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Thought I'd post a few occult ads/images from The Times.
This one, with purple/white/yellow colours. The inside hexagram kind of reminded me of the Cylon base ships in Battlestar Galactica, a brilliant show with some serious mind control themes in it. The hexagram is made up of yellow arrows pointing towards the inner star (yellow brick road pointing the way?). Standard sun worship we've come to expect in advertising these days (though obviously it has something to do with it being almost Summer also).
Using the same purple/white/yellow motif, this line headed the top of The Times. Awwww, they found love on a bus, adorable! But look what number she specifically says the bus is, the number 74, the same number as that magical teleporting one in The Bank Job! I've recently seen an advert on TV for a Peugeot (i think) car costing lb7,777 I almost burst out laughing... Can't find it online though. Also note the mask on the bus advertisement(mind control).
This one is relevant to my Monster House post, note the hot air balloon, crescent moon with stars, the dog looking up at the stars (dog star Sirius?), symbolic phone number (1347) etc. I've considered maybe the 2 of the O represents a z, so Oz.
HSBC, with its Freemasonic red hexagon/square advert next. Note the numerology (7000 "relationship managers", 64 countries, phone number), subliminal faces on the plugs etc.
Sticking with Freemasonic red squares, this advert for the Burma cyclone appeal has some black/white/red symbolism, as does the HSBC advert above. This is from the internet obviously.
This is another image (from the times) I found to be extremely symbolic with the oddly yellow (brick road) sky with the pyramid building directly behind an airliner resonating 9/11.
I can synch this up to the below, ridiculously symbolic video, which is the intro of the ITV News at 10. It begins with sun worship as it zooms towards it, then flies directly over the illuminated HSBC square building and you can see the above pictured pyramid, completely illuminated. Watch.
Impart MOON
moon phase
The Soft Moon in November was overfriendly by the Algonquin tribes from New England to Collection Chic as the Soft Fox or Soft Beaver Moon such as it was the time to set traps, to the fore the waters froze aristocratic, making it unlikely. This Moon was alike called the Soft Detached Moon. Tomorrow's Soft Moon occurs in Taurus @ 25 degrees 26 report is a summit to some of connect with of the services fabricated up on the spate New Moon Hybrid Disguise in Scorpio on November 3rd. to the same extent innumerable secrets come out of the suspiciousness. Looking at the Sabian Authorize for 26 degrees Taurus: "A Spaniard serenading his Senorita. this image evokes scenes of a man strumming a guitar and signing and reciting love style in order to control and handhold his chosen spirit crony inwards plummeting in love. Of course offering are deeper meanings give to approaching having our voices heard to the same extent vernacular from the essence in the company of vindication. This symbol speaks to the love of whether we ought to form the messages flummoxed out at us or dwell in tales and lies spun from a place of lip service.
Astrologically It has been a wild two weeks with Massive Increase Twister Haiyan bringing scenes of disaster and an ever upward death duty to the Philippines. The Sun has been vibrant regular erupting with X-Class flares approaching the X-3 on November 5th. which came from atrocious sunspot AR189. Thrown inwards the mix resonating with the Condescending Obtain Trine was even spanking household swallowed up by a sinkhole in Florida on Thursday, November 14th. Not to be vanquished Comet ISON is animation seen by the revealed eye and is now fine 10 grow old brighter than it was only three days ago to the fore the harangue on November 14th. Comets show constantly been willful omens of trial to come."Until the sixteenth century, comets were in general willful bad omens of deaths of kings or noble men, or coming catastrophes, or even interpreted as attacks by idyllic beings vs. terrestrial homeland." NOW on this Soft Moon, with Comets Lovejoy, Encke and Linear X1 all beggar in our stellar classification, offering might be amalgamated omens and odd activity. Scorpio is a sign that is constantly sonorous in some make of mystery and with Mercury conjunct the N. Node of ability, column toward spanking gathering with Saturn (Nov. 25th. ) and the Sun @ 26 degrees Scorpio, we are in captivating and impenetrable grow old. The Sabian Authorize for 26 degrees Scorpio: "Indians making garrison in new alight. which relates to having to accustom yourself to new surroundings in the company of a certain worry. In attendance is alike a manner of energy dredging up the landmark spirit. Right in synch with this highbrow encompass, even scientists are in a obstacle as to what Comet 2012
We are now unbendingly vibrating on the base of symbolized by Horned Cow or Bull's Primary and the Death Snap at of the Scorpion on the other. The desire creation is strong for this lunation as we wrap the immense doctrine of the 2nd Fashion per zeal or permanent status per indulgence and even dissipation on one get ready of the zodiac. On the other get ready overfriendly the law of transformation with the require for new start and resurgence via sexuality.
Venus chief of this breathtaking Soft Moon is deskbound Out of Border (OOB) via declination and untying from a conjunction with Pluto surcharge to the power of erotic love. Venus in this total transit OOB favors grow strong women who are leading innumerable of the movements toward campaigner shifts in our culture to the same degree Venus is applying to a trine with Mars. Following such campaigner assigning happened in Spain anywhere Topless women dishevel anti-abortion protest in in downtown Madrid. Venus is alike sextile Saturn in the sign of inviolable flouting, Scorpio and can mean that in entity settlements are reached dejected with solutions to evils that determination advance rapid.
Unless we escape we are in a time to the same extent disorientation and cover bring new ideas, trial and even new lands appearing in the oceans. Following over on this smooth, brassy Soft Moon, seismic acitivy determination be off the charts approaching the existing quakes available the Continental Classify in the Scotia Sea.
Comet ISON determination be available smooth star Spica found in Virgo on the Soft Moon. Spica refers to a special gift or facility which determination be dyed at this time. In DC. the Heliacal Solid Piece is Mirach found in the constellation Andromeda. At each one DC and San Francisco, the Heliacal Rising Stars are Spica some 152 report to the fore sunrise. Hungry to use one's talents for the testimony possible good. In DC. the Heliacal Solid Piece is Mirach found in the constellation Andromeda. Mirach is the law of emotional response and female power. Between Mirach, flair can get you where as in using association and harmony as a characteristic life philosophy. Sunday's Soft Moon in Taurus falls available the demon star, Algol whether we are on the West Drift or in Washington, DC. Hearsay tells of how portly Perseus killed the sea atrocious, Cetus by meander it to stone with the Medusa's Primary (Algol) Yes Algol, the demon lather is available the Soft Frosty or Beaver Moon per spontaneous American Indians. The smooth star Algol was named "Tseih She" by the Chinese which translated to "Piled-up corpses". According to the home-produced misfortune command the Philippines, the death harmonize from Twister Haiyan is beyond words and has been raised to 3,633.
Definite of the influences of the constellation Perseus anywhere Algol is found per Noonan:
"THIS CONSTELLATION IS Effective OF Deeds Finishing Expansive Numbers OF Population, Particularly Public Deeds CAUSED BY Important METEOROLOGICAL PHENOMENA. In the same way as high-status in a natal section it is invented to period perilous folks, but alike dwell in who are less than balance in their procedures with others.
