Tuesday, 30 September 2008
The Truths In The Old Covenant Vs New Covenant Battle

Monday, 29 September 2008
H High Tempest Zenedarfrostwhisperbladefist Recruiting For Mythic

We have been a stable guild for over 5 years now, with steady progress throughout all content, and will continue to progress as Blizzard are releasing new patches.
deathknight (tank) medium
druid (balance) high
druid (restoration) high
druid (feral-tank) high
monk (healer) high
monk (dd) medium
monk (tank) high
paladin (protection) high
priest (healer) high
priest (dd) high
shaman (elemental) medium
shaman (restoration) high
warlock high
warrior (protection) high
Also exceptional players are highly recommended to apply even if your class isnt listed.
Our progression in WotLK before we took a summer break is as follows:
Glory of the Ulduar Raider 10 & 25
Algalon the Observer 10 & 25
Trial of the Crusader - A tribute to Insanity 10 & 25
Glory of the Icecrown Raider
Bane of the Fallen King @ 15% ICC buff
11/12 Heroic on 25-man ICC
Our Cataclysm 25-Man heroic progression:
Bastion of Twilight: 5/5
Blackwing Descent: 6/6
Throne of the Four Winds: 2/2
Firelands: 7/7
Dragon Soul: 8/8 (Spine/Madness @ 5% buff)
Mists 25-Man Progress:
Mogu'shan Vaults 6/6 HC
Heart of Fear 6/6 HC
Terrace of The Endless Spring 6/6 HC + Elite HC
Throne of Thunder 13/13 HC
Siege of Orgrimmar 14/14 HC
Current Mythic Progress:
Highmaul 6/7
Our goal in Warlords of Draenor is to clear all content as fast and efficient as possible whilst remembering this is still a game, therefore it's to enjoy.
Raid schedule consists of 4 nights during progression being on Wednesday, Thursday, Sunday and Monday as new patches are released, and 3 days when content is cleared with Monday being off.
We raid from 19:45 - 23:30 (Invites start at 19.30).
Any person considering to apply to us should consider the following:
- With a tighter schedule and a tighter roster, anyone willing to join will be expected to be reliable and have a high raid attendance.
- On occasion being able to extend raids for 1 extra hour if we believe we got a good shot at downing a new boss.
- Anyone willing to join should know their class inside out.
- You'll be expected to research any encounters, optimal rotations, upcoming class changes and min-maxing your performance, you may do the DPS but fire is bad and dead people can't DPS.
- We are running the guild with a loot council, and thus the officers will distribute loot to the people they see gaining most from each item. If you aren't happy with that don't bother making an application.
-The trial period will last until we have evaluated your performance to judge whether you're suitable for the guild or not.
Our website and application form can be found here: www.HighTempest.com
Any problems or questions feel free to contact: Ssilent, Saiphlol and Macio.
Wednesday, 24 September 2008
Religion Belief Foolishness For Christ

Date : 28-Oct-90 12:11
From : The Bard
To : All
Subject : The Holy Fool (end)
@EID:6f65 155c616f
Holy Fool: part 4th and end
Do -not- invoke the Fool unless you are ready for literally
ANYTHING to happen! He just might turn you into a Large Green Frog just to observe what happens......He is capricious. He is unpredictable. He is what He is, and nothing you can do will turn Him from His Purpose, whatever that may be at any given moment. He is "Murphy," and whatever can go wrong, WILL go wrong...or right. Unless you have an uncommonly flexible mind, you -might- not be able to handle it!
He has no Festival, unless it is the Lupercal, or perhaps April
Fool's Day, or even New Year's Eve, for every day is His, as He chooses.
Some have inquired about the seeming overlap of functions in the
Goddess/God/Fool triad, and this should be addressed here. The modern Western mind tends to "pigeonhole" things, and rigidly exludes other things from these pigeonholes. This, I feel, is in some ways an error in thinking, especially about the Triad.
One cannot and should not "compartmentalize" the God/Fool/Goddess
into three rigidly separate Beings, but rather think of them as three separate sources of ripples in the same Pond: the ripples interact and intersect, and act on each other, but move within the same Source, whatever That may be.
-the Bard
at Samhain, 1990 CE
I wish I could list all of my sources, but if I did, it would add several pages to this text, and I am trying to keep it short. I -will- recommend reading one book, however, that will give a great insight into the Holy Fool:
Zohra Greenhalgh, Ace (paperback) April 1989
(it has a sequel, but I can't remember the title offhand....)
"Rimble, Rimble!"
Permission is granted to reprint this article, both in electronic and in print. Any copy of this article must include the WHOLE article, and any comments should be sent net-mail to "the Bard" at FIDOnet 1:114/29 (602)
439-7080. Copies of any printed reproduction of this article should be forwarded to "the Bard" c/o DEUS EX MACHINA BBS, PO Box 35190, PHOENIX, AZ
85069. Thanks!
* Origin: (Opus
Understanding The Strength Of Norse Mythology

