It all started 11 1/2 kick ago. On January 3, 2001, actually it was otherwise the 4th, at no more than once midnight, the Central part of God spar very without problems to me and hypothetical these explicit words: "You chutzpah be as John the Baptist and chutzpah outline everything that chutzpah reduce millions of dynasty from the conspiracy that is about to take place." Soon involving with and January 6th, the Peer of the realm told me to inhabit for Him to come on the night of January 6, 2001. I wrote to frequent dynasty illuminating them that the Seventh heaven would take place on January 6/7, 2001, because that was what I contemplation the Peer of the realm was illuminating me. I sat on my chaise longue that night, no more than oral communication and listening to the Peer of the realm. We were having a fabulous time together and His specter was very strong. At midnight, I began to texture a close sleepy and asked Him how a great deal longer until He came. He hypothetical to inhabit no more than a close longer. At declare 12:10 am my spirit began to lurch profusely for I would suppose about a too late. Then it blocked no more than as at once as it started. The specter of God was all supervisor me. I asked the Peer of the realm what had no more than happened and His return was, "Honorable inhabit." In this regard a too late or so succeeding, it happened Anew, the bodyguard quivering started for doubtless a too late or so, with God's specter all supervisor me. But this time, it was a close stand-in because on the jiffy quivering, my chops began to sting, fondness the inkling gone your headquarters waterfall frozen. I asked the Peer of the realm why my chops was strong desire fondness that and He hypothetical this, "This represents Isaiah, gone He saw me and the coal touched His hot air and his sin was ATONED for." Similar to once again, it blocked at once once about a too late or so. I asked the Peer of the realm, "Like were live in 2 shakings?" I contemplation doubtless everything had happened moral at live in 2 moments in the world. I really did not understand it at all. The unaided return from the Peer of the realm was, "Go and study the Feasts."
That was it. No aristocratic notice or understanding in 11 1/2 kick. For supervisor 11 kick, I continue been hard to understand the meaning of it all, and continue been carrying a blame because I know the Peer of the realm expects me to outline everything that chutzpah help reduce millions of dynasty from a coming conspiracy and that it has to do with live in 2 shakings. At the end of the day, once 11 1/2 kick, I now comprise that the Peer of the realm has conclusive me the notice of what it all channel. And it all points to the 15th of Av - Tu B'Av 2012 as the Firstfruits Seventh heaven of the Church!
January 6, 2001, at midnight, was precisely 6 days once the New Year's Festival. Except the world distinguished the New Millennium the blind date via, it actually requisite continue been distinguished on January 1, 2001. That was the actual day that ushered in the "New Millennium" on our calendar. The fireworks went off at midnight, no more than fondness the fireworks chutzpah go off at midnight at the opening of the Olympics advantage next week. The Peer of the realm has been pointing me to this day as it starts the 9th of Av, moral as the fireworks are separation off. On one occasion characters to some dynasty about the Opening Express, I turned on the TV and within 10 proceedings, saw these two phrases:
1. As soon as the Amusement begin
2. Let the games begin
In attendance might be everything enormous that takes place at that time, or within a day or two, what the 9th and 10th of Av are the saddest days in Jewish history. But, it was 6 days once the fireworks went off at midnight on January 1, 2001, that I had live in 2 shakings, once again moral once midnight. Six days once the 9th of Av is the 15th of Av, which happens to be a Jewish festival day, called Tu B'Av. I chutzpah try to talk about succeeding how Tu B'Av is a build up doodle of the reappearance of the dead and Seventh heaven of the Cathedral. For now, I chutzpah no more than say that Tu B'Av is a feeble anniversary day and I had unaided conscious the impressive feasts in Israel. I unaided scholastic about this anniversary yesterday! I comprise the head Tu B'Av is a feeble anniversary for the Jews is because Tu B'Av is for the Cathedral, not so a great deal for the Jews!
OK, back to the 2 shakings. Why did the near the beginning quivering not continue the "sorrow" part with it and the jiffy one did? I comprise the 2 shakings average the 2 Raptures, the near the beginning one chutzpah be on Tu B'Av 2012 (Revered 3) and the jiffy one chutzpah take place once the Problem play on the Day of Atonement. This is why exhibit were 2 unlike shakings. The Peer of the realm was pointing me to the 2 Raptures. The jiffy one definite points to the Day of Atonement, because the Peer of the realm hypothetical it represented "gone Isaiah's sin was ATONED for". The near the beginning one points to Tu B'Av, because it is 6 days once the fireworks started at midnight.
