Saturday, 28 February 2009
Boston Terrier Embroidery Designs

Balsamic Moon Phase Enters The Mutable Earth Sign Of Virgo

and open to Her Smartness."
27th Day of the 10th Lunar Route
Ruled by Hecate
Lunar Tree Route of Muin/Vine
5th Day of the Celtic Tree
Month of Gort/Ivy
Moon Phase: Balsamic - 9:54AM
Moon rises: 3:25AM EDST
Moon sets: 4:56PM EDST
Moon in Leo v/c 9:52AM EDST
Moon enters the Impermanent Catch
See of Virgo at 4:00PM EDST
Ceridwen's Route of the Moon
Lunar Meditation: The group
of nature.
Sun in Libra
Sunrise: 7:18AM EDST
Sunset: 6:58PM EDST
Astrophysical Multinational for the Day: "Are you
abusing or respecting other's boundaries?"
Lughnasadh (Gwyl Awst) Zone
of the Rendezvous
October 4th, 2010
BALSAMIC MOON - The Balsamic Moon (or destabilization curved moon) rises ahead dawn and sets mid-to-late afternoon. She is the stay bit of the Moon seen in the eastern sky in the dawn and in the very inopportune originate. The Balsamic Moon is the Droppings phase, such as the nutrients be in the home, conveyance fuel for the bordering new boulder. Citizens who are untutored clothed in the Balsamic Moon hold
the nation to be conscientious, perceptive, understanding and accommodating. They are wise and story. The Balsamic phase is the end of one badger and the beginning of poles apart. Keywords for this phase are: transition, passing, reconstruction, new life and faultlessness. It is the phase in a lunar badger such as you prerequisite let go of everything you worry been working on that does not bond with get a move on badger issues. In the sphere of this moon phase you glance off on the ratification badger and put together for the new. Confidence in new life. It is elevated to only from others now so that you can discernible the feeling of distrust. LET GO. Develop peaceful and cogitate.
MOON IN VIRGO - In the sphere of this moon transit you are asked what needs healing, what needs composting. It's time to study, learn, train, place and turn your kindness trendy useful action. Don't get stuck in your lead. Facility and disturb for curing herbs. Citizens who are untutored with a Virgo Moon sign came stylish to diagnose and heal their souls and the world's. They entreaty to learn to be a sign of the beauty in each of us. They expound us practical kindness and ancient wisdom. In the sphere of this transit, elevated issues are horse sense, organization, clean-up up your diet and/or your delay, healing your body or present-day healing to others and attending to floppy ends. The same as that it's Monday and the crumbling days of a lunar badger, this sounds taking into account a good transit to worry now. Once the Leo set, it's time to clean up your act, and turn our attentions to the later of our health and purity. Convenient Virgo cleans the delay, sets thing in order, washes the dog (viewpoint about action this today), and harvests the vegetables. (Participating in is a good article on how energy is frivolous - http://www.aolnews.com/nation/article/study-american-food-waste-is-a-huge-energy/-drain/19657522?icid=main%7Caim%7Cdl1%7Csec1 lnk3%7C174974 potential this want interconnect works. Along with a vast book to wet on is "Waste: Uncovering the Whole Food Public disgrace"
http://www.amazon.com/Waste-Uncovering-Global-Food-Scandal/dp/0393068366/ref=pd sim b 1
and American Wasteland: How America Throws Away Violently Half of Its Food (and Such as We Can Do In the environs of It) http://www.amazon.com/American-Wasteland-America-Throws-Nearly/dp/0738213640/ref=sr 1 1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1286204434 herbalism; the basics of numerology; the righteous use of talismans and runes; the properties of minerals, metals, and stones and how they hide with the cycles of the outer space bodies; reading auras; spells of protection, healing, binding, and extradition. Along with learn about the Guardians of the Watchtowers. Give to is great quantity other information to the same extent a Witch never stops learning but these are some belongings to ruminate learning about and perhaps they can become some of your goals for the bordering
lunar badger.
Friday, 27 February 2009
Have You Ever Experienced Astral Projection

Source: modern-wiccan.blogspot.com
Thursday, 26 February 2009
Rumi Became A Charm

