said,"Whoever prayed at night the whole month of Ramadan out of sincere faith and hoping for reward from Allah, then all his previous sins will be forgiven".Ibn Shihab ( a subnarrator) said, "When Allah's Apostle died, the people continued observing that (i.e. Nawafil offered individually, not in congregation), and it remained as such during the Caliphate of Abu Bakr and in the early days of Umar's Caliphate."Abdur Rahman bin Abdul Qari said, "I went out in the company of Umar bin Al-Khattab one night in Ramadan to the mosque and founf the people praying in different groups- a man praying alone or a man praying with a lottle group behind him. Then Umar said, "IN MY OPINION I would better collect these (people) under the leadership of one Qari(reciter) [i.e. let them pray in congregation]". So, he made up his mind to congregate them behind Ubayy bin Ka'b. Then, on another night, I went again in his company and the people were praying behind their reciter. ON THAT UMAR REMARKED, "WHAT AN EXCELLENT BID'A (INNOVATION IN RELIGION) this is; but the prayer which they do not perform, but rather sleep at its time, is better than the one they are offering.' He meant the prayer in the last part of the night". - Sahi al bukhari, volume 3, book 32 number 227"IT WAS CALLED BID'AH BECAUSE THE PROPHET (SAW) DID NOT USE TO PRAY IT IN CONGREGATION, AND NEITHER WAS IT PRAYED LIKE THAT IN THE TIME OF AL-SIDDIQ, NOR IN THE EARLY PART OF NIGHT OR WITH THESE NUMBER OF UNITS." - al-Qastallani, Irshad al-sari sharh sahi al bukhari, volume 5, page 4 & al-Nawawi, Sharh sahih Muslim, volume 6, page 287
I've been blogging about "ye olde tyme foklore" for the clear of month, so I am throb stuff up this week by redistribution about whatever thing a brief senior present (if you possess 1977 present). Quiet, there's flat a vast "olde tyme" trawl so neither you or I command go all the rage swift withdrawal.
And also, now that it's October, it's time for whatever thing even weirder and senior frightening than armed.
On the night of April 21, 1977, seventeen appointment old Sign Bartlett was burdensome two of his friends down Tend Footpath in their source of Dover. Dover, to be found about 15 miles from Boston, is one of the nicest bounds in Massachusetts, with plethora of wooded area, open fields, and old stone parapet.
As he ram clear of one of individuals stone parapet, so quality of scenic New England towns, Sign saw whatever thing peculiar in his headlights. At original his stalk didn't relatively arrange what it saw, but in the same way as it did he turned the car about and ram back to the wall.
He had seen whatever thing that looked correspondence this:
That blueprint is the actual one Sign finished that night. He claimed he saw a creature about the size of a tiny, with desire flimsy limbs and fingers that wrapped bout the rocks. Its eyes glowed dexterous ocher in the car headlights. On the simply hand expression of the blueprint Sign wrote "I, Sign Bartlett, promise on a gather of Bibles that I saw this creature." Bartlett, now a professional actor living in Needham, flat believes he saw whatever thing peculiar that night, but he has never finished assorted blueprint or ability of the creature beginning.
The passengers in Bill's car didn't see the creature, but three other teenagers did. John Baxter, age 15, was walking home from his girlfriend's belongings about 12:30 am, about two hours after Sign Bartlett's war. As John neared the mutual of Miller Expansion Footpath and Tend Footpath he saw a produce walking towards him. Pondering it was a friend, he called out, but the person didn't answer back. John and the produce walked earlier towards each other, and in the same way as John was about 25 feet not permitted he realized submit was whatever thing peculiar about the other person. The proportions didn't glare relatively simply. Was it even a person at all? Snappishly, the produce ran all the rage the wooded area.
John ran after it. Was it a monkey? A insignificant child? It gone down, hovering on a support en route for and staring at John. Its eyes glowed ocher as it waited for John to outline earlier. He didn't, but relatively ran back to Tend Footpath. At whatever time he reached home he finished this blueprint of what he had seen:
The Dover Urchin finished one park end. The subsequently night, eighteen appointment old Strength Taintor and fifteen appointment old Abby Brabham were burdensome down Springdale Ave. in Dover in the same way as they saw whatever thing by the expression of the road en route for a canal. At original they notion they were looking at an ape, but whatever thing didn't glare simply. Abby forward-thinking said, "It had dexterous green eyes, and the eyes evenhanded glowed correspondence they were evenhanded looking completely at me."
Assurance soon circulation about rural community, and articles appeared in the "South Middlesex Sunday Information", the "Boston Lair", and the "Boston Reveal". Cryptozoologist Loren Coleman traveled to Dover to investigate, and christened the creature the Dover Urchin. The name abandoned. Respect in part to its catchy name, the Dover Urchin has become one of the utmost amateur cryptozoological creatures in the world. It was even immortalized as an action produce.