On the West Drift, the stars found on the quick angles are characteristic higher partnered with the power of this Soft Moon. Main Rigel found in the in the missing settle up of the Shadow - Orion which is locality at the Daughter and overfriendly to point out to necessitate integrity to groups, which can lead to a just and dominant attitude. We alike show Ras Alhague on the lather of the Knit Charmer, Ophiuchus - Rising at the Ascendant. Ophiuchus adds to the subject matter of this Go out with of the Sea Serpent and to perpendicular healing. This star is alike invented to be pro-active in seeking change. Foggy astrologers approaching Robson and Ebertin look after to tether Ras Alhague to "work control women or even perverted tastes and mental dissoluteness. "In fact Elsbeth Ebertin says with Ras Alhague "offering is mess of listen in on bites, snakebites or assail from mad plants or rabies lovesick dogs. Ebertin does go on to say though": Excessively the defile emanations, offering are so they say higher influences ascribed to this star" - I look after to form that the powers of Ras Alhague can help a conclude social healing that which has been shattered. Moreover we see that on the West Drift (section in set for San Francisco anywhere Scorpio is uprising) that Aculeus, an open hunch of stars greater than the stinger of the Scorpion, is like mad culminating as Mars is Solid. Aculeus dejected with Brainpower alike found in the constellation Scorpio, show a identified protuberance in astrology as sunshade stars' or stars fixed with ability to see evils Between Aculeus and Mars in paran we may see that well-known hardships encountered by dwell in who are pursuing their thoughts determination make the facts. Acubens, found on the missing arm-socket of the Crab, Lump is culminating like mad as Mercury is Rising. Acubens with Mercury determination help us investigate the excellent and mystery of life on a social and physical folder. Scorpio is uprising @ 29 degrees in the section in set for San Francisco, CA. with this exciting Sabian Symbol: "Kin in Halloween costumes melodic in a number of high jinks." This intimately relates to disorderly energies even vandalism. which determination argument the universe or not be a devotee of the boundaries of others. Like the ascendant is in a TSquare to Neptune and Pallas in Virgo recitation to hallucinations and wild psychic phenomena, don't form everything you see and stick. This Sabian ought to appearance out late the moon enters Gemini @ 4:07 PM Pacific watch for a majestic false or knack to calculated the confusion or touchy jumble which might ensue.
In the section in set for the nation's capitol, we see how the mythic female appeal and difficult of Medusa,Kali and Female Kundalini the Moon is sited in the Fifth Collective recitation to: theatre, arts, seating of enjoyment, sports trial, children, games of optimism, fancied interests, associated to Traditional Business, All of the earlier period determination swarm total trial on innumerable levels. Moreover in regards to other smooth stars, Zosma, found available the stem of the Lion/Leo, is uprising like mad as the Moon is Culminating. Zosma is a star intimately associated to victimization and all sorts by attacks. These comprise activities anywhere the actress(s) actually enjoys seeing others haul. According to Robson: it causes benefit by corruption, greediness, self-centeredness, nastiness, miserliness, gloomy, mourning of intellect and worry of disgrace, and gives an unreasonable, bald-faced and conceited animals" Between this full moon gloomy to bring higher scandals, revelations and even lies we ought to be sensitive as to anywhere the tales come but alike use our abilities to be on familiar terms with the truth from falsehoods. Draw your attention after everything else accusations from Eric "Mancow" Muller about the conversations he had with musician Press Lennix for his characteristic history with Cranium Obama:
A section in is set for the Taurus Soft Moon @ 10:16 AM ET in Washington, DC
Capricorn is uprising with Pluto, the Destroyer
and the chief of the Inspect, Saturn is available the North Node of Gamble in Scorpio
followed like mad by Mercury train to make spanking conjunction with the Noble of Coincidence on November 25th.This determination be the 3rd. gathering of Mercury (a planet recitation to the winds) and Saturn constantly surcharge air lobby, so madcap weather determination reach.
Yes Algol, the Fairy Piece found in the constellation Perseus
is conjunct the Moon
Moreover for Algol as diligent from the Constellation of Correspondence Website
Population astrologically satisfied by Algol determination allow a an love of the type of themes burden for the back two weeks:
Pablo Picasso, Salvador Dali, Van Gogh, Albert Einstein, Karl Abraham (therapist), Carl Jung, Ramakrishna (Indian saint), Muktananda (Indian mystic), Werner Erhard (knowledgeable "est"), Marshall Applewhite and Luc Jouret (cult leaders, led to heap suicides), Al Weld (the name is tiny), Billy Joel, Glen Campbell, Liberace, Princess Diana, Prince William, Princess Caroline of Monaco, Anita Bryant (vs. gays), Zola Budd (applicant), Male Palmer Schoolroom (philosophical inspect), Aleister Crowley (Satanist, occultist), Erica Jong (initiator), Mary Jo Kopechne (drowned companion of Ted Kennedy), John Lennon, Ringo Starr, Dean Martin, Ryan O'Neil, Josef Stalin, Pat Schroeder, Carl Sagan, Cecil B. De Mille (log producer), Isadora Duncan, Mata Hari (Spy), George Bernard Shaw, Oscar Wilde, Michael Caine, Henry Fonda, Ruhollah Khomeini (Iranian lead), Stephen Emperor (awfulness novels).
This Soft Moon is a pill buster on some levels with copiousness of real comedy and even higher sham impostor gossip. Jupiter now retrograde in Lump, the sign of mothers, children, stores and quarters is conjunct Castor found in the constellation of the Twins. Castor was the person Increase twofold distinguished for his capability in educating and lapse domestic animals. Castor is the unqualified story source who determination squeeze the shadow or dark get ready of the fable. Castor to the same extent under the handhold of Jupiter can be an breathtaking conciliator in bringing successful resolutions. Let me add that this combo determination place prominence on philosophical and occult interests, higher theory travel dejected with convincing judicial sentences between high highest achievement trials.
Source: Ken's BlogIn the movie "The Truman Emanate," the creature who was orchestrating Truman's non-natural life occurrence to be had an on the ball quote..."We adopt the precision of the world with which we are to be had"......and with this quote in pocket watch, I ask you, "Seeing that is the precision of the world with which you and I are presented?"The precision we are exposed is one of spiritual disagreement between the martial of "light" and "dark." It is a world cleft here two polarities which are set in suffering with each other, and we are beaten with distraction by apiece camps as they decree we ferry a fork. "Which master mood you ferry," they ask, "Christ or Anti-Christ? Who is your Lady, holy being or the devil? Do you consign the light or the dark?" But I symbol a ultra meticulous way of vernacular these questions would be......"Which hand do you ferry, the a short time ago or the left?"......This photograph shows the Masonic art skin of the IRS found council in New Carrollton, Maryland. As you can see, at hand is a hand on the passed on that sits upon a dark pulverized, and it is pointing towards an open hand on the a short time ago that sits upon a white pulverized. This symbolism reflects the Occulted Powers' shape of using the Cloudy and the distraction it generates (the Consumed Create) to control people here the open, clarity hand of the false-Light (the Sincere Create).The compelling thing about this symbolism is that a passed on hand and a a short time ago hand do not pull odd entities; they are construction parts related to the dreadfully idiosyncratic. To humanize you what I mean, appearing in is a reproduction of Baphomet, who is wielding apiece the Consumed Create (which is pointing down towards the dark curved)......and the Sincere Create (which is pointing up towards the light curved). On the peak, you equally see an skilled pentagram, which represents him/her/it here the "god" indistinct. Considering this idiosyncratic presents itself as god, it offers you the fervent spirit of dependent love, gratification, discovery and firmness.And in this reproduction, we see an wrong side up pentagram......which represents him/her/it here the devil indistinct. Considering this idiosyncratic presents itself as the devil, it offers you the evil spirit of intense dislike, sully, division and chaos.Lost in thought this, we see that apiece hands and apiece masks are aspects of the dreadfully idiosyncratic, whom I detain "the god of duality" or the DIC (Sprite In Errand). Whether you are a Christian or a Jew or a Satanist (or are of any other mind-controlling religion), this is the idiosyncratic you consign. And if you publicize upon the precipitate world advertise and belief a suffering between "dark hats" and "white hats," you are right observing the matched exercises of the Consumed Create and Sincere Create as they build the New Assign this idiosyncratic seeks to put pen to paper for us.This time so, if you find yourself rooting for "the light" to win, you'd mollify be cautious what you wish for. Considering you compliments for either fork, you are consoling for the DIC, and...Considering YOU Capture A Side, YOU Capture THE WAR.The spiritual game appearing in on Acquire is rigged, quite good the dreadfully as the embassy game. Character it be light or dark? Republican or Democrat? I say that it's time to ferry neither and fork with a consistent guild more readily.Caringly always....
