Saint Paul of Xeropotamou, in the world Procopius, was the son of the Byzanatine Ruler Michael Kuropalatos, who succeeding acquiescent the imperial split and became a priest in a monastery he built. Having established the top-quality culture, Procopius became one of the utmost clued-up men of his time. His "Deliver an address on the Right of entry of the Supreme Blessed Theotokos stylish the Temple," the "System of belief to the Forty Martyrs", the "System of belief to the Good Swathe" and other works gained him stalwart maiden name. But worldly knowledge and honors did not divert him. He exchanged his fine garb for beggar's rags, and he went to the Blessed Ultimate [Athos], to Xeropotamou. He built a portable existing at the vestiges of an old monastery founded by the empress Pulcheria in clarity of the Forty Martyrs (Funnel 9). From Cosmas, a recluse, he established monastic tonsure with the name Paul.Out of diffidence the saint did not reveal his awareness to a person. The assign of Paul's authoritarian life suddenly move forward over the Blessed Ultimate. He became called Paul of Xeropotamou, and the monastery everyplace he pursued monasticism, to the cede day bears the name Xeropotamou ("dry watercourse").
At that time the ruler Romanus, a family member of Paul, ascended the throne. Prepared the Protos of the Blessed Ultimate he requested the saint to come to Constantinople and think about a significant appreciated for him. The shroud Paul, not gossip his monastic assessment, appeared with a anxious and in in shreds robes amongst the well-mannered land and dignity. St Paul declared his assign as a number one one of God, incredibly healing the austerely ill Romanus by placing his hand on him. But the selfishness of well-mannered life, promised by the merit of the ruler, did not divert the saint; he returned to the Blessed Ultimate, having asked one circle of the emperor: to spruce up the Xeropotamou monastery.
In the holy altar in the hallowed church church of the restored monastery, was put a operate of the Good Logs of the Life-Creating Swathe of the Peer of the realm, unqualified to St Paul by the ruler Romanus.
Promptly the Xeropotamou monastery was gorged by a pack of monks, lacking to put themselves under the route of the holy rigorous, but St Paul, having entrusted the ride of the monastery to one of the brethren, motivated off to the remote wilderness. His serene was over troubled by disciples, not lacking to unpaid leave their Upper. Next the priest requested of the ruler the conduit for the organization of a new monastery. Thus the saint founded a monastery in the name of the holy Hidden Dead person and Victory-Bearer St George. The chief common sense of the new monastery was St Paul himself, who besides brought a operate of the Good Logs of the Swathe of the Peer of the realm existing.
Having been informed in advance by the Peer of the realm of his advent end, the saint summoned the brethren of the Xeropotamou and the new Georgikos monasteries and gave them his permanent information. On the day of his death, St Paul donned the point, and read the prayer of St Joannicius, which he understood continually: "My group is the Jump, my place of protection is the Son, my protection is the Blessed Consciousness, O Blessed Trinity, aver to Thee," and he established the Blessed Mysteries of Christ.
St Paul had instructed in his incentive to conceal his map on the goal of Pongosa (conflicting the Blessed Ultimate). But by the incentive of God the ship was provoked to the shore of Constantinople, everyplace the Ruler and Patriarch with the fervent took the map of the saint and dismally positioned it in the Hidden Clerical (Hagia Sophia). At the rear the sacking of Constantinople by the Crusaders, the ruins of St Paul were transferred to Venice.
"SAINT OR Anniversary POSTED THIS Envision 2010(with 2009's edge appearing in besides and added, 2008's):"