By Alan Joel
"Monday morning blues. Lack of motivation. Confusion. Depression. Anger. The "Why me?" syndrome. Fear."These
are all topics that people are emailing us about. People are
experiencing these states because they have lost their jobs, are
affected by health issues, or are simply "waiting for the other shoe to
drop." They all want to know what kind of magical rituals and spells
can help them get back to feeling happy, positive, radiant, balanced,
and peaceful.
In magic, there is no "cure-all" that will fix all
problems for all people, but one the simplest magical rituals that
anyone can do to feel more balanced during these turbulent times is the
Beauty Way.
This ritual is a non-denominational set of exercises from very ancient times, which has many magical purposes, including:
* Restore personal power
* Develop a practical working relationship with higher powers and beings or natural forces and laws
* Be safe and protected without the need to build walls or hide behind masks.
* Maintain spiritual integrity for individuals or groups during times of high external change and stress.
One of the most common forms of the Beauty Way is called the Exit
Ritual. You do the Exit Ritual every time you leave an enclosed space,
like your car or your house. Here's how you do the ritual.
1. Put
your focus up into the sky and say aloud, "Sky Above" or "Sky Father."
(Note: the reason we extend our focus first is that the exit ritual is
a form of asking favor from powers and beings, so it is appropriate
that we go to them rather than asking them to come to us. In ritual,
when we have carefully prepared sacred space, we can then invite them
in and then bid them farewell).
2. Keeping the awareness up above, extend your focus into the earth and say aloud, "And Earth Below" or "And Earth Mother."
3. Then, keeping awareness of both above and below, say aloud, "I Greet You."
4. Wait a moment and see what happens. Be alert for acknowledgment or response in one of these three ways:
* From within you, such as a realization, a change of attitude or belief, a new awareness.
* Changes in your environment, such as a sudden breeze, a change in
the color of the sky, a bird or animal suddenly appearing, or a tree or
shrub suddenly becoming vividly visible.
* A response from Sky and/or Earth: a special message for you, an answer to a question, or guidance and new directions.
What happens may happen in just that moment, or it may happen
throughout the day. It may change the quality of our day, our awareness
... whatever we notice.
6. You may also want to use hand
gestures. Arms raised in a upward facing V for "Sky Father" and arms
down in a downward facing V for "Earth Mother."
Joel co-founded the Esoteric School of Shamanism and Magic with the
goal of the helping people create permanent, positive change in their
lives through the study of magic and shamanism. Get free magical and
shamanic tips and resources at http://www.shamanschool.com
Check out the upcoming Basic Magic class at http://tinyurl.com/basicmagic