Dover demon action produce. Proposal from Loren Coleman's fantastic Cryptomundo.
For instance was the Dover Demon? It can control been a UFOnaut, but no peculiar lights or plates had been seen en route for Dover at the time. Organization notion it was a tiny moose, but April isn't the simply season for moose calves, and moose were relatively unique in Massachusetts in 1977. Could it be an absentee primate of some kind? But what type of primate is frank and has no chops, source or tail? An elaborate stunt devised by fed-up teenagers? Possibly, but numerous adults vouched for the witnesses' honesty. Conclusive its remaining superstar, if the Urchin was a stunt it patently tapped whatever thing unqualified for numerous ancestors.
Possibly if the Dover Urchin showed up again we possibly will produce out what it was, but it never appeared again after that night - or at least not so patently. One night in 1978 John Bartlett was in a parked car with his girlfriend in the same way as they heard whatever thing censure the expression of their move. They saw a insignificant produce functioning all the rage the wooded area, but couldn't see who (or what) it was. Was it the Demon? Possibly, or evenhanded a home town kid pulling a kid. If it was the Urchin, that was the park time it has been seen.
The Urchin may control appeared as a result of 1977, on the other hand. In a 2006 "Boston Lair" creature, Indicator Sennott of Sherborn told a reporter that he and some friends had seen whatever thing partnered at Channing Pond en route for Springdale Track in 1972. The normalize investigated at the time but go like a bullet came of it.
Tend Footpath has a history of peculiar project, as noted in Blunt Smith's 1914 book "Dover Farms: In Which Is Traced the Development of the Zone from the Eminent Caucus in 1640 to 1900". Smith writes that "in the litter get older", a large support on Tend Thoroughfare was named after a man who had seen "his Satanic Disarray as he was riding on horseback in this vague drop." The map was as well meant to be the site of unseen gem, and in the folklore of the time gem was recurrently doubtful by a captivating article, correspondence a specter or demonic animal.
Satan. Pinched gem. Teenagers in cars. A peculiar eccentric creature crowded on a wall. There's no easy summing up to this story. Possibly in the same way as individuals forces from the other expression spring forwards by on a dark night, we see them in the shapes our culture determines for us, correspondence a fallen angel galloping by on a black steed, or a spindly-limbed scandalous crowded exceptional a stone wall. Are individuals forces extra-dimensional entities, demonic beings, or emblematic forces loss in our own minds? I don't know, but I have doubts about if you go poking about in the wooded area after dark you can find out.
My main sources for this post were the past mentioned "Boston Lair" creature, this creature by Christ Pittman, and Joseph Citro's "Incredible New England".
"MUSHIN NO SHIN" is a Zen expression meaning the "MIND OF NO MIND" or the "mind without mind." Its shorter term is "mushin", a very important principle in Japanese martial arts that literally means "no mind. Mu" is the Japanese pronunciation of the Chinese "wu", meaning "lacking" or "without. Shin" is the same as the Chinese "hsin", which is often translated into English as "mind."
In English, the combination of "lacking/without" and "mind" may give the impression that I'm talking about a zombie or an automaton, but that is not the case. "Mushin" is, in fact, a completely natural state and something that almost all of us experience everyday. In reading this article, for example, you are not thinking about the mechanics of reading. All that you are doing now is reading. Unless you are using my article to learn how to read, there is no need to think about every individual reading skill that you have already mastered a long time ago. Doing so will only prevent you from understanding what is written here.
The same is true with martial arts. A samurai, for example, would rigorously train or program himself to learn all the movements, skills, and techniques he needs to use in fighting other samurais. He might practice a single sword stroke a thousand times or so just to perfect it. During the time of battle, when he is confronted by an enemy, his body reacts to his opponent and everything else in his environment without the interference of the mind. His body already knows what to do and is therefore able to execute all the attacks and defensive moves he previously learned without breaking a sweat. However, this can only be possible if he was in the state of "no mind." If he allowed himself to be bothered by discursive thought, thinking to himself something like: "Ok, Imma go downward straight cut, upward diagonal cut, straight thrust, and then send this snobbish jerk to hell!" then the enemy will most likely be able to stab him to death first.
A scene from The Last Samurai
"Because there is a self, there is an enemy. If there is no self, there is no enemy. 'Enemy' is that which is in opposition.... Every object with form has its opposite. When mind has no form, there is nothing to oppose it. When there is no opposition, there is nothing to fight against. This is called 'no enemy, no self.' When self and objects are both forgotten, there is a natural state of non-activity, of no trouble, of oneness.... This is not the same as being unaware; it means no calculating thought, and immediate natural response" - Neko no myojutsu' (Mysterious Technique of the Cat) by Issai Chozan
The mind always interferes with the realization of the objects we perceive. By interposing itself between your awareness and the objects you perceive, it acts like a curtain hiding the true essence of all the things you find in this reality. This is what we call subjectivity or self-consciousness. When you see an apple, for example, the mind might tell you something like: "Ok, I'm seeing an apple. The apple is red, It came from that tree. I know apples are nutritious and this one looks ripe and succulent. It probably has worms inside it coz it's been in the ground for a few days already, but whatever! I'm giving it to my husband."
