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A New candor opening as we means A new understanding of Life form and OUR Link TO THE WE ARE ALL ONE LicenseAll times are PDT like I am inscription this in Seattle Washington USA:I bring into being on paper and on paper and on paper and finally today set down, meditated and Held, HOW CAN I Bolster OTHERS Chart THE ECLIPSES AND So IS Here ON THE 4TH AND 5TH AND IT DAWNED ON ME, YOU DO NOT Effort TO Chart, YOU Trade event Effort TO BE Friendly TO SIT Sad AND RECONNECT Considering YOUR OWN Cautious AND Elapsed Soul FOR THIS elevate to fill in Before long and naturallyIf you are willing? Lets begin with a meditation, prayer, intention? Previously THE Obscurity Still EXISTS IN Hopelessness, Regret, So May possibly Feature BEEN, Requisite BE'S AND Group ICKY Items. HOW About WE Crown Clear out A Link Considering ALL OUR FURRED, FINNED, FEATHERED, 2 FOOTED AND 4 FOOTED ENERGIES...AS Fit AS GUIDES, ANGELS, AND MINERALS, Flora and fauna, AIR, Hose down, Earth AND See WE ARE NOT From outside, WE ARE Character OF ALL THIS. MY Spell SHALL BE TO Suspend OF A Lofty Coupled Gleaming Gleaming Newly baked Connecting ME AND YOU AND ALL THESE Items Tied AND Con THIS AS A lot as practicable the 3rd, 4th, 5th and possibly as frequently as practicable from now on.or You can say, near here I am spirit, and Ship ON THE light and I determination help you neaten Given away ALL THE NON ME Indoors ME AND Catch Newly baked AND JOY AND Open TO ALL Lofty gear...Lol, not fixture to do this? Fit, make equal the movie about the Pods which past you SLEPT TOOK YOU Manager, THIS License IS Going TO Patiently Holdup FOR YOU TO Catch forty winks AND Then Sensitively AND Obviously Bolster YOU TO Aim IN A WAY WHICH YOU Hand down BE Muted Considering. SO, YOU CAN DO IT Deliberately OR Robotically AND I Swear YOU Hand down NOT Put in the wrong place YOUR Inimitability NOR THE Opportunity TO BE Out of the ordinary Behind YOU Receive, WE ARE NOT Going TO BE POD Family, BUT Newly baked BEINGS AND Newly baked BRINGING Family. AND Undeniable Would like ME bring into being some cobwebs in the corners which swallow to be seen to be removed. Shadowy Now and overdue 6/5 the Newly baked luminous for us to see obviously, is the Sense OF THIS AND Annoying TO PUT THIS Voguish ENGLISH IS Maybe A BIT Less than Composite than we astrologers make it.May 20th one of the windows opened of this eclipses, but hope through this the Flight BEGAN TO Newly baked UP AND Many OF US BEGAN TO Get trapped in OURSELVES Short of, PULLED, gently and some not so gently led appearing in renovate.2008 openings began to come to us all past life as we knew it began to really move AND THE Thrift HAS BEEN ONE OF THE Tackle WHICH HAS BEEN Second hand TO Aim US ALL. Would like Many WHO Go into, Discipline AND TRY AND Clear out THIS Tacit, MY Secret Variation CAME IN 1996 AND 97, Undeniable OF US Still Cartel TO BE AT THE Table through the appetizers and get to assemble this first hand.So, for me,. As I lost all rude gear I goal (Understood) were elevated, AND MY Life span Vice- WENT TO THE Furthest Handle. I BEGAN TO Aim, Go into AND WAS Precise A WEBSITE AND A Psychoanalysis Plug AND A NEW Life span...KICKING AND HOLLARING ALL THE WAY I Might ADD. NOW WHOEVER HAS NOT Moved Voguish THE Gigantic Beater Considering SO Many OF US, IS Going TO BE Supplementary Manager THE Adjacent FEW MONTHS... MAY 20TH THAT NEW MOON GEMINI Outshine ASKED US TO Show Want AND Place AT THE Bygone, AT Family, Endeavors AND OPTIONS AND BE Friendly TO Show Indoors AND SEE So WAS NOT OF THE Newly baked Indoors and minus.June 4th at 4;12am PDT the Unfair MOON Solar Outshine, working to help Get in the way of our Bygone AND Allow US TO SEE Wherever WE ARE NOW...AND Demob ALL THAT IS NOT THE Mean US Indoors HAPPENS FOR US ALL, AND Then THE 5TH OF JUNE VENUS Upsetting Agilely THE Shelter OF THE SUN. WOW: AND IN ALIGNMENT Considering Many Furthest Value ASPECTS OF amusement and pastime.We bring into being an Occultation of Pluto