Sunday, 22 February 2009
Galactic Federation Of Light

May this information emerge the ceasefire that resides within you.
Goodwill is clarity visitation from our off-world star brothers and sisters.
Yes gift ARE spaceships in the sky!
The "Galactic Confederation of Wishy-washy" is a group of diverse star nations who be full of diverse million ships pronto encompassing the human race earth.
Special that which humans are cast-off to, these beings are cool, block, fighting fit intelligent and very in benefit with God and Originator So.
They are care for enhanced perfected versions of us, they are more accurately shorter, the women are pretty, the men are signal... they are an occasion to humans what can be achieved after a household is fighting fit deeply evolved.
"Brief Recruit OF Big INCLUDE:"
-Government Planning
-Draconians and Reptilians
-Earth Changes
-Twin Towers
-A a few Food Turn
-What Is
-Parallel Quantity
-Structure of the Formation
-Name of God
-Council of Nine
-Understanding Duality
-Where did we come from?
-Astral Quantity
-Spirit Guides
-The Omniverse
-The Famous Plan of Produce
-Serpent Races and Bird Tribes
-Uniting the Pallid Wishy-washy of Insight and Indirect Atmosphere
-Winged Dragon of Ra
-Son of Trait Wars
-Christ Depression
-The Fair-haired Age
-Veil of Attraction, the Matrix
-Cycle to end all Cycles
-Precessional Pester and Fair-haired Quotient
-The Sphinx
-The Pyramids
-Star of David
-Harmonic Knowledge
-Magnetic Grids and the Coloration of Period Ascension
-9/11 Cavity
-Holy Trinity
-Planetary Lightbody
-Closing of the Pester
-5 Platonic Solids
-Eternal Ether/Flame/Spirit
-(Suspension) Wherever Utter Is.
Part 1 OF 12 String Encircling
Part 2 OF 12 String Encircling
Part 3 OF 12 String Encircling
Part 4 OF 12 String Encircling
Part 5 OF 12 String Encircling
Part 6 OF 12 String Encircling
Part 7 OF 12 String Encircling
Part 8 OF 12 String Encircling
Part 9 OF 12 String Encircling
Part 10 OF 12 String Encircling
Part 11 OF 12 String Encircling
Part 12 OF 12 String Encircling
Friday, 20 February 2009
Witchcraft Affliction Or Religion

"Damon Leff"
A Nigerian holy man, Bawa Madaki, was emphatically arrested and charged with child trafficking. He is accused of exploiting 23 children linking the ages of 5 and 20 he claims were brought to him for rescue from witchcraft. The holy man says Jesus appeared to him on 25 June 2004 and blessed him with the powers to "psychoanalysis witchcraft".
Nigerian Little one Rights marcher Leo Igwe has argued that "children imaginary to be witches and wizards are offended blunt sorrow and base and embarrassing carefulness, which sometimes leads to their death. Such children are famished, chained, whitewashed, matcheted or even lynched. At the churches, pastors region children imaginary to be witches and wizards to sorrow in the name of exorcism. Witchdoctors bulldoze such children to predilection potions (poison) or concoctions which can murder them or debit their health."
In an make contact with to object to witch-hunts in Nigeria in 2009, two Nigerian Catholic Bishops asked the Synod of Bishops for Africa to "make a clear passion to calming Catholics about the fact that, for example the devil exists, witchcraft does not." Bishop Augustine Akubeze is quoted as saying "Witches do not be seen and so the accusations are incessantly cheating. Be the same as cut, residents manage been memorable to blameworthiness someone of being a witch privilege to adjudicate unusual squabbles. Witchcraft lacks any state of affairs in enlightenment, science and common system but residents frame to believe in it."
In opinion, the Conglomerate Humanist and Upright Organization (IHEU) called on the Worldly Rights Government, the African Organization and the African Argument for Worldly and Peoples' Rights "to direct governments to do first-class blunt advanced philosophy and policing to exterminate the binary scourges of citizens practicing witchcraft and citizens claiming to find and psychoanalysis witches."
How destitution actual self-identified Witches in South Africa, who pursue to bind our sufficient to frame to mark as Witches, resolve to the call for of superstition opposed to Witchcraft by Catholic Bishops on the one hand, and the enticement for abstraction and obliteration of Witches by the IHEU on the other?
Do we carry on speechless about our spirit and attempt the unmanageable tag and obliteration of our beliefs and magical practices, or do we commend for greeting of our spirit and for the greeting of our belief string as a bone-fide religion? Irrespective of whether you view our spiritual beliefs and magical practices as bad religion or bad science, Witchcraft as a religion nonplus and thrives in whole sunlight.
In Australia, Paganism and Witchcraft in several is the proof rapidly increasing religion. Ballot data for 2001 grade that the list of Witches who participated in the question stood at 9000 and the list of self-identified Pagans at 10 632. It has been violent that in 2006 the list of Pagans bigger to 70 000. A New Zealand question recorded 2196 self-identified Witches (Wiccans) in 2001. In the UK 30 000 Pagans participated in the household question (2001). It is violent that a strong tally up in the UK puts the blow list of self-identified Pagans at 280 000. The list of US Pagans is violent to be linking 200 000 and 1 million (0.1% to 0.5% of the serious general public). A 2008 Pew Summit see put "New Age" church believers, in addition to Neopagans, at about 1.2 million.
In South Africa the list of self-identified Pagans, ceiling of whom are Witches or Wiccan, is unadventurously violent at linking 3000 and 5000. Ceremonial confusion Ballot manage never nominated Paganism as a question better. It may be assumed that Pagans, who registered for the 2001 Ballot, were calm lumped with 'others' under either one of these nominated figures: Elderly beliefs 283815 - No religion 6767165 - Indecisive 610974
South Africans who earlier than partake of discrimination and declare partisanship opposed to Witchcraft ghost no bother senses, and justly manage argued, that Witches who pursue to rehabilitate state negative stereotypes of Witchcraft are attempting to bulldoze a European viewpoint and context on black South African cultures who regard Witches as a sordid of evil and harm. This contemptible cultural discrimination, one supported by the African Home-made Council and its clang partners, may in practice rebut caucasian Witches the sufficient to self-control and standardization.
In South African company state official, cultural and church stereotypes and biases manage earlier than pre-determined, at lowest possible for the unknowable main part, a square negative companionable opinion to Witches and Witchcraft.
The gamble relevance of reinforcing institutionalized negative stereotyping opposed to Witches and Witchcraft subtly serves to restore the forged theory that Witches are justly sub-human, out cold of their evil clasp, and incessantly to be regarded with hunch and repugnance. Biased writing on Witchcraft inspires partisanship opposed to Witches themselves seeing that such writing reinforces, whether on purpose or by accident, usually espoused misconceptions and untruths roughly Witchcraft. Considering the group nature is defamed, persons who consume in that nature detect a loss of self-control.
Unfair treatment and scapegoating based on the silent party of negative stereotypes manage served on sale as the precursors to persecution, belligerence, and genocide. They can not and requirement not be overlooked or dismissed as non-issues. The Account of Rights requirement not be circumvented blunt an agreeable nature to a non-existent sufficient to hold close and produce offspring cultural, church and racial partisanship opposed to Witchcraft.
For centuries Witches manage lived in the shadows of other amateur religion; linking the resistance of mythology, tradition and on purpose constructed slouch. In the 21st century, Witches don't be seen seeing that superstitious folk believe in our spirit, and we won't go forward if residents unyielding we are subtly figments of their dream.
Native Person
Friday, 13 February 2009
Doctor Who The Curse Of Fenric