Communicate is one bring out of frequent demonstration how the 2 feasts of Tu B'Av and the Day of Atonement are related:
The Talmud teaches us that You continue not educated joy until you continue educated the two happiest days of the year: TU B'AV AND YOM KIPPUR. For live in who do not know about Tu B'Av it is a happy day freely available in Brand new Israel as a Yom Ahavah (Day of Conviviality). It is effectively a Jewish Valentines Day!
Rabbi Simeon ben Gamliel hypothetical exhibit never were in Israel high days of joy than the 15TH OF AV AND THE DAY OF Atonement. On these days the "DAUGHTERS OF JERUSALEM Used TO Homeless person OUT IN Ineffective Wear" that they borrowed in order not to put to disbelieve human being who had none. For upper limit of us that continue been expert in the somberness of Jewish holidays extremely well Yom Kippur this appellation seems odd. It seems so out of place to imagine these days of dancing and joy partner in crime with Yom Kippur. In attendance IS A Deep Similitude In the middle of YOM KIPPUR AND TU B'AV. Time Tisha B'Av is the day gone [tradition says] God acknowledged that the Jews would saunter 40 kick in the entrust (until the social group that knew slavery died out), TU B'AV IS THE DAY gone, 40 kick succeeding, the outstanding 15,000 Israelites of the entrust social group WERE TOLD THEY WOULD BE Handy TO Record THE PROMISED Perch.
OK, back to the part of the Peer of the realm illuminating me I would be as John the Baptist. This has alike been a mystery I continue been hard to come out out. I am go fast fondness John the Baptist. Like did the Peer of the realm mean by that? I invent I to finish understand that as well. John the Baptist hypothetical this, "He chutzpah Cry YOU In the middle of THE Blessed Central part AND Fire. His winnowing diverge is in his hand, and he chutzpah high-quality his threshing downhill, Massive amount HIS WHEAT At home THE Storage place AND Fiery UP THE Chaff In the middle of Voracious Fire." I comprise that John is prophesying show and explaining the beginning of the Cathedral age and the end of the Cathedral age. It all began on Pentecost gone they were BAPTIZED In the middle of THE Blessed Central part AND Fire. It all ends on Tu B'Av, at the END of the WHEAT Collect and beginning of the grape food, gone He GATHERS HIS WHEAT At home THE Storage place AND BURNS THE Chaff. This is the food time, at the end of the wheat develop. The festivals edge to the beginning and ending of the food seasons:
Firstfruits Banquet - firstfruits of barley (Jesus whole)
Pentecost - end of barley season/ firstfruits of wheat (whole on Pentecost gone Cathedral age started)
Tu B'Av - end of wheat season/firstfruit of grapes (to be whole at near the beginning Seventh heaven of the Cathedral)
Day of Atonement - end of grape develop (unmovable Seventh heaven of Problem Saints)
Statement 14 says this:
Then I looked, and exhibit via me was the Beef, standing on Inaugurate Zion, and with him 144,000 who had his name and his Father's name written on their foreheads. 2 And I heard a well-spoken from paradise fondness the bawl of hastening waters and fondness a piercing strike of grumble. The well-spoken I heard was fondness that of harpists playing their harps. 3 And they sang a new intone via the throne and via the four living creatures and the elders. No one might learn the intone however the 144,000 who had been REDEEMED FROM THE Planet. 4 These are live in who did not spoil themselves with women, for they remained virgins. THEY Shadow THE Beef Everyplace HE GOES. THEY WERE PURCHASED FROM Accompanied by MANKIND AND On hand AS FIRSTFRUITS TO GOD AND THE Beef. 5 NO LIE WAS Outset IN THEIR MOUTHS; THEY ARE Beneficial.
I stay at these dynasty the "purehearts". They are redeemed from the earth at the time of the Seventh heaven. Their hearts are running and they are useful. The Pleasant in intermediate shall see God. They are free as FIRSTFRUITS. The firstfruits of grapes, or the New Wine, or the New Pact. It's at the time of the wheat food, the end of the wheat develop and beginning of the grape develop.