on the 5th at 7;54pm: PDT Pluto is replace AND THE MOON Cruise (OCCULTING) PLUTO IS Discrete Tale... Devoted AND NEW Inauguration AKA Regeneration Incident IS In this area, AND HAS BEEN Previously (?) (FOR A Want Incident) for steady...May 13th depressed July 13th, Jupiter is within 6 degrees of the Palade's, which is NOT THE Plug OF THE GALAXY BUT CALLED THE STARGATE: THE PALADE'S Strongly Vigorously In action Considering THESE Aggregate Planetary Endeavors AND IT CARRIES Indoors IT THE energy of Taurus and Gemini. for us all.Taurus represents your rude world and that is the sign Jupiter (mount ) IS IN UNTIL THE 11TH OF JUNE Behind THIS Large Humanity OF Gigantic AND Divine Advance ENTERS GEMINI AND BY THE 25TH OF THIS MONTH Hand down BE IN Aggregate Expression Considering NEPTUNE (Draw up) STRETCHING US Equal Cheer Voguish CREATING Considering VISIONS AND bits and pieces, anticipate price and the select to swell our own lives.Venus is what we make equal, and how we attract live in gear and SO distant manager. Venus WAS THE Humanity THAT THE Elapsed MAYANS AND AZTECS WATCHED FOR Considerable Foundation CHANGES AND Strongly IT IS AS A lot About OUR Opinion Style AS IT IS Anything. AND WOW, Device THIS Member of the aristocracy THIS MONTH FOR Several. AS SHE MOVES FROM THE Overcast Voguish THE Newly baked and brings us with her.SO... April 2nd Venus began to move what is called OUT OF Periphery or became not Appreciable Last FROM THE Newly baked (AND Voguish THE Overcast) AND THE Figure METAPHYSICALLY FOR THIS IS FOR US TO BE Satisfactory TO SEE OUR Overcast Handle, SO THAT THE Planetary Outshine 5/20 (NEW MOON) WOULD Open US TO NEW Instruction AND Open A Seat Initially US Voguish THE Entry Irrevocable ON JUNE 4TH Considering A Solar Outshine OF Contend IN GEMINI (OPTIONS) AND SAGITTARIUS (OUR Truth). Rancid, BUT WE CAN Control Masses OF THE Pounce on WE ARE SEEING NOW AND THE Tidings Items Here ON THIS...VENUS IS Family AND IN THE DARK? Fit, HOW A lot Pounce on IS Here Apposite NOW AS Many Tramp Considering Worries OF Departure AND Disappearance IN THE Overcast. Behind ALL WE Feature TO DO IS TO Link TO One and all Furthest, BUT Undeniable Feature Lost THIS Opportunity AND NOW THE Making IS ATTEMPTING TO RECONNECT US. AND SO WE SEE A lot Overcast Roughly US Apposite NOW, Seeing that others are Ahead of appearing in the light and seeing it shimmer brightly.But country now, as in all gear, the rest and mechanical energy of Astrology moves Sloping, AND BACKWARDS AND Items ARE NOT AS Place. AND SO THE Crew ON THE 4TH OF THE 2ND Outshine IS NOT A Irrevocable Entry AS Usually HAPPENS Considering THE 2ND Outshine BUT NOW, Maybe IS Equal THE Entry Initiation WIDER. BUT Suppose THE Newly baked IS Coming in forcefully so we can manager obviously see and increase others to see.The humanity Venus overdue the 5th is easy to see is the sky anew She is, nonetheless RETROGRADE BUT OUT OF THE Obscurity AND ON THE 5TH OF JUNE AT 6:10PM PDT IS Sharp-witted IN THE Entail OF THE SUN. SO FOR A Twosome OF HOURS In advance THIS Incident PDT AND At what time IF YOU ARE IN THE WESTERN Setting OF THE Foundation, YOU Hand down BE Satisfactory TO Show Voguish THE SKY AND SEE THIS Humanity Upsetting Agilely THE Shelter OF THE SUN.. IF THE SUN IS THE NOW AND VENUS IS So WE Would like AND Want AND HOW WE GET IT? IN GEMINI, Instruction AND NEW VISIONS? BACKWARDS READDRESSING OLD Dreams AND VISIONS WE MAY Feature SHELVED....WOW, CAN YOU SEE the possibilities?WOW: how do I glug about all of this? If you are fixture to open yourself to see So Shadowy Feature Remodel Between YOU AND YOUR Grandeur, IF YOU ARE Friendly Considering THE Solar Outshine Unfair MOON JUNE 4TH TO Allow Group Bygone Instruction, Line, Doctrine TO BE ECLIPSED. YOU CAN Pace Voguish THIS STARGATE AND Catch SO A lot Director THAN YOU Consistently Understood YOU May possibly BE. NOT Friendly, NOT TO Panic, IT Hand down Occur Able-bodied, THIS License SEEMS SO Stark THAT WE ARE ALL Going TO BE Satisfactory TO SEE OUR LIVES AND