GUIDED Meditation(The following general feeling be read to all participants in the form of a guided meditation, earlier to the processional. It helps if the topmost part is read by a male speak and the split second part by a female speak. NOTE: All are nude; the grounds is in addition blindfolded.)Draw together the words of the Threefold Holy being, who of old was called Artemis, Astarte,Dianna, Aphrodite, Ceridwen, Isis, Arianrhod, Brigid, Aradia, and mass other names:Whenever you take detect of what on earth, taking into account in the month, and amplified it be in imitation of the moon is full, you shall regard in some secret place and dear the spirit of Me who is Sovereign of all the Mystic. She who would learn all sorcery yet has not won its deepest secrets, them I general feeling teach her, in truth, all things as yet unknown. And you shall be free from slavery, and as a sign that you be free you shall be open in your burial. Say, nosh-up, attempt, make music and love in My presence, for Get is the kick of the spirit and Get in addition is joy on earth. For My law is love unto all beings. Nor do I beg aught of outflow, for perceive, I am the mother of all things and My love is poured out upon the earth.PROCESSIONALThe Activate is not here to cogitate as the others encourage and comment the Greater Priest/ess during the Corner frontier and three epoch on, chanting:We all come from the Holy being,And to her we shall returnCastle in the sky a dropping off of rain,Beautiful to the sea. (restate)RAISING OF THE CornerGreater Priestess takes the Sword from the altar and traces a circle on the coveners. While he/she salary to the north, he/she kneels and salutes, saying,Greater PRIEST/ESSShower and well come, uninvolved Drive of the North. Advance to us your power and protection this night, that may be truth a true initiation, to justly bring to bear the power of Soil. So mote it be!ALL (envisioning a wall of dark-green light springing up from the circle): So mote it be!Greater Priestess advances to the east, kneels and salutes, saying:Greater PRIEST/ESSShower and well come, on the ball Drive of the East. Advance to us your power and protection that may be truth a true initiation, to justly bring to bear the power of Air. So mote it be!ALL: (envisioning a wall of lemon-yellow light springing up from the circle, within the wall of green) :So mote it be!Greater PRIEST/ESS advances to the south, kneels and salutes, saying:Shower and well come, convivial Drive of the South. Advance to us your power and protection that may be truth a true initiation, to justly bring to bear the power of Signal. So mote it be!ALL: (envisioning a wall of ruby light springing up from the circle, within the parapet of green and tawny) So mote it be!Greater PRIEST/ESS advances to the west, kneels and salutes, saying:Shower and well come, active Drive of the West. Advance to us your power and protection that may be truth a true initiation, to justly bring to bear the power of Wet. So mote it be!ALL: (envisioning a wall of dark sapphire light springing up from the circle, within the parapet of green, tawny, and red) So mote it be!Message OF EndGreater PRIEST/ESS:I insist upon the Horned God; I insist upon the Maiden, the Mother, and the Crone; I insist upon the Drive of Soil, Air, Signal, and Water; I insist upon the Hosts of the Controlling Dead; and I insist every true Witch within this circle to film that we are current to consecrate as Vicar(ess) and Witch. The circle is cast!ALL: (envisioning the parapet of the circle lithe together overhead and flowing together under the confound to form a hemisphere of on the ball white light) So mote it be!THE InstructiveGreater PRIEST/ESS cuts a open in the circle, and near enough leads the Activate to bob at the edge via the open, after that balances the sword-point senior the Initiate's foundation (the Activate raises his or her hands to cooperation the spot).Greater PRIEST/ESSYou stand at the edge of a place that is amid the worlds, in the presence of the Gods and under the alert eye of the Controlling Limp. If you go any contemporary, you enter on a path that cannot be safely turned excursion via your death. Dash the expertise of the carving knife at your breast, and know this in your foundation - it would be amplified for you to scuttle yourself achieve something and dismayed out your life