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Guest Contribution by"THE WITCHES COLLECTIVE"
honor and communicate with passed loved ones
-one large white candle
-figure or representation of deity of underworld/death
(optional. An angel works as well)
-fire proof bowl (2)
-sage or peppermint dried herb
-flowers and decorations
-meal, fruit, drinks, etc
-candles (with holders)
-representation of deceased loved one
-paper and pencils
In this "Dumb" relates to silent. This ritual can be done alone or with a group. There will be two set of instructions for the different size parties.
As the host, prepare yourself by bathing and setting out clean clothes in either red, black, white or a combination of the three. Ground and center yourself before preparing the space. Your space for ritual should be large enough for a table and number of chairs for each of your guests attending. Decorate the table with Samhain symbols, colors, herbs and more. Once decorated set a place at each chair for your guest just like any other dinner. At the head of the table should be a chair but one that will be left open. Drape a piece of black or white cloth over this chair.
At this place setting set up a plate, silverware, and the representation of the deity of the underworld ( or angel ) facing the plate and the rest of your guests. To the side of the deity, place the large candle and on the opposite side the first fireproof bowl. When finished it should appear as the deity looking out over a plate towards the guests chairs. With a candle to one side of the plate and a bowl on the other side. Place the second fire proof bowl at your own place setting, but to the side. Toss in the sage (or peppermint) and leave there. Set the paper and pencils near the door your guests will enter your home from. Make sure the lighting of the room is dim, but not pitch black. Prepare the food and have it ready to serve in the space so by the time everyone arrives nothing is cold. You can put on very quiet music, but it should have no lyrics.
Right as your guests enter your home give them a strip of paper and pencil. Have them write the names of the people that they have lost and loved. Make sure you have done this. Have them wait outside of your prepared space for all other guests. Tell everyone to remain silent or very quiet. Once all the guests have arrived let them know how the night will go, what everything means, and what they should do when the time comes. Once everyone is ready you will go into the space and be silent. If they have brought pictures of loved ones those can be placed at their spot or next to the deity representation, but not on the plate. If they have brought food they can place the food with the prepared food. Have them hold onto their papers. Once you are all seated pick up your lighter and bowl. Set the sage (or peppermint) on fire and blow it out so that it smokes. Circle your space and guests slowly, imagining all unwelcome energy leaving and the space being made sacred for the spirits of the guests' passed loved ones. Once done place the bowl beside the entrance to the space. Clap once and let this mark that the space has been made sacred.
With lighter in hand approach the deity place setting. Take a moment to take a breath and mentally ask the deity (angel) to bless this supper and allow the spirits to receive the prayers of their loved ones. Light the deity candle and clap to signal the invocation. Set the lighter aside and go to the food. Serve the food yourself, it helps keep the space quiet. First serve deity then your guests, if possible from oldest to youngest. Once everyone is served eat as normal and refrain from speaking. Once the meal is complete do not clean up. Instead leave the plate out and place another course on the plates. This can be extra food or raw fruits, nuts, or vegetables. Stand and show your strip of paper. This should signal to everyone to have their papers ready. With your paper in hand walk to the deity place setting. In your mind say the name(s) of your loved ones. Then say whatever you may want to them, prayers, messages, or just love. Once you are done set the paper on fire with the candle flame and place it in the fire proof bowl. Return to your seat and tap the person who will go next. Let everyone take their time. When everyone has done this have everyone stand.
Lead everyone around the table to the deity place setting where they can give mental thanks to the deity (angel) for opening the connection to their loved ones. After a person gives mental thanks have them leave the space. As host, give a more formal thanks and dismissal to deity and blow/snuff out the candle. Make sure everything is safe in the space (nothing will catch fire or be put in danger) and lead everyone out of the home entirely. When everyone is outside they can talk again. With silence broken you can return to the house and have fun. Do not disturb the ritual space. If guests want to take their pictures back have them be silent in the space. Once all guests are gone you can clean up the space.
Prepare yourself by bathing and setting out clean clothes in either red, black, white or a combination of the three. Ground and center yourself before preparing the space. Your space for ritual should be large enough for a table and number of chairs. Decorate the table with Samhain symbols, colors, herbs and more. Once decorated set a place at each chair. At the head of the table should be a chair. Drape a piece of black or white cloth over this chair.
At this place setting set up a plate, silverware, and the representation of the deity of the underworld ( or angel ) facing the plate and the rest of your guests. To the side of the deity, place the large candle and on the opposite side the first fireproof bowl. When finished it should appear as the deity looking out over a plate towards the guests chairs. With a candle to one side of the plate and a bowl on the other side. Place the second fire proof bowl at your own place setting, but to the side. Toss in the sage (or peppermint) and leave there. Make sure the lighting of the room is dim, but not pitch black. Prepare the food and have it ready to serve in the space. You can put on very quiet music, but it should have no lyrics. At each chair set a picture of one of your loved ones as well as a strip of paper with their name on it. Also set a candle at each place setting (deity should have the largest candle). Make sure that the plate is left blank and the candles are in safe holders.
When you are ready leave the space and reenter in silence. Pick up your lighter and bowl of sage (peppermint). Set the sage (or peppermint) on fire and blow it out so that it smokes. Circle your space slowly, imagining all unwelcome energy leaving and the space being made sacred for the spirits of your loved ones. Once done place the bowl beside the entrance to the space. Clap once and let this mark that the space has been made sacred.
With lighter in hand approach the deity place setting. Take a moment to take a breath and mentally ask the deity (angel) to bless this supper and allow the spirits to receive your prayers. Light the deity candle and clap to signal the invocation. Set the lighter aside and go to the food. Serve deity then your departed, if possible from first passed to newly passed. Leave yourself for last. Once you are done eating, stand. Circle your table, collecting the papers with the names of your loved ones. With your papers in hand walk to the deity place setting. In your mind say the name of one of your loved ones. Them say whatever you may want to them, prayers, messages, or just love. Once you are done set the paper on fire with the candle flame and place it in the fire proof bowl. Repeat the process for every name you have in your hand. When you have finished Circle the table again, blowing out each candle at the your loved ones' place setting, and return to the deity place setting. Give mental thanks to the deity (angel) for opening the connection to your loved ones. After giving thanks, say a more formal dismissal to deity and blow/snuff out the candle.
Make sure everything is safe in the space (nothing will catch fire or be put in danger) and exit the home entirely. Once outside you can talk again. With silence broken you can return to the house and have fun. Do not disturb the ritual space until the end of the night or, if possible, midnight.
Enjoy and honor this sacred time. Blessed be!
"Get your free copy of THE WITCHES COLLECTIVE SAMHAIN 2013 NEWSLETTER here: http://www.thewitchescollective.com/Newsletter/Samhain/Samhain2013.html"
"You might also enjoy, SAMHAIN ~ SUMMER'S END featuring Samhain lore, ritual and activity suggestions, and lists of correspondences. "
"Guest contribution by THE WITCHES COLLECTIVE offering Readings, Free Witch School program, Spell Writing Services, Forum and much more. If you're interested in undergoing TRAINING in witchcraft, be sure to check out The Mysteries of the Divine Apprenticeship Program ....it's FREE!"