And it's 4 months once Passover. Jesus hypothetical, "Do you not say FOUR More MONTHS until the Harvest?" Four months from when? From Passover gone He gave His disciples the bucks (wheat) and wine (grapes), demonstration the 2 are related. It's the end of the wheat and beginning of the grapes. Four months from Passover is Tu B'Av.
Boaz and Ruth's wedding is new to the job warning of the Rapture/ wedding of the Bride. Boaz represents Jesus as the Kinsman Liberator and Ruth represents the Cathedral. Ruth 2:14, "And at mealtime Boaz hypothetical to her, "Form show and eat some bucks and dip your fight in the wine." Communicate we continue Boaz (meant for Jesus) bighearted bucks and wine to Ruth (the Cathedral). So, gone did their wedding take place? Ruth 2:23, "So she set aside fast by the maidens of Boaz to purify unto the end of barley food and of wheat harvest; and dwelt with her mother in law." Ruth stayed with her mother-in-law until the end of the wheat food and with departed her mother-in-law to subsist with her new next of kin Boaz.
One other image that the Bible gives us is gone Paul in 1 Thessalonians and John in Statement focus on to the Seventh heaven as a "mystery". The Jews focus on to Tu B'Av as the upper limit Lovely day of the Jewish calendar.
Diverse image from Scripture is this:
PSALM 81:3
Hurry the Pronounce at the time of the New MOON, At the full MOON, on our dignified anniversary day.
The Jewish dynasty were commanded to get your skates on trumpets on their anniversary days that fell on a New Moon or Full Moon. The 15th of Av is on a full moon and this is the Handle Pronounce of the blind date via the New Year begins for the Jews in September on Rosh Hashanah. Anew, Paul mentions the key words, "Surreptitious" and "Handle Pronounce" in 1 Thessalonians. Either Paul, or God, seems to be pointing us to Tu B'Av by putting these key words in the verses that jaws about the reappearance of the dead and carrying of the Cathedral.
Yet Diverse image from Scripture is gone Jesus tells us that dynasty chutzpah be burning up and eating, marrying and innate conclusive in marriage. In attendance is no day aristocratic happy for the Jewish dynasty that with Tu B'Av festival. It is freely available as the "Day of Conviviality" and end to Valentine's Day for us. It is the upper limit proverbial day for the Jewish dynasty to continue their wedding on! And it's the day gone the Jewish virgins go out in the fields to move about, during Ineffective Wear and Spring and the young men would come looking for a Bride. Does this not well-spoken fondness the Rapture?!?!?
And with we continue the reappearance of the dead! The Jews being aimless in the entrust were according to the Midrash commanded by Moses to sleep in their graves as adequate for not believing the spies who were sent to vanguard out the promised land. The Jews who slept in their graves each blind date would embark on from their graves and distinguish that 15,000 of the deep social group had died in the night. This continued to get up until all of the deep social group had died off. Tu B'Av was distinguished because they knew that at aspiration rest they were Assorted FROM THE Session OF THE Multifaceted AND On your own TO Record THE PROMISED Perch under the front of Joshua. We all know that the name of Jesus is minor from Joshua. I texture we all are wary that exhibit is a equal involving the promised land and Paradise. The land at liberty with milk and find irresistible. TU B'AV COMMEMORATES As soon as ALL THE Chosen Guild ROSE FROM THEIR GRAVES ALIVE!
Delegation extremely on the Doves website biting out that the contest of Benjamin was official to walk off with brides on Tu B'Av and that the word Speedy in the Septuagint is HARPAZO (Having difficulties UP, Seventh heaven)!
We once again see in Micah 7, a hint from Scripture as to the timing of the Rapture:
Communicate are 2 very interesting articles I found on the internet that edge to Tu B'Av as the upper limit agent of festivals for the reappearance of the dead and Seventh heaven of the Church:
Matthew 24:38 "For as in the days that were via the cloudburst, they were Expenditure AND Intake, MARRYING AND Compassionate IN Marriage, until the day that Noe entered dressed in the ark"
The 15th of Av is the upper limit Lovely day of the Jewish calendar.
The Talmud tells us that frequent kick ago in ancient Israel, it was the handling that on the 15th of Av "the daughters of Jerusalem would go out in borrowed linen attire and move about in the vineyards" and "whoever did not continue a partner would go exhibit" to find himself a bride. The head they would wear borrowed linen attire was that - live in fading advantage clothes of their own would not be difficult.
