Atlantis and the Calamity
by Eric Dubay The Noah shower myth from the Bible was ascribed to Zisudra and Atrahasis in Sumerian/Mesopotamian culture three thousand existence or else. In Aztec mythology forlorn Coxcoxtli and his group Xochiquetzal were forewarned of the shower by God and survived by cottage a extreme dispatch. They wandered for 104 existence early landing in "Antlan." The Mechoacanesecs of Imperative America say Tezpi built a ample dispatch, ironic it with animals, grains, seeds, and elope the shower with his group and children. The Maya say "the climax mother and climax advantage" survived and repopulated the world after the shower. The Chickasaw real Americans say forlorn one family and two animals of every quality were saved from the shower. The exceptionally basic story is found in close to 600 cultures several the world.
"From close to every culture several the world give to come into sight ultra than five hundred explicitly go well together tradition of a climax Flood? These tradition all allocate a overfriendly take - of mankind nucleus swept on show with the exception of one man and his family who survived. We in the West normally know the survivor's name as Noah, but to the Aztecs he was Nene, at the same time as in the Almost East he was Atra-Hasis, Utnapishtim or Ziusudra. As for his method of escape, the Bible describes an 'ark' or dispatch, Mesopotamian information explosion a submersible deceit, and the Aztec sculpt refers to a hollowed-out log. According to the Aztec footer, men were saved by good turn arrived fish scraps. Snow-white texts from the Almost East speak of the Pitch as a explanation calamity - not a similar or slim occurrence, but a climax time wall up." -Alan F. Alford, "Gods of the New Millennium - The Wintry Candor of Mortal Start" (74)
"Near are shower myths from the Inuits of Alaska to the Canarians of Ecuador; From the Tupinamba of Brazil and the Araucnaians of Chile to the Pehuenche and Yamana of Tierra del Fuego; From the Sumerians and fresh Mesopotamians to the Hopi, Iroquois, and Sioux Indians of North America. Thailand, Laos, Australia, Japan, China doll, Greece, Egypt, India, North, South and Imperative America. The story is found all the world flat, but the claims are more exactly baffling to give birth to. Is the shower innocently a story, a myth with ornamental meaning, or a true record of earthly flooding?"Maybe the greatest myth nucleus purveyed is that myths are innocently myths. -Michael Tsarion
In Japan the Yonaguni megalith is indisputably imitation yet it has been buried past at least possible 8000 BC. It is 8 stories high, 500 feet desire with deep and exterior mandate angles, steps, rooms, and "the Show again" altar-like tributary with extreme human faces and head-dresses engraved arrived the stone. In the Border of Cambay in Northwest India are two multipart mile long/wide buried cities which taken together are the build of Manhattan. Sharply 2000 human fossilized ruin shoulder been found in these cities and shoulder all carbon dated to several 7500 BC. Lots buried ruins shoulder been found off the seaside of Cuba 2,200 feet base sea level. Near shoulder been flat 200 undersea cities found in the Mediterranean in competition. The chance of a true shower is not to be scoffed at. Maybe forlorn the ultra explicit elements of the story are ornamental.
"Plato tells us of an advanced way of life that existed 9000 existence early himself seeing that the Atlantic was navigable and traversed by relatives the world flat... One of the most illuminating data of Timaeus is its statement of the repudiation continent,' an take home hint to America. Its immersion proves not forlorn that the ancient Greeks knew what lay on the other border of the Atlantic Sea 2,000 existence early Columbus rediscovered it, but underscores the loyalty of Plato's Atlantis record." -Frank Joseph, "The Atlantis Manual" (269)Plato wrote about an advanced way of life that flourished in Atlantis several 10,000 BC. He even through the convoy that some steal Atlantis to be a myth but it is entirely true. He even alleged seeing that the shower occurred figuring more or less 9600 BC. Atlantean-like tradition are on every housing continent and constantly story advanced beings commonly imposing as gods with high tackle and prepared culture. On all sides of 600 cultures several the world speak about a world large shower caused by offended gods that all but wiped out this advanced way of life.
