Standard lengths of Biblical dispersions have been 2500 and 390 years. This information is not new.
Researchers have already noted that the modern nation of Israel (Judea) began to form after the Balfour Declaration in 1917, which was 2500 was years after Jews were dispersed in 583 BC. Researchers have also noted that the United States began in 1776, which was 2500 years after Old Testament Israel was dispersed in 724 BC.
Researchers have always applied the 2500-year span to the white experience. I believe I am adding completely unique and original information to studies of the 2500-year span by applying it to the black experience. This information provides the Biblical significance of Barack Obama's meteoric success in his campaign for the White House. Obama would not have been successful if God had forgotten the blessing that He had made to black Israelites through Jeremiah.
The Israelite capital of Samaria was built in 880 BC. Israelites were dispersed by God to be without a homeland for 2500 years. Those 2500 years ended in exactly 1620 when Pilgrims built the Plymouth Colony in the New Testament Promised Land of North America.
The people of Israel had lost their nation in 724 BC after their defeat by Assyria. God set a span of years for them to go without a nation. Exactly 2500 years later, in 1776, New Testament Israel won a war of independence and again became a nation.
My study explains the timely rise of black Americans to the top leadership positions in New Testament Israel (USA). Their rise was set to occur in 2009, which seems to be the year Barack Obama will become President or Vice President of the United States. It appears that God will make a spectacular and welcomed manifestation of a blessing He once pronounced through the prophet Jeremiah.
In order to comprehend black Israelite history, you need to review the Books of Kings and recognize the distinction between Israel and Judah. Israelites left the Promised Land when Assyrians dispersed them in 724 BC. Jews were dispersed by Babylonians over a hundred years later.
In my opinion, Assyrians and Babylonians ignored black and white laborers when they sought captives to take back to their countries. The Biblical account seems to indicate that captors took only nobility and highly skilled artisans. Everyone else was left behind. I think that many black and white laborers remained in the Promised Land after wealthy Israelites and Jews were taken captive. Jeremiah called them the Remnant.
The government in Jerusalem had remained for over a hundred years after Assyrians took the Israelite government away. So, for a while the government in Jerusalem protected the Remnant from raiders. But, after Jewish leaders were taken captive by Babylonians, the remaining government was gone. Police protection was gone. The black Remnant was left without protection from hostile tribes that stole their harvests and burned their homes. So, they decided to give up on the Promised Land and move to Egypt, which was part of Africa.
The prophet Jeremiah was dispatched by God to announce a double-edged blessing for black Israelites. Essentially God said that He intended to make the black Remnant into a great nation. The Remnant would have become a world empire if it had remained in the Promised Land. I hope nobody passes up an opportunity like that again.
God essentially said, "We can do this the short way or we can do this the long way (Jeremiah 42-45). Either way, you are going to be my people and I am going to bless you."
The Remnant decided to do it the long way and they proceeded into Egypt and Africa. The Remnant also decided to continue to celebrate Ishtar (Easter) and make Easter cakes. They didn't want to give up pagan observations. If a lesson were to be learned, it would be to drop the pagan aspects of the Resurrection celebration.
It must have been a spectacle to behold. Jeremiah was a blue-eyed white man according to an account written by the Jewish Princess Tephi. He probably stood on a rock to address the Remnant and announce God's blessings. I assume Jeremiah was very disappointed when the Remnant chose to proceed to Egypt/Africa. In retrospect we see that the blessing to the Remnant was postponed for the same 2500-year span that had been applied to those Israelites who had been taken captive by Assyrians. We shall see that additional time was added. Eventually, God's blessing would take effect in 2009.
God's blessing is becoming apparent as the year 2009 approaches. Amazingly enough, another blue-eyed white man is addressing black Americans and reminding them that God is keeping His promise and will now bless them. The elections of Barack Obama and Colin Powell are proof that God is keeping his word.
Black American researchers have believed that Isaiah 45:14 was a prophecy of African slaves brought to America. I will add my belief that God brought His wayward Remnant back to Him when slave ships landed in Jamestown, Virginia in 1619. Recall that Israelites who had once been taken captive by Assyrians had completed their 2500-year dispersion in 1620? Normally, the Remnant would have also finished their dispersion in 1620. But, God added time to the Remnant because they had once refused to return to the Promised Land. The time that was added matched standard Biblical lengths.
If you are doing the math as you read along, you need to understand that the year 1619 is the same as 1620. This is because spans of years from one date to another can be figured inclusively and exclusively. Plus, Old Testament Israelites used the Hebrew Calendar, which began in September. The point is that 1619 and 1620 can be reckoned to be the same year.
You might ask why the Remnant continued as slaves after the 2500-year curse ended in 1620. The answer is that God had told the Remnant they would lose their connection to Him. This disconnection happened over time. The Remnant blended into African populations and lost its connection to God and the Promised Land.
Because the Remnant became disconnected from the true God, it had to be reconnected. This is where an additional 250-year span came in. Disobedient forefathers in the time of Jeremiah had condemned their descendants to an additional 10% (2500 x 10%=250). During this additional 250-year period the Remnant reconnected to the God their ancient ancestors had forsaken.