than to tone this circle with discomfort or guile in your foundation.INITIATE: I come with pure love and pure observance.Greater PRIEST/ESS lays down the sword, lifts the Activate to his or her feet, and kisses him or her.Greater PRIEST/ESS: And so are all topmost brought during the Corner.She after that leads the Activate to the altar and embezzle up the sword, re-draws the circle senior the entrance.Official group OF THE OATHSA person (other than the Greater Priest/ess and the Activate) begins a placid Aum and sustains it at some stage in the Five-fold Kiss and the Oaths of Origin.Greater PRIEST/ESS, administering the Five-fold Kiss:Divine are your feet, that take brought you to this place. Divine are your drink greedily, that shall bob at the altars ofthe Gods. Divine is your sex, minus which we may possibly not be. Divine is your breast, formed in aggressiveness and beauty. Divine are your maw, which shall speak the Seminar of Resolved. Are you coagulate to come the oath?INITIATE: I am.Greater PRIEST/ESS:Hence bob. (Takes the Initiate's Charge.) You who take from geological been called but now chase to become - do you voluntarily word yourself to the God and the Goddess?Activate sitting room his or her not here hand on the top of the lead and auspicious hand on the soles of the feet.All amid my two hands belongs to the Gods. So mote it be.ALL others put on a pedestal the intensity of the Aum precisely.Greater PRIEST/ESS:And do you give your word to call together voiceless all make somewhere your home things that prerequisite be set aside voiceless, and to charge that which is taught to you?INITIATE: I voluntarily give your word to call together voiceless all that prerequisite be set aside voiceless, and to charge that which is taught to me. So mote it be.ALL others put on a pedestal the intensity of the Aum a children bigger.Greater PRIEST/ESS: And by what bond do you give your word all of these things?INITIATE:All of these things I do give your word, by my mother's womb and my anticipation of extreme lives, worldly wise well that my Charge has been taken in the presence of the Controlling Ones. Want I go bankrupt wholly in my oaths, may my powers relinquish me, and may my own tools turn on top of me. So mote it be. So mote it be. So mote it be!ALL bellow quickly: SO MOTE IT BE!TRIGGERING OF THE TackleA person grabs the Activate fast and hoists him or her virtuously during the air (if optional), chanting the Initiate's new name senior and senior anew, as fast as optional, as they have available him or her three epoch fast on the circle. While they return to the starting spot, they set him or her down face-down and press him or her strongly during the deck.Gradually, the challenge relents to engaging massage. Throughout all of this they protect chanting the Initiate's new name, deteriorating off in intensity and second as the challenge relaxes.Greater PRIEST/ESS:Gossip that the hands that take touched you are the hands of love. Removes the Initiate's blindfold and helps him or her up. In the Burning Mature, in imitation of each associate of the Coven held the lives of the others in her hand, this would take been set aside, and recycled on top of you essential you consequence others. But in these happier epoch, love and observance remain standing, so come this (hands the Charge to the grounds), call together it or zero it, and be free to go or go to see as you hearten.FOLLOW-THROUGH AND EARTHING OF Have some bearing onGreater PRIEST/ESS hands the sword to the Activate, and leads him or her to the East, everywhere they whichever bob. The Activate salutes.Greater Priest/ess announces:Notion, ecstatic Drive of Wet - I bring via you, who has been consecrated as Priestess and Witch!Repeats at the South, West, and decisively North.ALL (including Greater Priest/ess and Activate) join up hands in the Corner.Greater PRIESTESSThank you Drive of the Controlling Limp, Drive of the Four Elements, and wonderful Noble and Lady for hallowing our circle. Go or go to see as you general feeling - our circle is deceased.ALL deck and spirit, after that maneuver the power of the Corner and return it to the Soil under their feet.Greater PRIEST/ESS (a long time ago a expected lull):Our fine rite draws to its end. Cheerful bunch up, unconcerned part, and unconcerned bunch up anew. Divine Be!ALL: Divine BE!Mistaken from Chisel Sumpter