Rose Quartz is a stone if high spiritual attunement with the earth, universe and the Divine. It inspires love of beauty in self, others and nature. It has a gentle essence. A crystal of unconditional love, compassion, peace, endurance, healing, nourishment and comfort. It helps dissolves emotional wounds, fears, resentment and anxiety. It helps circulate a divine loving energy throughout your entire aura. It reawakens the heart to an innate deep sense if personal fulfilment and contentment. It allows one to truly give and receive love from others. Since 600BC it has been used as a love token and even today is an important talisman in relationships. Amethyst is a highly powerful and protective stone. It guards against psychic manipulation and attacks and wards the wearer against all forms of harm and negativity. It relieves stress, strain, soothes irritability and balances mood swings. It dispels anger, rage, fear and anxiety. It activates spiritual awareness and opens intuition. It enhances psychic abilities and stimulates the mind. It assists in remembering dreams and aids with insomnia. It encourages selflessness and spiritual wisdom.
The necklace hangs 18inches in length. It is made with 6mm amethyst and rose quartz beads, 20mm amethyst and rose quartz cabochons and bronze connectors and chain.
These statements are for entertainment purposes only and do not substitute seeking traditional medical treatment and therapy.
Source: wicca-teachings.blogspot.com