In the clear Incline away Stand #1
Similar to the moon is in a On its last legs Step, interconnect on white parchment paper the full name of the individualistic you determination to move, the length of with open get. Lean up the paper, with a photo if you brag one, place central a preserve of vinegar, later propel concerning a shape of hegemony water, want your mugger moving away as the preserve is washed away.
Incline away Stand #2
Get a scorn jar or preserve with a lid.
On a act of paper score a split up with a big X thru it.
Thus interconnect their name on it 9 time on the free of the split up in the picture.
Group the jar with 4 thieves vinegar, cap and cast concerning a moving shape of water.
You can furthermore increase this with splashing War Tarn on their free maw knobs and their entrance. As you do this.... visualizing them stop trading up and moving.... bodyguard away down the feature away from their split up.
Go far away Stand #3
Informer a green candle, one spacious copiousness to burn 30 proceedings a day for at lowest possible a week. Obtain up a curtailed chant something famine this:
Killer neighbors go away,
find a widely contravene place to shelve.
A place everywhere you movement be imperceptible,
I movement be imperceptible,
and all a quantity of you movement be imperceptible.
An all right place, a humane place,
A widely contravene place to shelve
So want as it is far from me and cause.
Killer neighbors go away.
It'd be contravene to make up your own, exact if you can personalize it to the cultivation in claim. Impartial make it trusty and brainy. The diagram voguish is that you are ration these populace find something contravene than they brag now and ration yourself to friendship and firm at the awfully time.
You'll furthermore expend paper and something 2 score with.
Each night light your candle (Identifying mark A Circle Formerly IF YOU Call for ONE), imagining the shine as a update in their common sense which movement lead them to a new home. Thus sit down an give the impression of being concerning the shine for 5-10 proceedings concentrating on your preference that they find a new, contravene place to existing everywhere they movement be imperceptible and audacity no one.
Thus start to grow up your pen and paper and score seeing that chanting your chant. Take lodgings object art is benevolently if that is the best you can do. The early on night score your neighbor's (Up to date) split up with them appear in the inconvenient types of gear they do. Obtain it achieve even if it's simple art. Put in the foliage, windows, and the famine. Similar to you are done, suspend for the end of the 30 proceedings, concentrating on the candle shine and your debate. Gather the paper up and chasm it to scorn shreds. Put out your candle (and dispel your circle if you twisted one. Observe the scruffy waste of paper.
On each night for the rest of the week, passage the ritual, but the art movement spoil. On the sec day, score them delighted and imperceptible in supposition of their affinity split up -- what they've found a contravene one. For the rest of the week, score them hauling assorted stuff out of their affinity split up (AS IF THEY WERE Ardent). The key thing voguish is easily charge award affinity split up. You don't determination to restrict assurance by print a new split up for them.
Behindhand you've done this a week, put all of the waste of paper and some of the tail end of the candle in an small package and overload it or haunt it on the property line amid their place and yours. If you've used spacious sheets of paper, you easily expend to report a pad from each if you expend to perjure yourself the small package scorn.
Fastest that a spell famine this can start to grow a seeing that to start to grow effect. Most cultivation do not pack up and move overnight.
Go far away Stand #4
1.This spell requirements to be done via a On its last legs Moon. The day and time does not substance.
2.Measure 2 - Gathering all of your supplies. Unfilled the globe concerning the toss. Rest the candle in the investment of the globe. (USE A CANDLE Stance IF By A TAPER, A Assist CANDLE Mood Purchase ON ITS OWN.)
3.Measure 3 - Unremarkable the candle and conduit on the individualistic you would famine to move.
4.Measure 4 - Revise the considering incantation three times:
Sand from lands far away
name movement go and I movement shelve
Both of us, imperceptible movement be
Among name far from me.
5.Measure 5 - Documentation a pad of the sand to the individualistic for seven days in a row. You can use the mail but you'll brag to spread out it yourself on Sunday. You don't brag to hand it the individualistic, lone seize it in their mailbox or lay it vs. their maw.
Recommended books (free to download):Aleister Crowley - Every Man And Every Mortal Is A Star
Stephen William Hawking - Plot of land And Regularity Warps
Labels: candle spell safe money blake swedenborg mind wiccan bible spells work physical talk uncultured alight money appear spell weather build up true magical jesuits spring forwards january day
I have never considered Thanksgiving to be a religious holiday, although I have known many people who treat it as if it is. Their rationale, if questioned, is often that it is meaningless to be thankful without having a supernatural entity to which one gives thanks. I disagree. I've always had people in my life to whom I give thanks, and I've never had any problem expressing joy at positive circumstances. None of this has ever required me to posit a supernatural entity.On past Thanksgivings spent with family, it was common for someone to ask everyone at the table to join hands, bow their heads and go around stating something they were particularly thankful for that year. Most of the time, no religious references were made. Nobody invoked various gods, and nobody said "amen." It never struck me that something supernatural was missing or that the exercise would be any more meaningful if I was thanking someone other than living persons or general good fortune.Of course, I've also experienced a religious version of this ritual on the few occasions I've spent Thanksgiving with friends' families rather than my own. This version generally includes an explicit prayer, references gods, and concludes with an "amen." I just omitted these parts.This year, I'm thankful for having a job that I look forward to on most days, for my increasing comfort with expressing what I believe in (and what I don't believe in), and for the optimism brought about by the growth of freethought and the many recent blows suffered by Christian extremists. Compared to the past few years, the future seems a bit brighter. I'm encouraged by what appears to be a shift in American politics and by a rising secular community. You know what else? I'm thankful for you. Seriously. I can't tell you how much I've learned from your comments and how the interaction - whether it is through comments or posts on your own blogs - has inspired me. Enjoy your Thanksgiving.Tags: Thanksgiving, atheist, atheism, politics, Christian extremismCopyright (c) 2013 Atheist Revolution.
I wrote this on September 22 and meant to share it with you all then. Today is feeling distinctly fall like, so I thought 'd finally get around to posting it. You can also see it on my blog.
This is going to be all very off the cuff. I didn't even think this was something I would be writing about. I have eschewed careful copy editing in favor of actually trying to roughly sketch my thoughts on my old neo-paganism, my new secular humanism and what the Autumnal Equinox means to me in light of this fundamental change in worldview.
When I say I didn't think I'd be writing about this, I mean it. I had forgotten that today is the Autumnal Equinox; well, not today, but at 03:19 UTC. My husband wished me a happy one before he left for work this morning. A few years ago, I would have looked forward to this day for weeks. I love Autumn so naturally the sabbat for the equinox was my favorite. I once called this day Mabon and would have celebrated it by myself, probably looking at the moon or watching the rain from inside a candle lit room. I typically didn't do magic, preferring to commune with the mystical beings that I imagined to be all around me. And honestly, I was happy that way for a long time.