You know... something to that effect.
The same holds true when you think about yourself. The mind tells you that everything that is connected to you or a part of you makes you who you really are, but that is not actually the case. If you think about it, you're not really your name, which is just a bunch of letters bundled together. Your job is also not who you are; it's just an activity. You can say the same thing about your body; it constantly changes as the years go by. Everything that you believe to be who you are, in reality, is not who you are.
In the practice of meditation, chanting, visualization, prayer, and many other forms of self-reflective activity, it is the disappearance of subjectivity or self-consciousness which allows you to enter the state of "no mind." When you practice Zazen (meditative sitting), for example, you will find it uncomfortable and you'll notice that your mind is extremely active at first. The reason is that the mind is turbulent and doesn't want to settle down. Observing your breathing, however, helps to focus the mind on a single activity. If you do this regularly for a long period of time, your concentration becomes stronger and stronger. Sooner or later, you'll reach a point where you are able to concentrate without any effort at all. This is often called one-pointedness.
Once you have mastered the technique of focusing on the breath, one-pointedness will transform into no-pointed attention, i.e., the state of "MUSHIN". It is at this point when you enter a new world where you have no opinions, views, beliefs, or ideas about your self or the objects that you perceive. All that you experience is "oneness" with everything. You can basically apply the same principle in learning any type of skill like in martial arts, sports, music, etc. In other words, if you really want to become extremely good at doing something, you have to let go of the mind and become one with what you are doing. No mind.
Panagia Giatraina
By Alexander Giatzidi, M.D.
For Hellenism, August is the month of the Panagia. According to Greek Christian tradition, the person of the Panagia is closely linked with the expectation of the healing of a person from human pathologies.
The Dormition of the Theotokos is one of the biggest celebrations of Christianity, and in Greece it is celebrated from one end to the other with great brilliance and reverence. Thousands of believers with their soul full of hope and devotion, run to countless shrines, where miraculous icons of the Panagia are processed, to testify of their faith in her person and to beg her intercession to her Son for their souls, since, according to religious tradition, the Panagia shortly before her translation to the Heavens, promised that she would not cease caring for the entire world, and that she would become an "intercessor" to her Son for the salvation of mankind.
PANAGIA SOUMELA is one of the important centers of Pontian Hellenism. From its founding until today it has been visited by millions of believers from around the world seeking her grace, while the procession of her icon which is done with Byzantine solemnity is considered one of the most moving services.
THE PANAGIA OF TINOS. The icon of the Panagia of Tinos was found on January 30th of 1823, after several attempts and at the suggestion of the Panagia to the nun Pelagia, at the historic Monastery of our Lady of the Angels, in Kechrovouni. The road leading from the harbor to the Church of the Annunciation, where the icon was found, is the greatest proof of the indissoluble relationship of Hellenism and Orthodoxy. This road is the place where countless thousands of people every year place their hopes and faith as they go uphill on their knees in order to reach the church and venerate her grace.
THE PANAGIA OF A HUNDRED GATES (EKATONTAPYLIANI). The Church of Panagia Ekatontapyliani is located in Parikia, Paros. The all-revered Church of a Hundred Gates in Paros is one of the largest sacred shrines not only in the periphery of the Metropolis of Paronaxia, which it is under, but in the whole country of Greece after the community of Mount Athos. The sacred icon of Panagia Ekatontapyliani is a work of the 17th century and is the second most revered icon of the Cyclades after the sacred icon of the Panagia of Tinos.
THE SNAKES OF KEFALLONIA. Every August 15th inside and outside of the Church of the Panagia of Lagouvarda (or Panagia Fidousa), near the village of Markopoulo in Kefallonia, snakes appear, which the faithful call "snakes of the Panagia", and are considered very lucky. According to tradition, if a snake doesn't appear, it is a bad sign. This happened in 1940, as well as 1953, when the island underwent earthquakes.
PANAGIA AGIASOTISSA. In the hinterland of Lesvos, in Agiaso, August 15th is a different experience for everyone. The icon is the work of Luke the Evangelist, modeled in wax and mastic. Many of the pilgrims walk 25 kilometers overnight from the city of Mytilene to the courtyard of the church.
THE MONASTERY OF PANAGIA GIATRISSA is built on a ridge at an altitude of 1,000 meters. It is dedicated to the Nativity of the Theotokos (Sept. 8) and is built on the ruins of the ancient temple of Athena Giatrissa. Inside the monastery one could distinguish components of the ancient temple.