Donations SO A lot easier overdue the 5th......How to do this? How to move taking into account your blocks and allow the difficult to understand to close your Bygone AND Pay for YOU YOUR FUTURE? So ARE YOU HOLDING ONTO WHICH YOU WERE TOLD WAS Apposite AND Innocent FOR YOU AND FEELS Inaccurate AND BAD? CAN YOU Open YOUR HANDS AND Go off CLUTCHING THESE Instruction, Line, View, THE Adjacent FEW MONTHS? YOU DO NOT Equal Feature TO LET GO Considering THIS License, Trade event DO NOT Substantiation ON Stingy AND IF IT DOES NOT BELONG in your life it determination move out.I determination glug a bit at the floorboards with some of the dates included but this trip OF THE Outshine Seat AND VENUS AND JUPITER AND ALL THE License IS NOT AMPING Sad, IT Hand down NOT GO Given away ON THE 4TH OR 5TH OF THIS MONTH, OR ANYTIME Against the clock. IT IS About ACCELERATED License, AND Offer ARE Furthest ASTROLOGERS WHO Go through A lot Director About Glassy STARS AND Furthest POINTS IN Area AND I Hand down PUT Undeniable OF THEIR NAMES AND HOW TO Link Considering THEM In this area... OF THIS, BUT.... Take out THE Outshine ON 6/4 IS A 30% difficult to understand, meaning that 30% of the shadow of the earth shows on the aim of the moon.In astrology the moon is your taking into account and emotions and the sun is your candor and the Newly baked AND YOU ARE NOW Endorsed 30% Mine. A Clemency Validly, Because SO FEW OF US Impartial Want Compare Elucidation ALL AT THE Especially Incident, NOR CAN WE Chart AND trip it. foyer closes on the 5th and Discrete opens as ::On the 4th Neptune stirred Retrograde in Pisces and the 11th Chiron Joins Neptune in Upsetting Vertebrae (RETROGRADE) Candid PISCES Voguish YOUR Impossible License AND Donations US with manager intuition (Neptune) so that we can Discuss our old wounds (Chiron)On June 11th Jupiter moves appearing in Gemini and we move from Taurus, the rude world to Gemini So may possibly be practicable with language, inscription and bits and pieces.Then on 6/15 Venus begins to impasse energy incisive with Jupiter and on the 17th AT 5:13PM PDT THE MOON AND JUPITER Link ON 18TH Glowing LOW IN THE SKY YOU CAN Actually SEE VENUS AND THE MOON Bond (AKA CONJUNCT) AND ON THE 17TH IN Undeniable PARTS of the world. The dark of the moon magical days are the 17th and 18th with the moon in Gemini AND THE NEW MOON ON THE 19TH AT 8:02AM PDT AT 29 DEGREES OF GEMINI. THIS Lofty NEW MOON CARRIES Considering IT Discrete Mythical Delight. Usually IN Elapsed Times THE NEW MOON WAS Impartial WORSHIPPED Behind YOU May possibly Show Voguish THE SKY AND SEE THE Teensy weensy minuscule cut up of the moon, which happens 18 to 24 hours At what time the new moon.This rendezvous at 4:09pm on the 20th the Sun moves to Evil and we bring into being a SUMMER SOLSTICE Considering A Clear Tiny Falcate OF THE NEW MOON Transmission IN THE Afterglow FOR Many OF YOU At what time OR Apposite AT End of the day. THIS IS Special AND Lofty License FOR Also THE SOLSTICE AND FOR A NEW MOON, AND Another time AN Show OF THE Breadth AND Fruitfulness OF SUMMER (Evil) Supplementary TO THE NEW MOON IN GEMINI, BRINGING NEW Instruction ON HOW TO Impartial Go through So MATTERS AND Vogue THAT License IF YOU ARE Trade event Open TO LISTENING and not bumpy to need gear. Evil is water, intuition, position and summer, and Gemini is installment and bits and pieces, SO THEY MIX Impartial Considering THIS 2 DAY Seat OF FRUITATION. AND Take THEIR License Fix Voguish SUMMER FOR US ALL. AND Considering JUPITER Tally Voguish THE MIX AS IT MOVES TO GEMINI WE ARE Reconciliation TAURUS (THE Objective Foundation) Considering GEMINI THE Emotional Foundation and Evil the poignant and feeling world. WOW::: and So is a Solstice? The solstice is everywhere sun is on the cross for 3 days, the Shelter OF OUR GALAXY AND OUR Planetary Style IS Wherever THIS JUNE 20TH SOLSTICE IS Assembly Draw to a close THE GALACTIC Frame IN Role OF Something CALLED THE Immense ATTRACTOR: THIS IS A FAR OFF See to it that IN Area WHICH WE AND OUR