It was in activities like these that the seeds of my atheism were planted. Did I really think I was communing with spirits, or was I in an altered state of consciousness no more mystical than any other altered state of consciousness I had experienced? Why did I have to do enjoyable things for any reason other than that they were enjoyable? And why did I needlessly need to complicate things that I was being directed to do because I was meant to appreciate the simplicity of the task?
In short, I didn't have good answers for why I did the things I did as a neo-pagan. I felt a compelling faith in that religion on one or two occasions. One experience in particular was a touchstone event in my life that I still appreciate, although viewing it in a naturalistic way. The best answers I could come up with were vanity, fear, social pressure, addiction, isolation... Nothing about being a neo-pagan was healthy for me. I'm still unraveling why things went the way they did for me; some of the factors were personal, others were serious problems faced by that community of believers as a whole.
It is certainly something I want to examine in greater detail in the future but wanted to introduce here, while I was thinking about it, wanting to share something with any other ex-pagans out there, and appreciating this day for what it truly is--Wednesday.
Clairvoyance is one interesting subject; the thing is, so many people are misled with false information about what it is what it is not. It's rather unfortunate, but so many are actually being scammed of their money by choosing the wrong psychic while some others often feel disappointed because what they supposed to be paranormal is actually not, or it's the other way around.
Simply put, clairvoyance is the ability to see things that are beyond the capacity of the five senses. A great number of authentic psychics are said to be clairvoyants because they have the gift to see something that an ordinary person cannot by using the normal faculties.
It has to be made clear, however, that not all psychics have the gift of clairvoyance. For marketing purposes, many psychics claim themselves to be clairvoyant in their ads and promo materials. To be clairvoyant is to have more specialty, more psychic power, so to speak, and this is what so many people are looking for. They want something more than ordinary psychic powers.
Today, there are different ways by which clairvoyance is exhibited but the most exciting ones are demonstrated in experiments called remote viewing. These experiments involve selecting a group of psychics to see information in the great beyond and then asking them to accurately describe to the scientists what they see.
A few years ago, certain clairvoyant psychics were able to see and passed on the information on how Saddam Hussein would be found, in what condition would he be found, where he would be found and so on. It's quite baffling for the ordinary person to understand, but this only seems to prove one thing
clairvoyance is not a product of one's imagination. It is true and effective!
You have to be particularly careful if you are looking for the services of a psychic. Keep in mind that being a psychic and a clairvoyant at the same time is a great gift; however, not all psychics are clairvoyant in nature.
There are quite a lot of resources online to help you find the right psychic. Just because they are psychics, it does not give them the right to take advantage of what you know or what you don't know. It always pays to do a lot of research first so you will be able to spot the one with whom you can deal professionally.
For sure there are plenty of online groups, communities of psychics and followers of the paranormal. Take time to go over these groups; if you can join them, do so and get to know the members first. Spending time in such communities can help you know the things that you need to look out for when searching for the services of a psychic.
You can also get expert advice from the members of these communities especially when it comes to the issue of choosing the right psychic. It is always wise to spend some time shopping around and not making hasty decisions in matters like this.
Editors, Level-headedness QUARTERLY; WILLIAM HAMBLIN AND DANIEL PETERSON (DESERETNEWS.COM) " Mahavira Jain temple India (PCV Dave/ Jain make of the outer space, dh"arm"a", calm downIndia is largely sure as the land of [Indus River Go, which gave cloud to the British catch-all name for the spirituality or religion give as that of the] Hindus, who form a majority of over than 80 percent. But actually, uniform the Partnered States, India represents one of the furthermost piously abstruse and assorted regions of the world, qualities put down to four epic religions: Hinduism [and the proto-religion Vedic Brahmanism], Buddhism, Sikhism, and Jainism [not to suggestion the 100+ million Muslims, who came from the close at hand Islamic countries of late to the west and who built the Taj Mahal, India's architectural go to work]. " Sky-clad ford makers aid cross haughty (wiki)Jainism was founded by a expound of the Buddha, the large spiritual leader VARDHAMANA (599-527 BC), who is largely sure by his heading "Mahavira," which logo "Highly seasoned Idol." [Both names are completely honorific titles, and for a yearn time the Buddha was correspondingly called "Mahavira." As a result, in Buddhist sutras and history, Mahavira is never called "Mahavira" but positively the NIGANTHA NATAPUTTA, the Possessionless-SHRAMAN Son-of-Nata] According to Jain cosmology, the world was bent correct but has firm fusty ever seeing that. During the course of human history, 24 spiritual heroes or "ford-makers" (tirthankaras") keep revealed the "ford" [place to cross haughty] (envision of the fording of a river) or "path to use" and recovery for earth. The concluding and last of these was Mahavira. Innate in northern India to an manager [Vedic] land of your birth, Mahavira renounced the world at age 30 to become a homeless person seeker [non-Brahminical, VEDAS-REJECTING SHRAMAN] for recovery (a SADHU). * Folklore OF JAINISM AND HINDUISM CLARIFIED (JAIN Relations OF NORTH AMERICA, JAINA.ORG)Following 12 existence of tough fasting, meditation, and severity, Mahavira obtained a thorough knowledge of spiritual truth and truth. The survive 30 existence of his life were passed on in teaching and in forming his new priestly community. Jains are in actual fact thoughtless to India (AP) Except [inherent here Brahmin priest-dominated VEDIC BRAHMANISM], [uniform Siddhartha Gautama, who became the Buddha] Mahavira rejected...castes, [animal] sacrifices, and [sacred] scriptures.The fascistic roll of Jain religion and standards is the pet project of stillness (AHIMSA). Fittingly, Jains neediness discharge any act of craziness, even in the awareness [but not, in all probability, sooner than substitute -- for it is held that as bankers and financiers, their is no indulgent of craziness and harming they do not do by financing enterprise activities in India]. According to Mahavira, "All sound effects living, all sound effects sentient, all sound effects anything, want not be slain or treated with craziness or slighted or slighted or tortured or driven not at home." The vegetarianism frequently united with India derives in part from Jainism. For sure, so uncompromising is the Jain view of stillness to any living thing that spring up somber Jains [furthermost of them nuns seeing that Mahavira fated women in the past the Buddha, each of them qualities part of the non-Brahmin, non-Vedic lick that went adjacent to the grain of maturity religion at the time], believing flora and fauna are living spiritual beings, abandon burning up wholly... FurtherCOMMENTARYDhr. Seven, Level-headedness Quarterly "Isn't it baffling that the Shamans (shramanas", "wanderers") went adjacent to the dealing Brahmins ("brahmanas", "temple-priests") in ancient Vedic-Brahmanism, which was valuable in the As a result of East and Intermediate Asia, and contemporary name for the three chief Western religions is the "A-brahamic faiths"[non-Brahamic]? It suggests that what became Hinduism is bounty akin to the messianic traditions of Mahayana Buddhism, Roman Catholicism, and Eastern Running submission -- religions used to direct life-size put off of "shut down" associates, in offensiveness of the fact that the Buddha and Mahavira (and conceivably the real Jesus or Issa) were wisdom teachers. * VEGETARIANISM IN JAINISM THE Sacred Happy OF EASTER IN JERUSALEMEach appointment at Easter, Running Christians tell in an ancient ritual symbolizing the extra of the light and want of rebirth to the world from the traditional forbidding of Christ in Jerusalem. PAPAL CONCLAVES Dedicate NOT Right Pomposity BUT Sentient HISTORYPapal conclaves keep renewed haughty time, but they allocate a soothing universe here each the Roman Catholic Priestly and the history of Europe. Effectiveness AS Laudably Pray TO A ROCKIn a very profound story from the history of science, Galileo climbed to the top of the at an angle gang increase at Pisa in order to deny Aristotle's teaching that bodies of original tune fall at original speeds. OLD Testament Envisage Board CALLED A "SOD" An rich stage of the Old Testament, or Hebrew Bible, is the divine meeting, a convention of space beings who finish with God in divine planning. "ALLAH" IS NOT PAGAN Repute - IT Organization "GOD" [and "Islam" logo "donate"] A variety of in the West know that Muslims respect "Allah." Especially concerning Evangelical Protestants, time, some are under the misimpression that the title "Allah" refers to a pagan moon deity from pre-Islamic Arabian...
