Every sign has certain physical characteristics. There are certain other things about every sign that is distinctive. I'll tell you the ones I remember about every sign.
Aries: Arians have more color than average in their complexion. There is a reddish cast to their hair in the sunlight. He is unusually friendly with a forceful manner and gives you an instant innocent smile. They are very direct. Aries teaches that "Love is Innocence", so you'll find the innocence in every Aries, just look for it. With them, you find it a little tough to take the lead in a conversation. As Aries is a Cardinal Sign, they would always want to lead in their career. Their positive qualities are heart tugging innocence and wonder, blind faith in what they believe and raw courage.
Taurus: You can always find the strong, silent attitude in a bull. Until you get to know him better, he'll talk to you very sparingly. Taureans can go for months and years on end, exhibiting perfect poise and control. Its best not to disturb or tease them. The look in the female Taurean's eyes will be serene and limpid, yet steady. She will move gracefully, indolently, but with a suggestion of hidden strength. As for the males, the neck will often be thick or mascular, the shoulders, chest or back, or all three, broad and strong. The entire body will be well proportioned, whether short or tall. The ears are usually small and close to the head. When they eat, they chew slowly. They teach that "Love is Patience".
Gemini: As they are the sign of the twins, they can do 2 or more things at the same time, like watching tv and doing homework, talking on the phone and feeding the baby etc. Unless there is a conflicting ascendant, the gemini build is generally slender, agile and taller than average. You'll find some with brown eyes, of course, but the majority of those will have beautiful, crystal-clear hazel, blue, green or gray eyes that twinkle and dart here and there. Geminis never rest their eyes on one object for more than a few seconds. In fact, their alert, quick-moving eyes are often the easiest way to recognize them. The complexion tends to be rather pale, yet they usually tan easily, and thats the way to spot them in the summer. They teach that "Love is Awareness".
Cancer: Cancers are of sensitive nature. They dwell in the past. Male or female, the Cancerian loves his home very much. They have a 'crazy lunar laughter'. It runs up and down the scales with a deep, throaty undertone. It giggles and gurgles, then finally erupts in a loud cackle that sounds exactly like two hundred hens laying two hundred perfect eggs. This laughter is inescapably contageous. Of all the signs they have probably the best sense of humour and are the funniest. When you see a cancer in a room full of people he will be the funniest one in the room. He would also be either cracking jokes or laughing on other people's jokes. Cancerians teach that 'Love is Devotion'.
Leo: Leos walk straight and proud, with the smooth glide of the cat. For physical attributes, just look around for people who resemble a lion or a lioness. They have a gorgeous smile. Its not at all unusual for them to display arrogant pride and sunny playfulness at the same time. You will notice a commanding air and stately bearing. They are always very willing to give free advice in a commanding way rather than a suggestive way. Its very easy to impress or take advantage of them, all you have to do is flatter or praise them. Thay are in love with love. Leo admires and is admired, loves and is loved. Leos teach that 'Love is Ecstacy'.
Virgo:Its fairly simple to spot the virgo in public. He won't be making much noise, he is not exactly garrulous, and he will stand out as a loner. Virgo is gentle in manner and very attractive. They have unusually lovely, quiet eyes. Their eyes are often so astonishingly clear that you can almost see your reflection in them. They sparkle with inteligence and clarity of thought. There is a purity and tranquility of expression on Virgo features. There is certainly no lack of grace and charm about them. They methodologically notice the smallest details. They are usually uncomfortable in crowds. He has far more strength than his appearance suggests. Virgos teach that 'Love is Pure'.
Libra:They are all about dimples. You will definitely find dimples on the cheeks or chin and if not there, surely on the knees. They have a dazzling smile and a charm that you can feel, which makes you like them right at that instant. They usually appreciate art and music. Their mouth waters when they hear the word sweets, chocolate or candy. Their face always bears a pleasant expression. They love to lead and boss around in a pleasant manner which will seldom irritate or anger you. That is the quality that Venus gives them. They are very hard to say no to. Their voices are generally mellowy and sweet. They teach that 'Love is Beauty'.
Scorpio:There eyes will be piercing with hypnotic intensity. Most people feel nervous and ill at ease under Scorpio's steady gaze. They have a magnetic personality and when they walk into a room full of people you will definitely notice them. The tone of their voice can be velvety soft, husky or sharply cutting, the speech slow and measured. They are very secretive and they never answer your question directly. Most scorpions have powerful physiques. The features are noticeably heavy or sharp, and clearly drawn and the nose is quiet prominent, sometimes beak-shaped. There is a crackling, electric vitality about the very presence of a scorpio. As quiet as he tries to be, such a vital force can't be hidden completely. No matter what they are feeling inside it would not be reflected on their frozen immobile face. Whatever they are thinking you would never be able to guess because of their maintained secrecy. They consciously practice a blank expression. When they look at you, you will feel that their x-ray vision is penetrating your very soul. They teach that 'Love is Passion'.
Sagittarius:Pick any party and the livliest ones in it are Sagis. Jupiter eyes are as bright and alert as sparrow's and they sparkle and twinkle with refreshing humour. They are said to be the walking talking questioning box. The archers are either very tall and athletic looking or shorter than average, with strong, sturdy bodies. They are the most optimistic sign of all. They love to talk about themselves. They are usually very direct. With them it is most of the time what you see is what you get. They sincerely try to cheer you up. Thay can't stand to be accused of dishonesty. Sagis teach that "Love is Honesty".
Capricorn: There's always a faint aura of melancholy and seriousness surrounding the saturn personality. They are also secretive. Its very hard to lead them, as they are a cardinal sign. When they are standing somewhere they give the impression of being rooted to the ground. They are not the optimistic sorts but yet they have the capability of achieving the highest goals in life. They are a material sign and are very ambitious. They teach that 'Love is Wisdom'.
Aquarius: They have a strange, faraway look in the eyes, as if they contain some kind of magic, mysterious knowledge you can't penetrate. Their eyes are typically vague, with a dreamy, wandering expression. The complexion is pale and the height is usually taller than average. Uranus features are finely chiseled. They are very friendly people. Politics fascinates them. They love freedom. They feel that all old customs are wrong and they need to be changed. They live in tomorrow and have very less care for today. It can be disturbing when they start asking point blank questions. They are very curious about things. In friendship they seek quantity rather than quality. They are a kind of mystery to friends and family. They are also very indivisualistic. They believe in the 'live and let live' ideal. They teach that 'Love is Tolerance'.
Pisces: Pisceans don't want to be millionaires but definitely want to live like one. They have dreamy Neptunian eyes. Their feet are either noticeably small and dainty or else huge and spread out. They daydream alot. They are very good listeners and are always there to solve other people's problems. They are very sympathetic, imaginitve, compassionate, gentle. They have the rare gift of humility. They teach that 'Love is Compassion'.
Credit: master-of-tarot.blogspot.com