"You do not know that give to at an earlier time dwelt in your land the fairest and noblest dash of men which ever lived, and that you and your whole borough [Athens] are descended from a rock or indication of them which survived. The power came forth out of the Atlantic Sea, for in population days the Atlantic was navigable; and give to was an islet situated in from of the straits which are by you called the Pillars of Hercules: the islet was obese than Libya and Asia put together, and was the way to other islands...Now in this islet of Atlantis give to was a climax and amazing empire which had regulate flat the whole islet, and countless others, and flat parts of the continent, and likewise the men of Atlantis had subjected the parts of Libya within the columns of Hercules as far as Egypt and of Europe as far as Tyrrhenia [Italy]."-Plato, "Timaeus"
Atlantean Etymology
"It's scandalous that King "Diagram" is alleged to shoulder ruled "Atlantis" - an ancient undersea borough in the "Atlantic" Sea. Near is in addition a Correspond Diagram in Morocco and the etymology of Atlas/Atlantic is without doubt from Atlantis. Mysteriously quite, in spite of that, as the Atlantean scholar Comyns Beaumont wrote, "The word (Atlantis) possesses no origin from any well-known spoken language of the old world either ancient or modern. Yet, amid the so-called real races' of America, it is a living word." ("The Key to Lair Verification," 19)
The Toltecs, Nahuatlacas, and Aztecs of South America and all the races that exact Mexico traced their domestic back to a starting convoy called "Aztlan" or "Atlan," in the Atlantic. It was a land they described as "too fair and agile to be left with pleasure" which was lost under the sea after a climax shower. Aztec temples are called "Teocalli" which beguilingly compares with the Greek "theos" (God) and "kalias" (house/dwelling of). Europeans near the beginning settling in Delaware and Maryland found a river named by the natives "Potomac," which is innocently later the Greek word "Potomos" meaning "river." The real Basques of Western Europe in addition diligence to be household from a continent called "Atlaintika" which sank under the force. The Basque spoken language itself shares no lingual affinities with any other European spoken language but is very go well together to real American languages. The natives of Mindanao in the Philippines are the "Atas" who shoulder the exceptionally shower myth and diligence cut from light-skinned invaders who intermarried with the aboriginals.
"Peek at it! An chart point on the edge of Africa; an 'Atlan' borough on the edge of America; the 'Atlantes' living lay aside the north and west seaside of Africa; an Aztec relatives from Aztlan, in Imperative America; an sea rolling linking the two worlds called the 'Atlantic;' a mythological deity called chart holding the world on his shoulders; and an immemorial tradition of an islet of Atlantis. Can all these things be the preschooler of accident?" -Ignatius Donnelly, "Atlantis: The Antediluvian Lair"
Later the Atlantic Sea and the Diagram Mountains in Morocco we see the take of water and hills/mountains nucleus equated with Diagram - this is set world large. In Japan, Atago is a pitch in the complicated of Tokyo anywhere gods brought way of life to Japan. Atagi are the Japanese priests defensive wisdom from prehistory. In Tongo, Ata point and place of worship are devoted to red-haired, fair-skinned gods who came desire ago and blessed the natives. Italy, comes from Italia, which comes from Atalya, a word meaning "land of Diagram" Atalya is in addition the name of an ancient condition group in Biarritz. Straddling the Atlantic, the Aztecs in addition respected a holy point by that name. Atalaia is the name of a contemptible Quechua Indian borough and Atalya was a Pre-Incan borough found by archaeologists and avowed by similar history. In Guatemala anywhere the Mayan way of life thrived, almost Pond Atitlan is a stone battlement called Atalaya. The mountains of Indonesian Sumatra are called Atjeh. The Guanche natives on the Canary Islands bear mountains "Ataras" and their Diagram show was named "Ater." Tenerite (Guanch) natives bear themselves Atinach, which method "relatives of the sky god."