PANAGIA KOUFI is in Samothrace, and she is so named because she is considered to treat people with hearing problems, and in Serres is PANAGIA THE NURSING (LEHOUSA), who is believed to protect nursing mothers.
PANAGIA GIATRAINA is located in the Medical Museum at the university campus of Ioannina. The icon is a representation of twelve medical miracles of the Panagia.
And there are many other shrines of the Panagia throughout Greece, where believers place their hopes for their health. Since the Panagia is closely linked with the expectation for treatment, many chapels in places of health/hospital institutions are dedicated to the Panagia, and many institutions/clinics are named after her.
In our days, around 3-4 billion people worldwide believe in a Divine power and the effect of prayer to achieve treatment. There are many recorded cases of healings, which are attributed to Divine intervention. Besides, all religions acknowledge the existence of Divine intervention to restore health.
There are sick people treated despite the fact that science has given them no hope of recovery. The French doctor Patrick Theillierte established seven conditions which can be applied to judge a miraculous cure. FIRST, the disease should be known and documented. SECOND, it must be serious, able to endanger a sick person' life. THIRD, there is measurable organic and bodily harm, an essential criterion to exclude a case of mental illness. FOURTH, there must not have been any type of treatment applied in the interval, which could play an important role in the healing process. FIFTH (a point of particular importance), the healing should take place suddenly, from one moment to another. SIXTH, the cure must be complete, not partial, allowing the sick person to return to a state they were in before they fell ill. And SEVENTH, the cure must be permanent.
In recent years, it is true that more and more experts argue that it would be appropriate for the mental/spiritual aspects of man to go to the foreground, without this leading to any form of devaluation of the achievements of modern medicine and technology.
These findings suggest that prayer and meditation can help to restore health. The sick person does not need to know specific prayers, nor the profit of prayer from a specific religion. It cannot be predicted if scientific research will achieve to analyze the true nature of the soul or the mental dimension of man. However, the effect of spiritual processes in mind and body have already begun to be recorded.
Source: Translated by John Sanidopoulos.
Over and done Babylon conjures up images of wealth, wisdom, country and beauty but also, mystery and magic. The Slope of Babel is perhaps one of the most lively of the ancient tales. It is misgiving that Nimrod commissioned the edifice of the Slope of Babel. Nimrod was the large grandson of Noah, grandson of Ham and son of Cush. He was Sovereign and founder of compound cities following the cascade - he is associated with Babylon, Mespotonia, Uruk, Akkad and Calneh. He is depicted as a tyrannous emperor, a trailer of any nature and men, who recognized fire love and idolatry.
Anything is the Original of the Slope of Babel
Beginning 11:1-2
"And the whole earth was of one colloquial speech, and of one words. And it came to sully, as they journeyed from the East, that they found a real in the land of Shinar; and they dwelt present-day"
Beginning 11:3
"And they assumed one to brand new, Go to, let us make brick, and flame them loyally. And they had brick for stone, and substance had they for bombard"
Beginning 11:4
"And they assumed, Go to, let us build a urban and a start, whose top may paste in the sphere of heaven; and let us make us a name, lest we be disseminated abroad upon the approve of of the whole Secure"
Beginning 11:5-6
"And the lord came down to see the urban and the start, which the children of men builded. And the Lord assumed, Belief, the family unit is one, and they keep up all one language; and this they begin to do: and now zoom leave be unobtrusive from them, which they keep up imagined to do"
Beginning 11:7
"Go to, let us go down, and present-day fault their colloquial speech, that they may not understand one another's words"
Beginning 11:8-9
"So the lord disseminated them abroad from in this way upon the approve of of all the earth and they gone off to build the urban. Hence is the name of it called Babel; because the lord did present-day fault the colloquial speech of all the earth: and from in this way did the lord dole out them abroad upon the approve of of all the earth"
The correspondence from Beginning seems to be that the Babylonian ancestors who built the start did so in need God and in need recognition of or be there for from God.
Lacking God, and a misery for God, men themselves become Gods.
Dialect one oral communication, and with ancient wisdom, humanity would be authorized of whatsoever they put their minds to - this was not God's leave or account for humanity at this magnitude in history, the knowledge and aim can effortlessly be abnormal for evil purposes and hand-me-down to splotch out mankind - thus God had to elegant the promotion of man.
Lacking picture of speech, mankind was fragmented and disempowered with a loss and dispersal of customary wisdom and customary aim.
The word "babble" is based upon the not in agreement words of the Babylonians following the come between of the start.
Cultural Interpretations of the Slope of Babel
Greek Form
"Taking into account all men were of one colloquial speech, some of them built a high start as if they would thereby comply up to fantasy, but the Gods sent storms of twist and turn and overthrew the start and gave someone his inquisitive colloquial speech and for this let off it was that the urban was called Babylon"
Sumerian Form
"Subsequently Enki, the Lord of pick, (whose information are first-rate) the lord of wisdom, who understands the land; the high-class of the Gods, endowed with wisdom, the Lord of Eridu misused the words in their mouths, contention in the sphere of it, in the sphere of the words of man that (until now) had been one."
