The Goddess of Venus is the most excellent Queen of Inanna, calledof the Babylonians ISHTAR. She is the god of Passion, both of love and war, depending upon her sign and time of appearance in the heavens. She appeared as a most beautiful lady, in the company of Lions, and partakes of subtle astral nature with the Moon God NANNA. When they are in agreement, that is, when there two planets are auspiciously arranged in the heavens, it is as twooffering-cups split freely in the heavens, to rain the sweet wines of the heavens upon the earth. And then there is great happyness and rejoicing. Shesometime appears in armor, and thereby a most excellent Guardian against themachinations of her sister, the dread Queen ERESHKIGAL of KUR, With the Name and Number of INANNA, no Priest fear walk into the very depths of the Underworld. She is similarly the Goddess of Love, and bestows a favorable brideupon any man who deserves it, and makes the proper sacrifice. BUT KNOWN THATINANNA TAKES HER OWN FOR HER OWN, AND THAT ONCE CHOSEN BY HER NO MAN MAY TAKE ANOTHER BRIDE. Her color is the purplish white. Her manifestation is in the metalCopper, and also in the most beautiful flowers in the field. And in the saddest death of the battle field, which is that field's fairest flower.Inanna is also known by the Number 15.The Above was taken from The Necronomicon (C) Avon Publishing.
Reference: master-of-tarot.blogspot.com