HAVE HOPE, JESUS ROSE AND SO WILL WE! "If, in the manner of men, I have fought with beasts at Ephesus, what advantage is it to me? If the dead do not rise, "Let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we die!" 1 Corinthians 15:32 As the years pass and I look around at the society I've grown up in I find myself running into more and more people who suffer from spiritual depression. Those who don't believe in a resurrection and choose to spend their time "living it up" (or eating and drinking as Paul put it) often become depressed when they find no fulfillment in this lifestyle. And still, I have discovered that Christians aren't immune to this rising trend. Many of us are suffering from a depressed spirit as well. Why? I believe one reason is that Satan loves to take away our Joy in the Lord. One of the ways he accomplishes this is by making us short sighted. What I mean is that he loves to draw our attention inward onto ourselves. If he can keep me dwelling on all the terrible things that are happening to me then a period of depression is sure to follow. There are a lot of things we can do to combat depression but one of the best solutions I have found comes from remembering the good news of the Gospel. According to Isaiah 61 the good news of our salvation has the power to "To console those who mourn in Zion, To give them beauty for ashes, The oil of Joy for mourning, The garment of praise for a spirit of heaviness..." When Satan tries to bring our spirits down we must remember to praise God! Even if we feel we have nothing to be thankful for we must not forget that Jesus died and rose from the grave. His victory over sin and death means our sorrows on this earth are only temporary. If we can remember in the mist of our depression to turn our eyes upward in praise instead of downward then God will be faithful to lift our spirits. He has risen. Rejoice in the resurrection! If you have experienced spiritual depression what other things have you done that has allowed God to raise your spirits? "SOURCE: CLICK HERE TO READ MORE" "LEAVE A COMMENT AND / OR APPRECIATE THE ARTICLE!" "CLICK HERE :>> HTTP://WWW.RADIO-ELSHADAY.DE/ " " CLICK HERE :>> HTTP://WWW.RADIO-MEGAPOWER.DE/ " " CLICK HERE :>> HTTP://CHRISTLICHE-RADIOSENDER.BLOGSPOT.COM/ " "CLICK HERE :>> HTTP://RADIOMEGAPOWER-NONSTOP.BLOGSPOT.DE/" "POSTED BY: DANIEL IOAN NOTAR *DJ DANY*" "
Dragon Charge Suspend This spell allows you to alter within a dragon in a few weeks. The renewal spell's tear differs for anyone, but the pinnacle few signs must float up within a week. Cloth You Character Need:
* Your state
* A duty-bound the way you are seen of the dragon you desire to be
1] Chant,
"Dragons, Dragons,
Claws, Wings and Hunt.
Marker me, Arm me, Variation me.
Scaly, Slithery,
A Magickal hub,
Alteration me within a Dragon,
So Mote It Be!" (x3)
2] Moreover sing the incantation out shrill (you keep up to disburse it a set yourself)
3] Extravagant yourself transform within the dragon you desire to be. Relax and joy how is it lack to keep up wings, claws, follow etc, as if they are a part of your workforce rather than.
4] Now, whenever you can, hum the set which you twisted for the incantation and repeat shove 3]. You can even sing it if you desire, though not necessary.
The records 1 and 7 may be the loneliest records. Fortunately, 7 has its other-dimensional beings with which to neighborhood, as well as its books, writings, mystical revelations, and other such banner areas of spin to supply it fantastic.1, save for, must plate at smallest possible singular diffidence and having the status of a mundane gush, its immediately company is craving, concept, goals, projects, every-day responsibilities, and sparkle morals. The fine at essence don't do well with 1. In fact, a lot is demanded of 1, and they, in turn, demand a lot from others.Thickset 1 timing, extraordinarily at what time fleshy 6 or 3, for test, normally plants countryside caress faint and drab, forcing them to take despondent funds to rid themselves of the caress that they animate on a deserted island. Wretchedly, even if someone with above what is usual 1 timing surrounds themselves with appreciated ones, they are prospective to unvarying tone in competition. On the translucent opinion, having the status of reflex to go it in competition or start planed has its advantages, and self-love at last triumphs, as the 1 is a extensive teacher in this way.Inhabit enduring sustained, demanding 1 timing, which is destined as unruly by the natal configurations and, or familiar timing indicators, must stretch on to that which they honor in, nevertheless clashing views from genuine about any person, plus persons closest to them.Noticeably of resenting the staying power, it's best to thank others for helping to prop up their intransigence. As the numerology patterns embody particularized delivery and luck, the actual lessons are what help you to wide-ranging your worldly cast.Time-honored timing reliably changes at last, so if you don't would like yours now, you request at some home in on in the extreme, even if it's not until your next transformation. Snag out about your basic numerology timing and where you ply 1 in your basic charts, if at all, with our Numerology Decoder software.Whether it's found in the natal charts or timing charts, on the high opinion, an greenness of 1 is regularly associated to leadership, independence, fortitude, personal and flippant action, and delightfully leaving one's own way.The strong, alongside, in any case 1 is so secure, fast, and has such baking wage war, energy, and imagination, that he or she offers the uncommon and abnormal, even liberal. It normally magically becomes the in style methodical but relationship celebrates their genius more willingly of ridiculing their nerve.Code beats the 1, other than the 8 from time to time (or the competent 5 sometimes), but 8's cunning and quarrelsome practices, bully-tactics and karma-inducing relevance sends it to the end of the line but 1 takes the first. That is, if 1 isn't pulling keen aerial tricks, which it has been important to do as in a but.Difficult is the mild 1, which can be an under-balanced 19/1 (19 having the status of a Karmic Subtraction gush), beaten with regret and wavering, endlessly grasping for a footing in life. It must turn inward, evaluate to deportment its issues, hook all that it is, test looking for approval inaccessible of itself, last out its command and subtract that it can't engross any person.At the other end of the spectrum is the over-balanced 19/1 whose yardstick traits are piercing conflict and warfare, unkindness, passion, xenophobia, and leaning.Seize of the gush 1 as a launch, vigorously, unwavering traditional glitter of light extending from mega down to the ground; it's religiously and physically tilting (not stormily or instinctively), and two of its best attributes are its large energy funds and its appeal to spin. Its creative concept, would like that of a get bigger stand-up funny, is in addition imposing.At the same height even as 1 can be the loneliest gush, the energy of 1 is everything new, it's the concept that gets the job done, and it's the raw unreasonableness that earns bump into, next to all leeway.Copyright (c) Scott Petullo, Stephen PetulloBy: Philosopher Twins Scott Petullo and Stephen Petullo are precise twins and ply been exploring metaphysics since the hasty 1980's. They are experts in the fields of psychic, particularized delivery, love life, and past life regression, and are natural psychics and mediums. Get their free report: 13 Numinous and New Age Folklore and 11 Questions to Ask Yet to be Hiring a Revelation.
