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" Thanks for this blog. I enjoyed the objective way you presented your opposing view to Christian's book and defending the diversity of heathen and pagan culture. Personally, this attitude of "OUR WAY IN THE CORRECT WAY" and "YOUR WAY IS THE EVIL WAY" irritates me too. I believe many Wiccans subscribe to this idealism of only practicing "SAFE MAGICK" orginates from the fear of being automatically lumped together with Satanists, which have a lower acceptance level with mainstream society. Instead of inward focus on themselves, they take it upon themselves to defend their chosen belief paths by attacking other types of heathenism as people who "MESS UP THE PAGAN COMMUNITY NEST". It's sad that they are not trying to encourage more tolerance to mainstream society, but choose instead to attack other forms of heathen belief they believe is making them appear unacceptable or embarrassing publically.Keywords: witchcraft white magic wicca candle magick does love spell work love spells and potions witchcraft binding spells effective love spell wish spells goddess of witches black magic satanism