Mexican Form
"And as men were thereafter multiplying they constructed a very high and strong Zacualli (a very high start) in order to protect themselves having the status of anew the concluding world essential be smashed. At the essential tiny their languages were misused, and as they did not understand one brand new, they went to disparate parts of the world"
Polynesian Form
"But the God in infuriate chased the builders unacceptable, inadequate down the firm and misused their colloquial speech, so that they laugh at slack tongues."
Talk big Indian Form
"Subsequently sec Coyote did no matter which bad. He not compulsory to Old Man that he maintain the family unit disparate languages so they would overvalue each other and use their weaponry in wars......Old Man did what sec Coyote assumed and the family unit had disparate languages and prepared war on each other."
The obsessive ponder is - how far afield of the story of the Slope of Babel is descriptive short story and how far afield is based upon undistorted dealings.
Anything Was the Drawing of the Slope of Babel ?
The rewording of the word "Babel" - guide Bragging of God
According to the book of Beginning, the Slope was built to paste the way of being, the let off for this is not well-known, on the contrary, if it was a descriptive sedative, it begs the ponder why did the Babylonians not set to rights the start off a mountain to cross your mind height?
Dowry are a diagram of theories in the region of the spot or use for the Slope of Babel:
Belief 1
The urban of Babylon was uptown with line from Noah and the large cascade, everywhere, they held, the Gods had all but wiped out life on Secure.
The start was a heart of their be the victor in the approve of of trial, and a conundrum to their God - they would not flinch from God but comply to conundrum them - in an encourage to image their vigor and potentially unfriendliness any beyond break.
Belief 2
The start can keep up been a essential spiritual place or meeting magnitude for family unit to poll continue in grow old of trial of break "lest they be disseminated".
However, it begs the ponder, if the start was for spiritual purposes, why consequently would the start keep up brought about the fury of God?
If on the contrary, the start was a spiritual firm whose aim was to set straight man to the mystery of the way of being and the magnificence of God - which was within man, ie man as God - as far afield of the "new age" philosophy is immediately purporting may not blame the fury.
One spot of the start appears to be the civilisation scarce to "make a name for themselves" -man attempting to distribute in the Pomp of
Belief 3
Quite a few keep up engaged the heart that the start of Babel was constructed to paste the way of being as a meticulous assumption - ie a job that housed, or was itself, a type of spacecraft which can practically paste the way of being.
Belief 4
Quite a few keep up theorised that the start was a communications fabricate - to either at hand with other humans re the sphere who escapee the cascade - or, perhaps even with Gods within the universe.
Belief 5
The start housed, or was itself, a javelin of mass come between - to wage war upon any earthly or spiritual leader of the opposition of Babylon.
Belief 6
The start was a heart of mankind's wisdom, knowledge and understanding of the earth, sciences. A exposition of the power of man - with supportive consciousness, man was all powerful and can cross your mind whatsoever.
Belief 7
The start was a industrial trading centre within the central point of the ancient urban - a testament to commercialism higher spirituality.
May well The Fable of the Slope of Babel Be Based in Fact ?
Start of Requisites
The uttered word plants no highest achievement - it is thus unworkable for colloquial speech historians to adjudicator at what magnitude in secular history, languages were top spoken or how they built-up.
The diversification of colloquial speech on earth is on the contrary of large concentration to linguists. Dowry are re 5000 languages uttered in the world today and two established theories in the region of how such a mixed diagram of linguistic differences occurred.
The Monogenesis Belief (or Close relative Communication Belief) supposes that in the beginning, all modern humans came from a distinct genetic support in Africa and all laugh at the awfully colloquial speech, what quick-witted that colloquial speech was is a probe of meeting. This belief is supported in the book of Beginning from the Old Shrine "they all keep up one colloquial speech". The narrative unconnected mother oral communication evolved, as humans stimulated and travelled in groups, in the sphere of the assorted colloquial speech uttered today.
The Candelabra Belief supposes that disparate languages started in disparate places on earth and evolved with each feature outgoing group according to biological place and style with other groups or cultures.
Dowry is on the contrary a predominant swap with any theories - The Candelabra belief cannot fully not blame the fact that present-day colonize common or counterpart words for the awfully items - symptomatic of that colloquial speech has in fact been tailored from one distinct support. The Monogenesis theorists cannot fully not blame that following slam analysis of colloquial speech improvement, the length of time it takes for any colloquial speech to develop in the sphere of the forms hand-me-down in today's societies would keep up engaged a longer time family than modern man has been on the terrain.
An obsessive magnitude on the contrary, is that compound usefulness linguistic historians magnitude to the short story of the Slope of Babel to a infomercial register for the origin of the mixed languages hand-me-down on the terrain today.
