A sorcerer aiming to employ rune sorcery may do so in two ways. The first is by using the knowledge of the runes to create sentences called castings. Casts are usually flexible, thus powerful. This may be difficult to master and takes a lot of time. The second way is by formulating a spell that can be used only for one intended purpose. Its inflexibility renders its less powerful. But this is easy to master. Learning spells can be comparatively easier than casting a new sentence. Due to this spells can be learnt from someone who is familiar with them or from books too.
A rune spell is cast by using the elements of the runes, based on which the power of creation exists. Without using at least one of the elements of the runes, rune sorcery cannot be carried forth.
Rune sorcery is an ancient form of sorcery that has evolved from the Norse deities of Ancient North. But it also incorporates the preceding forms of sorcery and is based on the 'younger futhork of the 18 Runes.' It was created by the Nordic masters. It now exists in the quantum ocean and is open to all who wish to learn it.
As much as the history of the runes is important, the ways of incorporating rune energy into our everyday lives is equally important. This is so because rune powers affects the creative energy found around us, and it can create an impact on the health, wealth and emotions of people, and change it for the better.
Rune sorcery is very similar to rune magic as both these help to empower the personality. The 'younger futhork of the 18 runes' is known to be the most powerful rune. So how does one go about exploring this kind of sorcery? The answer is quite simple. Simply combine the wisdom of the runes with the present laws of quantum physics and you will find the desired result. A profound experience with rune sorcery may also create a connection with the Norse gods.
Runes may be invoked in many different ways. Some of them include speech (in any or many languages), song (the most common way; instruments may of may not be used), writing (on special parchment or in dirt or in the air by using enchanted wands), gesture, dance, pictograms, manipulation of rune-marked stones, etc.
Learn More: Runes Reading - Wicca Religion - Magic Love Spells - Voodoo Dolls
Origin: theartofastralprojection.blogspot.com