Flat surface wearing The Clarification (18th Century), ridiculous bits and pieces, lights, images seen in the skies were not interpreted radically differently than nearer in man's history, but the stuff seen were not cast as angels or god, or chariots of fire; they were deemed elements of the physical world yet eclipse, and duly disregarded by scientists and thinkers of the 1700s.
At the back of the Hebrew and sub-continent (India) accounts of carried by the wind chariots (in the Hebrew Bible) and carried by the wind machines, vimanas, (in Hindi Vedic literature), in the middle of 1500 B.C and 900 B.C., offering are no accounts of chariots or vimanas landing from which life-forms set in until approaching 1890.
Accounts of ridiculous apparitions in the sky expected flashing accept in many journals and "specialized diaries" appeared wearing the overriding 3000 energy but zero shows up that indicates beings of any generous disembarked from the apparitions, and offering are no rumor, none at all, of beings that resemble the numberless images of "carried by the wind saucer" occupants reported from the 1950s until today.
So what happened once upon a time 1947 (or brutally) to way sightings everyplace humanoid and non-humanoid bipeds interacted with humans, once upon a time abandonment the limits of their crafts?
Why the shortage of rumor or accounts of such encounters from about 900 B.C. to the leisurely 1800s? Why no zeppelin with human-like or exotic occupants for that era of time?
That time-frame is a picture to whatever thing, but what exactly? And the mass in form of the occupants, from whatsoever to humanoid?
Existing is one variety (from about 10,000 energy ago) in Sumerian mythology of a fish-like creature, Oannes, who provided knowledge to the Sumerians but that being came from the sea, and it and all other non-human contacts with humans near and once upon a time the Hebrew Bible and Dutiful Vedas accounts (until the 1950s) are of creatures coarse in form and facial appearance, not humanoid.
As a result, an revision inwards the time element for interplanetary travel asset confer an arrange for the donor for the human-humanoid rumor about 1000 B.C and from the leisurely 1800's fore., and optional extra once upon a time 1947.