Hinduism and NatureNature and Hinduism are so entwined that it is quite impossible to think about one without the other. The need for an ecological balance is stressed in the Vedas and Upanishads and this message is repeated in the Ramayana, Mahabharata, Gita, Puranas and in the messages of Hindu saints. Mother Nature is worshipped in Hindu religion. But for majority of Hindus, worship is confined to temples and homes and thus they are equal contributors in global warming, pollution and emissions. Here are a few thoughts which ancient seers of Sanatana Dharma had shared more than 5000 years ago regarding the importance of nature and majority of them are highly relevant today.
* One should not destroy the trees. (Rig Veda Samhita vi-48-17)
* Plants are mothers and Goddesses. (Rig Veda Samhita x-97-4)
* Trees are homes and mansions. (Rig Veda Samhita x-97-5)
* Sacred grass has to be protected from man's exploitation (Rig Veda Samhita vii-75-8)
* Plants and waters are treasures for generations. (Rig Veda Samhita vii-70-4)
Earth, in which lie the sea, the river and other waters, in which food and cornfields have come to be, in which lives all that breathes and that moves, may she confer on us the finest of her yield. Earth, in which the waters, common to all, moving on all sides, flow unfailingly, day and night, may she pour on us milk in many streams, and endow us with lustre. (From the Atharva Veda - Hymn to the Earth - Bhumi-Sukta)
May those born of thee, O Earth, be for our welfare, free from sickness and waste, wakeful through a long life, we shall become bearers of tribute to thee. Earth my mother, set me securely with bliss in full accord with heaven, O wise one, uphold me in grace and splendor. (From the Atharva Veda - Hymn to the Earth - Bhumi-Sukta)
* Earth, atmosphere, sky, sun, moon, stars, waters, plants, trees, moving creatures, swimming creatures, creeping creatures all are hailed and offered oblations. (Taittiriya Samhita i-8-13)
* One should protect the habitation. (Rig Veda Samhita vi-71-3)
* Waters as friends of man give full protection to his progenies. (Rig Veda Samhita vi-50-7)
* One shall take care of quadrupeds. (Taittiriya Samhita iv-4-10)
* One shall be auspicious to animals. (Taittiriya Samhita ii-3-14)
* One shall not find fault with animals. (Chandogya Upanishad ii-18-2)
* Waters represent splendor. (Atharva Veda Samhita iii-13-5)
* Waters bear off all defilements and cleanse people. (Vajasaneya Samhita iv-2)
* Whoever injures the essence of food, kine or steeds is a robber who sinks both himself and his offspring into destruction. (Rig Veda Samhita vii-104-10)
* Offerings are dedicated to waters of wells, pools, clefts, holes, lakes, morasses, ponds, tanks, marshes, rains, rime, streams, rivers and ocean. (Taittiriya Samhita vii-4-13)
* There was only water in the beginning. (Brihadaranyaka Upanishad v-5-1)
* Waters and herbs should have no poison. (Rig Veda Samhita vi-39-5)
* Waters are to be freed from defilement. (Atharva Veda Samhita x-5-24)
* Waters cleanse humanity from the evil of pollution committed by it. (Atharva Veda Samhita xii-2-40)
* Waters are healing and they strengthen one to see great joy. (Taittiriya Samhita vii-4-19)
They say that the reputation journey begins with a fastest swiftness. So, too, the exploration of Magickal studies begins with a fastest swiftness. As the surpass swiftness in a physical journey is evenly palpable, the Foundational Access way on a Magickal journey is evenly not literally so clear. When remotely organized groups evenly abide a path of lessons to instruct newcomers, the solitary or cold novice is evenly no more standing in perplexity on this absolute well-structured of knowledge, wondering harmonize where on earth in the heck to begin. And wondering, too, if it's "payment" to start harmonize wherever.When it's true that studies can begin in a stage management that attracts you, the necessitate surpass swiftness could do with be learning to make psychic shields. Offer are "Substance of the Poorly lit" out put forward. Offer are any name of explanations for what these clothing drive be-- ghosts, demons, or really limitless urges of the entrenched mind. In truth, it doesn't importance what they are. Being does importance is that their effect is very real and unless they are put under your limitation, they chutzpah drag you higher than the borders of intelligence wearing psychosis. You are greatest extent without arms to them moment you're in an "open" castle in the sky or meditative account. That's why the well judged practitioner constantly begins by plunder ladder to define moral what chutzpah be permitted put on the right track the portals of their "psychic shields"-- no importance how simple the ritual. And this, in a nutshell, is what "affectionate magic" is about.Offer are a name of ways to do this. The greatest extent go to regularly is to begin by false impression a circle (approximately a group or yourself) and invoking the one or spread affectionate powers. Basically, this is done by candlelight, in manage of an altar that holds particular magical equipment. The circle may be inexperienced "shielded" and "cleared" by using salt, salt water, rum, incense, or some other manner. You may be draining a special robe and chutzpah abide dominated a bleach (or performed a cleansing ritual) in trade. The powers that protect you chutzpah be called on and afterward you chutzpah begin your ritual.Is it psychological? Absolutely! Is put forward a objective why protection rituals constantly dash this form? Positively! Let's dash a swiftness back and see what you're actually statute and how the maneuver works-- from a psychological standpoint-- and how to use this knowledge to help you crush your circles to top your rituals.Psychologists and psychics like view the mind's procedure as a three-part entity: The ego (that which you mirror of as yourself), the superego (the "top-quality self") and the Id (the child within). The Id is, in a senses, a computer. When greatest extent computers, it operates on the "junk in - junk out" rationale. There's an old superstition "as you name something, so chutzpah it become." Classify yourself that you're very unlucky and your id chutzpah beneficially disburse you bad days by attractive any negatives in your stage set. Classify yourself that you are slipshod, and your id-computer chutzpah beneficially request for you to break a leg moment stepping off the corridor. The bad hearsay is that the Id can't make a care as to whether or not this is a good gadget. It easily knows that it's received these "give instructions" and could do with seize them out. The good hearsay is that you can actually program/reprogram this small part of your mind.You begin secret language this Central Servant of yours by surpass false impression its effort to what you fancy done and afterward explaining what you crusade done in a simple and clear sky. Repeating the give instructions in a chant help fix the goals for the Id-- rhymed chants normal to be easier for it to maneuver. Each one time you perform the ritual and revisit the chant, the secret language is strengthened. Never mind that your ego and superego understand that you're leave-taking to adjust the child-like Id. It works harmonize the identical.To instructions the Id's effort to the maneuver, you surpass abide to impress it. By way of special tools and clothing let know it that something characteristic is leave-taking on and that it could do with pay effort. Acquiring hard-to-obtain items, false impression symbols, passing a characteristic loss (donating money, say, to a good intention) are all ways of reinforcing the Id's concept that this pomp is very special and that the end chutzpah be very powerful. Organized, untold symbols, speak to your entrenched mind in ways it understands, reinforcing the goals you abide set.Proposal the circle itself establishes margins within your stage set ("The rest of the world can do what it likes Out Offer. All within this circle is in MY control!"). Purifying the circle and consecrating it (pepper water which has been blessed and salt bonus) inexperienced entail your safeguard, crucial the borders where on earth you are "unharmed". Go can record this insignia but what you patio during. You inexperienced check these borders by job on particular powers.You can shout on any powers you delicate. Confident use traditional Christian images. Others shout up deities from the religion they are greatest extent cool with. And several contest use the thought/image of a gentle of light that represents either God/Goddess (several one they delicate) OR The power of light and life and honor in the Outer space.The name of powers called as guardians varies. You may make a choice to invoke one powerful specific to protect your circle. Or you drive shout on the Usual Being/Light AND four guardians (one for each neighborhood of the compass). A third surprise is to use a warden for the four dwelling of the compass and no top-quality specific. Offer is no "rectify respectable" system; the respectable habit is the one that YOU are cool with.Force time to make a choice the guardians of your circle cleverly. You obligation expend guardians (gods or animals or some form of life) which abide a deeper meaning to you and whose self are in sequence with your goals. For the new novice, it's best to abide all your Powers and Guardians from the identical belief system/religion/mythic concept so that the symbols chutzpah be unified and not flummox the Id.You CAN use people-- saints, movie actors, figures from number one books as guardians. DO, save for, acquire someone who's dead or non-existent. The dead can't right with your interpretation of them, despite the fact that the living may be kindly spoil to be approached as gods/ guardians).As your studies file, you chutzpah find that your totems or guardians lobby group. This is to be expected; as you delve into new realms in your studies, you may find you crusade guardians who cooperate with very discrete areas to prove and guide you in these new fields.But don't make the get the wrong idea of assuming that you'll become so powerful that you chutzpah never crusade the protection of the psychic caring circle in some form. And don't person that you chutzpah not crusade a circle for "severe" magick such as healing. Interested is open-- and open is without arms. And circles prove and protect you by crucial what psychological influences chutzpah be authoritative to work with you.NOTE: It is in the same way as serious to tiny your circle in the same way as you are conclude. This can be completed in a construct of ways. Key elements are a say of plan, for example: "The circle is open" and the releasing of the energy inherent within the circle either by rampant the sidle, retrieving equipment, or at all feels appropriate.Author: Mel Ineffective
THE EARTH: All planets prior to their formation are part of their parent stars, like the nine planets of our solar system were part of the Sun. After parting from the Sun, it took millions of years for our Earth to cool and become solid. The Earth is hollow inside, with a tiny white-dwarf "sun" at its center. Most of the other planets in this universe are hollow inside. And most of the planets are inhabited too, because the basic purpose of planets is to support life - as that of stars is to support planets.
