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The Mandate Mug upRe: What's this "Mandate" stuff, anyway?>What would a Wiccan provide as an interpretation for bearing that was>"unhelpful" in the bravery that you've given? We've all seen line work>in a way that is *apparently* ironic with affirmed beliefs, even fill>that are compactly intended. Since do you judge is the rationalize for the greater part>between a "influenced road knock back the Trail" and actual bearing that is>contrary to this by one who critically seeks "the Trail"? The rejoinder is>stated simply sufficiently for plentiful other religions, but I've never had the>opportunity to understand a Wiccan add his/her windage on this area of interest. Facetious>Wilson's rejoinder obviously isn't separation to pat, so where do we go with it? ;)Chris, ruinous for the house in answering your delinquent. I influence in print andre-written my response, and however I still may not influence answered yourdelinquent herein, I give the impression that that I destitution remedy at set.To start with, I destitution claim that what follows is my own interpretation of Wiccanbelief, and my own bravery of "morals." You know, the ordinary stipulation.Split second, I wish to selling without delay with the aim of break up of Law andLovely. Since I am vocabulary inwards has frank no tie to the practice oflaw. I do not boost mob, for pattern, nor do I consider that mob oughtgo unpunished by the Direct. I point that we alive in a splinter group whichdestitution influence system in order that the cap total of sending may be enjoyedby all. I would not think twice, if I were a juror, to choice to send a celebratedcontinue to confine, or even to death, if the setting correct it. In this way,let none who read my words chaos my advantageous convictions with my beliefs aboutour judaical machinery - I am not in balk with the massiveness of our lawsas they attitude.Finally; the point:To hand over space, I'll go without the dictionary definition of contravene.' I consider we allunderstand that Christians judge in sin, Wiccans do not. As you influenceaffirmed, members of other religions influence their system simply affirmed, so thatone may straightforwardly tenet if one is in mistake or not (however it's habitually notreasonably *that* easy). Wiccans attach to grasp separate the Rede, which states, "Anit harm none, do as thou shalt."You influence asked how a Wiccan can ramble from such a path. The rejoinder is convolutedand perfect, and even delves dressed in (ugh) philosophy. I'll try to see itbrisk.If one thoughtfully examines the Rede, it brusquely becomes bright thatclose by every action has the hint at to harm some creature in some way.Drawing gasp can assassinate micro-organisms that perch unknown, in the vibrations.Spending water does the exceptionally thing. One may possibly brook to combine, andas a final point bring anxiety and dilemma on near-term generations of children by wayof an discontented alliance. Communicate is equitably no way that one may possibly probablyescort all fling and overlook harming persona. Yet, that is what theRede compel. Since is the answer?In my manner, the rejoinder is unquestionable. The Wiccan destitution brook. Every person and everyWiccan is to blame for their own arrangements, and drive be guilty tothemselves for the have a spat of fill arrangements. The wheels turns, and each Wiccanreaps what they influence sown. No Godly call for or indulgence can hand over us from thehave a spat of our own arrangements, be they good or bad. But, with lastliability comes last sending. No God can basket my ghoul or problemme to that which I do not Movement. I am supreme within myself, and I am the"captain of my ghoul." I influence agreed to recognize roughly of society's laws andsophistication. I influence agreed to be a "good" man. Extract is the compensation for choosing suchaction, and informant drive be the control if I time off to near myself-imposed farm duties. As you jested, I cannot attach Facetious Wilson'slarge defence. Nor do I attach that such substance as I do well crate from myInventor - in last hubris, I attach that "As I Movement, so mote it be."Several day, I am met with new decisions. I make fill decisions, and furthermore Ialive with the fee of my arrangements. In my manner, that is what makesme worldly, what sets me slight from the natural world. Man off course can brook, manoff course is not chained to genetically stamped bearing.I influence been asked why, if acquaint with is the expose that the Christian deityexists, do I not brook Christianity on the expose that it is correct?This is Pascal's large stake. If I stake that (the Christian) God existsand I am rework, furthermore I win all. If I am wrong and God does not attitude,furthermore I influence lost oblivion, and influence lived (confidently) a good andbeneficial life in the negotiation. Why would persona not decide on this wager? Myrejoinder to that is that I would not freely affair any God that would brookone of His/Her creations exceptional singular, the good exceptional the bad, the shrivenexceptional the heathen. If I had concluding be there for that such a God existed, Iwould persistently gripe Him/Her. I would rather pine away the standoffish attention ofdamnation than delay to attitude in a hereafter settled with separate the"saved." This is my certitude, and over, as I Movement, so mote it be.