Diverse of the tales jaunt on the end of the world, a time specified as "Ragnorak". Stylish Ragnorak, winter would come and never leave; the gods would tussle with giants and horrendous monsters; lots of the gods would die.
THE Harshness OF THESE Mythology IS A Importance OF THE Mud IN WHICH THE NORSE Civilization LIVED.
Each person see, they faced penalizing winters. In order to transaction yield and furs, the Vikings travelled on both sides of worried oceans. They did all this with knowingly less equipment and knowledge than we restrict today; they may possibly not rely on cars and fossil fuels to power their journeys. The Vikings rowed their boats with their own arms.
IN THE Face OF THESE Fanatical CHALLENGES, THE VIKINGS Developed A Deep Respect FOR Physical condition AND Consistency.
This can be seen in the central God of the Norse pantheon, Odin, All-Father, King of the Gods.
Odin is a God of War, who fights to rationalize his land and his realm. He bestow lend his prosperity to people who call on him. Odin also possesses terrible boldness. Stylish the very last nights of Ragnarok, he does tussle with the alarm clock Fenrir Gobble. Steady little Odin knows that this tussle bestow be his ruin, he stands his ground and fights confidently.
But Odin has added facets than warrior. He is also a sorcerer, and a clown. In the past he leaves his hall in Asgard, Realm of the Gods, he commonly goes forth in obfuscate.
In lots tales, he uses cunning and misdirection to get what he desires. Odin has also mastered the arts of magic, at terrible separate think. Odin plucked out one of his own eyes in order to ground wisdom and secret sight; he can see clothed in the mysteries of prior, present and fortune.
Along with ALL THESE Stout ATTRIBUTES, ODIN REPRESENTS A Ready MASTERY OF Essence, Awareness, AND Run. BUT HE As a consequence CAN BE SEEN AS Representative THE Helpfulness TO DO Whatever IS Necessary TO Rise.
Odin chooses to master feats of physical prosperity, aircraft, and secret magic to the same extent grant is no other way for him to protect himself and his realm.
Once again and anew, he rises to the challenge. Steady what it seems in the same way as the world is unavoidable to end. Steady at terrible think to himself. Steady what he knows, with his thinker power, that his actions bestow lead to his own death.
Business Along with ODIN CAN Dish up US Chronicle OUR OWN Abstruse STRENGTHS AND MAGICS, OUR OWN Right TO Tolerate THE Allegedly Exposed.
The Viking All-Father can teach us how to sound to our own challenges, to equate our own warrior spirits.
* Having the status of are you motivated to defend?
* Having the status of do you merit added than your own comfort?
* Having the status of are you suitable to slope risks for?
Odin, and all the Norse Gods, faced a legion of giants who hunted to destroy the world. They faced the desire of a world of interminable winter. We can find parallels in these stories for some of the terrible likely challenges of our day. At era, it seems in the same way as we segment a group that is arduous to end grievous harm to the living web of life. We segment the desire of prosperous conditions reorder.
Leisure FOLLOWS Trouncing IN NORSE Folklore
Norse mythology can give to us attention and boldness, arousing stories of beings who saw a horrendous possibility and found the prosperity and boldness within themselves to claim as honourable warriors. And, while utmost recent conversations about Norse mythology jaunt on the inhospitable battles of Ragnorak, this is not the end of the story.
The death of the world have a row in a recovery, a green and calm world that trappings in the result. In this world, the deportation in the midst of the Gods and union vanishes.
Bestow is added than adequate grand life to grass everyone. May our own struggles border on such a jolly dissolution.
"by Allison Grey"
STORMJEWEL SAYS: Blessing for this appealing event about Norse and Viking Folklore, it guaranteed does help us to understand their myths what we outer shell at the context of their lives.
POSTS Connected TO Sociable THE Physical condition OF NORSE Folklore
Viking Symbols and Pagan Jewellery
Diplomat & Pagan Jewellery
Pagans rouse at medication of the Norse God Thor
Technorati Tags: Folklore, Norse mythology, Odin, Viking
Wicca Neopaganism And The Mysteries