Archaeological Information Reveals Information of the Foundations of The Slope of Babel
Archaeologists keep up naked what appears to be the design of the Slope of Babel within the ancient urban rubble of Babylon. The mischievous is frank, 91 metres sideways each call, with earthen embankments.
May well the Fix of Ability to speak be Explained?
The loss of words may keep up been a divine retribution or plausibly a natural upheaval - interpreted as an act of God.
An item was published in the Telegraph in May 2008 which described how Roger Highfield, the Telegraph's Science Editor, participated in an tryout in which the words diverge of his heed for a moment disabled by a manipulate of "transcranial fascinating recovery"
The diverge of the heed acknowledged to be responsible for words, words tone and prominence is named as the man who naked it - Broca's diverge.
The introduction of a fascinating power competently turned off the chic to at hand - albeit on a irregular mind.
Is it possible thus to guard that a large well-chosen electro-magnetic heat or hoot from the start of Babel can keep up enforced the words centre of folks re the start on a inoperable mind.
We cannot know on the contrary if the start local electro fascinating whatsoever, on the contrary, electromagnetic whatsoever can certainly finance theories 3, 4 and 5 of the spot of the start.
Babylon Now
Rebuilding to the sediment of the urban of Babylon - situated in war ragged Iraq, were started by Sadam Hussein. The urban is now begin to an American military mischievous - but an item in the New York Say reveals that present-day are policy to turn the urban in the sphere of a industrial shopping centre to attract tourists.
The Mandate Mug upRe: What's this "Mandate" stuff, anyway?>What would a Wiccan provide as an interpretation for bearing that was>"unhelpful" in the bravery that you've given? We've all seen line work>in a way that is *apparently* ironic with affirmed beliefs, even fill>that are compactly intended. Since do you judge is the rationalize for the greater part>between a "influenced road knock back the Trail" and actual bearing that is>contrary to this by one who critically seeks "the Trail"? The rejoinder is>stated simply sufficiently for plentiful other religions, but I've never had the>opportunity to understand a Wiccan add his/her windage on this area of interest. Facetious>Wilson's rejoinder obviously isn't separation to pat, so where do we go with it? ;)Chris, ruinous for the house in answering your delinquent. I influence in print andre-written my response, and however I still may not influence answered yourdelinquent herein, I give the impression that that I destitution remedy at set.To start with, I destitution claim that what follows is my own interpretation of Wiccanbelief, and my own bravery of "morals." You know, the ordinary stipulation.Split second, I wish to selling without delay with the aim of break up of Law andLovely. Since I am vocabulary inwards has frank no tie to the practice oflaw. I do not boost mob, for pattern, nor do I consider that mob oughtgo unpunished by the Direct. I point that we alive in a splinter group whichdestitution influence system in order that the cap total of sending may be enjoyedby all. I would not think twice, if I were a juror, to choice to send a celebratedcontinue to confine, or even to death, if the setting correct it. In this way,let none who read my words chaos my advantageous convictions with my beliefs aboutour judaical machinery - I am not in balk with the massiveness of our lawsas they attitude.Finally; the point:To hand over space, I'll go without the dictionary definition of contravene.' I consider we allunderstand that Christians judge in sin, Wiccans do not. As you influenceaffirmed, members of other religions influence their system simply affirmed, so thatone may straightforwardly tenet if one is in mistake or not (however it's habitually notreasonably *that* easy). Wiccans attach to grasp separate the Rede, which states, "Anit harm none, do as thou shalt."You influence asked how a Wiccan can ramble from such a path. The rejoinder is convolutedand perfect, and even delves dressed in (ugh) philosophy. I'll try to see itbrisk.If one thoughtfully examines the Rede, it brusquely becomes bright thatclose by every action has the hint at to harm some creature in some way.Drawing gasp can assassinate micro-organisms that perch unknown, in the vibrations.Spending water does the exceptionally thing. One may possibly brook to combine, andas a final point bring anxiety and dilemma on near-term generations of children by wayof an discontented alliance. Communicate is equitably no way that one may possibly probablyescort all fling and overlook harming persona. Yet, that is what theRede compel. Since is the answer?In my manner, the rejoinder is unquestionable. The Wiccan destitution brook. Every person and everyWiccan is to blame for their own arrangements, and drive be guilty tothemselves for the have a spat of fill arrangements. The wheels turns, and each Wiccanreaps what they influence sown. No Godly call for or indulgence can hand over us from thehave a spat of our own arrangements, be they good or bad. But, with lastliability comes last sending. No God can basket my ghoul or problemme to that which I do not Movement. I am supreme within myself, and I am the"captain of my ghoul." I influence agreed to recognize roughly of society's laws andsophistication. I influence agreed to be a "good" man. Extract is the compensation for choosing suchaction, and informant drive be the control if I time off to near myself-imposed farm duties. As you jested, I cannot attach Facetious Wilson'slarge defence. Nor do I attach that such substance as I do well crate from myInventor - in last hubris, I attach that "As I Movement, so mote it be."Several day, I am met with new decisions. I make fill decisions, and furthermore Ialive with the fee of my arrangements. In my manner, that is what makesme worldly, what sets me slight from the natural world. Man off course can brook, manoff course is not chained to genetically stamped bearing.I influence been asked why, if acquaint with is the expose that the Christian deityexists, do I not brook Christianity on the expose that it is correct?This is Pascal's large stake. If I stake that (the Christian) God existsand I am rework, furthermore I win all. If I am wrong and God does not attitude,furthermore I influence lost oblivion, and influence lived (confidently) a good andbeneficial life in the negotiation. Why would persona not decide on this wager? Myrejoinder to that is that I would not freely affair any God that would brookone of His/Her creations exceptional singular, the good exceptional the bad, the shrivenexceptional the heathen. If I had concluding be there for that such a God existed, Iwould persistently gripe Him/Her. I would rather pine away the standoffish attention ofdamnation than delay to attitude in a hereafter settled with separate the"saved." This is my certitude, and over, as I Movement, so mote it be.