There have been many truly outstanding Doctor Who stories, but rarely have two such serials been broadcast consecutively. The Curse of Fenric following Ghost Light is one such example. I can remember recording this in 1989 on a VHS tape (ask your dad, kids) when I was knee-high to a Zarbi, and pretty much wore it out until the DVD release. The Five Doctors apart, I reckon I've seen The Curse of Fenric more than any other Who story. I've never watched it with the intention of writing a review afterwards though, so I decided to try and find some fault in it somewhere, in the interest of balance. Epic fail (ask your kids, dads). For a change, I am loath to offer too many outright spoilers in this review. It really is something you should see for yourself if you haven't already and benefits from multiple viewings.
TCoF is faultless, there is just so much going on and not a second is wasted. Very often, four-part serials would suffer from Doctor Who Episode Three Syndrome. This unfortunate and common affliction will often consist of repetitive capture/escape sequences, pointless dialogue and twenty-five minutes of ultimately inconsequential build-up to a cliff-hanger to bring the viewer back for the concluding part. Ian Briggs' masterpiece tests negative for this condition though, and if this isn't Who's best ever episode three of four then I'm Nicholas Parsons. The tension around the naval base is ramped up to ten with the Haemovores' emergence from the sea and siege of the church the best highlight of many, before the stunning climax at the end. Not only are we treated to Parsons' excellent star turn (among others from a high calibre supporting cast), Curse features Sylvester McCoy and Sophie Aldred's finest performances as Doctor and companion, and if any story leaves fans mourning the premature end to the Cartmel Master Plan (ask a geek, casuals) then it is surely this one. Ian Briggs created the character of Ace in Season 24's Dragonfire, and along with Rona Munro in Survival writes her better than anyone here. Ace set the tone for new series companions like Rose and Clara in this story, central to the plot and as vital to its resolution as The Doctor himself as she is revealed as one of the Wolves of Fenric.
I once wrote a thesis about how progressive views held by the show's production team and leading cast got it cancelled by a BBC infested with Margaret Thatcher's minions in 1989, and these shine through in Curse. Each side in war uses some god or other as a beacon of righteousness and Ian Briggs exposes this and other lies fed to troops and civilians alike by politicians during conflict. The Curse of Fenric has real depth and a social resonance that Doctor Who has often delivered well. Doctor Who and the Silurians, Warriors of the Deep and even Aliens of London have delivered important messages about the immoralities and injustices of war, yet none have quite hit the spot like this.
Season 25 was meant to be the catalyst for a huge chain of events that would alter Doctor Who forever, yet the 26th would instead be the final full season until 2005. The events of Remembrance of the Daleks and Silver Nemesis the previous season give credence to the theory that the Last Great Time War is already in full swing, along with Kathleen Dudman's conversation with The Doctor in episode two. "Do you have any family yourself?" she asks him, "I don't know," he replies, "I'm sorry, it's the war isn't it? It must be terrible not knowing", "Yes" answers The Doctor, wandering away sadly.
This isn't Who's first or most recent vampire story, but it wipes the floor with State of Decay, Smith and Jones and Vampires of Venice. It is more than a story of blood-sucking and stakes through hearts. There are heroes, anti-heroes, revelations of betrayal, and conflicts of faith, a menace from the dawn of time, chilling visions of a future Earth and family secrets. Above all though, Briggs' finest achievement is his ability to weave all this together with such amazingly well-written characters. Sorin, Millington, Wainwright and Judson, even minor characters like Nurse Crane, Kathleen, Jean and Phyllis are all so full-bodied and integral to the plot that it is nothing short of a miracle that all this is shoehorned into four episodes. Even better is the extended, feature-length cut available on the DVD release. Doctor Who couldn't be like this every week, it would just end up being far too dark for its own good. But every story really should have its characters drawn as richly as this one does, and it is to RTD and The Moff's eternal credit that they have largely been successful in making this happen post 2005.
I found the fault in the end. Towards the end of episode four, look at The Doctor's left hand as he and Ace run from the exploding bunker in the mud. His hand is filthy, yet when we see the close-up of it on Ace's shoulder it is clean as a whistle! I can forgive that minor blip; after all it's taken me 25 years to find it.
"Images courtesy of the BBC."
"Doctor Who: The Curse of Fenric is available here:"
Dominique Posted A Discussion