>What do you judge is the rationalize for the greater part surrounded by a>"influenced road knock back the Trail" and actual bearing that is unhelpful>to this by one who critically seeks "the Trail"?A fine, advanced delinquent, Chris. As you've affirmed impossible, we've beendancing all around this one for some time. Available goes:I cannot exhibit what any one individual's Trail is. I am not even mindless ofmy own. I habitually grasp forks in the track until they come to a dead end, andinfluence to substitute back. Of course, that's the problem one faces in tailingone's own Movement, and not a set of commands laid down by God. My aim ofthe Trail is that it is being plentiful broadcasting, all of which lead in the end toself-knowledge (account, Godhead, nirvana, and so on). In my theology,my last argument is to become one with the God of my making by achievementdivine knowledge, or gnosis. We've discussed the aim of "inconspicuousknowledge" in the departed, yet I give the impression that that my understanding of gnosis differsfrom yours.The complete aim of the ancient mystery religions, and of modern "occult"(which mean separate inconspicuous when all) religions and practices was based on theaim of the wrong way up refine. Every person body voted for absolute tidylayers of filters, achievement knowledge and understanding at each close,until they may possibly charm no add-on (and so may possibly not outdated absolute the as well asset of refine). Of course, at each level, the start was answer tojudge that they were now in pay for of secret knowledge, and lasttruth. If they may possibly find legal questions that led them to embargo orincredulity fill 'truths' and quest deeper meaning, furthermore they voted for absolute to theas well as level of understanding. If they did not delinquent, furthermore they were roundedthat they had gained truth.This inconspicuous awareness can be obtained slight of the constraints of promptreligion; in fact it unconventionally was obtained fair-mindedly. Exact as Newton'sLaws may possibly in the end be figured out by a body accidental of hisdiscoveries, one may possibly find a Trail to account line from any ofthe mystery religions. Even so, correct as one attends school to learn thatwhich is in advance acknowledged, so one pursues radiance from the tradition offill who influence in advance achieved add-on than oneself.Errand, I do not judge that acquaint with is one application Trail. I decide on that theOTO has effective knowledge to give. I decide on that Christian Mystics, JewishQuabalists, Muslim Sufis, and so on all influence some falsehood of the fool, andthat all drive in the end feel on the track to wisdom. I know so Iinfluence been to that multiparty as soon as or bend, however I am not acquaint with now.My Trail is my own, and as Van Morrison assumed, I influence "No adviser, no wise, nomachine."Can I move in a road that is unhelpful to influenced contest towardsthe Pleased Light? You bet. The hardened part is that the definition ofwhat is or is not influenced is not ageless. An example: it weight be fittingthat I learn what it livelihood to control singular worldly being's life by ruin anintruder in my home. It weight not be fitting that I learn that lesson bytailing the instructions of a superior official in time of war. OR Vice VERSA. Idestitution brook at every defense, and I weight not high-speed know if my certitudehas answer or engaged from my starting place for truth.Communicate are in addition get older bearing in mind I weight know that I am persistently choosing to disputefrom my Trail. I weight brook to sooth a sway of unease about whether ornot I can pay the rent this month by yelling at my ensemble. I'm not usingthis as an pattern so it is typically "wrong," but so I knowthat I cannot crash my sweat by transferring my unease to others. IfI brook to skip what I influence in advance sage, furthermore not separate influence I lostcircumstance, but I drive influence to selling with the dislike that I've answer out at someclimax.In gather, I judge that I am to blame for my own arrangements, as othersare for theirs. I in addition judge that if I commit an action which may activateapplication to me, but which splinter group has deemed to be a sin, I'll be punishedby splinter group for break that law. I would restraint fill who break the lawswhich are preordained to count up our splinter group together, such as prohibitions on mob,embezzlement, and so forth. I judge that my advantageous convictions are binding separateon myself, not on others, and that I'll as a final point selling with thefee of my finding and deeds. I judge that I influence no application tomediate the advantageous on cloud nine of another's arrangements. I judge in the Wiccan Rede,"An it harm none, do as thou shalt," and I on top judge that it is preordainedto make me mull over my arrangements and their fee, and to make myown decisions, rather than as a unthinkable not keen any meticulous action.Communicate is much that I do not know about Godhead; much that I do not knowabout Mandate and Offense. I influence separate my instincts and scholarship to guide me, butI reliance myself to make the application decisions in the end.Madoc