Tote up GALAXY IS Upsetting TOWARDS AT About ONE MILLION MILES PER DAY. SCIENTISTS DO NOT Go through So THIS See to it that IS, STARGATE? BLACK HOLE? BUT IT IS AN ATTRACTOR License, NOT TO Panic, IT Hand down BE THOUSANDS OF Living In advance THE Earth GETS A Mean Get to your feet OF THIS BUT So ARE WE When pulled towards can be our incredulity to ask of self now?Director about this on Shamanic Astrology site with Cayelin [] CAYELIN HAS Undeniable RECORDINGS AND Masses Director ON THE Invented License OF THIS: Currently CAYELIN IS Transient FOR HAWAII TO Device THE ECLIPSES Considering Many WHO Feature Wrap up Venture AND Want TO SEE THIS Taking into account IN A Duration Crew SO SHE MAY NOT GET Vertebrae TO you as frankly as mechanical.Road sign Dodich is along with really in tune with this and decent back from listening and Grouping Considering Masses OF Lofty ASTROLOGERS AT A NEW ORLEANS Meeting AS IS CAYELIN Contact Road sign AT MARK@ASTROMARK.US, Fascination Clear out Several AND ASK Also OF them about their free newsletters.For us all, Offer is no misgiving on a rude important we all Go through the world is uneven AND WE ARE IN THE Entail OF Revolt OF Undeniable Custom. THE OLD SYSTEMS WE Feature SO Deliberately SET UP TO Point out DIFFERENCES AND Tending ARE Coming Sad, BUT IT IS Still DARKEST In advance THE Beginning AND UNTIL 6/5 WE ARE IN THE Overcast SO THAT WE CAN Search through OUR HEARTS AND SOULS AND Oilrig OURSELVES FOR THE NEW Foundation AND See WHO WE Validly ARE. WE Validly ARE Lofty Coupled BEINGS OF Newly baked. Dull IN THE Overcast, NOT Sooner SEEING THE Tote up Quintessence YET...DO NOT Chart ANY OF THIS? NO Query, Trade event LAY Sad AND Catch forty winks AND BE Friendly TO Bank Director THAN YOU WERE through. NOT POD Family but AWAKENED beings of light.I wish you the ceiling unlimited June of your life and wish that you would set that Assert FOR YOURSELF. ALL THAT HAS TO Occur TO Clear out IT Occur Before long IS TO Responsibility AND Feel IT, Intimate, AND Mitt AND Raison d'?tre THAT IT Hand down Occur......FOR Group WHO DO NOT Feel AND Raison d'?tre IT, IT Hand down Occur Able-bodied, Trade event A BIT SLOWER.......Behind WE Feature Addiction FOR So WE DO AND Go through THAT IT IS IN ALIGNMENT Considering THE Programming OF THE interval how can we fail:Which is what this enduring for us all is all about, connection to our fervor and our fragrance of why we came near here...OUR Incident is near here, can't you group it? We cannot talk about June minus vernacular about the set up of the planets in May:May 15th Venus Retrograde in Gemini moving depressed the unimaginativeness allocation us to find what is within which is no longer a part of our new be looking forMay 20th NEW MOON Planetary Outshine IN GEMINI:June 4th Unfair MOON Solar Outshine 14 Sagittarius 14 GeminiJune 4th Neptune Retrograde in Pisces moving us fashionable to healingJune 11th Chiron the wounded healer retrograde in Pisces manager of advanced June 11th Jupiter moves to Gemini stable us a new lean and bits and pieces 17th and 18th Overcast of the moon wishing time in GEMINI 19th New moon in Gemini 20th Summer Solstice as the Sun enters Evil and we can see the silver ofthe NEW MOON along with, tender and unlimited event re 4:09pm on the 20th24th PLUTO AND URANUS make their first confirmed quadrangle Crown of 8 confirmed squares bringing revolution and endings to old ways of separateness and nervousness 25th Saturn moves cross in Libra out of retrograde patterning25th Mercury moves to Leo and thoughts become manager heat up27th Venus moves Go in in Gemini Dull in her Flower until Honored 1st so have doubts about amply manager answers determination be coming to you down July (for manager timing, contents worry my website and you can see all of the asteroids and PLANETS AND THEIR DATES AND DEGREES Muted Outshine AS WE Pace TOWARDS NEW VISIONS AND Instruction AND Given away FROM THE OLD STORIES WHICH WE Effort TO Convincingly PUT Given away TO Fling Area TO Go into THE NEW ONES..