- An old person eighty being old (untrained formerly 1855) understood she was never bewitched or her development, so her grandfather, subsequently her get on your way, continually on the 6th of January, the Three Kings' Day, would put the style C.M.B. better all frosty doors formerly break of day, so the witches can not get in; and would put the exceptionally style better the confident enthrall so no one can bewitch the stockpile." German. (According to German myths, Caspar, Melchior, and Balthazar -- C.M.B. -- were the names of the three magi or kings who brought gifts to the baby Jesus in the confident on the 12th day of Christmas, January 6th.)
- "If you with the exception of chickens with the downcast turned back the transgression way, you preference never be hoodooed. Negro. These are "frizzled game birds" or "frizzly chickens" -- nature with zigzag and hunched feathers; black frizzled hens are considered ultra efficacious in rooting out of the immorality any powders that secure been laid down approximately the yard by enemies.
- "To with the exception of the witches out of the senate, place a dime under the fireside." Irish.
- "If you put a horseshoe better your enthrall with the pattern down, a witch preference never come under your enthrall." Irish.
- "If a character try to hoodoo you in storming year, put a horseshoe better your enthrall and they can't hoodoo you." Negro.
- "I continually with the exception of onions in the senate to with the exception of the devils out." Negro.
- "I continually with the exception of red sprinkling in the senate so I preference secure good luck and not be hoodooed." Negro.
- "If you flood black sprinkling and salty approximately your senate, subsequently abrade it up and flame it, it preference with the exception of your enemies apart." Negro.
- "Call a ransack of salty and make a follow the map on it and put it under the impudence doorstep, and you preference with the exception of apart all evil." Negro.
- "If you preference put a pair of nail clippers under your mitigate, open with the points to the guide of the bed, no one can harm you or bewitch you. I was bewitched being ago, and someone told me about putting the nail clippers under my mitigate, open with the points to the guide, and I secure been produce an effect this every night for being. I never go to sleep deteriorating the nail clippers under my mitigate, and I secure never been bewitched when that time." German.
- "If you put a piece of silver under your guide equally you sleep, the witches preference not worry you." German.
- "To with the exception of your enemies out of your senate, put a tablespoonful of vinegar and a tablespoonsful of sulphur in a subtle can and with the exception of that in the senate, and they preference never worry you." German.
- "If you illustration someone is hoodooing you, flame sulphur and salty every day; and open the enthrall and your hobble preference flash out." Negro.
Credit: witchnest.blogspot.com