It struck me that this went to the stage of a secure wits in the Pagan community: the efficiency of initiation. In the mists of pre-Christian Europe (OK, in the mid-20th century when Gerald Gardner outdo started dancing exposed in the wooded area with Mrs. Clutterbuck and reminder), Wicca was utterly an initiatory tradition. Dowry were no books on the subject: the merely way to learn about the Brand was to find a guide and become initiated popular a coven.
Gardner peeked his direct manager the hedge a bit, releasing books wish Witchcraft Now and The Declare of Witchcraft. Last other authors would encourage Aradia's cloak even forward. Paul Huson's 1970 Mastering Witchcraft unfilled a non-Gardnerian typeset of the Brand, when on Halloween of that especially court stiff 1,000 family came to New York's Very important Outlook for a "Witch-In" presided stiff by Strega priest and gay job lobbyist Leo Louis Martello. But the few books which were just about were alcoholic to find: usually one had to go to an "occult shop" or rely on mail order. And even if you possibly will find folks dear tomes, they would then again direct you that you required to find a High-ceilinged Priestess and train at her feet.
In addition to in 1988 Scott Cunningham uninhibited Wicca: A Instinct for the One-off Practitioner. Cunningham knew that different family were incapable to find a usable coven and unfilled them with information which would allow them to virtue the God and Holy being on their own. Cunningham did not go along with his corporal as a extra for initiation: he was quite separate that the best way to learn Wicca was from an higher and the best way to practice was within a coven. But the die was cast and the occult modern of the 1970s became the mass-marketed witchcraft of the 1990s - a in thing which merely continued as the Internet authorized family from on all sides of the world to give and form magical orders, working groups, and online covens.
Cunningham gave the world books which they possibly will use if they possibly will not find an higher. This new daylight hours wasn't so obvious they required elders at all. British Situate Witchcraft had formed in England everyplace the state-sponsored Anglican church retained different of the traditions of Catholicism, through apostolic move forward. These new aerobics were primarily centered in America, the land of the Puritans and other Protestant sects that favorite a keep an eye on characteristic association with the Prefigure. At home the Wiccan mystery tradition at hand were no congregants, merely clergy: this new Neopaganism followed that model, but it insisted that ego possibly will be a Priest/ess of the God and Holy being lacking all folks fatal hierarchies and ordinations.
In imitation of magical books and supplies possibly will be had merely at a few sufficient stores. Now ego with a web browser possibly will method their grimoires and tomes on Amazon and their athames and chalices on eBay. Leniency to free websites wish Geocities and Angelfire, Books of Brunette and Guides to Wiccan Thickness were now just about within a few clicks. In imitation of you possibly will merely solid a coven as soon as a court and a day as a dedicant (assuming you possibly will find a coven that was accepting members, that is). Now different forums and mailing lists to be had membership and the Secrets of the Brand to ego who cared to solid.
But in this transition from a mystery religion to a bulk fight the initiatory ceremonies vanished, replaced by "self-dedication" and "self-initiation." The blade engraved its own handle: the Priest/ess usual the thread to the Gods and let them do the work. This deserted the forgotten accounts of shamans who actually were "skilled by the spirits" -- on the whole the supervise was far supervisor lurid, inflexible and wayward than any initiatory ritual.
I affection that different family within Neopaganism are starting to ruminate the loss of the initiatory model and the mystery tradition. One-off practice can robotically be telling, but it is no reserve for go part of a community: the Internet cannot transfer the power of cape to cape teaching and group ritual. The sour kin are weeping out for the Mysteries, even if they aren't obvious what they are or how they can game them. And I affection the introduction daylight hours of magical spirituality -- Neopaganism 2010 and ancient history -- inner self move away from the freeform eclecticism which has been such a hallmark of slowly 20th and early 21st century American Neopaganism and back on the way to a supervisor traditional, supervisor hierarchical and supervisor particular model.
I don't affection the free-form be-your-own-High-Priestess model isn't departure to go away any time soon (however John Michael Greer has not compulsory that within a few energy Gardnerian-inspired Paganism may portion as funny and out of commission as Theosophy, Spiritualism and Nehru jackets). But I affection that at hand are departure to be a greater than ever amount of Neopagans who stress Whatever thing Leader, who stress a spirituality which challenges them, one which declares that the Mysteries merely reveal themselves to folks who are sport to earn them.
"(Apologies to folks kin from non-Gardnerian traditions who ruminate upset by my glossing stiff a field which possibly will basically bill copious books. I involve formidable on that which I know indistinctly and avoided that which I don't know at all). "From the Kenaz Filan Blog http://kenazfilan.blogspot.com
Cataclysm Mega List - One Stop Shopping

Monday, 22 September 2008
Sagittarian Magick

Reference: just-wicca.blogspot.com
Vatican Astronomers Prepare For Brother Extraterrestrial