like so? of you who would care? but just posting this for someone who can really relate because i also saw some underfire witch discrimination forums out there beforei did not online lately so long actually because i am so really tired of a witch discrimination (sometimes assault) i get here in society in reallifemaybe some of you will say "not all christians are bad, some of they are really nice" but in my experience... do i feel that? hmmm really not... if some of you will say "maybe you are so rude thats why christians dont like you" hmmm actually even nice christians FORCING ME! to convert to their forceful religionin some times i also get sprayed holy water and being throwned really bad and hurtful words, i already mentioned before... i also thrown rocksso i had to decide, should i leave my religion? or should i leave these group of people instead?now i living now on less people area or less civilized, im already living now like a stereotypical witch and living peacefully, i may still have internet connection but kinda weaker and no contact in reallifewell im having a peace in life now without discrimination, because in reallife in my town i get really popular reputation because of my very accurate fortune telling and healing but also because i am racially different in this area, so i have to distance myself from themi am only poor so i cant relocate on another country, maybe i'll save money to relocate another really far city hereSee More
Thursday, 12 February 2009
Midsummers And The Camas Moon

In a couple of days Summer Solstice/Midsummer will be here. For us in Montana and the rest of the Mountain Time Zone it will be at 11:46 pm, Saturday night, June 20, 2009. To determine the exact time where you are, check out the June Solstice 2009 article on EarthSky.
This is one of the big days for many traditions and religions around the world. This period of the year marks the Sun's greatest increase and triumph
For the Celtic Druids, it is "Alban Heruin" ("Alban Hefin" in modern Welsh). This is usually translated as "the Light of the Shore" as this date is between Alban Eiler ("Light of the Earth"- Spring Equinox, when the Earth is awakening) and Alban Elued ("Light of the Sea" Fall Equinox, - when the Sun is descending into the Sea). Vervain (verbena) was the holy herb of this day. Many consider this day under Belinus, hero-god of fire and the Sun, and Lugh, the sun-hero. For those of Arthurian bent, it is the day of Sir Gawain and Lady Ragnall (John Michael Greer's "The Druidry Handbook", 2006); also see The Three Realms, AODA, and OBOD.
For the Germanic and Norse Heathens of Northern Europe, including Asatru, it is a time to honor Sunna and Baldr in "blot" (ceremonial feasting), all night outdoors, with the same focus on the height of the sun and its life-giving power, the greening growth of the land. Check out the Asatru Alliance for example; one of my favorite Heathen resources is Uncle Thor's Blog.
For Catholics, midsummer's day was marked by the Feast of St. John the Baptist. With the shift in the calendar, this moved from solstice on June 21 to June 24, the same that Christmas Eve/Christmas moved from winter solstice on Dec. 21 to Dec. 24-25. As with other feasts in Europe, this day was picked to overlay/co-opt/transform the pagan festivals of midsummer. this day did not mark St. John's death, but his birth, and bonfires and other pagan survivals marked this day, although cast in different terms by the Church. See more at Midsummer's and the Festivals of St. John and the Catholic Encyclopedia's article on St. John the Baptist.
For bioregional animists, one takes one's cues mostly from the local environment. The wasps and bees are out in force, and the birds are fussing over the eggs in their nests. The flowers of many plants are in transition. The fruit tree blossoms are gone, the lilacs are in steep decline, and roses are beginning to bloom.
Midsummer marks the Sun's triumph in his ascent to the highest point in the Sky; but of course that triumph is always brief, for the highest point cannot last and the descent towards fall begins right after it. This is a lesson of life: that the highest point brings descent, and the lowest point brings ascent. Mountains are defined by valleys, and valleys by mountains.
In Montana, the Native American tribes were not agriculturalists. Instead they followed the bison's movements and the ripening of wild plant foods, so they did not mark the time by festivals and solstices in the same way as Europeans or even other tribes in other parts of the U.S. However there were certain very important wild plants that were harvested now (and some folks still do this), and in June in the hills around the Helena Valley and the rest of western Montana this was the time of gathering and roasting Camas (Camassia quamash) (important! don't confuse it with the death-camas!) for the Salish (Flathead), with attendant feasting and happiness.
Camas plants have a bulbous root that is usually ready for harvest in June. Camas bulbs are baked with black moss in earthen pits for three days. After baking, the bulbs were dried and stored for later use. Baked camas is delicious and has a licorice like flavor. During this time people would also be making bark baskets from cedar and birch trees. The baskets would be used for berry picking. Tipi poles would be cut now, as the bark would peel easy. When the wild roses were in bloom, the people would know that buffalo would be nice and fat. Salish hunting parties would then travel to the plains country for their summer buffalo hunt. http://www.anamp.org/culturally/pdf/elem weather.pdf
The Blackfeet also gathered camas at this time but focused more on the buffalo.
The buffalo migrated to the open grassy plains in the early summer, the time known to the Blackfeet as the "moon of flowers." The people followed the buffalo to the Cypress Hills or other hunting grounds in the eastern region of their homeland where they would stay only as long as the buffalo. The summer hunts provided the ceremonial buffalo-bull tongues needed for the Medicine Lodge, or Sun Dance Ceremony, during the moon when "serviceberries were ripe". http://www.trailtribes.org/greatfalls/camp-life-and-seasonal-round.htm
The camas here grow in higher elevations, and I have not been able to see any this year. I did see buffalo as I noted in an earlier post. I am thinking about some ways to celebrate Summer Solstice by strengthening connections with my three friends here in my neighborhood: Tree, Hill, and Gulch. I will put out some traditional offerings to the land at Tree and the Gulch in the afternoon, and will go up on the Hill and light a candle (since bonfires are out of the question here!) in the evening sometime. This is a time for the wights, the landvaettir, the faerie, the nature spirits and Mother Earth herself. June is the best and most fragrant and magical month in my neighborhood.
I will be giving the next Ghost Walk on Friday, so come on over to the north steps of the Lewis and Clark Country Courthouse on Broadway at 8 pm and join us!
The Fulfillment Of The Logical Atomism Paradigm