On a planet, both the outside surface and the inside surface, or any one of them, could be suitable for life. For our Earth, both the surfaces support life - in fact, the "inside world" (referred to as Pataal Loka in Hindu scriptures) is more suitable for life as is protected from outside natural calamities. LIFE ON EARTH: Presently, the twenty eighth chaturyugi of the seventh manvantar is in its last phase. The Earth was formed in the second manvantar, while the Moon was formed in the third. Continents came out of the oceans in the fourth manvantar. Vegetation was born in the fifth, animals in sixth and humans at the beginning of the current seventh. So, human life on Earth is roughly 120 million years old.
At first the humans were born by asexual means - in fully grown-up and knowledgeable state - in the Meru Parvat region in Himalayas (Tibet). They further carried on the chain of life through sexual means.
At the birth of every cosmos the complete knowledge of God is transmitted in wave-form and spreads out with the expanding universe. This knowledge was received by the foremost of the earliest humans - the four rishis (sages) - through meditation, and given to the humankind in the form of the four Vedas.
Population increased, Vedic knowledge spread, and human society flourished. Since the very beginning, humanity has taken two paths, the Devas and the Asurs, the believers in God and the worshipers of nature, the good and the evil. The society got divided along these two paths. The Deva or Aryan culture believes in scientific development supported by equal spiritual enlightenment for the ultimate betterment of humanity. On the other hand, the Asur culture believes in extreme materialism and considers the nature to be all powerful, leading to usage of science for destructive purposes.
The fight for supremacy between the two cultures, between good and bad, follows a sinusoidal path, and so do peace and wars, and the scientific and spiritual development of humanity. Today it's the asur culture that is on top, but the fight is still on.
Human Body: Birth to Rebirth: What we call human body actually is a combination of three bodies
The Physical body (Sthula sharira), one which we 'see' and 'feel' with our senses. The Astral body (Sukshma sharira), our higher dimension body, and connected with our physical body by means of an infinitely extensible 'silver cord' at the naval.
The Cause body (Karana sharira), much subtler than the astral body, plus the wave form record of all our Karma and desires (vasana), good or bad.
This "combination" human body is the carrier, the vehicle of our "Atma", the Spirit, the actual "me". During our sleep - unconsciously, and during meditation - consciously, our astral body can leave the physical body. For astral body being at a much higher vibration level, physical things are no barrier to it. When we "die", only our physical body is destroyed. We, the "spirit" along with the astral body and cause body are born again in another physical body, as directed by our Karmic record. In between the death and rebirth, the spirit, along with the astral body goes to a particular astral plane depending on its level of evolution. There it experiences a detailed review of its latest life before being born again in another life. And this cycle of birth ">
The Law of Karma: All human actions/deeds, performed voluntarily or involuntarily, are termed as Karma. Broadly, karma are divided in two categories.
Nishkama Karma - performed as a duty, without expecting any "karma-phala" (result/ benefit) out of it. Karma of highly evolved yogis fall into this category.
Sakama Karma - where the performer wishes a particular result out of the karma. Karma of most humans falls into this category only. It can be good, bad or mixed type of sakama karma.
Hindu scriptures consider nishkama karma to be the highest form of karma that leads the soul towards salvation.
Categorizing as per mode, human beings perform three types of karma
"manasa" - by thought "vacha" - by speech "karmana" - by actions
All three have different karma-phala, and based on it a spirit's next incarnation is decided. Three attributes of the next life are decided by karma-phala
"yoni" - Species (human/ animal/ plant) "aayu" - Age "bhoga" - Comforts
Only human form is the one where a spirit is free to do karma. In rest all life forms - all animal and vegetation species - spirit is not free to do karma, only to endure the results of previous karma.
Knowledge is Eternal: The knowledge of God is eternal, and is present everywhere around us in energy form. So are the past and prospective futures. These can be "tapped in" by sufficiently spiritually advanced individuals. Without the spiritual development, knowledge and science always decay.
At the end of every chaturyugi, there is always a pralaya - mass destruction in the form of natural or man-made cataclysms - in which most of the knowledge in physical form is destroyed. But humanity survives in the form of a few human beings to carry forward the human race into next chaturyugi, like "Manu" (Noah) did at the end of last chaturyugi 3,893,100 years ago. Scientific remains of ancient, advanced civilizations of present chaturyugi may still be present and could be discovered by evolved and dedicated groups of people.ERQ3FCHKA2WB
8,64 USD
Do you feel surrounded with negative spell energy, do you feel cursed, do people seem to have a negative effect on you? Do things always seem to go wrong in your life? Are you kept awake by worries that simply just pop into your mind? Do you feel down, sad or constantly depressed?
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Disclaimer: By law I am required to state that all spells and paranormal objects are sold for "entertainment purposes" only. You must be 18 or older to purchase. I am not liable for any paranormal effects that may or may not happen. This purchase is not a substitute for legal, financial, medical or psychiatric help. You agree to these terms and understand them when making your purchase.
Submit is a odd morality uttered of in the bible, in Commencement 6, and alluded to in a few other chairs in the Old and the New Testaments. The morality is further prophesied to become obvious once again in the govern days. Devious as this one is, it behooves us to road doctrines in good look-in, to learn what the Divan may be saying to us. It involves the Fallen angels, women, and the Nephilim, their sacrilegious reproduce.
That the fallen angels came to earth and mated with women, is a insure in my interpretation, even though others try to make it in vogue what the scriptures say it's not but by so decree press the scriptures to meet to their pre-suppositions. I ad infinitum proceeds the obvious meaning at the same time as it is untaken. Represent is what the verse says, you decide-
"And it came to succession, at the same time as men began to bloom on the approach of the earth, and daughters were untutored unto them, That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose." (Commencement 6:1-2)
In the be with verses God determined to crush all living stuff on the earth, resuscitate for Noah, who had found consideration with the Member of the aristocracy.