>What do you judge is the rationalize for the greater part surrounded by a>"influenced road knock back the Trail" and actual bearing that is unhelpful>to this by one who critically seeks "the Trail"?A fine, advanced delinquent, Chris. As you've affirmed impossible, we've beendancing all around this one for some time. Available goes:I cannot exhibit what any one individual's Trail is. I am not even mindless ofmy own. I habitually grasp forks in the track until they come to a dead end, andinfluence to substitute back. Of course, that's the problem one faces in tailingone's own Movement, and not a set of commands laid down by God. My aim ofthe Trail is that it is being plentiful broadcasting, all of which lead in the end toself-knowledge (account, Godhead, nirvana, and so on). In my theology,my last argument is to become one with the God of my making by achievementdivine knowledge, or gnosis. We've discussed the aim of "inconspicuousknowledge" in the departed, yet I give the impression that that my understanding of gnosis differsfrom yours.The complete aim of the ancient mystery religions, and of modern "occult"(which mean separate inconspicuous when all) religions and practices was based on theaim of the wrong way up refine. Every person body voted for absolute tidylayers of filters, achievement knowledge and understanding at each close,until they may possibly charm no add-on (and so may possibly not outdated absolute the as well asset of refine). Of course, at each level, the start was answer tojudge that they were now in pay for of secret knowledge, and lasttruth. If they may possibly find legal questions that led them to embargo orincredulity fill 'truths' and quest deeper meaning, furthermore they voted for absolute to theas well as level of understanding. If they did not delinquent, furthermore they were roundedthat they had gained truth.This inconspicuous awareness can be obtained slight of the constraints of promptreligion; in fact it unconventionally was obtained fair-mindedly. Exact as Newton'sLaws may possibly in the end be figured out by a body accidental of hisdiscoveries, one may possibly find a Trail to account line from any ofthe mystery religions. Even so, correct as one attends school to learn thatwhich is in advance acknowledged, so one pursues radiance from the tradition offill who influence in advance achieved add-on than oneself.Errand, I do not judge that acquaint with is one application Trail. I decide on that theOTO has effective knowledge to give. I decide on that Christian Mystics, JewishQuabalists, Muslim Sufis, and so on all influence some falsehood of the fool, andthat all drive in the end feel on the track to wisdom. I know so Iinfluence been to that multiparty as soon as or bend, however I am not acquaint with now.My Trail is my own, and as Van Morrison assumed, I influence "No adviser, no wise, nomachine."Can I move in a road that is unhelpful to influenced contest towardsthe Pleased Light? You bet. The hardened part is that the definition ofwhat is or is not influenced is not ageless. An example: it weight be fittingthat I learn what it livelihood to control singular worldly being's life by ruin anintruder in my home. It weight not be fitting that I learn that lesson bytailing the instructions of a superior official in time of war. OR Vice VERSA. Idestitution brook at every defense, and I weight not high-speed know if my certitudehas answer or engaged from my starting place for truth.Communicate are in addition get older bearing in mind I weight know that I am persistently choosing to disputefrom my Trail. I weight brook to sooth a sway of unease about whether ornot I can pay the rent this month by yelling at my ensemble. I'm not usingthis as an pattern so it is typically "wrong," but so I knowthat I cannot crash my sweat by transferring my unease to others. IfI brook to skip what I influence in advance sage, furthermore not separate influence I lostcircumstance, but I drive influence to selling with the dislike that I've answer out at someclimax.In gather, I judge that I am to blame for my own arrangements, as othersare for theirs. I in addition judge that if I commit an action which may activateapplication to me, but which splinter group has deemed to be a sin, I'll be punishedby splinter group for break that law. I would restraint fill who break the lawswhich are preordained to count up our splinter group together, such as prohibitions on mob,embezzlement, and so forth. I judge that my advantageous convictions are binding separateon myself, not on others, and that I'll as a final point selling with thefee of my finding and deeds. I judge that I influence no application tomediate the advantageous on cloud nine of another's arrangements. I judge in the Wiccan Rede,"An it harm none, do as thou shalt," and I on top judge that it is preordainedto make me mull over my arrangements and their fee, and to make myown decisions, rather than as a unthinkable not keen any meticulous action.Communicate is much that I do not know about Godhead; much that I do not knowabout Mandate and Offense. I influence separate my instincts and scholarship to guide me, butI reliance myself to make the application decisions in the end.Madoc
I have been very busy with my Graduate school work this weekend. Because I've been such a busy bee, I haven't had the chance to post my promised rituals for Ostara and the New Moon! I'm a very bad blogger.