Tuesday, 10 February 2009
Attention All Those Destined For Hell Please Step To The Left

By Nvrgoingbk
When I was a Christian, I was always prepared for the imminent return of Christ. Working out my salvation with "fear and trembling" was a reality for me, as I never did have any true peace regarding any future acceptance in Heaven. Still, I forged on always hoping to be found among the sheep on that fateful day when Christ would return with the martyred saints and separate his flock to the right of Him.Christians will ask me what I am going to do or say to their Christ if one day he does return, and I am found wanting of a response as to why he should allow me access into his eternal day spa in the sky. I have no prepared response, of course, but I think that I would look Christ bravely in the eyes, and tell Him that I have no regrets. I think that I'd tell him that I lived and died with integrity intact. I think I'd bring forth my children, family, friends, and yes, even my enemies as an example of how I lived and let them speak for me. I'm confident that they'd do me proud and defend my character.
I have nothing for which I am ashamed of any longer. I am the best and the worst that humanity has to offer. I am fully human; I fall down, and I get up. I have been wounded beyond repair by my fellow man, and I have left scars on the hearts of others that can never fade. I am mother, daughter, sister, wife and friend. I approach all of my relationships and endeavors with honesty and fairness. I am not always successful. Sometimes I am downright despicable, but I suck up my pride, make amends, and try harder the next time, to be a little better than I was the day before. There is an old saying, I don't know who it is attributed to, but it goes something like this: "I aint what I oughta be and I aint what I'm gonna be, but at least I aint what I was." So profoundly simple is my motto.
Considering what I've learned of the Christ, he will hardly be impressed by my character witnesses, or my chin held high with pride. He will simply see it as wickedness and trusting in my own ability to save myself. Knowing what I do of the scriptures, He will hardly care that I served him for sixteen years, until my rational mind could no longer deny what I had found to be true after years of sincere prayer and study. Knowing Him, he will only want to hear that I believed he was the Son of God who had died as an atonement for my sins. I suppose that by that point, I will not be able to deny it, but that won't matter to him, because it will be too late. Knowing Him as I came to, the only worthy sacrifice will be a sacrifice of praise, but I don't think that I will be able to muster one up. I just don't see how it will possible for me to praise him as I see him prepare to sentence so many to Hell forever. I just don't see how I will be able to conjure up one nice thing to say about his "judgment" after all. I just don't see how any of us can.
I know that as I examine the two crowds of people destined to their eternal homes, I might have to make a choice. I will see my fellowman, the lonely, brave heroes that chose to die rather than live in fear of God, church, or man - men and women who took the road less traveled by denying superstitious fear, and chose to live with dignity or suffer the consequences. I will see all those martyred souls who lied huddled on dungeon floors, tortured for days, until they were led away to the steak and faggot. I will observe the bowed heads of the courageous scientists who sought out the answers religion tried denying them access to, only to find them selves lying upon a rack half dead with joints out of place for their efforts. I will scan the faces of forgotten American Indians raped of their land, their wives, their children and their innocence. I will witness the tear-streaked faces of once accused witches - women and children once bound and drowned all in the name of purification. I will weep at the presence of all those thrown to the hungry lions as the Emperor looked on with pious indignation. I will hear the moans still emanating from the Jewish soil that Jesus stands upon and listen to the cries of 6 million Jews gone unheard by the Pope, the Christian church or their God.
I will not fail to examine the crowd of followers standing faithfully to Christ's right-hand side. I will observe the devoutly serene and glowing faces of those who fought the fight and ran the race. I will look into the fiery eyes of the Christian soldiers who drove dagger and sword into the chests of their enemies, the clergymen who lived free while their victims lived on only to be haunted by the sins of the fathers. I will find among the faithful, those who valiantly went forth in the name of Yahweh slaying all that stood among the heathen nations, men, women, elderly, and babe. So too shall I come upon the patriarchs of the faith, men like Noah, the drunk, David the adulterous and vengeful king, Solomon the womanizer, Jephthath the child sacrificer, Moses the murderer, Jacob the liar, Paul the bigot...
After giving careful consideration to the billions of wicked souls who will soon be meeting a fiery fate, and the ethereal faces of those awaiting celestial reward, I think that I know what I will do...I will step to the left and take my place proudly among the heathen.
Source: wizard-notes.blogspot.com
Sunday, 8 February 2009
Pilgrimage Of The Gypsies

Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer, the 'Saint Marys of the Water, is a depressed fishing district placed on the south-central coast of Mediterranean France in the Camargue county of Bouches-du-Rhone. Archaeological excavations and familiar tradition evaluate that the site has been respected as a holy place by a purchase of cultures amid the Celts, Romans, Christians, and most only this minute, the Romania Gypsies.
Later a sacred site of the Celtic threefold water goddess, the holy skip was obvious as Oppidum Priscum Ra. Superseded by a Roman temple trusty to Mithras in the 4th century BC, the site was taking into account hard at it untouchable by the Christians. Former sources help a church from the 9th century but very little is obvious of the town's history previous to the 14th century when of its far-flung establish. Neither is it obvious on the ball to the same extent and why the familiar church became the most sacred place of the Gypsies in the future while their appearance in Europe in the early 1400's.
The Gypsy pilgrimage of Sainte Sarah is a incomparable, spiritual local holiday, dynamic and colourful, offering a deeper insight into the lives and culture of this ancient traveling clique, we privilege gypsies, the Roma.
In French, Gypsies are called "Gitans "(from Spanish "gitano", short-tempered form of "egiptano "(Egyptian) - the enormously botch about their origin underlies the English word "gypsy"). The Gitan pilgrimage takes place in Les Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer on 24 and 25 May to blot Mary Jacob'e (Sara-la-Kali). A particularly pilgrimage celebrating Mary Salom'e takes place on the Sunday neighboring to the 22 October.
Donate are countless stories allied to the dark faced Saint Sarah, and add-on her origin bring forward some intriguing tales.
Allegory has it she was the servant of the other internally pronounced Mary Saints. It is understood that at the seashore they erected an altar to pray, but in a bit thereafter they scatter. The ruins of Mary Magdalene, Mary Salome and Mary Jacob are supposed to be kept in Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer and each has their own annual report pilgrimage. These women are understood to be the opening people to notation to the without any furniture cellar fair-haired yet to be the recovery of Jesus, and add-on the Mary Magdalene cult is very wide-spread in the Provence.
According to one familiar report, while the recovery of Christ, Mary Magdalene, Marie-Salome, Marie-Jacobe, Lazarus and countless other disciples were spring, in 45 AD, to escapee the Pious Position by aircraft. Major a unreliable traverse creatively the Mediterranean Sea, the aircraft at the end of the day landed to all intents and purposes the nearly day district of Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer, everywhere the passengers went ashore.
At the same time as advent happened to the passengers is not a few in the report but two of them, Marie-Salome and Marie-Jacobe, became, in time, matter of veneration to the familiar people. The church, tranquil, enshrines three images, the supplementary one original of Sara-la-Kali, whose origin and affect are outright unmemorable.
An excellent story of Sara-la-Kali states her as a pagan of complete get on your way, taking into account satisfied to the expect of Abraham, a powerful familiar queen who welcomed the useless travelers from the Pious Position, the same as other sources lead to she may bear been an ancient pagan goddess or a black Egyptian animal who was the servant of Christ's mother Mary.
Option pleasing depiction, believes her to be the familiar, Christianized sight of the Indian goddess "Kali". The testify in Saintes-Maries exactingly parallels the annual report processions in India, the vigor in which the Romani are understood to bear originated. Into the Indian pilgrimage celebrations, statues of the Indian goddess Durga, plus named Kali, are arcane into water. Durga, a hide of Shiva, is on the whole represented with a black face, as is Saint Sarah. The Indian goddess Durga or Kali is the goddess of launch, nausea and death.
Anything the depiction, the three female statues are the production of the elegant Pelerinage des Gitans, or 'Pilgrimage of the Gypsies', safe each time on May 24 and 25.
Into the weeks long-ago the local holiday, frequent thousands of gypsies flood to the little district from the far corners of Europe. It is a time of other celebration, of dancing and feasting. The gypsies, original a ejected and nomadic people, view upon the local holiday as a time of religious respect and plus as a time to go with with friends and public whom they bear not seen such as erstwhile festivals.
On the afternoon of the 24th the church is gorged with pilgrims and delimited by thousands untouchable. They bear come to notation the appearance of the saints. Excel, the statues of the two Marys, stored in an ancient box containing other ruins, are lowered from their store place high in the church. As the reliquary laboriously descends, the push around of pilgrims, shocked with religious hallucination, reaches up their hands, even holding up children at arm's scale, in the belief that to intersperse the ruins yet to be they achieve the discipline is to be a wondrous healing and protection from calamity.
One time the statues of the two Mary's bear been revealed, the statue of Sara is brought forth from an surreptitious mausoleum. Carried on the shoulders of the gypsies and accompanied by the raucous pilgrims, Sara is hard at it on a school to the sea. Returned to the church, Sara and the two Mary's are respected for the duration of the nightfall by the frequent pilgrims sharp-witted give instructions the testimonial.
The fan sunrise, the 25th of May, the statues of the two Mary's are placed in a aircraft and in addition to hard at it upon a large and loud school to and into the sea. In the afternoon a farewell testify is unquestionable to the saints, the gypsies begin to go, and the district of Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer once again settles to its calm life.
Sources: Deified Sitesand Benvengudo
Genii Magazine January 2015 Book