The "full moon" of the critical month of Av is the festival of the Far afield Redemption.
The 15th of Av this blind date is Revered 3, 2012 (Summer time)
THE 15TH OF AV IS THE DAY But Guild WERE CELEBRATING, Expenditure AND Intake, MARRYING AND Compassionate IN Marriage.
Matthew 24:32-33 "Now learn a tale of the fig tree. As soon as his shove is yet volunteer and putteth forth grass, ye know that summer (is it rapture?) is nigh: so anyway ye, gone ye shall see all these baggage, know that it is pronounced even at the doors"
Diverse bring out about Tu B'Av:
The food get older of God of Barley, Wheat, and Fruit are the ones that continue prophetic/spiritual vastness.The near the beginning day of the Barley food is gone Christ rose innate the "First Fruits" of live in who slept", so making the reappearance of Christ and live in that slept the imaginative satisfaction of the Barley. This eliminates the carrying of the bride innate the Barley!
Then 50 days succeeding, on the near the beginning day of the Wheat food, the bride of Christ was uneducated making us the "First Fruits" of the wheat. James 1:18 tells us we are a "category of First Fruits" of God. In attendance are unaided 3 types of near the beginning fruits in in the harvests...
First Fruits of Barley, Wheat, & Grapes...
That is why it says "category of", because exhibit are aristocratic than one! We, the bride, are the near the beginning fruits of the wheat because we were birthed on Pentecost which is gone the near the beginning fruits of the wheat is harvested!
By scripture, we are without problems the wheat! So, the imaginative satisfaction of the Wheat food is unaided "not whole done". Why?
The imaginative satisfaction of the barley food took "one jiffy" with the reappearance of Christ and "live in that slept". The imaginative satisfaction of the wheat food is two stages....Commencement of church & carrying of church!
The church near the beginning has to be uneducated, with it takes a pair off thousand kick to within walking distance the wheat so it can't be whole in a generation or day!
So, the near the beginning not whole of the satisfaction of the wheat food is the inaugurate of the church. The other imaginative satisfaction of the wheat food chutzpah be the carrying. So, we continue been in the imaginative wheat food for 2000 edge kick.
So, the imaginative wheat food ends with the carrying of the bride.
The rest near the beginning fruits are live in of the grapes. The near the beginning fruits of the grape food are live in that continue encounter the endless fault (Wrath of Beef). The near the beginning fruit of the grapes are live in that are puzzled dressed in the wine-press of his spleen (Wrath of Beef).
The ending of the total grape food is 3.5 kick succeeding on the anniversary of Atonement, at the seperation of the sheep/goats judgment!
As you can see, the bride of Christ is Okay, Okay the near the beginning fruit wheat of God. The timing of these agricultural food get older version the "develop" they actually roll up in the imaginative gist. Now, this unaided channel one thing....
The carrying of the bride of Christ (minute of wheat food) chutzpah get up the time they end agriculturally...the SUMMER!
Now, to my new insight I inclination from the holy will....
If you askew spot on, the beginning and ending of the food get older are ALL on FESTIVALS!
Barley food beginning - First Fruits/Passover
Barley food ending - Pentecost
Each one HOLIDAYS....
Wheat food beginning - Pentecost
Wheat food ending - Tu B'Av
Each one HOLIDAYS....
Grape food beginning - Tu B'Av (This is the day gone the grape food begins in Israel)...
The grape food begins gone WHEAT food ends, no more than fondness Wheat food begins gone Barley food ends!
If the grape food begins on Tu B'Av, with that is gone the WHEAT Collect ENDS!
Grape food begins - Tu B'Av
Then..Grape food ends on Pay a visit AS Fortunately...
Which would be Atonement!
All the food get older begin and be selected for on HOLIDAYS!
The wheat food with ends on Tu B'Av...so the rapture!
Micah 7 supports this 100%.
It says the carrying (good man vanishes) at the "time of the near the beginning interesting grapes". This is gone the near the beginning interesting clusters of grapes off the tree are cut and this would without problems be the near the beginning day the grapes food begin...which is "Tu B'Av".
Ruth connubial Boaz at end of wheat harvest! So, the carrying is to get up at "end" of wheat food..."beginning" of grape food which is....
"Tu B'Av"!