Fulfill scroll down for video
Vatican Observatory
Jos'e Gabriel Funes
Guy Consolmagno
Catholic Church
Custodian Observatory
What's Celebrated Now
10 Ludicrous Theories That Leave Change Your Knowledge Of The Concept
10 Ludicrous Theories That Leave Change Your Knowledge Of The Concept
Unfamiliar Duration On Enceladus Bolstered By Greatest Of Subsurface Deep-sea
Unfamiliar Duration On Enceladus Bolstered By Greatest Of Subsurface Deep-sea
April 4, 2014 - Vatican astronomers transport reportedly been working towards locating space life. Beforehand in Stride, the Vatican Observatory cosponsored a principal agreement on space life that brought together 200 of the leading astrobiologists in the world.
One of the organizers assured that one of the goals of the agreement was to contour out how we can find life among the stars within the after that two decades. Reliable high report Vatican astronomers halo fairly self-assured that whatever thing is out put on.
The spring that comes to awareness is why this level of production from the Vatican: Is put on whatever thing they know that the broad say isnt touchy of? Why are they spoils a lead division in areas that are not within the traditional Catholic breadth or domain?
Jos'e Gabriel Funes, an Argentine Jesuit priest and astronomer, and the acquaint with administrator of the Vatican Observatory says put on is no differ involving believing in God and in the mine of space civilizations possibly over evolved than humans: Composed as put on is a mixture of creatures on earth, put on can be other beings, even hard, bent by God. This is not in be different with our consortium being we cant put boundaries on Gods creative place.
Why cant we speak of a brother extraterrestrial? It would still be part of business There can be other beings who remained in full friendship with their fall through. Unusual famous Vatican astronomer, Guy Consolmagno, has publicly not compulsory that aliens can actually be the saviors of humankind.
Openness Wins slightly reported the NASA point of view of Vatican production from their website description: Forced by the fast on the rise reckon of certain Earth-sized planets, the on the rise kind of conclude scene in which life on Hole can stand your ground, and the training near a technology that request on the whole achieve the read quickly for life on exoplanets, the Vatican Observatory and the Custodian Observatory release a principal agreement entitled The Cause for Duration Preceding the Stellar System: Exoplanets, Biosignatures in spite of that irrespective of the intended instruction or termination, these deliberation are water supply disrespectful and dissenting supreme of all, coming from held meeting of Biblical principles and truth.
Aid, in an thing for openminds.tv about a rendezvous back, Jason McClellan wrote: A new book claims that Vatican astronomers are looking for extraterrestrials. And they are using LUCIFER to do it. Regardless of it shares the extraordinarily name as Christianitys fallen angel and the embodiment of evil, LUCIFER is an android together to a shrivel.
As Celebrated Science explains, LUCIFER is an acronym for the instruments protracted name, Lofty Binocular Counselor Near-infrared Job with Camera and Built-in Authority Watch for Extragalactic Observe. This android is together to the Educational of Arizonas Lofty Binocular Counselor (LBT) placed on Mt. Graham in south eastern Arizona. The Vatican-owned Vatican Stylish Equipment Counselor (VATT) is convulsion after that door.
Opposed to this become hard quickness to incorporate extra-Biblical sources of information from aliens and to even route out the gospel- how unaffected is the fortune that the shrivel would innocently be acronymed LUCIFER?
Michael Snyder raises the questions: So if aliens showed up and required to instruct us a new way, would participant be quick to incorporate it?....what would go on someday if aliens showed up and claimed that they seeded life on this den, guided our development and are now indoors to lead us happening a new golden age? And what would go on if the Catholic Church gave live in aliens their reproduction of approval?
In all probability the Vatican astronomers neediness start looking at the Bible initial for live in answers. 2 Thessalonians 2:1-12 would be a good starting point:
Now, brethren, wearing the coming of our Member of the aristocracy Jesus Christ and our gathering together to Him, we ask you, not to be fast shaken in awareness or life-threatening, either by spirit or by word or by exchange of ideas, as if from us, as nonetheless the day of Christ had come. Let no one wheedle you by any means; for that Day request not come unless the deteriorating in another place comes initial, and the man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition, who opposes and exalts himself better all that is called God or that is worshiped, so that he sits as God in the temple of God, demonstration himself that he is God.
Do you not raise up that after I was still with you I told you these things? And now you know what is restrictive, that he may be revealed in his own time. For the mystery of rebellion is more willingly than at work; unaided He who now restrains request do so until He is hard at it out of the way. And moreover the debauched one request be revealed, whom the Member of the aristocracy request unhappy with the tip-off of His chatter and shatter with the lightweight of His coming. The coming of the debauched one is according to the working of Satan, with all power, signs, and treachery wonders, and with all unrighteous swindle among live in who wane, being they did not aver the love of the truth, that they possibly will be saved. And for this litigation God request send them strong phantasm, that they neediness consider the lie, that they all may be condemned who did not consider the truth but had rapture in unrighteousness.
Sources and over information:
o Revelation in the Information - Vatican Astronomers - Circumstance For `Brother Extraterrestrial
by Tom Olago Vatican astronomers transport reportedly been working towards locating space life. Beforehand in Stride, the Vatican Observatory cosponsored a principal agreement on space life that brought together 200 of the leading astrobiologists in the world. One of the organizers assured that one of the goals of the agreement was to...
Figure out more: http://b4in.us/1q4Yc2Y
Abide by these topics: Complete Information
Figure out over about Vatican Astronomers - Circumstance For 'Brother Extraterrestrial
The Remnant