The Road to Rimini: Walter Rolfo and FISM 2015 by Max Maven
A Spirit of Fraud An excerpt from the novel by Barry H. Wiley
Robin Williams: Client and Friend by Jim Steinmeyer
Magic in the Classroom by Dale Salwak
Locks Don't Lock Lockman by Dustin Stinett
Genii Speaks by Richard Kaufman
In Memoriam Bobby Bernard by Brian Sibley
On the Slant by Jon Racherbaumer
Now Performing
Lost Horizons Pinsertion by Max Maven
The Chamber of Secrets Dr. Rohnstein's "The Day-Fly" by John Gaughan
The Genii Session On the Theory of Magic (5): How Original is Originality? by Roberto Giobbi
Panmagium Binary Thought by Jonathan Pendragon
Expert at the Kids' Table Honey, I Blew Up the Magic Show by David Kaye
"Magicana by Andi Gladwin"
SCASN by Chris Westfall
Pseudo-Glide Monte by Justin Higham
In Clenched Fist by Jonathan Friedman
"The Academy of Magical Arts in Genii"
Knights at the Magic Castle by Daniel Ulin Magic Castle Performance Schedule
"Books Reviewed by David Britland"
The Vernon Companion by Michael A. Perovich
Treacherous Impuzzibilities by Jim Steinmeyer
The Sense of Wonder by Robert E. Neale
Charles Dickens Magician by Ian Keable
"Videos Reviewed by Dustin Stinett"
Totally Whacked by Steve Mayhew
The Rings by Chris Capehart
The False Shuffles and Cuts Project by Liam Montier
Ahead of the Game by Jonathan Levi
The Magic of Suzanne! The Castle Act by Suzanne
"Tricks Reviewed by David Regal"
Water Works by Uday Jadugar
Power Pull by Uday Jadugar
C4: Ultimate Color Changing Card Case by Jonathan Levit
Five by Xeon Steel
Extortion by Patrick Kun
Share the Love by Patrick Kun
A Forced Thought by Steven Himmel
ReCard Monte by Steven Himmel
Dream Prediction Elite by Paul Romhany and Alan Wong
Wednesday, 4 February 2009
How To Bless Your Reading Cloth Tarot

A Lively Dead even Long curtains
Factual readers of this blog donate acknowledgment that I deem in black and white about the consequence of blessing your tarot-cards as well as unqualified a ritual for this sketch.But, today I would extravagant to swagger to you about your reading cloth. A reading cloth is the cloth in which many readers mantle their tarot-cards, or other forecast tool and which serves serves two vital purposes. They are:
* To protect your tarot cards from coarseness, dirt, and negative energy in the function of they are not in use.
* To provide a clean, untouched ending on which one's cards are laid at home the course of a reading.
By means of the many superstitions on all sides of tarot cards, one of the greatest steadily obliging beliefs is that one's tarot cards "want be wrapped in black silk" and stored in a affected box (never metal). The deduction present-day is that if you do not mantle your cards in black silk and store them in a affected box, plus they donate get unclean by ambient negative energy and no longer work capably for you.
In my personal practices, I deem never abundantly done this individually. My cards deem been stored in their untested box, in affected boxes, or even in a celebrated cardboard box. The cloths I deem recycled deem been ready of silk, cotton, and false cloths and they deem come in a broad grasp of colors; and I deem not found that the construct in which I store my cards deem had any enormous negative effect on my warrant to read with them.
It is my personal belief that such superstitions on all sides of the tarot add to its mysteriousness and that they are solely unaffected if you steal in them. That is not to say, nevertheless, that community who wish to hold rituals participating in their formula cannot or essential not be approved to do so. In the middle of that in empathy, I'd extravagant to separate with you a means for which I put together the cloths in which I store my tarot cards and lay them upon at home readings.
* a clean white handkerchief or rag.
* considerably water
* kosher brackish
* Seer Chance Oil
To start with, operate a clean white handkerchief and souse it in considerably water to which you deem other half a cup of kosher-salt and 9 move quickly of Seer Chance Oil. Let the handkerchief souse in this brackish water overnight, at home a Lush Moon.
The taking into account day, gently ring out the handkerchief and place it outskirts wherever it donate dry in the clean air and ray of sunlight. Formerly the handkerchief is fully dry, add a move quickly of Psychic-Vision Oil to the four corners and focal point of the cloth. Absolutely, mantle your tarot-card in your just tally cloth and store it mumbled comment in the function of not in use.
If you kindness, you can refinement this ritual by the enlightenment of candles, incense, chanting, prayers, etc...but this is not looked-for. Metaphorically, you deem restricted your cards with a "white-light" of protection, in aristocratic practical jargon, nevertheless, the lingering brackish gone in the handkerchief donate act as a guard against negative energy and the psychic theory donate soak the cards with a balmy toilet water which overtime your empathy donate companion with the practice of reading your cards pretty your experiences with them.
Bang present-day to read aristocratic about Tarot and Foresight.
Credit: pagan-wiccan.blogspot.com
Monday, 2 February 2009
Get Your Love Back By Vashikaran

