In Witch Essentials@yahoogroups.com, "Rose Lieberman" wrote: > > Merry Meet, Everyone! My name is Rose, I'm 62, I live in rural upstate New York. I was a member of this group a while back. > > I follow a wiccan path and also have interests in parapsychology and metaphysics. My background is with AMORC (The Rosicrucian Order) which is mainly a source of "lessons" in the study of metaphysics. I was a member for many years, but am no longer. As far as parapsychology goes, I'm just reading about it, not actually "doing" anything with it. Probably some latent fears are holding me back. > > I've been interested in the Craft for a great many years. I want to learn more about herbs and practical magick. I'm studying astrology, as well. I have also been a professional tarot reader. I enjoy reading, gardening organically and feeding our area's wild birds. We lead a very simple life, hubby and I. We live on nine acres of secluded but accessible land, we heat entirely with wood, and we even collect rainwater. But since I'm 62 and Fred's 67, that's about as native as we're gonna get. Anyway, that's me... > > (Currently reading, Patricia McKillip's "Solstice Wood.") > > Blessed Be, > > Rose > Back to top Reply to sender Reply to group Reply via web post Messages in this topic (16) 2. BABY WITCHES 1.2 SPIRIT OF FIRE. POSTED BY: "BLACKBIRD" BLACKBIRD 61@YAHOO.COM BLACKBIRD 61 Tue Nov 23, 2010 3:17 pm (PST) Hi All, Last week we did a short mindfulness exercise introducing the element of Air. This week we move round the circle to fire. Once again I am using the Ritual as described on Page 80-81 of the Spiral Dance, 20th Anniversary Edition. You are going to need some time Alone for this one, as it is best to cleanse oneself before performing any ritual, you might arrange for a few minutes after your bathe or shower, without fear of other interruptions. (I know, many of you are Moms and that's well nigh impossible.) Light a candle on your alter or other safe space before you step into your shower, so it is lit and waiting when you return. As Always we begin by Centering, becoming mindful of our breath. Breath deeply and slowly, In... two...three...four Out... two...three...four Let yourself drift into Sacred Space, When you feel settled and centered proceed with calling a circle as fits your trad. Now take a long moment, Focus your gaze on the flame. Returning to the 4Fold Breathe, IN: Spirit of Fire; Dancer of Flame. OUt: Teach me of Thee; (brief pause) As you repeat the chant in your mind, is there any response in the candles flame? Does it grow, or shrink, is it brighter or less intense, is it steady or does it dance? Do not to ask yourself these verbal questions, but in the moment to be aware of the possibilities. Spend a few minutes with the flame, gazing at the flame, closing ones eyes and being mindful of the memory of the flame with-in ones eyes, in that moment of darkness. Now if your sleeves allow, as we do not want to get TOO intimate with the flame, Pass your hand over the flame, fairly Quickly, Then Again more slowly, Once again more slowly still Let yourself definitely feel the warmth of the flame without holding your hand over the flame so close it bites. Cup your hands around the flame, notice you can get much nearer the sides than the top. Notice the light on your hands, the shadow as well. Return to your sacred Breathe. IN: Spirit of Fire; Dancer of Flame. OUt: We Honor Thee; (brief pause) Your gift to the power of the flame is candle itself so let it burn as long as you safely may, and put it out with a candle snuffer if possible. Release your Circle. Ground. I am the Cup which holds Eternity. All other Cups Have their Source in Me. The Goddess Innana. Back to top Reply to sender Reply to group Reply via web post Messages in this topic (1) Recent Activity * 11 New Members Visit Your Group Yahoo! Groups Mental Health Zone Mental Health Learn More Need traffic? Drive customers With search ads on Yahoo! Dog Zone on Yahoo! Groups Join a Group all about dogs. Need to Reply? Click one of the "Reply" links to respond to a specific message in the Daily Digest. Create New Topic Visit Your Group on the Web Messages Files Photos Links Database Polls Calendar MARKETPLACE Stay on top of your group activity without leaving the page you're on - Get the Yahoo! Toolbar now.
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