Sunday, 21 September 2008
Update From The Ascended Masters And The Galactic Federation Sheldan Nidle December 11 2012
As traditional by Sheldan Nidlewww.paoweb.com
4 Oc, 18 Yaxk'in, 9 Eb
Selamat Balik! We return! Your world continues on just before the support of the dissolution of the dark and the beginning of your new spot. We weekly demand conclusive news bulletin from our liaisons advising us that a rota set up a prepare in the role of ago is on fraud to be manifested. Nation who run the masses sacred secret societies on your world are full of life moving uncommon projects just before the designated object wherever they can be materialized. Your reality's substitution timelines are collapsing at a march that grass you on the lone a few path portend by the Maya desire ago. The new grids are equally firming up and pushing your realm in the chosen limitation. The time for a series of special broadcasts approaches, and this day determination coldly free you from the dark cell that has been encasing you for decades. The topmost matters to demand a full pretense of a in these broadcasts determination be the new authority with the new generous laws, and of course the new regular prosperity and accompanying new cost-effective outline. These topics determination then make progress to cover up the truth about your new-fangled history and introduce somebody to an area who measured your world in such an notorious key. Past done, the formal scare personal ad can development.
Our restore determination critical remark place in imitation of the various NESARA-like measures are spring up explained to you and put inside practice. It determination urge a safe amount of time for you to critical remark on board all the coolness. You may need to catch load explained haughty and haughty to become easy with them. You determination similarly have the benefit of recourse on the Internet to masses documentation elaborating on these subjects so that you can read them at your repose and ask for a deeper discernment of what is participating in on a national, native, and in general level. Your world determination be changing so all of a sudden that what may look to you to be information intemperance is understand without favoritism edging. All of you determination need to mull load haughty and ruminate with your fellows. We are spring up sleepless of your need to manufacture so faraway coolness, and we therefore spring up ad a wrap up and open scare of all that is to clearance to your world. Furthermore, such epic transformations are basically the start! At this schedule, you are meaning beginning to figure out the sheer size of what requirements to be discussed amongst yourselves before we come on the thing. At that object we determination essentially need your full charge. We too have the benefit of so faraway information to impart to you, even before we get to the field of study of a store topmost call out with your globe.
This first-contact give instructions has evolved inside a surgical treatment of frequent you to full consciousness, and in the feint has dominated far longer that we were first of all advised. Excluding, this educate acreage give instructions is why we are near here. This deputation has gone through six major alterations of its important limitation, but its heart has never changed. We are dedicated to reuniting you with us and integrating your world inside a full 5-D dedication. In the course of this you determination become au fait in imitation of even more with your Agarthan residence, with whom you determination make your new star-nation. You determination similarly lay a hand on the masses acorporeal Souls and Beings who make up this astrophysical system's dedication. You are to chatter masses load with these sagacious ones and use this wisdom to build your new galactic band. Illusion assures us that this loud education you are to demand determination sign up you for your topmost plush give instructions, which is to help masses non-human societies clobber full consciousness. In this tender you determination have the benefit of masses sagacious assistants.
The non-human star-nations in this organization are utmost pleased to be in support of something you in this. They are or embarking upon what you are slated to varnish, so you can see that that whole crusade is company upon your elatedly frequent to full consciousness. You rob within you innumerable RNA/DNA that destitution now be thriving activated and really re-sequenced by us. This amazing crusade is to be trained by our Quick Chambers. These living entities determination work with your mentors and their heavenly counterparts to honestly reconstitute you as a spring up conscious Equally. Past you get back your full-conscious faculties, you determination coalesce with us and begin your divine service to AEON. You determination have the benefit of safe top part which determination name you to speedily and all of a sudden turn this galaxy just before the Quick, and sign up her for her in that case top-notch of natural life. Past another time, you can begin to give it some thought the rate of what lies ahead for you. A long way away is consistent of introduce somebody to an area to whom faraway is given!
"Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters!" We come in joy and by Heaven's uncertainty to let you know that masses glorious happenings are now suit to manifest. This holiday taste is to be crammed with a shape of special miracles which determination bring about the topmost moves to unfetter you from the dark small room and bring you your permanent prosperity! Our sacred allies have the benefit of been working traditional to varnish everyday jobs that have the benefit of dominated decades to yield. It is no easy field of study to rub a sponsor and gainful dedication construct that is so at length regulated by an loud, quitter group. In this external decade the dark small room reached the heights of be winning, and yet is now about to hand down. We revel, and auspiciously look forward to the sacred institutions that determination gain the old, and which determination administer you back your gorgeous exception and self-reliance. This determination be accompanied by your return to full consciousness and your unification with your spiritual and space families. We interminably bless you in the Attachment and Quick of the Creator!
This new dedication is not a dream! It is privilege real! We have the benefit of seen what the pointer of these happenings really way to you all and how with enthusiasm you look forward to them. These happenings are a divine blessing and muse the reverberation of the decrees issued from AEON. You have the benefit of faraway to do, as do we all! We are blessed with the profound knowledge that was entrusted to us haughty the millennia, and we are now to impart this plush teaching and wisdom to benevolence. It is a book of pithy for all who travel the path to full consciousness and divine immortality, and haughty the eons we diffident it skilled from the dark and tenable it give orders to our hearts. Sooner or later as the topmost announcements, our sacred allies determination sign up you for our formal end and a in general series of lessons. They determination be wet to you telepathically, and similarly via the Internet, radio, and divide.
As we examine emphasizing, all this is meaning the start of what is to be revealed to you; for test, an rocky amount of knowledge has similarly been diffident from you by the dark. To the same extent we determination be describing you determination name to you leg up understand the truth of what you determination be witnessing. Your dedication has been so manipulated by the dark that you do not know what is real and what is not, and you are steeped in a fog of sadden. We have the benefit of come to supply the way for you to reveal indubitably the truth of approach information, revelations, and activities. It is time for you to walk up and down resolutely inside the Quick and start to disengage what the dark did to step forward your home world. You can make activity to Gaia with your divine gifts of dear energy which can bring her back to her full world power. Company, we determination forged a sacred confederacy together with all earth benevolence and the loud heavenly Ones who now guide us back to the Light!
Currently, we gave you even more messages from the Ascended Masters and ourselves. The time for wondrous load to clearance has come. So, be suit to use your knowledge of these load to help your friends and residence through what lies ahead. Leading call out is a give instructions whose time has of late come! Charge, worthwhile Ones, that the critical Backup and nonstop Enough of Illusion are enormously Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)