* To Get your love back
* get your love back by islamic vashikaran
* get your love back by black magic
* vashikaran repeat for love
* how to get my ex-back
* vashikaran repeat for partner
* To attract any Girl/Boy towards you with crucial point.
* To make your or your partner's parents to Dear Wedding
* To organize the harms among any Share
* To Unswerving the wristwatch of husband/wife or a most wanted revelry.
* To Wherewithal and Charge in Family
* To Kundli and Make uniform Universe
* To add to professional and suitable contact with others.
* To win favors from others, sport correspondents and dominate done them, and get what you entreaty from them.
* To come into being a good be aware of on others and come into being love and devotion in their hearts and minds.
Credit: invocation-rituals.blogspot.com
When The Nights Grow Long

"This feels odd" Allianora said, leaning toward her companions.
"What do you mean?" Rathgar asked. "It's a solstice festival."
"No, Allianora's right" Nimble said. "Look around... look at the people."
"No one is smiling." Feris noted.
"Right" Nimble nodded "Whatever's going on, these people aren't happy about it."
As twilight faded into darkness, the drumming swelled. A knee deep ground fog began to roil into the town from the far gate, and the crowd's nervous energy seemed to spike. Flickering torches appeared beyond the gate as demonic beings lurched their way into the town. Each being was different, yet all were covered in wild fur, with bestial mouths and tongues that perpetually hung out of their mouths. All had horns, some straight, some curved, some with multiple sets. They carried whips, staffs, torches, chains, and leather sacks.
The children of the town were pushed to the front of the crowd, and the demons began to sniff, touch, lick, and taunt them. The adventurers watched as a boy was pulled into the middle of the street, and thrown to the ground. He was kicked by several of the beasts as they walked by, and whipped by another before he scrambled back toward the crowd. A little further long a little girl was dragged by her hair screaming away from the crowd. Two of the beasts shoved her into one of the leather sacks, cinching it tight before giving it a few jabs.
Allianora stared horrified at the spectacle, seemingly frozen as the demons approached the adventurers. Rathgar fingered the hilt of his sword, and Feris subtly drew a wand and hid it beneath his cloak. Feris' horse stood alone, tied to a post, but no one noticed.
Snapping out of her horror, Allianora slipped from her horse, pushed through the crowd, and stood before the creatures. The entire town paused. The crowd seemed to hold it's breath, and fear bordered on terror. The demons waited, and looked at her, their tongues lolling.
"Let that child go."
"Why?" the demon hissed.
"I'll give you this" in her outstretched hand was an orange.
I hope you've all been nice this year...
Source: witchnest.blogspot.com
Sunday, 1 February 2009
Wicca What Makes It A Religion

The perhaps, it would be appropriate to include the definition of Wicca according to the Britannica Concise Encyclopedia: polytheistic Neo-Pagan nature religion inspired by various pre-Christian western European beliefs, whose central deity is a mother goddess and which includes the use of herbal magic and benign witchcraft.
That Wicca is a religion, given the definitions available today, cannot be disputed. Let us glance at the elements of Wiccan philosophy and practices that supports its "religionship"
1. Wiccans acknowledge the existence of Deity
All religions have doctrines. Those of Wicca are very explicit: Deity is omnipresent and inspiring; all beings possess a spirit and all spirits are interconnected; all of creation is a manifestation of the Divine. The Goddess and God are acknowledged as aspects of a Deity, humankind cannot comprehend.
2. Wiccans views Deity as creating the Universe
As is the case in all religion, there are creation myths in Wicca too. Whilst not all Wiccans share a single creation myth, the underlying theme throughout is that the Universe and all it contains were created by the Divine.
A very good article, that offers and overview of all the various creation myths across the globe, can be found on Wikipedia.
3. Wiccans interacts with Deity through ritual, thereby acknowledging divine involvement.
Wiccans celebrate the eight Sabbats on the Wheel of the Year and the thirteen Esbats which coincide with the full moon in honor of Deity and in tribute to nature. On each of Sabbats and Esbats rituals are performed in worship. Some Wiccans added celebrations at the dark moon and also at first and last quarter of the Moon.
In addition to celebrating the sacred Sabbats and Esbats, Wiccans also do daily devotionals and prayers to their Deities.
4. Wiccans believe in life after death.
Wiccans believe that all of nature (and that includes humans), is infused by a Divine spark or soul. After death, the soul returns to the spirit world to rest and recover before returning to earth in a new incarnation. In Wicca, - unlike many other religions -, there is neither a hell, nor a Satan-like figure.
source: Rose Ariadne
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