DA (1) or DAH n a heavy Burmese knife. [Burmese da] DAS DAHS
DA (2) n dialect form of dad (1). DAS
DI Plural of DEUS
EA (dialect) n a river; running water; a drainage channel in the Fens, sometimes EAU, as if taken from French [O.E. ea; related to L aqua water] EAS EE Scots form of EYE (2): - pl EEN.
FY interj. Same as fie (1).
GIE (1) v Scots form of give (1): - pa t GIED or GAE; pa p GIEN. GIES GIEING GIE (2) or GI n judo or karate costume. [Jap ki clothing] GIES GIS
GUE, GU or GJU n a kind of viol formerly used in Shetland. [ON gigja] GUES GUS GJUS IO interj of invocation, or expressing joy or triumph or grief. - n a cry of 'Io': - pl IOS. [Gr io]
KO n a Maori digging-stick. [Maori] KOS
KIE or KY (Scot) n pl cows. [See kine]
NY an obsolete spelling of nigh. NYED NYING NYS
OB n and objection (in the phrase ob and sol, objection and solution) - OB-AND-SOLLER a disputant. [From the marginal note ob in old books of controversial divinity]
OI interj used to attract attention, etc. [Imit]
OO (1) or OO' n Socts forms of wool.
OO (2) pronoun a Scots form of we. - possessive adj OOR our.
OU or OW (Scot) interj expressing concession. ou ay why yes; O yes.
PH or ph value n a number used to express degrees of acidity or alkalinity in solutions - formerly the logarithm to base 10 of the reciprocal of the concentration of hydrogen ions - now related to by formula to standard solution of potassium hydrogen phthalate, which has value 4 at 15C. PHS PO (1) (colloq) a shortening of chamberpot - pl POS. [pot probably from a euphem French pronunciation]
PO (2) (colloq) adj a shortening of PO-FACED
QI, CHI or CH'I (Chin med) n an individual person's life-force, the free flow of which within the body is believed to ensure physical and spiritual health. - n QIGONG or qi gong, or CHI KUNG (Chin gong skill, exercise) a system of meditational exercises for promoting physical and spiritual health by deep breathing. [Chin from qing hao artemesia] QIS CHIS QIGONGS ST or 'ST interj hush; a sound made to attract someone's attention: pl ST'S TI (1) (music) n in the tonic sol-fa system, the note below doh, a substitute for si, to avoid the initial sound of so (sol). - Also, in anglicized spelling, TE. TIS TES UGLY adj offensive to the sight or other sense, or to refined taste or moral feeling; ill-natured; threatening; disquieting; suggesting suspicion of evil; frightful; horrible (obs) - n an ugly person (colloq); a shade attached to a lady's hat (mid-19c) - vt (rare) to make ugly - vt UG (obs or dialect in all meanings) to arouse loathing in; to loathe. vi to feel loathing: - pa t and pa p UGGED - n UGLIFICATION. - vt UGLIFY to make ugly. - adv UGLILY. - n UGLINESS - adj UGSOME (obs) disgusting; hideous - n (obs) UGSOMENESS. - ugly customer a dangerous antagonist; ugly duckling a despised or overlooked member of a family or group who later proves the most successful, attractive, etc; ugly man (obs) an actually garrotter, distinguished from his confederates. [O.N. uggligr frightful, uggr fear] UGLIER UGLIEST UGLIES UGS UGGING UGLIFICATIONS UGLIFIED UGLIFIES UGLIFYING UGLINESSES UGSOMENESSES UR interj used by speakers to fill a gap in speech, when hesitant.
YU n precious jade (nephrite or jadeite). - Also YU-STONE. [Chin yu jade yu-shih jade-stone] YUS ZHO n a kind of hybrid domestic cattle found in parts of the Himalayas, said to be a cross between the male yak and the common horned cow; the male of this cross - also ZO, DSO, DZHO, or DZO. n ZHOMO the female of this cross. - Also DSOMO or JOMO. - n ZOBO the male of this cross. - Also ZOBU or DSOBO - pl in all cases -s. [Tibetan mdzo] ZHOS ZOS DSOS DZHOS DZOS ZHOMOS DSOMOS JOMOS ZOBUS DSOBOS
Source: spellscasting.blogspot.com