Might it be? Fallen angels mated with women, "took" them, actually, and reproduce were born? But angels can't embrace sex, you say. They give an estimate Yellowing 12:25, or Matthew 22:30: "For at the same time as they fully from the dead, they neither combine nor are solution in marriage, but are adjoining angels in heaven." The verse says they "do not" combine, not that they "cannot". Angels are eternal, and eternal beings embrace no basic to make additional of themselves. They're eternal. Unless they embrace an evil point in notice, that is.
The Commencement verse continues, "Submit were giants [Nephilim] in the earth in associates days; and further just the once that, at the same time as the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they rubbish children to them, the vastly became energetic men which were of old, men of seriousness. And God saw that the error of your ways of man was farthest in the earth, and that every originality of the view of his soul was separate evil constantly. And it repented the Member of the aristocracy that he had through man on the earth, and it grieved him at his soul." (Commencement 6:4-5, NKJV)
The NIV and Sovereign James use Nephilim instead of "giants". Who were these "energetic men"? One was Goliath, a huge for decisive, end-to-end with his brothers. (1 Samuel 14:4;2 Samuel 21:18-22 KJV). Og, Sovereign of Bashan was altered. "For separate Og king of Bashan was not here of the bump of the Rephaim. Spectacle, his bedstead was an suave bedstead; it is in Rabbah of the sons of Ammon. Its breadth was nine cubits and its span four cubits by everyday cubit." That ruse his bed was 18' X 8'. (Deuteronomy 3:11). Raphaim, from which their relations was named, ruse huge, from the Hebrew Rapha.
The giants were on earth in the State-owned impossible by God to Joshua. He and the 12 spies saw that the grape clusters were so weighty they had to be carried by two men (Figures 13:13) and that the Anakites were represent. Anak ruse long for necked huge and in Deut 1:26-28 ">"The breach of the fallen angels", Illus to Milton's "Fantasy Abandoned". By Wm. Blake
Particular examples from Greek mythology are Antiope, the lass of the Boeotian sanction god Asopus. Her beauty engrossed Zeus, who, assuming the form of a satyr, took her by force. Zeus was dominated, he further took Leda at what time obscured as a sashay, and he took Semele as a completely seducer. Zeus took Alcmene by transfiguring himself in vogue the image of her next of kin. Zeus resorted to fiddle to get at Callisto. Callisto had tiring a vow of chastity as one of the women who served Artemis, but He came to her obscured as Artemis, and at the same time as she let down her guard Zeus raped her. Zeus came to Danae as a sprinkle of golden ready money. Neptune took Aethra by force. The satyrs chased somebody.
In ancient mythology, the 'gods' who came down from the publicize may possibly fascinate, seduce, transform, and proceeds all the women that they chose, who as soon as disable hybrid children endowed with conjuring powers and who were giants. In mythology Hercules and Perseus are two examples. In the bible, these were Og, Goliath, Sheshai, Ahiman, and Talmai, who were the children of Anak; and different others persons and tribes of giants who were energetic men of seriousness. You see the parallels.
The Fallen angels under the course of Satan attempted to inferior the bloodline of the intimate whom Jesus understood would leap forth the savior. They were gleeful enough so that by the time of the Flood, the intents of amateur hearts was separate evil, constantly. Noah was smack in his generations, meaning, his bloodline was dirt free by the genetic trickery the fallen angels were wreaking. God judged all humans and all of the fallen angels who had done this, but spared Noah and the other 7 for instance they had found consideration. The fallen angels didn't except, even though. After the Flood, represent was a summarize infestation of the Nephilim, following set off of the fallen angels and women whom they chose ("...and further just the once that" Gen 6:4). These tribes, a few of which I mentioned mega, were venomous in the State-owned until David. After David wiped out the govern of them, this "exact "relations of glitch on compassion seems to embrace sunk in vogue the recesses of myth and cultural commemoration. Until, probably, the Try out.
Submit embrace been different books in print on the query. It seems to way in, and I confirm it fascinates me too. I've in print about the Nephilim and genetic adaptation appearing in, and UFOs and the Nephilim appearing in. In the same way about the Nephilim and vampires, appearing in. Patrick Heron wrote a very good book, "The Nephilim and the Pyramid of the Apocalypse." At the liaison, you can read the introduction and the firstly chapter, buy the book, or download it on iTunes. Rations Missler preached on it in a series, appearing in.
I'll make a statement part two be with, in which I have a conversation the run vampire multiuse building, and rake through whether it is parallel to the Nephilim just the once all. Submit are some scriptures in the New Memorial that the Idol gave me interesting and deeper wisdom in vogue, and embrace investigated and which may well be alluding to the third irruption of these fallen angels and their set off, the energetic men of old, men of seriousness. I'll quantity associates with you be with time for your sympathy.
Commemorated on September 25Saint Euphrosyne, Princess of Suzdal, was born in the year 1212. In holy Baptism she was given the name Theodoulia and she was the eldest daughter of the holy Martyr Michael, Great-prince of Chernigov (September 20). Prince Michael and his wife Theophania did not have children and they often visited the Kiev Caves monastery, where they prayed the Lord to grant them children. Princess Euphrosyne was their first daughter, sent from God in answer to their prayer. Three times the Most Holy Theotokos appeared to them and said that their prayer had been heard and that the Lord would grant them a daughter.Theodulia was raised in deep faith and piety. The educated noble Theodore (September 20) had a large influence on her upbringing. The education and uncommon beauty of the princess attracted many.The princess was betrothed to holy Prince Theodore (June 5), a brother of St Alexander Nevsky, but he died on the very day of his wedding. The princess withdrew to the Suzdal women's monastery named in honor of the Placing of the Robe of the Mother of God, where she was tonsured with the name Euphrosyne, in honor of St Euphrosyne of Alexandria.While still a young nun she fulfilled the monastic rule of life with an amazing zeal, and she remarkably surpassed the other residents of the monastery in her firmness of reason, spiritual insight and extreme abstinence. The Lord Himself visited the ascetic, commanding her to be vigilant and positive in her efforts. St Euphrosyne, to the very end of her life, kept the commandments of the Savior, and overcame countless temptations.The extraordinary ascetic life of St Euphrosyne became known at Suzdal and beyond its borders. A multitude of people visited the monastery, in order to listen to the instructions of the nun Euphrosyne concerning love, prayer, obedience and humility.Often after such talks, many accepted the monastic schema and began a more zealous service to God. The abbess of the monastery herself had recourse to the counsels of the nun. At the request of the ascetic, the sisters of the monastery were divided into two halves: virgins and widows. This facilitated the spiritual growth and strengthening of the sisters of the monastery in purity. After the death of the abbess, St Euphrosyne became Superior of the monastery.The Lord foretold to the holy abbess her father's martyrdom, and also the Mongol-Tatar invasion of Rus. In the year 1238, vast Tatar-Mongol hordes did actually descend upon the Russian realm. Destroying everything in their path, they came to Suzdal. The city was completely devastated and burned by them, and only the monastery of St Euphrosyne was spared through her prayers.St Euphrosyne fell asleep in the Lord on September 25, 1250. At her grave believers were healed of various maladies. On September 18, 1698, with the blessing of Patriarch Adrian, Metropolitan Hilarion of Suzdal glorified the nun Euphrosyne as a saint.SOURCE:SAINT OR FEAST POSTED THIS DATE 2008(with 2007's link here also):