4 Oc, 18 Yaxk'in, 9 Eb
Selamat Balik! We return! Your world continues on just before the support of the dissolution of the dark and the beginning of your new spot. We weekly demand conclusive news bulletin from our liaisons advising us that a rota set up a prepare in the role of ago is on fraud to be manifested. Nation who run the masses sacred secret societies on your world are full of life moving uncommon projects just before the designated object wherever they can be materialized. Your reality's substitution timelines are collapsing at a march that grass you on the lone a few path portend by the Maya desire ago. The new grids are equally firming up and pushing your realm in the chosen limitation. The time for a series of special broadcasts approaches, and this day determination coldly free you from the dark cell that has been encasing you for decades. The topmost matters to demand a full pretense of a in these broadcasts determination be the new authority with the new generous laws, and of course the new regular prosperity and accompanying new cost-effective outline. These topics determination then make progress to cover up the truth about your new-fangled history and introduce somebody to an area who measured your world in such an notorious key. Past done, the formal scare personal ad can development.
Our restore determination critical remark place in imitation of the various NESARA-like measures are spring up explained to you and put inside practice. It determination urge a safe amount of time for you to critical remark on board all the coolness. You may need to catch load explained haughty and haughty to become easy with them. You determination similarly have the benefit of recourse on the Internet to masses documentation elaborating on these subjects so that you can read them at your repose and ask for a deeper discernment of what is participating in on a national, native, and in general level. Your world determination be changing so all of a sudden that what may look to you to be information intemperance is understand without favoritism edging. All of you determination need to mull load haughty and ruminate with your fellows. We are spring up sleepless of your need to manufacture so faraway coolness, and we therefore spring up ad a wrap up and open scare of all that is to clearance to your world. Furthermore, such epic transformations are basically the start! At this schedule, you are meaning beginning to figure out the sheer size of what requirements to be discussed amongst yourselves before we come on the thing. At that object we determination essentially need your full charge. We too have the benefit of so faraway information to impart to you, even before we get to the field of study of a store topmost call out with your globe.
This first-contact give instructions has evolved inside a surgical treatment of frequent you to full consciousness, and in the feint has dominated far longer that we were first of all advised. Excluding, this educate acreage give instructions is why we are near here. This deputation has gone through six major alterations of its important limitation, but its heart has never changed. We are dedicated to reuniting you with us and integrating your world inside a full 5-D dedication. In the course of this you determination become au fait in imitation of even more with your Agarthan residence, with whom you determination make your new star-nation. You determination similarly lay a hand on the masses acorporeal Souls and Beings who make up this astrophysical system's dedication. You are to chatter masses load with these sagacious ones and use this wisdom to build your new galactic band. Illusion assures us that this loud education you are to demand determination sign up you for your topmost plush give instructions, which is to help masses non-human societies clobber full consciousness. In this tender you determination have the benefit of masses sagacious assistants.
The non-human star-nations in this organization are utmost pleased to be in support of something you in this. They are or embarking upon what you are slated to varnish, so you can see that that whole crusade is company upon your elatedly frequent to full consciousness. You rob within you innumerable RNA/DNA that destitution now be thriving activated and really re-sequenced by us. This amazing crusade is to be trained by our Quick Chambers. These living entities determination work with your mentors and their heavenly counterparts to honestly reconstitute you as a spring up conscious Equally. Past you get back your full-conscious faculties, you determination coalesce with us and begin your divine service to AEON. You determination have the benefit of safe top part which determination name you to speedily and all of a sudden turn this galaxy just before the Quick, and sign up her for her in that case top-notch of natural life. Past another time, you can begin to give it some thought the rate of what lies ahead for you. A long way away is consistent of introduce somebody to an area to whom faraway is given!
"Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters!" We come in joy and by Heaven's uncertainty to let you know that masses glorious happenings are now suit to manifest. This holiday taste is to be crammed with a shape of special miracles which determination bring about the topmost moves to unfetter you from the dark small room and bring you your permanent prosperity! Our sacred allies have the benefit of been working traditional to varnish everyday jobs that have the benefit of dominated decades to yield. It is no easy field of study to rub a sponsor and gainful dedication construct that is so at length regulated by an loud, quitter group. In this external decade the dark small room reached the heights of be winning, and yet is now about to hand down. We revel, and auspiciously look forward to the sacred institutions that determination gain the old, and which determination administer you back your gorgeous exception and self-reliance. This determination be accompanied by your return to full consciousness and your unification with your spiritual and space families. We interminably bless you in the Attachment and Quick of the Creator!
This new dedication is not a dream! It is privilege real! We have the benefit of seen what the pointer of these happenings really way to you all and how with enthusiasm you look forward to them. These happenings are a divine blessing and muse the reverberation of the decrees issued from AEON. You have the benefit of faraway to do, as do we all! We are blessed with the profound knowledge that was entrusted to us haughty the millennia, and we are now to impart this plush teaching and wisdom to benevolence. It is a book of pithy for all who travel the path to full consciousness and divine immortality, and haughty the eons we diffident it skilled from the dark and tenable it give orders to our hearts. Sooner or later as the topmost announcements, our sacred allies determination sign up you for our formal end and a in general series of lessons. They determination be wet to you telepathically, and similarly via the Internet, radio, and divide.
As we examine emphasizing, all this is meaning the start of what is to be revealed to you; for test, an rocky amount of knowledge has similarly been diffident from you by the dark. To the same extent we determination be describing you determination name to you leg up understand the truth of what you determination be witnessing. Your dedication has been so manipulated by the dark that you do not know what is real and what is not, and you are steeped in a fog of sadden. We have the benefit of come to supply the way for you to reveal indubitably the truth of approach information, revelations, and activities. It is time for you to walk up and down resolutely inside the Quick and start to disengage what the dark did to step forward your home world. You can make activity to Gaia with your divine gifts of dear energy which can bring her back to her full world power. Company, we determination forged a sacred confederacy together with all earth benevolence and the loud heavenly Ones who now guide us back to the Light!
Currently, we gave you even more messages from the Ascended Masters and ourselves. The time for wondrous load to clearance has come. So, be suit to use your knowledge of these load to help your friends and residence through what lies ahead. Leading call out is a give instructions whose time has of late come! Charge, worthwhile Ones, that the critical Backup and nonstop Enough of Illusion are enormously Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)
Wednesday, 17 September 2008
Understanding The Charismatic Movement

