Article by Aman Roy
Yoga is a five thousand year old art that has been at the heart of the human civilization. The benefits of yoga has been tremendous in making a person's life healthy and blissful. Yoga and meditation, as a spiritual discipline, makes a person conscious about his inner-self and gifts him a healthy mind and body. Yoga is a wonderful way of healing oneself from within. There are some of the major branches of Yoga such as Kundalini Yoga, Hatha Yoga, Ashthanga Yoga which have created different methods in achieving the objective of emancipating the lives of the individuals who practice it. Spirit Voyage is an online music company that offers various meditation music CDs and Yoga DVDs that assist a person to practice various yoga forms. There are yoga books and audio instruction CDs which provides an in-depth knowledge on the various aspects and forms of yoga.
Kundalini Yoga is an ancient technology that is designed to expand our awareness. Kundalini is the energy of our soul. Kundalini is the energy of consciousness and the awareness of the higher self. Kundalini is the energy of the cosmos that lies dormant within each individual. With the practice of Kundalini Yoga, one can become aware of the creative capacities and the radiant caliber. With Kundalini Yoga, we can relate the finite identities to our infinite identities.
Now, as we increase our awareness, we become more aware of our limits and the ways to which expand them by becoming more daring in our choices. After regular practice of Kundalini Yoga, we become creative and full of energy. The basic fact about Kundalini is that in every human being lies the power to be outrageously creative and Kundalini aims to tap this potential that lies dormant within them. Kundalini helps us realize who we really are and what is our purpose here. It helps us in warding off all those bad feelings, habits and emotions which restricts us from becoming true human beings in every sense. With Kundalini yoga, we can expand our awareness and as we expand o! ur aware ness we are able to go beyond our perceived conscious limits. We are empowered to make more daring choice and attain the energy to create bountiful and exciting lives.
Spirit Voyage offers an extensive collection of Kundalini Yoga Cds and DVDs. Yoga DVD such as Morning Yoga Stretch/evening Yoga relaxation and Weight loss by Kundalini Yoga, both by world renowned Nirvair Singh Khalsa will surely be a helpful id for the practioner. Spirit Voyage Kundalini Music category contains Gurmukhi chant, mantras and Kirtan that are ideal for Kundalini yoga and meditation.
A practice session in Kundalini Yoga typically comprises of 3 steps : Before beginning, tuning in and concluding a set. The exercises in the steps are beautifully crafted to suit a person. The session begins with the breathing exercise where one needs to be with the sensations of the body. Then, one needs to calm down and relax so as to achieve a meditative state. After that, begins the tuning-in procedure. The Adi Mantra is chanted while sitting in a comfortable position and with a straight spine. "Ong Na Mo" is chanted while keeping the hands in the prayer mudra and the hands at 60 degres from the chest and the base of the thumb pressing the sternum. And the concluding part is the various Yoga postures and exercises which help in bringing us back to the reality. After the exercises are done, it is recommended to sit in a normal pose and say a prayer of thanks. It is done by singing this song : "May the long time sun shine upon you, all love surround you, and the pure light within you, guide your way on". Then chant three long Sat Nam's.
We also offer various Yoga music CDs and many other meditation music CDs which will surely make your yoga experience, worth it. Meditation music CDs such as Gong the nucleus of sound by Yogi Bhajan and Sweet surrender by Prema Hara - Kamaniya and Keshavacharya Das will enlighten you. At Spirit Voyage, we also specialize in various Yoga clothes. The Yoga clothes enable a person to practice the di! fferent poses with all ease. These Yoga clothes are made of natural fabric and feature stylish cuts. Yoga accessories such as yoga rugs and Yoga Mats are also available with Spirit Voyage. Yoga mats from Spirit Voyage not only provide resilience but also prevent the positive energies generated within the body to get neutralized by reaching the floor.
Yoga is a process to unraveling the mystery of life. Finding the right path is always beautiful, especially when the path leads to self-enlightenment and invoke a feeling of eternal bliss. About the Author
The author writes for Spirit Voyage, an online music store that offers different CDs and DVDs for practicing kundalini Yoga and other yoga forms. It also offers Yoga Mats and Yoga Clothes.
Standing Upright With Your Back Straight And A Slight Distance Between Your Legs Lock The Fingers Of Both Your Hands And Raise Them As One Unit Above Your Head. Continue To Try And Reach Upwards With Your Hands. Breathe In. Rise Onto Your Toes. Breathe Normally. Hold The Posture. Feel The Stretch Through Every Section Of Your Body- Even Through The Top Of Your Head. Reverse The Process On The Exhale And Watch Your Breath As It Passes Down From Your Head Through Your Chest And Stomach Legs And Feet.Relax. And Then Repeat. The Focus Here Is On The Straightness Of The Posture One Holds Improving Balance Self-Awareness And Breathing www.shemaroo.com VIDEO RATING: 0 / 5