This additional 250-year span ended in 1868 when black men were finally given American citizenship as a result of the 14th Amendment to the Constitution. By 1868, the Remnant had thoroughly reconnected with God and God rewarded them with citizenship in their New Testament Promised Land. What's more, black Americans have become champions of Christianity. In contrast, many white Americans are dangerously drifting from God. White Americans ought to consider the severe punishment that God has had for backsliders.
The Remnant had another span of time to fulfill before they could rise to the blessing God had promised them. God said He would make the Remnant a great people. In retrospect we see that God's promise would come about 390 years after they arrived in Jamestown in 1620. That would be 2009. In 2009, when Barack Obama takes office, we will see that God did indeed keep His promise. And it would not surprise me to find that both Barack Obama and Colin Powell are the descendants of the very leaders to whom Jeremiah promised this blessing at the time of the dispersion (Diaspora).
In Ezekiel 4, we see that God applied a 390-year time span to Israelites. It is now apparent that the 390-year span was applied to the Remnant. The Remnant had been brought back to God in 1619/1920. But, it would not be for another 390 years that the blessing would take full effect. After 390 years, which will be exactly 2009, God will raise black leaders up to the height of power in God's great nation. God had promised the Remnant through Jeremiah that He would do this- and we are about to see God fulfill His promise in 2009 in a spectacular way.
Barack Obama is the champion of the Democratic Party and Colin Powell will become the champion of the Republican Party. It appears that a black person will henceforth be in the White House simply to capture the black vote in every future presidential election.
I brought up the 2500-year span for Judah. I believe when we see that the 2500-year time span for Judah was fulfilled, we will be assured that the 390-year time span for black Americans will be fulfilled.
Researchers have noted that a 2500-year time span applied to Judah. In 533 BC some Jews had returned to Jerusalem after their Babylonian captivity. 2500 years later, in 1969, they took possession of the City of Jerusalem after the 6-day War.
In Ezekiel 4, we see that God applied a 40-year time span to Judah. This is in contrast to the 390-year span applied to Israelites. These are actually positive and beneficial years for Black Jews and Black Israelites. They are years of reconnection to God that end in great blessings.
BLACK ISRAELITES: "Ezekiel 4:5 I have assigned you the same number of days as the years of their sin. So for 390 days you will bear the sin of the house of ISRAEL."
BLACK JEWS: "Ezekiel 4:6 "After you have finished this, lie down again, this time on your right side, and bear the sin of the house of JUDAH. I have assigned you 40 days, a day for each year."
A 40-year reconnection process for Black Jews began in 1969 when an explorer discovered a large population of Black Orthodox Jews in Ethiopia and brought them to world attention. In that same year, the first of a serious of efforts began to connect Ethiopian Jews to the modern nation of Israel. In 1996 Dr. Graenum Berger founded the American Association for Ethiopian Jews. Since that year, investigators declared Ethiopian Jews to be blood descendants ancient Jews. Remnant Jews began migration back to the Promised Land.
We see Ezekiel's 40-year time span between 1969 and 2009. The 390-year span that was applied to Remnant Israelites will have run concurrent to the 40-year span applied to Remnant Jews. Both spans will end in 2009.
You might ask why Black Jews faired better than Black Israelites when it came to lengths of time spans. One reason might be that the Remnant in Ethiopia continued to worship God and retained its identity. In contrast, Remnant Israelites totally disconnected from God and lost their identity. This necessitated a painful reconnection period. Slavery was utilized as a means to cleanse Remnant Israelites and to acculturate them. Unlike Remnant Israelites, Ethiopian Jews have had no need to be acculturated.
Can all this be true? I don't think the experiences of Black Jews and Black Israelites, in light of Ezekiel's prophecies, can be dismissed as pure coincidence. Plus, the experience of white Jews and white Israelites blends in perfectly. Time spans and dates are too exact to be coincidental. Of course, there are always atheists and racist religious leaders that are emotionally motivated to "disprove" anything that substantiates prophecy and/or elevates the status of Black people.
The message is that God controls everything He wants to control, including presidential elections. If you think the election of Barack Obama and Colin Powell are God's decisions, you are right. If you think the return of Jews to Jerusalem was God's decision, you are right. And the Bible clearly states that Palestinians and Jews will live in peace. That now seems impossible but prophecy states it will happen.
The moral of this research is that Christians and Jews, whether black or white, had better remain close to God and do what He tells them to do. Also, do not adopt foreign religions, pagan practices and atheism. 2500 years is a long time to wander the earth as prey to other people. It is a long time to be without a place to call home. Chains of love can be miserable, even when they are God's chains.
I am including the math for your convenience and I hope you will search the Internet for related information provided by other researchers.
583 BC Diaspora + 2500 = 1917 Balfour Declaration & return of Jews.
533 BC Reenter Jerusalem + 2500 = Jews Reenter Jerusalem- 6-Day War.
880 BC Samaria built + 2500 = 1620 Pilgrims built Plymouth Colony.
724 BC Israelites lost nation + 2500 = 1776 Americans became a nation.
1620 black slaves from Africa + 250 = 1868 14th Amendment citizenship.
1619 + 390 = 2009 election of Barack Obama to White House.
2012 Election of Colin Powell to Presidency.
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(C) COPYRIGHT. Use the article but do not change it or change the identity of the author from Edward McKinney.
Prophetic research by Edward McKinney is featured at http://www.twoprophets.org and http://www.researchliterature.com
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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Edward Mckinney