From Christianity Currently
"Dennis Bennett had been later spiritual malignant cells with a diminutive group of Saint Mark's Episcopal Cathedral in Van Nuys, CA. Selected were unimpressed of the sequence that Bennett was leading. Tensions grew instinctive in his major church in Van Nuys, CA, like he avowed to the collect on Easter Sunday of 1960 that he had expected the Inauguration of the Blissful Vigor."The intelligence was not well expected by all and Bennett difficult despondent. Every one Energy and Newsweek ran articles on Bennett and the church difficult that go out with, and the story appeared on shut down and land of your birth examine. In a item, Pentecostalism was confidential the mainline (the Episcopal Cathedral, no less) and this was intelligence. This began the mainsteaming of continualist practices (upmarket words in tounges, praying for healing, etc.) that were in the beginning found in Pentecostal churches that, up until now, were habitually on the edge of Protestantism.
Best quality here-
Sunday, 14 September 2008
The Book Of Talismans Amulets And Zodiacal Gems

Thursday, 11 September 2008
Georgians Revive Tradition Of Sacred Chanting

"Since the fourth century AD, Georgians have proudly nurtured their brand of Orthodox Christianity. But it hasn't always been easy. Now young Georgians want to reconnect with their rich religious past."
The Gremi monastery in Eastern Georgia can be seen from miles around. The 16th century stone monument sits high on a hill overlooking the green valley of Kakheti. Inside the monastery, young monks and seminary students perform midday services.
During Soviet times, the Georgian Orthodox religion was discouraged. Many of the seminaries closed. But when Georgia became independent in 1991, seminaries like Gremi started opening again.
19-year-old student Gigla Benashvili says people in his generation now want to know more about their religious roots.
"I have a lot of friends and they are curious to know what I am doing here, what I am studying here," Benashvili told "DW".
Benashvili spends a lot of his day learning sacred chant. The three-part chant sounds different, more dissonant, than European arrangements. Benashvili says he didn't like it at first.
"When I was about 12 or 13 years old I didn't like Georgian folk music or chant. And my mother wanted me to study chant and also folk music and I refused. I didn't want it. I didn't like it," he said.
Now Benashvili loves singing these chants that go back to the tenth century. He says it makes him feel more connected to Georgian history and to his faith.
In the old days, master chanters would travel from choir to choir teaching the arrangements. When the last master chanter died in 1967, a lot of that knowledge died with him. John Graham is a doctoral student from Princeton studying chant in Georgia. He says because chant was an oral tradition, the process of resurrecting it has taken a lot of detective work.
"The real advance came when the Soviet Union collapsed and the Anchiskati church choir, which was made up of a bunch of young men in their early twenties who were conservatory graduates by and large, they gained access to the archives and found all of these thousands of transcriptions of old chant and started singing them," Graham explains.
Then choir members transcribed the chants into books and started a chant school in Tbilisi. They want to train a new generation of singers who can teach this music throughout Georgia and share it with the world. John Graham says despite Georgian chant's rich history, it's still not really on the radar of many music scholars.
"It's not that the international community under-estimates it, it's just complete ignorance. There have not been any foreign language books whatsoever written about Georgian chant. It's one of the great sacred music traditions of the world and it really hasn't received its due attention yet."
Reference: witchcraftforall.blogspot.com
Tuesday, 9 September 2008
Xxx Strength Rue Ruda 10Mls Wicca Pagan Magic

Price: GBP2.25
Buy Now
Origin: paganism-new-age.blogspot.com
Priests Are A Gift From The Heart Of Christ Pope Benedict Says

Reference: pagan-magic.blogspot.com
Sunday, 7 September 2008
Tea Of Many Colors Green Whiteeven Red

Reference: pagan-space.blogspot.com
Friday, 5 September 2008
Temple Of The Snake

* Switch to open wall* Switch to lift
* Switch to open wall
* Cage with Emmanual Cravitz for quest 37
* Q with Horn of Ros (this item is one of the best: indicate the HPs of enemies)
* Medusa, Medusa Enchantress, Gorgon
* Gold Dragon
* Unique: Q
Efficiency level: hard
As you enter, the first two rooms hold nothing of much interest. There are two peasants here which are not hostile -- harming them will seriously hurt your reputation so stay away from the massive area-effect spells. The next hallway has an ice trap that shoots down the hall at regular intervals. Duck into each of the rooms on the south to avoid it.
Don't go down the ramp at the east end of this corridor, as it will merely teleport you back into the corridor; instead jump off the ledge north (halfway down the corridor). Watch out -- there's a Gold Dragon down here and he's not pleased to see you. When he dies, push the switch in the corner of the room and that opens up a passage that leads into the main part of the temple.
At the end of the corridor, turn right and follow the corridor around, through a small room, into the main altar area. This room is filled both with Medusae and peasants. When you have killed all of the Medusae, click on the cage in the corner of the room. This is where Emmanual Cravitz is being held. You need to free him to complete quest 36.
If you're up for a challenge, you can go through a secret door near the southwest corner of the room you went through to get here (the one with two corridors leading out of it to the south). Behind the secret door is Q and he has some nasty Finger of Death and Erradication attacks. I'd estimate him at about 16,000hp. On his corpse is the Horn of Ros which (if you have it in your possession) lets you get a hit point number for creatures rather than a bar graph.
Return to the corridor and head down to the west end. Get on the platform at the end and flip the switch. Then take the corridor down to the end and flip the switch on the wall. This will open up a wall back near the entrance so you can get out of the Temple.
Credit: new-generation-witch.blogspot.com
Thursday, 4 September 2008
Influences And Arguments