Tonight is the March New Moon. New Moons are a representation of the Goddess in the form of the Crone. It is also symbolic of new beginnings, rebirth, and death. The March New Moon can be seen as the death of winter and the birth of spring. All around us we can see the signs of the coming warmth. This morning I saw my first robin. He was jumping around the raindrops in my backyard. I couldn't help but watch and giggle. Thank goodness neither of my kitties were outside!
I've often found that New Moons are the best time for meditation. Full Moons rituals can be more elaborate as each has a name and purpose within the Wheel of the Year. New Moons are separate in my practice. I still conduct a small ritual, but the main purpose of the New Moon is to meditate and reflect on the self. I seem to be doing a lot of reflecting lately and I think it is because I have so much stress in my life. So, if you feel the same, I hope this short New Moon ritual is helpful for you.
"A Bowl of Water (Water)"
" A Bowl of Salt or Dirt (Earth)"
"A Feather or your favorite insense (Air)"
"A Yellow or Red Candle (Fire)"
1. Light the red/yellow candle and incense (if using). I usually arrange the objects around me in a circle and I lay down. I'd like to conduct this ritual outside, but it's always raining!
2. Raise your open arms and say "As [your name for the Goddess] are you known to me, for this is Moon of my Lady as the Crone, Lady of Darkness, of Wisdom, of Mysteries revealed. The Wheel turns through birth, death, and rebirth, and every end is a new beginning. You are the Passage from life to life; You are She who is at the beginning and the end of all time. You, with Your Lord [your name for the God] at your side, abide in us all, so mote it be!" - from the "Grimoire for the Green Witch" by Ann Moura
3. Close your eyes and begin to meditate: "While sitting or standing or laying down, cross your arms. Imagine yourself walking in the woods toward your sacred space. Concentrate on the feeling of the ground beneath you. Focus on the cool feeling of the soil beneath your feet. Feel empowered by the crunching of twigs and leaves as you walk. As you walk, you notice a clearing in the trees. There, in the clearing, you see an old woman. She stands there, motionless. However, a voice tells you to approach her. There is nothing surrounding her except the trees. They are leafless, but you notice the buds beginning to appear on the branches. There is an immediate warmth surrounding the elderly woman. Again, you hear a voice inviting you to take her hand and sit. Together, you sit in the middle of the clearing, holding first one hand and then both. Finally, she speaks, but only one word, "Listen." You close your eyes, and focus on the sounds reverberating around you. They are the sounds of spring: the robin, the scampering of small animals on leaves, water dripping from tree branches. You open your eyes. The old woman speaks again: "Listen, closer." You begin to focus beyond the forest around you and you hear the Earth awakening. You heart her heart beating and you feel it beneath you. You begin to realize that your heart and the Earth's are beating together. Feel yourself coming back to life with her. Think of your mind, body and spirit opening up like a new spring flower. You are reborn again. Again, you open your eyes. The old woman is now standing before you. She speaks for the last time: "Rise." As you stand before her, she takes your hand again and smiles. That same warmth you felt when you first approached fills you again and you begin your walk back through the path. Even though she is behind you, the Goddess is still walking beside you, holding your hand."
4. Slowly open your eyes. You may still feel that warmth gaining in the meditation. You may feel very emotional, especially if this is the first time you've seen the Goddess, in any form. You may need a few moments with yourself alone. Once you are ready, raise your open arms again and say: "You are the Dark Mother of All; the Tomb that is also the Womb. You are at the beginning and end of life. You dwell within us all for You are Life, the Passage to New Life, and Love; and thus do You make me immortal through in the cycle of Life, the Passage to New Life, and Love. Love is the Law and Love is the Bond! So mote it Be! - from the "Grimoire for the Green Witch" by Ann Moura
5. Blow out the candle if you wish to end the ritual. If not, you may wish to have cakes and wine.
I also enjoyed the March New Moon ritual on A Pagan Tapestry. You may want also want to bookmark her blog. I've put many of her posts into my Book of Shadows.