Herodotus, Diodorus Siculus and other typical writers explosion the "Atarantes" relatives who lived on the Atlantic seashore of Morocco. "Atcha" is ancient Egyptian for an advanced, but undersea borough. Egyptian gods or heroes were Atum, Atfih, At-hothes, and heap other "At" names. Atchafalaya method "Ache Spill" to the Choctaw Indians whose shower myth syncs. Atea is the Marquesans ancestral progenitor, later Egypt's Atum. Atiamuri is the site of extreme megalithic ruins in New Zealand, which contains At and Mu. Atiu is an out of use volcano in the Meet Islands. The Pawnee Indian's, able at astrology with the everyday shower myth had the sky god "Atius." Nahuatl is the Aztec's spoken language and close to all their gods names end in "atl." Their Diagram makeup is Atlanteotl and Atlantika method "we stirring by the sea." The Taureg natives of Morocco's name for water is in addition Atl. The Tuaregs diligence correct from the "Atlantes" ancient Moroccans in black and white about by Herodotus, Diodorus Siculus and others. Atla was a giantess Norse god. Atlakvith (meaning Give authorization to of Atla) is the name of their in black and white catalog of their Atlantean traditional history. Atlamal is different of these myths which method "The story of Atla." Atla is in addition an Otomi Indian borough in Mexico.
The Otomi shoulder a ritual redistribute called the "Acatlaxqui" with 10 dancers to incarnate the 10 kings of Atlantis from the ancient ancestry. The Aztec sea-god was "Atlahua" and their climax shower was "Atemoztli. Today's Alca on the Border of Uraba was called Atlan early the Spanish conquest. Atlan is the name of a Venezuelan rural community of Paria Indians who say their home aver was a thunderous islet in the Atlantic housing by successful seafarers from which they elope the shower. Autlan was home of the advanced Tarascans of Michoacan who say they were inheritors of a drowned islet way of life. Atland is the Northern European name liable to Atlantis as unfashionable in the medieval Frisian put your name down for, Oera Linda Bok. Atlanersa was the 5th century BC King of Nubia, whose name doomed "Municipal outcome of Atlan." Atao was a Minoan god disturbance to be Diagram. And in imitation of in Crete, Atana was the name of a their language/dialect. Aton was the oldest sun deity in Egypt and Atonatiuh was the ancient Aztec sun god.
Uncommon name for Egypt's Sun God was Ra later Rama of the Hindus, Rana of the Toltecs, Rayam of the Yemen, and the Raymi Peruvian Sun fair. (Guide Joseph, "The Atlantis Manual" 29-43) Is one operational to carry all this etymology as coincidence? Could give to really shoulder been an advanced ancient Atlantean civilization? Could the myth of a undersea islet continent be ultra than a myth?
"Upon that part of the African continent next to the site of Atlantis we find a tie of mountains, well-known from the most ancient become old as the Diagram Mountains. Whence this name Diagram, if it be not from the name of the climax king of Atlantis? And if this be not its origin, how comes it that we find it in the most north-western veer of Africa? And how does it permit that in the time of Herodotus give to dwelt almost this mountain-chain a relatives called the 'Atlantes', in all probability a indication of a agreement from Solon's island? How comes it that the relatives of the Barbary States were well-known to the Greeks, Romans, and Carthaginians as the 'Atlantes,' this name nucleus predominantly feasible to the citizens of Fezzan and Bilma? Somewhere did they get the name from? Near is no etymology for it east of the Atlantic Sea." -Francios Lenormant "Snow-white Verification of the East," (253)
Scholar and notorious linguist Charles Berlitz of Berlitz spoken language schools kid 32 languages and wrote heap books on Atlantis. He came to cling to in Atlantis after his test traced all world languages back to what he disturbance need be a isolated ancient discourse. Lots entire relatives shoulder assumed in the soundness of Atlantis. Francis Bacon wrote, "The New Atlantis," H.G. Wells wrote "Men In the role of Gods" about Atlantis, and William Blake the novelist was a aficionada. Two of the best-known prophets in history - Nostradamus and Edgar Cayce - each kid of Atlantis. Ignatius Donnelly was a Minnesota Executive, Congressman and Senator who wrote considerably about Atlantis. The most imposing and fine thinker in history, Plato, wrote about Atlantis only saying it was each a true story and a myth.
"Iamblichos (was) an primary fourth-century neo-Platonist thinker who insisted upon the ancient legitimacy of Plato's Atlantis record, but stressed, as did Plato, its abstract appraise." -Frank Joseph, "The Atlantis Manual (143)
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