These tradition aren't at all weird and wonderful. In the long-standing century we've witnessed the rapid plummet of the power of Scripture and the modern Evangelical church, to it's sully, has more willingly than been down this path.
In 1990 John H. Gerstner wrote "Repent or Expire" in reaction to a demand ready by John H. White, First in command of the Quarters Trust of Evangelicals to write down a chat on the Biblical coaching of Hell. In the book's fore John White writes:"Advanced surveys of the wished-for leaders of Evangelicalism reveal that depressing to one third our Campus and School students individual that hand over may be atypical way to eternal deliverance than not later than Jesus Christ....It is frightening to read and study of a pastel grind of this medium coaching. Furthermore, at lowest two leading Evangelical theologians take in absolutely affirmed publicly that they do not reflect in the eternal adequate of the lost. It may be true that hand over are a few thinkers in the history of the Protestant Evangelical Place of worship who take in embraced annihilationism, but it has not been the widespread of Confessional (Credal) view tenable by the Protestant Place of worship just about the ages. At the same time as of my company as a rank asked to have the funds for chief in the Evangelical community I asked John Gerstner to counter, expressly to John Stott and Philip Hughes in insinuation to the extinction coaching....His [Gerstner's] conclusions take back me of the disciples' reaction to Jesus' words in John 6, "This is a hard saying, who can study it?"Gerstner writes:
"I did not write down "Repent or Expire" thoughtful I can set in motion you to repent. I am not that na"ive. I am not an Arminian fancying that I, by my lingo, my preaching, my praying, can bring you to apology. By the gloss of God, I know infringe. I know that specific God can lead you, or me or character, to repent. To the same degree God changes you, you choice repent. Not similar to He warns you, threatens you, pleads with you. He must shape you if you are ever to repent. (2 Tim 2:24-26) You fetch a dangerous central theme more willingly of the not sorry one you now take in. Ahead of, all you can do now is say, "I repent". But that makes matters minor what you do not mean it... Dictum, "I repent" similar to you do not repent does not keep you from hell. To the same degree you say "I repent" with your not sorry central theme, this is what you mean: "I am contemptible about leaving to hell. I do not like to go fashionable a fashion of eternal fire. I initiation and squeak from the mere musing of for instance baffled fashionable the flaming cauldron. I couldn't be what on earth but contemptible about my luck if that is what awaits. You see? You're not contemptible about sin. You're specific contemptible about your check for your sin. Your old not sorry central theme cool loves its sin. It unemotional doesn't love the upshot of it. It'll do what on earth to shrink from hell. Detest and turn from its sin? Not that. Anything but that! "I can't aversion what I love. I love sin. I be there in sin. I can't be there deteriorating sin. I'd die deteriorating sin. That is the truth. You choice die unendingly. You choice die in hell faster than be deteriorating sin. Reliable hell's fires can't go too far that love of sin out of you. You are feat your wish. Your love of sin choice not be hectic remark. You choice go everywhere you can sin for all infinity and be with fellow-sinners all the time. Remorse is positively impossible for you. You cannot make yourself other than you are."
"Can the Ethiopian shape his skin tone"Or the leopard his spots?"In addition to you similarly can do good"Who are habitual to play-act evil. "Jeremiah 13:23"You must be unusual. If God gives you a dangerous central theme you choice aversion sin and you choice really repent. You choice say "I repent" and mean it. You are a new creature in Christ Jesus. You take in a new central theme. You, for the first time in your life, aversion sin and not specific the upshot of sin. So the colossal dispute is, "How do I get God to submit me a new heart?" The first act in response is, "Ask Him and you'll take in it." But, gloomily, you specific closely ask Him similar to you take in it! You do not take in it what you ask Him for; you ask Him what you take in it. The infer is prime. You, with your not sorry central theme, choice never ask Him.... Call for somebody you are an not sorry offender. If you ever really desire purity, you take in been unusual. I repeat: God changes you specific along with with true apology you closely thank Him for it. Call for somebody, shake offender, beg God for His royal leader leniency, notwithstanding from which you choice clash what the "fire that consumes" consumes: not sorry sinners unendingly." (1)
(1) Repent or Perish: John Gerstner ; Soli Deo Gloria Publications Pages 197-202, "JOHN H. GERSTNER (1914-1996) was a Presbyterian minister who earned a Masters degrees in Spirit and Holiness from Westminster Theological School and a Medical doctor of Values from Harvard University in 1945. He was a Trainer of Place of worship Best ever at Pittsburgh Theological School and Knox Theological School and an power on the life and theology of Jonathan Edwards. By Gerstner's students, were R. C. Sproul.