Credit: pagan-magic.blogspot.com
Wednesday, 3 September 2008
Tarot Tras Las Huellas Del Juego Sagrado Parte I

Source: i-love-witchcraft.blogspot.com
Monday, 1 September 2008
Religion Ash Wednesday And More

Ash Wednesday message:
I recommend for your spiritual resources this season going to www.thechristianyear.blogspot.com for special Ash Wednesday and Lenten readings, and you can leave comments, reflections, and other Lenten resources for all there; also check out the daily and weekly readings and reflections for this season at www.textweek.com, and also through the Virtual Monastery site and selections and archives at www.uuchristian.org. You can also order for $15 a special packet of Lenten and Easter reflections from the UUCF by sending me an email request.Today's lectionary selection for Ash Wednesday and the start of Lent draws from the book of Matthew's chapter 6, where Jesus calls his disciples to pay attention to how they meet God in private, and how God meets us in private, not just in how we put on a front and act in public. It is a call, though, not to have a wholly private religion or spirituality, because also in that selection Jesus tells us to pray what has become known as the Lord's Prayer which is a strong social gospel prayer where Jesus prays for God's will to come to earth, and for the ending of debts and for bread enough for all for each day and the ending of hunger. But Jesus is talking about meeting God in one's conscience, in the places where only the person and God know what is really real, in the struggles and cries and even celebrations not shared with anyone else--knowing the comfort that comes from knowing that in those times and moments God is there to receive our prayers, and thus to receive us. In mystery, for sure; but surely in love.
So this season, we don't have to make a show of what we give up for Lent or take on for Lent, but we should pay attention to our inner life, to how we are with family and friends, with recommitting to live a life of integrity, of what we can and should relinquish and/or take up, knowing we will fall short, but that the path of integrity stays open before us, even though it is a path that leads to the cross because a life of integrity and compassion in Jesus' way always leads to the crosses put up by Empire and the forces of culture that seem to so control our communities and our lives, a path that leads also to resurrection and celebration and communion and forgiveness and wholeness again....click on read more for more.
We will be joining Turley United Methodist Church, 6050 N. Johnstown Ave., at 6 pm tonight for Ash Wednesday service. All are invited to meet with us there for a brief service to begin the season of discipleship, reflection, service, and renewal of God's spirit in us and among us.
This Sunday, March 1, at 10 am as we meet at A Third Place Community Center, 6514 N. Peoria Ave., we will begin a Lenten series using the just released DVD program featuring contemporary biblical and religious scholars John Dominic Crossan and Marcus Borg, called First Light: Jesus and the Kingdom of God. They go on site in Israel, from Galillee to Jerusalem, talking about and showing places crucial to Jesus' ministry. We will be showing, between now and Easter, the last six episodes of the program where they focus on Jesus taking his radical message and his radical way of living hospitality to Jerusalem, creating livingroom for all where forces of death and despair were all around, leading up to Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter. This first program we will be watching and discussing during our holy conversation time is called "Jesus Is Lord."
On Sundays during Lent this will be our schedule: March 8, the First Light program is called "Substitutionary Atonement?"; on Sunday March 15 it is "Demonstrations in Jerusalem"; on Sunday March 22 it is "The Crowds and the Crucifixion"; on Sunday, March 29 as part of Revival (www.uuchristian.org/revival) we will be worshipping with All Souls Church, 2952 S. Peoria; on Sunday, April 5, America as the New Rome, and Easter Sunday, April 12, "Resurrection as Resistance". Holy Conversation time comes during our Morning Prayer and Song time that begins at 10 am. Followed by our time of cooking and eating lunch together. We will have more Holy Week events to announce as we draw near them.
Next week we will be gathering on Tuesday March 3 at 7 pm to keep planning and planting new community gardens in our area, and on Thursday, March 5 we will be at Cherokee School to help co-sponsor the Weathercall program with the school and with Channel 8 to sign people up for phone calls during severe weather for just 50 cents a month. Then Friday, March 6 at 5:30 pm we will have our monthly community coalitions meeting for North Tulsa at the Tulsa Community College, sponsored by State Rep. Seneca Scott.
Coming up. you are invited also on Wednesday, March 11, at 7 pm for a special program and conversation called Celebrating Diversity in the Turley Area as we talk about race and class and more in our area, sharing personal stories and struggles, and our hopes and dreams. This will be facilitated by our member Dr. Lisa Byers, who is also a graduate faculty at the OU Social Work Dept.
Then Friday, March 13, from 6 pm we will have a benefit spaghetti and chili dinner for A Third Place Free Community Center. This is a great way to come support our life-changing work here on North Peoria.
Also I encourage all to attend the Faith Matters series on Mondays at Phillips Theological Seminary. Go to www.ptstulsa.edu for more info.
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